Let's Play! The future is ours.


One text message received

“Hello CL! Can you guess who am I? It’s me GD! We met earlier. In case you forgot keke I landed safely now in Korea. How about you? Let’s text each other! :)  Why is he texting me? I do not want to reply him. Let it be like that. It’s not like we’re going to friends though. Btw, I just arrived at home. But…. What the hell has happened?

“Dad.. What happened? Why is our house on sale!” But I got shock right away after my mom answered “CL. You have the right to know, your dad just had bankrupt since last week. Tomorrow your things in this room has to be cleaned and we’re moving to a smaller house.” “What? Mom? Then why you didn’t tell me since last week? I could cancelled my trip!” My eyes got teary. “But honey, the ticket couldn’t be replaced. We have thoughts on our mind and that trip might be our last gift for you. So now, since you’re all grown up. I beg you to be though in this situation and….” My mom cried a lot.. I never saw her this sad before. Of course, we become poor now. How can my mom is not sad. “Mom, it’s okay… I could find a job… Don’t cry anymore. I hate to see you cry mom. I will clean my room now, so talk to dad. He must be feeling guilty now mom.” Mom hold my cheek and say “Okay my lovely daughter. I love you so much. I can’t believe you are so though in this situation”

Well after my mom leave my room. I started to pack my things and cried. I cried so hard. Who wouldn’t be sad about this? I will no longer be in this house. This house has mean a lot to me.

No. This house meant a lot for my parents. The live here even before I was born. Don’t be silly CL! Don’t be. You shouldn’t the one who’s sad. It’s your parent. Stop this drama and support your parents and find a proper job. Well if you want to go on with your college, you need to find money! Come on CL! Gogogo!

When I pack my things. I found something fall. It’s a card. It’s written: “YG Entertaiment? Yang Hyun Suk?” When I flip the card I saw something written “Call me if you’re interested, CL.” I kept thinking thinking and thinking… And damn!


“Hello, My name is Yang Hyun Suk. I am from YG Entertainment. This is my card.”

“I don’t care who you are.”

“Well I want to have a deal with you. You sang and dance so well up there. Can you please call me so we can have an agreement? Please think about it. I will wait for your call, CL.” As he left I scream “How do you know my name?! Hey! Arghhh Whatever.”

Back to life. Oh ! That guy from YG entertainment was offering me a job! What the hell did you do CL ah! I opened my laptop and do a research “YG Entertaiment.. Artist.. 1TYM, leader Teddy. Jinusean. Gummy. Se7en? How exactly to spell those? Bigbang, leader G-dragon. DAMN. They really are artists. Oh My God. Think straight CL. Think straight.”

I decided to meet my friends. “Guys. I have an announcement. I think I’m going to YG. The night I sang and dance at the club, he saw it and want me to join. I want you guys to come with me. Minzy. You can dance right? Dara and Bom. You two can sing. Let’s be a trainee over there. I know it must be hard for you but I couldn’t live without you guys. Y’all are the only friend.” They’re all in shock. I think I’m going to have rejections. Oh God…..




I am super duper happy after I heard it. The reason they couldn’t reject cause BIGBANG is in YG. So it’s like a win win for us. I record them sing and dance. We had fun too.

So I’m in my new home. New room. I open my laptop and send the video. “I have my interest in YG Entertaiment. I hope you consider my friends too.”I typed those. I feel great tonight. In a few minutes.. DingDongDing. A new email received! Oh God. I decided to skype all my friends.

“What happened CL? Has he already checked the video?”

“How is it CL?”

“Do they like us? Please answer us.”

All I could do is “You guys need to check the email. Its written…”

“Good night Ms. CL. I watched the video you sent and I think you and your friends made it. Congratulations. You’re part of YG now. ”

“OMFG! We got accepted!!!! OMG!!!!!”

“Guys. It’s a dream come true. I am sobbing hard right now”

“We are BIGBANG’s hoobae guys!!!”

“Okay girls! We are going to airport next week so be prepared! Good night now.”

I decided to end the chat and talking to my parents. “Mom, dad. I finally find a new job. As an artist. In Korea. YG Entertaiment recruited me!” I saw my dad crying. “I am such an useless father””Dad! Do not say such things like that. You are my dad and you’ve done a great job already. It’s my time now to do my job as a daughter. Eventhough you hated me to be an artist before, I hope now you will support me” Dad hugged me and answered “I’m so sorry my daughter, for not letting you become like this. I will support what you choose from now on. One thing. To plant a garden is to believe in tomorrow. Audrey Hepburn.”I smiled to that. But how can he know about Audrey Hepburn? HAHAHAHA.


“Let’s change the world together. It’s finally the beginning of our lives. We have to work so hard from now on. Let’s play!!!”

“Yeah!! Let’s play!!!”

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missreader12 #1
Chapter 6: plss update soon fighting!!
Cieladragon #2
Chapter 6: I am sorry if you guys do not understand but it's for the next chapter. I'm so sorry.
Chapter 6: im sorry but its just a bit confusing
cipluk #4
Chapter 6: the way you wrting this chapter ,
it's so confusing ..
cipluk #5
Chapter 6: the way you wrting this chapter ,
it's so confusing ..
i_am_yoshi #6
Chapter 5: TOP is too perfect for ma lyf
Chapter 5: he is not a human...hahahahaha
i totally agree with you cl,,,he is a living god
Ravaaaa #8
Chapter 5: Hahaaaa
Chae like top ...
Cant wait for the next ...
Chapter 3: kyaaaaa GD so cuteee >.<