Chapter 5

I am the best




Chanyeol took a deep breath before opening the door. After standing in front of the door for 10 minutes he finally deemed himself mentally prepared to deal with these people but before the door was fully open he saw Baekhyun dragging a Kris mercilessly by the legs down the stairs. He immediately shut the door and blinked a couple of times and took deep heavy breaths.

In, out, in, out, in, out, in, out, in, out.

With a straight face he walked back in and joined Suho on the sofa. He couldn't let this bother him. Actually he had no choice but to it up.

"Yo." Suho nonchalantly greeted eyes on the tv as if nothing was happening.

"Yo." Chanyeol replied back and forced his attention on the tv. Those two can handle themselves.

"Come on Kris," Baekhyun whined when he had reached the bottom of the stairs and Kris still refused to get up. He was sure all that bumping was going to get him up but apparently he was wrong. "Get your up already, we are going to be late for school.”

“No.” Kris said stubbornly. “My heart is too heavy to let me move. Just let me die here.”

“Fine!” Baekhyun said exasperatedly. “Then just die here then. WE ARE LEAVING WITHOUT YOU!” He stormed towards the door then turned to the kitchen. “I have to eat first though.” He mumbled.

He got himself a bowl of cereal and joined his friends in the living room.

After a few minutes of silence passed by with the exception of the sound of the tv Chanyeol coughed and turned to Baekhyun uncertainty in his eyes. To ask or not to ask. But then they might end up leaving Kris the way he was.

To ask then.

“So Baek…what’s up with Kris?”

“Kris? Nothing, why do you ask?”

And almost on cue Kris’ loud wails filled the room.

“Oh my princess! Without you here I feeeel emmmteeh. My love where are yooooooooou!!!!”

“Maybe because of something like that?” Chanyeol asked.

“It’s that obvious huh?”

Ya think?

“Well remember the girl we saw running away from him at the mall yesterday? Apparently she is his missing rib or some like that and he can’t let her go. I mean she was running away from him. We were too…but since he found us we had to take him back but now he won’t move his big saying his life is incomplete without her.”

“Then why is he ?”

“He has a habit of taking off his clothes in his sleep.”

“Ah.” Chanyeol said nodding and returning his attention to the TV. At least it wasn’t a life threatening issue.

“Guys, you’re out of bacon!” A voice yelled from the kitchen.

“Check the second drawer in the freezer!” Baekhyun yelled.

“Oh, thanks.” The voice replied.

“Umm…who was that?” Chanyeol asked since he didn’t recognize the voice.

“Probably Chen.” Baekhyun shrugged.

“Nah, I’m here.” A voice said as a hand shot out from under the coffee table. There was a moment of silence. They turned to check if Kris was still at the foot of the stairs. And he was.

Then they turned towards the kitchen as they heard footsteps coming from there. A guy holding a unicorn plushy walked out with a sandwich in hand and a contented smile. He walked out through the front door sending them a little wave.

“…” All three had a blank look on their faces.

“We saw nothing.” Baekhyun deadpanned and they all resumed watching TV.



Xiumin made no attempt to stop the laughter that racked his body after every 10 seconds while Luhan on the other hand wanted to kill him.

“Shut your ugly face.” The latter spat out hands itching to do some damage.

“Why? Is Lulu angry? Maybe I should call your handsome prince to come cheer you up.” Xiumin said between laughs.

“This is all your fault.”

“Me?” Xiumin raised an eyebrow. “I have nothing to do with this.”

“You and Tao were supposed to warn me about the big oaf but you left me to suffer in his hands.”

“Stop being so dramatic, it’s not my fault he got charmed by your…alluring beauty.”

"Then stop laughing, it was yesterday and therefore not funny anymore." Luhan indeed was not happy with the outcome. He went through all that trouble yesterday just to find out that Mellisa or whatever her name was did not have a spy on Kai's brother. In fact she only got her info from a friend who was in the same class with his brother.

Luhan shot a glare in Kai's direction. The little demon was toying with him for sure.

Kai gave him a side glance and Luhan would have sworn he saw him smirk.

"What's wrong? you look pale." Xiumin said nudging him gently.

"W-what are you talking about? I'm not pale, I am as white as snow and have lips as red as blood."

"Snow white won't be happy to hear that...princess lulu."

Luhan was about to pounce on Xiumin when Kai turned away from the window to face them. They noticed him put away his phone and wondered what kind of phone call that was, they didn’t even hear him talk.

