
My Four Hot Housemates
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Another week had passed with them either staying at home or hanging out in snowy street.

All six of them practically stuck together most of the time. And their days passed by with happiness.

It was another cold Thursday with snow falling outside. But the weird thing that day was the atmosphere in their house was really quiet.

Usually, at least one or two out of six would wake up early and be the alarm clock for the rest.

Dahae woke up when she felt the need to go to the toilet. After doing the morning routine, Dahae skipped down, was ready to throw a tantrum at whoever she met first for not calling her up sooner, it had passed midday for her liking.

But she was greeted with a vacant livingroom, she made way into the kitchen only to find a well-made breakfast with omelette and coffee for her. She could tell it was L.Joe who made it, since only he that makes simple meal, not that she complained.

Seeing something sticking out under the mug of coffee, she picked it up, it was a pink note.

We all had breakfast and went out. My parents want me home today. Kris and Kai will be with EXO at Sehun's place. Yongguk dropped by and took Zelo with him. About L, I don't know.

Dahae chuckled, really simple and to the point, so L.Joe-like.

"I guess I will have this home for myself today ?", she mostly talked alone and quickly shallowing down her breakfast.

As much as she felt peaceful being at home alone, she also felt incomplete without any of them. This was not a good thing, she thought with a sigh. "I can't get attached to them like this, we can't stay like this forever".

One last gulp on the mug, she swiftly stood up and put the dish and mug into the sink.

As she had done washing the dishes, Dahae spun rather fast around when she had a painful headache.

The girl with fast reflex, grabbed on the back of a chair and leaned herself against it. Shutting her eyes closely, she waited for a good five minutes to pass and the pain slowly faded.

"What's wrong with me ?". She groaned unhappily, she knew pretty well the answer though. She was having a cold but having been ignoring it for a few days.

Normally, she would get rid of the cold by time instead of eating medicine. She had a rather strong protective body. But she had been having headache and coughing for a while without any hint of stopping.

"I should catch some more sleep. That will do". Stubborn and lazy, she decided to just sleep and was walking up to her room when her phone went off with a loud lame ringtone.

Woo Lion <3

Her bestfriend name flashed on the screen. She laughed at the nickname, Hyunji would eat her alive if she knew about this.

"Hey, honey", Dahae cooed, sitting crossed legs on her beg.

Dahae heard some rusting sound on the other line for a few second and then a loud, bashful like a roar of some animal attacked the speaker.

Dahae gasped and covered her ear, she put the call on speaker a moment later.

"My birthday ?!?"

She could hear Hyunji scoff and giggle at the same time.


"Stop shouting, Woo Hyunji. You are killing my ears !", Dahae laughed though.

She unsure my checked the table calendar on the coffee table next to her bed to make sure Hyunji didn't play a prank on her. When the big fat red circle around the 2nd knocked her sense, she let out a soft gasp.

"See ? I am not pulling a prank on you, aren't I ?", Hyunji mockingly retorted on the other line. She just knew her friend too well.

"I lost the sense of date and time due to the long break !!", Dahae chuckled, tracing her finger on the calendar.

"That's why you have me as an occasion-lover, right ? HONEYBOO, YOU SHOULD GET YOURSELF A BOYFRIEND AND LOSE YOUR V-CARD ALREADYYY !!"

"Woo Hyunji, I'm calling your brother and tell him you had had your first time with Himchan", Dahae growled.

"Nooo, not Jiho oppa, he will kill me !"

"Then shut up"

"That's not how you treat someone had just said happy birthday to you !"

Grinning, Dahae replied, "Kidding, but really, I don't even remember about this day"

And she meant it. Without school, she lost track of time, sleep at night and play by day, what's the point of knowing date for ?

Her mind flew to Zelo and the boys. *The guys probably don't know about my birthday. But, Zelo and Kai ...hmmm...they must be ignorant about the date too*

Hyunji noticed the silence between them, she chuckled teasingly, "I really want to snatch you away and hang out overnight, but, I'm stuck here with my brother in Busan. Sorry, baby"

Softened, Dahae lied down on the fluffy pillow, facing the ceiling, "Now you call, I think Hana and Dayoung will call me soon. Hopefully, they are not as noisy as you"

Dahae could hear Hyunji's ungirly laughter before she scoffed dramatically, "Last year you had Zelo and Kai made you a surprise party. This year there are three more hot boys, aw, you are so lucky !!"

Silence engulfed Dahae for a moment, she wasn't sure if they were really planning a surprise for her as they had gone too early in the morning. She hoped they did though, at least she wanted to spend her birthday with them.

"They are all not home...", she mumbled, following with a cough.

"What ? They left you alone on your birthday ?! And was that a cough I heard ?! Are you sick ?"

