
My First Love


A/N: This will all be written in Mikki's POV

I used to think that love is a burden. A heavy load I wouldn't want ever in my life. 

A lot of people fall into it though and it really annoyed me that they were willing to go distances, reach heights and just do the reckless things just because of love. 

"No." I've always told myself.

I thought that love isn't for me. Falling in love is non-existent in my book. I couldn't imagine myself losing my mind because of someone. I couldn't even imagine myself with someone. People thought I was weird. Heck, even my friends think something's wrong with me. I prefer studying over dating; sleeping over kissing and eating over cuddling with someone. Meanwhile, they're probably off to their second or third relationship, flirting with guys here and there and just, loving someone. It's just...I have more important things to worry about.

And I don't really know but maybe I was afraid of something love could do to people.
And to be honest, I don't want to get involved in anything dramatic that could cost me tears or...scars.

I've seen lots of people fall in love...

I've seen countless downfalls too...

Truly, it's not something you can easily deal with like say, solving math problems...

Love doesn't have an equation or a formula or a device to help you fix it if time comes that it's falling apart.

I guess I was afraid of what's going to happen when you do fall in love -- worried about the heartache and the consequences of loving someone.

I seriously didn't want anything to do with it. 

But recently...there was this distraction.
I don't know what hit me but it was terrifying.

I found something I was more afraid of than falling in love. 


His name is Choi Junhong.

It was an encounter like you would always see in dramas. You know that moment when the girl's supposedly having a really good day. She's walking to school, feeling like nothing would ruin it for her. And then this reckless guy suddenly comes along with a little bit of carelessness and he bumps into her. The girl, in panic as she waits to hit the ground face-first, suddenly finds herself in the arms of the guy. She was caught before she fell.

They stare in each other's eyes and...fall in love?


You see, that's usually what would happen in a drama.

But really, now that it happened to me, it just won't be reasonable for me to fall in love with some skater boy who accidentally bumped into me with his freaking skateboard even though obviously I'm quite human enough for people not to mistake me as a ramp or a wall or something!

We were staring in each other's eyes for a while but that's it, okay.

"Are you freaking blind?" I pushed the guy off of me and stood up myself, brushing my skirt. 

"Ah, Mikki, mian. I was careless. Are you hurt?" He got up too with his skateboard and looked concerned, bowing to me.


He knows my name?!

"How...do you know my name?" I voiced out my thoughts, looking at him.

He's a really tall guy now that I see him standing in front of me. I only reach up to his shoulders. He has dark bluish/grayish hair...brushed in such a way that it made him look like he was heading to a photoshoot or something. He has almond eyes and quite a bad boy thing going on with his cartilage piercings and skull earrings. Not to mention his skateboard with, I think, really...uhm...graphical stuff.

Now that I think about it, he does seem familiar...

He smiled, a dimple showing as he did so. "I didn't know you're funny. C'mon, we'll be late for class." He offered his hand to me.

I looked at his hand and back at him. He did the same. 

Was this guy serious?

"Excuse me?" I crossed my arms instead of accepting his hand. Who does he think he is? He bumps into me and think we're friends?! And he knows my name?


"Oh ! CLASS!!" I exclaimed as I turned to run for the school gates. Nobody got time for things like this. I have a quiz for first subject!

I heard the guy ran after me and soon, I can see him running beside me from my peripheral view.

"Do you want a ride?" He asked as we ran past other students who were also hurrying up. He was preparing to use the skateboard. Is he stupid asking me to ride that thing with him. I mean, really...me??????

I hurried my pace. I was getting ahead of others but I can't seem to outrun this guy. I hate that I can feel him looking at me at times too.
"Go away!" I managed to huff. I was really annoyed that someone's paying attention to me while I was in the middle of panicking.

I hope I pissed him off.

In no time, I heard a thud and saw him finally giving in and riding his skateboard. "Well, then. See you in class, Mikki!" He rode off, avoiding people and swerving smoothly ahead all of us. What a freaking show off.

I was too caught up hurrying with everyone that I missed a certain point from what he said.



I sat down on the nearest chair I saw just as my professor arrived. Just in time.

I caught my friend, Sena, giving me a thumbs up from the front row, where I was supposed to be sitting beside her. But some girl took my seat so I have to go through this class without my bestfriend sitting beside me...sigh.

Anyway, I never had to run like this so early for school. But I woke up kind of late today too.
I guess the bumping to that guy isn't really the only thing that made me suffer like this.

"Did you run all the way here?" My seatmate asked me. I guess I made it all too obvious with how I was panting and still catching my breath.

"Yeah..." I managed to smile at him when... "You!!!"

It was the guy who I bumped to earlier!

"Yes, Ms. Chae?" Apparently, I said that out loud. 

I threw the guy a questioning look before bowing to my prof. "I uhm, sorry, sir. It's nothing."

As my prof continued to check the attendance, I heard the guy chuckle beside me.

What. Is this some kind of joke? So he is my classmate all this time?

I mean. I'm sorry but I don't really know everybody in this class because I really don't give a sh.t about anybody unless you're my friend...and I only talk to like two people in this classroom and I don't really pay attention to anyone except my books, the teacher and the blackboard. Oh my god...so that's why he knew my name. I thought he was some kind of stalker...

"I'm sorry. I didn't know we were classmates." I whispered to him. I kind of owe him that explanation I guess. "I don't really know much people so..."

"It's okay. I should be the one saying sorry." He chuckled again. "Are you sure you're not hurt from earlier?"

He looked real concerned. I realized how much of a b.tch I was to him earlier too. I guess, the bumping thing really got on my nerves but it's an accident and he said sorry...

"Yeah, I'm alright." Just look on where you're riding that thing on, I wanted to add.

He reached out his hand under our desk, careful not to attract our prof's attention again. He looked at me with another one of his smiles, "Anyway, I'm Junhong."

I hesitated at first but I figured it won't cause harm if I actually accepted his hand shake. "Hi...uhm, well you know me."

"Yeah..." He nodded at me. I don't know if I smiled at him but he smiled at me again...before turning back to what's happening around us.

He looked really cute for a second there.


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Chapter 4: this story was soooooooooooooooooooooooooo awesome
keep up the good work :D