
Two Moments


Tiffany had always wondered, whether there was in fact such a thing as an unforgettable memory, the sort that she read about in books and watched in movies, the type that would be carried to one’s grave and still remain sharp and untainted.

When she was young – a teenager – she had said, without a doubt, of course there would be unforgettable moments in life. How could there not be? She would do something crazy with her friends, something like cliff diving or bungee jumping, or that one time they decided to try every drink on the Starbucks menu in a day, she would think, this would be something unforgettable.

But as Tiffany grew up, and these memories slowly started to fade, she realized that it was never the memory itself that truly matters, but the emotions. Another twenty years down the road and she wouldn’t even remember what occasion it was that gave her the sudden impulse to go bungee jumping, or how the rocky cliff had felt like as she took a step closer to the edge, but she would remember the thrill that ran deep in her bones, the feeling of her heart falling, opening up, and allowing all the unhappiness in her to run free, and the freedom and joy of that moment.

And yet, five years later, Tiffany found herself once again wondering if her younger self might not have been so wrong after all. Because as Tiffany stood in front of Taeyeon, the long white dress that weighed her down suddenly feeling a lot lighter, staring into Taeyeon’s deep brown orbs, their gloved hands held tightly together, with Taeyeon’s slightly smaller and fitting perfectly into hers, and then leaning in to kiss the girl, she was sure that it was a moment she would remember forever.

And Tiffany was right about that, because now, as she sat on the old oak bench, she found herself closing her eyes and once again, reminiscing. She remembered walking down the aisle, and nearly tripping as she made her way up the steps. She remembered the sound of her own gasp as she lifted Taeyeon’s veil. She remembered the way Taeyeon had said ‘I do’, and the blinding smile that followed after. It had been a framed picture of perfection. And would always stay that way.

She walked forth, kneeling down, her knees pressing into the damp earth. And then, she rested her hand on the cold stone, running her fingers over the engravings, before she gently kissed one of the roses in her hand, then laid the bunch down, on top of the growing heap of wilted ones.

There had been two instances in her life in which she had been sure that they would become unforgettable memories. Her wedding had been one of them. It was the start of her fairytale, the day she had sealed her heart with Taeyeon’s, and Taeyeon’s hers.

But this was life, and it wasn’t a fairytale. And so, Tiffany felt her heart breaking once again, as it did every year, and before she could realize, her tears and fallen.

On this day, every year, Tiffany would allow herself to let herself go, to cry, to not care about how people saw her anymore. On this day, she would allow herself to think, to reminisce, to remember.

Because, the second time Tiffany knew it was an unforgettable memory, it had been the moment that Taeyeon died in her arms. 


[A/N] Spur of the moment thing, so it's really unedited. I'm really supposed to be mugging right now, but again... spur of the moment thing. :)) Hope you guys like it! 

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EMT0304 #1
Chapter 1: Hiks...so sad but true.
Luckily u din give more details because sure i will cry
Chapter 1: dis is sad

UnknownSONE #3
Chapter 1: ;^; omg. This is so sad. <3
Chapter 1: Beautiful...I like that it's short, it gives just the right amount of emotion and plot, and leaves the rest of the reader's imagination.
Chapter 1: why does she have to die?