wait for me | kikwang

Officially Missing You

note: Kikwang time! :D That's how I'll be spelling his name for this one, by the way. I know it varies, I just like that one. :] I actually am mostly winging it for this one. I have no idea how to go about it because the translation for the answer he gave confused me. xD I hope it works out well and you enjoy! For KiKi's fancam, please CLICK HERE!

music: BEAST – On Rainy Days


[ five | wait for me ]


A soft sigh drifted from your lips, perhaps for the twentieth time in the past minute.


Look, I know it's raining, but you can't keep doing this, it's depressing,” the voice drifted in from the living room, just a few feet from where you sat on the floor.


I'm not doing anything,” you said with a frown. You poked your head out of the bedroom to flash BEAST's leader, and your childhood friend, a deadpan stare.


Doojoon chuckled. “Exactly.”


You stared out the window of the dark room, repressing a sigh as the droplets of rain fell against the glass. “And what would you suggest I do, Mister-Smart-?”


He let out a hum as he thought the question over for a moment. “Why not just send him a text or something?”


You raised an eyebrow and popped your torso out from the room again to look at him. “And say what? 'Hi, Kikwang-ah. I know I just saw you a couple of days ago, but I miss you so much. Take some time away from your busy schedule and come see your girlfriend, okay?'”


When there was no visible change in Doojoon's serious expression, you popped back into the bedroom, leaning back against the wall and tucking your knees under your chin. “I'm a man, ___. Trust me, that's nothing bad.”


You shook your head, even though he couldn't see. “You know what, why are you here, anyway?” you asked him bitterly, although your mind was screaming to take his advice.


My schedule's free for the rest of the night, luckily,” he told you with a sigh. “I haven't seen my friend in a while, so I thought I'd visit her while we wait for her lovely little boyfriend to get home.”


Your heart clenched with guilt. “Oh, Doojoon-ie...” You stood and walked over to the couch he sat on, leaning over the back and wrapping your arms around his shoulders. “Thanks for thinking about me.”


He smiled, shaking his head. “Just send him a message. I know my members. He'll like hearing from you.”


You nodded and released him to pull your phone out of your pocket. “Okay, okay.” Silently worrying your lip, you typed up the text message. I miss you~ You paused and puffed out your cheeks with frustration before flashing Doojoon a worried glance.


Just do it, ___,” he told you with an encouraging grin.


You clenched your eyes shut as you pressed the send button. As soon as the confirmation flashed on your phone screen, you tucked it back in your pocket and plopped down on the couch beside Doojoon. He wrapped his arm around you comfortingly and gave you a teasing nudge. “You worry too much.”


What do you expect? I just happen to be dating a member of a big time idol group.” You groaned, dropping your head against the back of the couch. “No worries could possibly come from that, right?”


Doojoon let out a laugh. “You're right. I can't blame you for that. Our fans do love us.”


You rolled your eyes. “I know. I'm a fan too, you know.”


Ah, yes. Lee Kikwang's own, personal Beauty~” he teased in a sing-song voice. “Lucky, lucky.”


You had time enough to scoff before your phone went off in your pocket. You fished it out and pulled up the message, fighting off a nosy Doojoon as he tried to steal a peek. Wait for me there. Your face scrunched in confusion. 'What?'


What'd he say, what'd he say?” Doojoon asked excitedly, trying to pull at your arms to snatch the phone away.


Oi, stop being so nosy!” you berated, glaring back when he flashed you a dirty look. You rolled your eyes before holding the phone screen flush with his nose. “Here!”


Doojoon laughed as he pulled it away several inches and read silently to himself. “Ooh~ How mysterious!” he said, eyes wide. “Do you guys have a code, or something? What does that mean?” He waggled his eyebrows, to which you could only sigh.


No, dummy. We don't have a code.” You just shrugged as you tucked the phone back in your pocket. “I don't know what it means either.”


Doojoon's face scrunched in confusion. “So... wait, he doesn't mean anything special by it? That's it? He just wants you to wait for him?” He scowled. “Well, that's not romantic at all, is it?”


You couldn't help but laugh. “Is he always supposed to be romantic?”


He shrugged. “Well, no... but wouldn't it be better if he was waiting in your room to surprise you with some flowers or something? 'Wait for me there' – where you always spend time together, get it?” He grinned proudly.


'What a dork,' you thought with a giggle. “And what exactly do you expect him to do, Doojoon-ie? Magically teleport himself in the room?”


He nodded without hesitation. “Yes. That's what romantics do.”


You rolled your eyes again. “Then I'm sorry to burst your bubble, dear, but I don't think even you could pull off such a romantic stunt.”


He replied with a simple 'hmph', shrugging. “Anyway, why don't you go ahead and look in there. Go see if he pulled off the ultimate romantic boyfriend magic trick,” he suggested with a chuckle.