"Mommy, shut up, I'm fine", but her consciousness betrayed her though, as another cough escaped her lips. Dahae quickly covered and rubbed her neck to ease the coughing.

"I'm so calling Zelo and kick the boy through air ! He really forgot his dear sister's birthday ?", Hyunji growled aggressively. Dahae swore Hyunji must have broken something since he heard Zico yelling.

"What if he actually remembered and is planning a party for me ? Don't worry much, after all, I'm not too fond of these kind of things", she assured her friend with a chuckle, but deep down inside, she did wish that Zelo still remembered. It would be sad if her only brother forgot, wouldn't it ?

"Fine, he should be", with that, Dahae heard Hyunji's loud protest and shouting before the call being cut off rudely.

"Zico must have grab her phone and she kicked his sin, aigoo" - she laughed at the supposed to be truth though and admired the siblings. While Dahae and Zelo were a kind of siblings who showed their love freely, Zico and Hyunji were the type that love to love each other with either kick or punch.

She started imaging her and Zelo fighting jokingly like that, with her grabbing his head and he slapped her face away, she involuntarily cringed at that - so not like her - she would never hurt Zelo.

Her phone rang again and she found two new texts. They were from Hana and Dayoung, they said happy birthday and wished her a lot of sweet things. She spent another goo hour chatting with all two of them before they had to go on their dates.

It had passed 2pm and she hadn't done anything productively for all morning.

"If they forgot about my birthday, may as well surprise them with that", the mischievous side of her kicked her sense and she found he

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exotic_xoxo #1
Aven_J #2
Chapter 79: Hahahaha hai again author nim... idk how many time i read this story hahaha
This time maybe the 3time...or 4...idk hahaha
And i keep telling my friend to fread this aff hahahha
Chapter 79: Dear authornim!!! I love ittttt this story is really great until now i had think why your story is still not being futured!!! This literally the best i could said even i have said that i have read the final first ((i know im a spoiled brat)) but it just take me 2 freakin days to read it hahahaaa hmm axt i always took 3 or 4 days kekekkee and of course the fav is Ljoe!!! I agreed with you that ljoe and dahae had the best relationship and it tend to make she being herself again... but i curious this for so long that how can myungsoo and byunghun being and enemy (duhhh) they are bestfriend right?? But overall i love it <3 keep it up authornim saranghae ^^
Chapter 52: Authornim im not the kind of person that will commented in every chapter that the story have completed this is the first time im doing so, im in the sight of ljoe urghhhh i didnt know why but act i have read the ending first uhhh i know im a spoiled brat but as long im reading this i really attached to ljoe very much umm he is one in my top bias but no im not the person that choose bias than the main lead but this story mske me want to be in ljoe side? Urghhh i dont know hahahaaa but ljoe is right if he lost he will lost with jongin and i dont know i really hate myungsoo when it came about dahae he really urgghhh i dont know, and see kai broken hearted like that i really hate L more thsn i thought, even i had read the ending before but i know what is coming and it really not in my liking because..., for god sake i can predicted that she eil cry!!! Nooooo and i didnt understand why L parents cant be like ljoe's ehhhhggg i hate them
ayucshan #5
Chapter 78: this story~~ hoaaa i love this story~~ best story ever for me~ I love kris character in this story i always tought that he's dahae brother or someone of the choi sibling!! kkk L.Joe sooo funny~~ but poor myungsoo :( but thanks for this amazing story~~
Chocoholic_Exo-L #6
Chapter 67: The Kris in this story is the best character in the history of AsianFanfics. Too much swag ahaha.
junnosuke1 #7
Chapter 46: having a feeling kris is her brother since a few chapters when kris said "Because im yourrr ......." lol
Chapter 79: this is just. one of the best stories I've read. my brain hasn't accepted that i finished lol. thank you so much for writing this. i absolutely loved it and i love your style of writing as well! you're a really good writer and I'm prob gonna read your other stories after this lol
noknok3003 #9
Chapter 79: I can't go to read my next story wothout letting you know how much i really enjoyed myself reading your story .. i have to say in the beginning i really wanted to stop since i was kinda bored when u gave us no hints about who she had feelings for but once the drama started Man it was way too good that i didn't think about food XD
And what i love the most is that u made ur characters uniq in their own way especialy DAHAE not to mention that u never failed to make me laugh and im kinda blaming you because my friends think im dating without them knowing and totaly lost my mind but oh well, i truely enjoyed your story and i'm not regretting anything ;-)
I hope u got what i wanted to say
Good job u deserve a standing ovation *claping.my.hands.with.a.proud.look* ...
Hey i kinda reread again your story... Its just tooooo awesome!!! Oh and for the new reader, i had a hard time to choose a guy for dahae too like seriously there were 4 hot guys ! I remembered that i shipped her with L, then kai, then l.joe. Okay literally every guy. I dont lie though. Each chapter will make you change your choice.