
My First Love


Ever since that day, Junhong and I got closer.

Every morning as we go to school, it's either I find him quite a few steps ahead of me or him covering my eyes to guess who it was. When he first did this though, I almost turned around and slammed my bag to his head. I told him off about it but he still kept doing it that I finally got used to it...somehow. Days passed and in classes, I also find him always sitting beside me. Sena would be sitting on my left and he'd be sitting on my right. It's always like this unless Junhong and I come late again and we're left with the two last chairs at the corner. During lunch, Junhong hangs out with his guy friends though. Their lunch table is right across from us (me, Sena and Jess) and sometimes I see them looking at us...or me. But I don't know. That could just be me. Junhong also always walks me home ever since. Turns out, we take the same streets and his house is quite further away from mine. So it's like...he's not really walking me home but...going home with me. Ugh, whatever.

Anyway. I don't know how all of these started.

I'm not used to new people...let alone a guy be with me like 70% of my day every school day.

And I think people were kind of surprised about it too. Sometimes when Junhong approaches me during gym class and tell me a joke out of nowhere and I laugh, girls would be whispering behind me. It's too bad they're not so good at whispering that I sometimes hear my name or Junhong's name name in the process. 

Before, I pass by corridors like I was the wind. No one gives me attention but recently, random people have been greeting me and I'm like, "H-hi." back. I'm so pathetic but what could I do? Not much people talk to me on a daily basis before.

It was strange. How all of these things are happening...

Sometimes I feel like it has to be because of Junhong.

Maybe it was because Junhong's cute? Well, I don't know. Really, I don't think I have much of a standard in guys considering I don't really date much...okay, I've never dated. He seems average to me. People seem to know him though. And...admire him.........I kinda think he's popular but I didn't really have much care to try and ask him about it.

You could say, I'm going with the flow.

It was kind of annoying at first that this guy suddenly skateboards his way into your life. When I introduced myself to him, I didn't know it'd come know, these things. But suddenly, I find being with him a normal thing. Sure it is...uncomfortable at times...but Junhong is a nice guy. If ever he was popular, he didn't let it get to me...or scare me, at that. Sometimes, I feel that he's protecting me...even from his guy friends. To be honest, he's probably the one having a hard time because I was a simple person...and people who see him hanging out with me must think I'm too un-cool for someone like Junhong.

I feel sorry...also, although I've called him lots of weird nicknames, I've never seen him get mad at me haha and oh, he also buys me food sometimes when we're walking home. He's a really good friend...

Yeah, I think...we're friends.

I've only been used to walking with Sena and Jess, sitting beside them, talking to them...but here, I've found someone else who's doing that with me.
It's...a rather good know that someone is doing something to actually be with me. 


~you have a text message~ you have a text message~

Mikki, r u busy roght mow


It was Junhong.

I laughed at his typos and looked over to my clock, wondering why he was texting me at 11:45 in the evening. He never texts me unless he's looking for me or something.

Why? Go to sleep, I think you need it.


On second thought, maybe he should try not sleeping too much so he stops growing too...I snickered. 

My books and notes are open in front of me, I was usual. It was a friday night. For a teenager like me, you'd think I'd be out there, getting wasted with friends or my boyfriend, you know, doing the deed and going home, sleep, and do it all over again until Monday comes. Well, guess what. I've never partied and I don't have time to...fortunately. And my parents aren't home so someone has to look after the house...

I have exams soon and I hope Junhong is studying too.
He just usually stares off into space or sleeps or bothers me in class.
I don't know how that would help him pass our classes.


~you have a text message~ you have a text message~

Can i come ocer?


I noticed then that something was off. I mean, the typos...and he didn't have his usual emojis...and of course, him wanting to come over late at night...
I decided to call him.

After one ring, he answered immediately.

"Mikkiiiiiii...." He dragged my name for way too long. That sounds like...

"Hey...are you drunk?!" I almost shouted to the phone. 

He hiccuped and I heard him chuckle, "I don't know...I'm...I'm...hey, who is thissss?"

I rolled my eyes. "This is Mikki, you buttface. Are you okay? Are you home? Is someone with you? Why the hell are you drunk?"

"Hmmm...." It took a while before I heard someone rang the doorbell. 

I got up from my bed and peeked to see who it was.

And there he was, slumped to our gate.

"What the, Junhong!" I exclaimed. 

