DaeJae - Wings

Musical Quickies

Wings - Birdy 



A yawn escaped Daehyun’s lips as he straightened himself up in his seat. The musky scent of the beaten seats filled his lungs as he inhaled deeply as he stretched out his arms, whilst being weary not to hit the roof of the car that was covered with yellowish brown stains. He pulled at his seatbelt as he looked over at Youngjae who had his eyes glued onto the dirt track before them. There was nothing that indicated that he had noticed Daehyun at all, yet there was a crack of a smile across his plump lips. Daehyun could see the flash of his pearly white teeth between his lips but said nothing as he stared out the window of their rickety yet semi-reliable car.

The wheels as shabby as they were, continued to roll across on the open road; kicking up tiny pebbles and specks of dirt onto the underside of the car. The sounds of rocks hitting them from beneath had worried Daehyun at first because he did not know whether the old rust bucket could handle it, it seemed to shoddy but it seemed to have proved him otherwise. They had been driving for at least two days but Daehyun could not say for sure since he did not bother to keep track of time but he knew Youngjae was. Youngjae remembered everything in that marvellous brain of his; despite claiming he did not know everything. To Daehyun however he knew everything and he eventually gave up with arguing since arguing with Daehyun was always pointless. The stubbornness of Daehyun was infamous but on occasion he would give into Youngjae because he was Youngjae and he simply could not say no.

“Morning,” Youngjae greeted as bumped and swayed accordingly to the movements of the car.

Daehyun his lips and tried to get rid of the clammy feeling in his mouth but when he failed he replied in a croaked in a voice laced with the feeling of morning, “Have you been driving all night? Aren’t you tired?”

Youngjae tore his gaze from the road which was nothing more than straight track and explained, “I couldn’t sleep but I’m okay.” 

“Do you want to have a break? We can switch places,” Daehyun suggested as the palms of his hands began to grow sweaty from the warm of the blaring summer sun. Despite it being morning the sun was still just as strong as ever. Out in the dessert with nothing but road and cacti, one could not help but feel a little bit lonesome. Daehyun wiped a hand on his torn up jeans and placed it on top of Youngjae’s which was sitting on top of the gearstick. “Come on, I know you’re feeling tired.”

Youngjae glanced over at Daehyun and shook his head. Daehyun refused to remove his hand and allowed his hand to form humid sweat on top of Youngjae’s. For a moment nothing happened and he simply continued to drive but when it finally got too much for him, Youngjae pulled his hand away from underneath Daehyun’s and wiped it along his side. “Okay, okay. I’ll pull over and we’ll swap. Jeez, you are so gross sometimes.”

Daehyun snickered as Youngjae pulled off to the side and got out of the car. Daehyun slipped out from his seat and stretched out his legs and arms with Youngjae doing the same. He could see his shirt roll up his stomach a little and exposed a bit of his flesh. Daehyun was quick to reach over at Youngjae and pull him towards him. A displeased moan escaped from Youngjae as he tried to swat Daehyun’s hands away. “Stop, your hands are all sweaty,” he whined.

That did not bother Daehyun in the slightest as he leaned back onto the side of the car and dragged Youngjae closer to him with the hem of his shirt. “If you want me to stop, then why are you smiling?” he teased.

Youngjae pouted, “Your face makes me laugh.”

Daehyun pretended to be struck by an arrow and cried, “Oh you break me with your words.”

“Shut up,” Youngjae laughed as he cupped Daehyun’s face and rested his forehead against his.

He could smell Youngjae’s breath mixed in with the musky scent of his sweat and he was certain that Youngjae could smell his own spiced sweat blend in with his own. The teasing of Youngjae’s lips across his own was almost unbearable. He wanted to take Youngjae by the hips and simply take control but it was too hot and there was too much dirt in the air. Even though he had not been out for long, he could feel the sand, the dirt, the earth cling onto the beads of sweat scattered across his body. Daehyun pushed forward onto Youngjae so their lips could touch but he was pushed back by a firm hand on his chest.

“You stink,” Youngjae pointed out, “You really think I’m going to kiss you when you smell this bad?”

“You smell too,” Daehyun defended.

Youngjae laughed and escaped Daehyun’s grip and slipped back into the car, “Let’s go find somewhere where we can wash up then.”

Daehyun knew for a fact that Youngjae was teasing, he always teased. It was what he did whenever he had the chances to because a begging Daehyun was always a whole lot more fun. Apparently he was a lot more complying whenever he begged but of course Daehyun thought otherwise. He hopped into the driver’s seat and wound down his window. The air conditioner had unfortunately broken after the first day of their drive so they had to make do with simply driving with the windows pulled down in order to cool themselves off.

“I do not stink,” Daehyun finally spoke as the breeze blew through his hair that forced a good portion of it to cling onto his face.

Youngjae let out a laugh before he finally admitted, “You don’t smell that bad but you have to agree that we need a good shower or two.”

“Where’s the closest motel?” Daehyun questioned as Youngjae pulled out the map from the glove compartment.

He could hear the paper fluttering in the wind and he hoped that Youngjae had a strong grip on it. But he trusted him, even if they lost the map they would somehow find their way to their destination, they always did.


Daehyun opened the passenger door and sat on Youngjae’s lap. Youngjae had fallen asleep and moaned at the sudden weight on his legs. “Rise and shine princess,” Daehyun greeted.

Youngjae moaned again and shoved Daehyun rather roughly off of him. Daehyun stumbled out of the car and shook his head. A tired Youngjae was always a grumpy one. He gave him a moment to set his bearings as he looked up at the blood orange sky above them. The sun was setting and the heat was almost unbearable against Daehyun’s skin but he continued to stand outside because of Youngjae.

“Come on, let’s go to our room and have that shower,” he suggested as Youngjae moaned for a third time and blocked the light with crook his arm.

Daehyun crouched down and took Youngjae’s hand and began planting soft kisses on the soft skin. “Come on,” he kissed, “Let’s head inside.”

Youngjae snatched his hand away and gave him a frown, “I hate it when you wake me up.”

“I hate it when you pretend not to be tired when you really are,” Daehyun countered.

“I just hate you,” Youngjae stated as he got out of the car and slammed the door shut.

Daehyun locked the car and shrugged, “Well apparently a lot of people do.”

He then spun around and made his way to their motel room but before he got too far he felt Youngjae’s clammy fingers intertwine with his own. Their fingers overlapped each other in a sweaty mess but neither of them cared.  Daehyun felt Youngjae’s thumb caressing his hand in circular motions and a smile crept up his face. Sometimes Youngjae was a genius and sometimes he was an idiot but he always managed to put a smile across his face. 


A/N: The destination, the before, the after is all up to you to make up. 

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Chapter 8: this is so beautiful !!! :'))

I'm sorry but why in the world people can't see that these drabbles are awesome ??? Author-nim you deserve more upvotes than this D:
Chapter 7: "Well apparently a lot of people do."
Wow YES DAE you're RIGHT kkkkkkkk
Chapter 6: Gahaha , ert daehyun, how come you still be with him jae ? XD
Sweeeeeeeeeet :3
Chapter 6: screams like what i said itll turn out good anyway X)
and "my is on fire" XDDD
Chapter 5: It was all fluffy, and underwear and video games and kisses
and then...
Chapter 5: ohhh noo :((
i was puzzled for a moment and reread it then.... :(((
why i thought u r going to make it fluff T.T