Raising an eyebrow, you glanced back towards the door of the dark room. Yeah, like Kikwang would just magically appear in there with a bouquet. Sure, he was an amazing boyfriend, but there was no way in the law of physics... or any other science, at that.


Stop thinking about it and go back in there,” he said, likely reading your thoughts from your face. “I know you'd rather be in there moping than sit here and talk to me, anyway.”


You stared at him with a frown. “That's not true.”


All he did was smile. “I know... I'm just joking.” After a moment, he added, “Go~”


With a heavy sigh, you stood and trudged back into the bedroom, flashing him a few wary glances. You had a feeling this was some sort of a setup. Get the girlfriend in the bedroom while the boyfriend walks in the front door to set something up. But hey, you weren't complaining if that's what these lovable dorks wanted to do. You could use a little surprise, at this point. So without voicing your suspicions, you flopped back down on Kikwang's bed. You sat there quietly for a few minutes, just staring up at the ceiling and listening to the little scratches that came from the living room; Doojoon was definitely up to something.


When you caught a brief flash of movement from the corner of your eye, your head snapped towards the door. You remained on your back, but your whole body went tense with awareness. “Doojoon, I know you're up to something!” you called, eyes narrowing. “If you try to scare me, I swear, I'm gonna get everyone to beat you up, leader-sshi!”


There was no response, just utter silence from the other room. Even the small noises he was making just a few seconds ago were gone. Eyes wide with anticipation, you sat up. You listened for a few more moments before walking up to the door. “Hello? Doojoon-ie?”


The arms that wrapped around your waist were strong. That was the only impression that registered as you were crushed in a huge, lung-constricting hug and brought up against a hard body, your instinct to scream immediately cutting off any other coherent thoughts. You were only able to release a short burst of noise before the lack of oxygen cut you off, panic setting in quickly. 'Oh, my God!'


“___!” A frantic whisper brushed against your ear before you were set back down on your two feet. “Shh! It's me!”


You whipped around on wobbly legs, stumbling backwards against the wall right beside the door. It took a minute for your adrenaline-hyped vision to focus in the dim light, zoning in on the familiar form that approached you with arms held out. “Wha-?”


“___, calm down...” that familiar tenor whispered to you with a nervous chuckle. “I didn't mean to scare you, I'm sorry!”


Your eyes went wide when your brain finally pieced everything together. “Ki-Kikwang-ah?”


He laughed again, softly, wrapping his arms around your waist as he stepped face-to-face with you. “Are you okay?”


Oh, my- You scared the crap out of me!” you whispered fiercely, smacking his arm without thought. “What were you thinking?! How did you even get in here?!”


He just laughed before kissing your parted mouth lightly. “You said you missed me, so I found a way,” he explained vaguely.


Your eyes narrowed at him, but he kissed you again and embraced you even tighter, so all you could do was return his affection. You did miss him terribly. Who cares about the technicalities of how he got in the room? At least he was there, right? With a defeated sigh, you wrapped your arms around his broad shoulders and squeezed like your life depended on it. “I've missed you so much...”


There was a brief moment of silence. He just held you in a bone-crushing hug and nuzzled your neck gently.


He's not magical, ___! I told him to use a ladder and go through the window!” Doojoon's voice effectively broke the sweet little moment the two of you were enjoying. “Don't be too impressed!”


Kikwang groaned, and you couldn't help but giggle. “Thank you, Mr. Romantic~!” you called, kissing Kiwang on the cheek. You dropped your voice back down to a whisper and gave him a wink. “It's okay, love. I still think you're pretty magical.”




end note: xD I don't even. There wasn't really a concrete idea there, if you couldn't already tell. Doojoon just wormed his way in there, and it ended up this way. xD And - I know, I know – the end line is super corny. But it's effin' cute, so whatever. Bahaha~ -shot- I hope it was okay~ Review! :]

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Helloitsme64 #1
Chapter 4: This chapter was so cute. I loved it <3
Chapter 6: This totally fits him omg <3

AW my heart just burst from all those sweetness (6 chaps)
Chapter 5: omg it's cute, okay?
and doojoonie too, super cute in there :3

haha shorty kwangie made his way through the window XD
Chapter 3: These two mischievous kids! hahaha
but it was cute :3

omg <3
Chapter 1: doojoon's chapter jfeoifjeoifje <3
muso-ka_sonyeo #6
Chapter 6: Ahh,i love this~ <3
Especially chapter 6..
Chapter 6: *^* my feelings <3 I love this.
Chapter 2: Aww Seungie ; A ; My feels for you has gone up and you're soaring even farther up my bias list. He was already number 1 in B2ST and Junhyung was catching up but now he's all like: nope! XD
blueskygrey #9
Chapter 6: daebak!!! ^^
sarangheyyy #10
omg your oneshots are so sweet!like omggggggg.<br />
update with the rest soon!:D