" this Mikki? I want to *hiccup* see yewww." Oh. He is soooooo drunk.

"YAH! ARE YOU ALIVE? I'm going down now." I turned my phone off and hurried to the door. "Ah, ." 

When I came out, he was already sitting on the sidewalk like a hobo leaning on the gate. I wanted to call the police on him, seriously, coming here like this while I was studying! I opened the gate and helped him up. I thought he already passed out but when I placed his arm over my shoulders to help him, he also tried to get himself up. I guess, he wasn't that drunk as gentleman Junhong's still here. 

"It's okay....i-it's okaaaay, I'm goodddd." He tried to stand up by himself, probably not wanting to give me a hard time.

"Come on, let me help you." I offered. He chuckled at me when he realized he did had too much to drink and finally gave in. I tried to carry his huge across the porch and into the entrance. When I locked the door, I just couldn't help it anymore and basically just threw him in the sofa. "Haaaa, my arms...aigoo."

He stayed unmoving. I put my hands on my waist, contemplating if I should get pillows and a blanket for him or interrogate him about this behavior.

I did neither. I approached him, crouched until I was level with his face and saw that he was already fast asleep. I stayed like that, staring at him. He did look like he came from a party. Bah, I knew this monkey wasn't studying.

I was about to get up when the drunk came to life and pulled me down again.

In an instant, two orbs were staring at mine. "Oh, you're awake."

"I'm sorry...for coming like this..." He mumbled.

I sighed and sat on the floor in front of him. "If my parents were here, they'd freak out I'm friends with some drunkard like you."

A boyish smile graced his face. "Yeah, they'd probably call the police 'cause I was interrupting your studying..."

I couldn't help it and slapped him playfully on his face. "So, are you staying over?"

"Is it okay if I do?" 

"Yeah but just for tonight 'cause it's dangerous if you walk home like this."

"Ah, you're worried for me~" He smiled as he closed his eyes.

"Don't be too happy. This will be the first and last." I got up but then he grabbed me by the hand again. "Yah stop grabbing me! I'll get you a blanket, okay?"

He struggled sitting up and leaned on the sofa. With a big intake of breath, he exhaled a silent, "Stay..."

I looked at him and felt like something changed in the air. He was still Junhong. The Choi Junhong I met weeks ago...the one who slammed into me with his skateboard...the one who sort of forced himself into my life...the one who found a way inside my world...but tonight, he looked different. He's looking at me differently too.

It was suddenly becoming hot...
Must be the heater, Mikki.

I went closer to him and felt his forehead. "Hmmm, normal..." He just sat there, staring at me with those...eyes...

I didn't know what he was doing...but his stare completely distracted me and next thing I knew, I was being pulled to him like he was a magnet. I felt how I was dangerously close to him...I was bent over, his hand still pulling me to him. It was strange...for the 957693749th time, since I met Junhong. I knew what I was doing but still kept going at it even though I knew I was almost to where I'm most afraid of is.

Junhong closed his eyes as our faces were mere centimeters away from each other.
I knew where this was heading.

And I'm guilty for wanting to do it.

I wanted to kiss him.

I wanted to...

But something held me back.

No, I thought to myself. He's drunk...put a stop to this...

I stopped as we were just about to kiss.

He still has his eyes closed. 

It felt as if seconds were minutes...I froze, searching for Junhong.

I was scared...


"I'm sorry, Junhong..." I hugged him instead.

I felt his chest go up and down peacefully as did mine. He hugged me back a little too tightly, held me on his arms and whispered the most terrifying things of all...

"I love you...Mikki..."


I didn't know what to say...

He was a friend I finally started to welcome into my life...and now, he's wanting to be something more. I was really afraid of him and at the same time, I didn't want to let go when I hugged him. He must be thinking I didn't like him back because I said sorry before choosing not to kiss him...

I feel sorry but I really don't want us to end up breaking each other...I think I like him is too big of a word...

We stayed like that for as long as we can. Something really has changed...or developed...I don't know. He buried his face on the crook of my neck and I closed my eyes, enjoying the feel of the embrace and carressing his hair. It was the first time I hugged a guy willingly...the first time I felt like hugging was a really nice thing...the first time I felt this happy.

But I didn't acknowledge it...

Heck, I didn't even say anything after that even though I knew he was waiting...




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Chapter 4: this story was soooooooooooooooooooooooooo awesome
keep up the good work :D