
My Four Hot Housemates
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Intimidating Kris


"Wu Yifan, you got an A+ for having a really clean paper"

Kris smiled innocently at Mr. Seo, he received himself a lot of admiring stares from their classmates. But Kai and Dahae scowled, looking at each other with their eyes rolled.

"Kim Jongin, an F, minus" Mr. Seo glared his way. Kai immediately dropped his smirk and Dahae acted like she didn't do anything wrong. "You want me to make you stop playing basketball or what ?", Mr.Seo hardened his eyes and slammed Kai's paper on his table. Dahae jumped next to him, her heartbeat started picking up pace, she was next, for sure.

"Choi Dahae", Mr.Seo turned the corner next to Kai and looked down at her. Dahae automatically straightened up. *That's it. Even if I got an F, that's normal. The Choi Dahae never learnt*, she thought encouragingly.

"I'm impressed. You got a B". For once, Mr.Seo actually smiled at Dahae. The girl was too shocked to even breath. "W-What ?!"

"I could tell you did learn for my test", Mr.Seo clapped his hands and stared at his watch. 1.2.3.


"Okay, class, we will have another test next month. So prepare yourself", he briefly smiled and headed out before any students could do so.

Kris with a bright face, turned to Dahae with his lips hitched upwards, "Wow, wow. What did the library do to you, Shorty ? You have higher mark than this stupid Jongin !!"

"Yah, shut up, stuffed-up head" Kai kicked Kris's chair, and the boy only laughed.

Dahae started in utter shock at her test. "I got a B ?"

Kai leaned over and checked out her paper. His eyes rolled around, "If you tried to make me feel embarrassed, sorry, but I've already used to having these useless letter as my result". He tapped on a big red B in front of her eyes.

Dahae slowly smiled, "Oh my god ! Really ?! I didn't receive a F, righttt ?!"

"No, Kai did", Kris snickered. Kai frowned, "Shut up". Kai tried to reach for Kris's paper to drip it off but Kris was faster and yanked Kai down to his lap. "Be good and I will buy you and Zelo ice-cream", he ruffled Kai's hair, making the shorter boy groan louder.

"Bubblehead ..." Dahae mumbled to herself only. But Kai and Kris's keen ears picked her words up easily.

"L.Joe ?" "What did he do ?"

Dahae looked up, she shook her head a little, "Nothing. Come on. Lunch time ! Today Junhong will come and join us for lunch !". Her mood totally went up at the thought of having lunch with her deary brother. She was the first to leave the room, Kai and Kris shrugged off and followed behind.




Zelo skipped all the way from his building to the joint canteen to meet his sister. He was extra happy today because Dahae had packed lunch for them, which meant he didn't have to eat those boring, taste-less school's food.

*Noona, noona, noona ~ Where is my noona ?*, he spun around, thanked to his height, Zelo could easily spot anyone, but he didn't see Dahae or either Kai or Kris. "Hmp, where are they ?". Zelo went on his toes and peeked down to every table. But again, he didn't see anyone.

Zelo spotted Hyunji, Dayoung and Hana instead. They were having lunch with their boyfriends at the same table, which called 'Couple Table' by all of their friends. His eyes widened in relief, at least he could ask someone about his sister's wherabout.

"Noonas !!", Zelo jumped right behind Hyunji with his twinkling eyes. HyunJi almost choked on her kimbab when this giant popped out of nowhere."Oh boy, why are you here, Junhong ?", she forced out a smile, which was hard because she was caughting up with shallowing down her food.

Hana waved smally across the table, "Find your noona ?"

Himchan saw his dongseang, his eyes also twinkled, "Aww, hyung missed you, Zelooo ahhh" he made effort to hug Zelo but Hyunji smacked his arms away, "No touching him ! You will spray your cheesy aura on this pure boy". Himchan pouted, "But I'm his close hyung"

"No, you're not. Yongguk hyung is" Zelo stuck out his tongue and turned to nod at Hana. "Do noona see her anywhere ?"

Dayoung smiled sweetly at Tao, she beamed and held her arm out, pointing at the door's way. "I think she is protected by her two bodyguards".

Hyunji snickered, "Lucky girl, I wish I have more than one silly boyfriend here", sh

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exotic_xoxo #1
Aven_J #2
Chapter 79: Hahahaha hai again author nim... idk how many time i read this story hahaha
This time maybe the 3time...or 4...idk hahaha
And i keep telling my friend to fread this aff hahahha
Chapter 79: Dear authornim!!! I love ittttt this story is really great until now i had think why your story is still not being futured!!! This literally the best i could said even i have said that i have read the final first ((i know im a spoiled brat)) but it just take me 2 freakin days to read it hahahaaa hmm axt i always took 3 or 4 days kekekkee and of course the fav is Ljoe!!! I agreed with you that ljoe and dahae had the best relationship and it tend to make she being herself again... but i curious this for so long that how can myungsoo and byunghun being and enemy (duhhh) they are bestfriend right?? But overall i love it <3 keep it up authornim saranghae ^^
Chapter 52: Authornim im not the kind of person that will commented in every chapter that the story have completed this is the first time im doing so, im in the sight of ljoe urghhhh i didnt know why but act i have read the ending first uhhh i know im a spoiled brat but as long im reading this i really attached to ljoe very much umm he is one in my top bias but no im not the person that choose bias than the main lead but this story mske me want to be in ljoe side? Urghhh i dont know hahahaaa but ljoe is right if he lost he will lost with jongin and i dont know i really hate myungsoo when it came about dahae he really urgghhh i dont know, and see kai broken hearted like that i really hate L more thsn i thought, even i had read the ending before but i know what is coming and it really not in my liking because..., for god sake i can predicted that she eil cry!!! Nooooo and i didnt understand why L parents cant be like ljoe's ehhhhggg i hate them
ayucshan #5
Chapter 78: this story~~ hoaaa i love this story~~ best story ever for me~ I love kris character in this story i always tought that he's dahae brother or someone of the choi sibling!! kkk L.Joe sooo funny~~ but poor myungsoo :( but thanks for this amazing story~~
Chocoholic_Exo-L #6
Chapter 67: The Kris in this story is the best character in the history of AsianFanfics. Too much swag ahaha.
junnosuke1 #7
Chapter 46: having a feeling kris is her brother since a few chapters when kris said "Because im yourrr ......." lol
Chapter 79: this is just. one of the best stories I've read. my brain hasn't accepted that i finished lol. thank you so much for writing this. i absolutely loved it and i love your style of writing as well! you're a really good writer and I'm prob gonna read your other stories after this lol
noknok3003 #9
Chapter 79: I can't go to read my next story wothout letting you know how much i really enjoyed myself reading your story .. i have to say in the beginning i really wanted to stop since i was kinda bored when u gave us no hints about who she had feelings for but once the drama started Man it was way too good that i didn't think about food XD
And what i love the most is that u made ur characters uniq in their own way especialy DAHAE not to mention that u never failed to make me laugh and im kinda blaming you because my friends think im dating without them knowing and totaly lost my mind but oh well, i truely enjoyed your story and i'm not regretting anything ;-)
I hope u got what i wanted to say
Good job u deserve a standing ovation *claping.my.hands.with.a.proud.look* ...
Hey i kinda reread again your story... Its just tooooo awesome!!! Oh and for the new reader, i had a hard time to choose a guy for dahae too like seriously there were 4 hot guys ! I remembered that i shipped her with L, then kai, then l.joe. Okay literally every guy. I dont lie though. Each chapter will make you change your choice.