“Sehun,” Kai said turning to said boy who was currently curled in Kai’s bed. Upon hearing his name he sprung from the bed into a sitting position with a grin on his face.

“Yes my lo-Kai, yes Kai?” Sehun blushed at his little slip up.

Xiumin rolled his eyes and was about to make a comment when he realized the others didn’t seem to notice (or Kai didn’t care), then he turned to Tao who was standing in a dark corner of the room (coming to think of it he always sat far from the others in a dark corner) and when their eyes connected he saw something in them.

He was plotting something. Xiumin realized there and then that he wasn’t the only sane one there, Tao too was indeed sane though silently so.

At last he has found a brethren with whom he could plan an escape with. He would have planned with Luhan but as far he knew the guy was gaining more out of all this. Luhan is the only person he is sure of that didn’t get threatened by Kai, and he seems to be having fun too.

So the question now is how to get Tao to work with him.

“Go with Luhan.” Kai concluded and walked out of the room and into his mother’s waiting arms.

“Ah Kai! Mommy was waiting are you done playing with your friends?” His mother asked smothering him in a one sided hug while trying to peep into his room through the open door.

Luhan sighed at Sehun’s questioning look. “He means we should get out of his house. Mean right? He’s always like this-well except for when his brother is around.” Luhan faked a shiver. “He’s soo creepy around his brother. Bye Mrs Kim.”

“Bye Mrs Kim.” Each of them chorused as they filed out of the room and out the house. All except Tao who just pretended he didn’t see her because honestly it was scary seeing Kai being hugged like that. That boy deserved no love.

“To think these are all your friends.” Mrs Kim said patting Kai’s head lovingly after he pulled away. “All my worries about you being antisocial and an outcast were for nothing. I’m proud of you my baby.”

To avoid being squashed into another hug Kai made to leave when his mother held his hand with a strong grip her features turning serious.

“I need to talk to you.”

If not for her serious tone Kai would have walked out but he just complied and decided to stick around to hear what she has to say.


“What the!” Luhan exclaimed when they were just a few blocks away from Kai’s house. He and the others looked on in surprise and curiosity as a growing crowd of people gathered in front of a house. In the background they could hear the sirens of police cars, an ambulance and a fire truck. Apparently a house was on fire.

“That looks bad. Hope no one got hurt.” Sehun said worriedly as he strained to look at the house through the crowd.

“Hey isn’t that the girl Kai hates?” Luhan said pointing towards Seoyoon who was talking to a cop while crying. A moment of silence followed as the truth of the situation sank in.

“All right guys calm down and act normal,” Xiumin started in a panicked tone. “On the count of 3 we walk away from the building as if we have nothing to do with this.”

“But we don’t.” Luhan deadpanned.

“Since we know the perpetrator we might be implicated.” Xiumin snapped. “And where the hell is Tao?!”

The other two shrugged.

“It doesn’t matter anyway. So on the count of three we move. One…”

“Hey you over there!” A voice yelled.

“THREE! RUUUUN!!!” And sprinting blindly through the crowd they ran off without looking back.

 Lay stared at the backs of the running boys and shrugged when he noticed some question looks directed at him.

“Maybe I shouldn’t sing in public.” He mumbled to himself and turned back to watch the fire engulf the house.

“Pretty flames.”


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Chapter 1: Dude...dude, I like it. I haven't even read the whole first chap yet but this fic and your other ing fic has made me happy on a sad day<3
I have a good feeling about this story ^^
K4ROoo #2
Chapter 6: I absolutely really super-duper love your fic ! Anyways, good luck for the rest, I can't wait for it !
Chapter 4: Wah! Is this a great story or what? I freakin love kai and his wonderful ways! This story is just wonderful!
My last two fics brought with them only sorrow and repulsion
I needed this like I needed Wolf drama ver
thx alright
well excuse ME for flooding you with comments
this is what you get when you get punch me in the guts with flawless
LOL pls don't mind me ofc I'll be with this until the very end ahahahahhaahhaha thank you
YOU are the best
though Jongin too
Chapter 3: I'm so, so happy that I discovered this.
Chapter 3: I just wrote a lot and then deleted everything.
I'll trust you.
I'll take my chances, in fact.
I love the way you write so before just asking stuff that might hurt you I'll take a leap of faith.
I'll just say that no matter what, your writing is flawless.
And I hate the fact that this flawless writing is not receiving the ton of love it should.
I'll anxiously wait for the next chapter because it will make me decide whether I'll be able to see this to the end. I SO WANT TO!
No matter what... remember: flawless.