BangHim - Keep Your Hands Off My Girl

Musical Quickies

Good Charlotte - Keep Your Hands Off My Girl



Yongguk sees him across the floor. There are people all around him dedicating their attention just for him. A cocky grin finds its way across his face, Yongguk can see it. He flashes his teeth, his face lights up, everything tells Yongguk that he is happy but there is something in his eyes that says otherwise. His eyes tell a different story. They aren’t locked on Yongguk but Yongguk knows he is purposely looking away. There is something about the way he bites his bottom lip that tells Yongguk he is doing it all intentionally.    

He isn’t supposed to know him for that night. The agreed that they were supposed to pretend as if they didn’t know each other but Yongguk couldn’t help it. He didn’t care that they had a fight he just wanted to put his flirting to a stop.

Even though neither of them had been clubbing for years, everyone acts as if they know him. He is the centre of everyone’s attention. He is like a celebrity and Yongguk knows he loves every second of it. He knows because it makes him mad and he knows that is how he gets his revenge.   

For a split second he makes eye contact with Yongguk. If it was accidental it doesn’t show across his face as he blows him a mocking kiss.

Himchan,” Yongguk mouths but he simply looks away and returns to the dance floor where a couple of girls are grinding up their hips against him.

Yongguk continues to sit at the bar and watches Himchan run amok across the club. The lights are flashing and the music is thundering away, it makes Yongguk’s brain beat against his skull which doesn’t help him at all. There are a couple lame attempts of flirting directed at Yongguk but he coldly turns them away as he watches over his troublemaker cautiously and furiously.

He watches Himchan loosen up as they dance further into the night. The girls are getting restless and are whispering things into his ear which makes him laugh and it turns Yongguk’s blood cold. He knows that Himchan wouldn’t do anything stupid but it doesn’t stop him from feeling jealous and somewhat possessive. He knows that it is all part of Himchan’s plan but he can’t help but be controlled by him. Their argument was stupid and the arrangement was even dumber but there was no going back.

The night continues and the music deepens into loud drumming which Yongguk can swear follows the beating of his heart. He watches as large drums of florescent paint are wheeled in. It is obvious for what the paint is for and it makes Yongguk clench his jaw as he continues to watch over Himchan.

The mix of vibrant yellows, blues, greens and purples splatter all over the dance floor as people throw it around. Some slap it onto others and slather it onto bare skin. Yongguk hopes that no one wants to touch Himchan but of course he knows it’s inevitable because in that club he is like a celebrity. He sees the two girls who were grinding up on Himchan moments ago slap a hand on either side of his cheek. He sees Himchan’s teeth almost glow in the dark and the sight makes his blood boil.

Fluorescent green paint is smudged onto Himchan’s bare arms as the girls dance around him, whilst flicking speckles of paint on everyone around them. Yongguk sees how Himchan is laughing and he sees how much of a good time he but there are other ways to make a man happy.

Yongguk turns to the bar and grabs a shot from someone’s tray. Without even thinking he takes it all in a single gulp and feels the burn as he swallows. The alcohol leaves a heat in his stomach which is exactly what he needs.

The crowd is still busy dancing and rubbing up against each other with the paint as their lubricant when Yongguk walks towards them. He only has one target and pushes everyone away when he is approached. He sees a girl roll her hips up against Himchan who has his hands around her and the fury within Yongguk makes him do stupid things. He grabs the girl’s shoulder which is covered with glowing pink paint and pulls her away. She lets out a cry of surprise but Yongguk ignores it. He sees Himchan look over at him with confusion but he puts it all to a stop when he slams his lips against his.

Yongguk can feel Himchan tense up momentarily before he eases into the kiss. He cups Himchan’s face with his hand stained with the pink paint and presses it up against his cool skin. A moan escapes Himchan’s lips before they pull away for a quick breath. They’re both panting and when Yongguk pulls his hands away from Himchan’s face to wrap around his waist, he sees that his handprint is glowing brightly against his cheek. The sight is enough to bring up a smile across his face.

Himchan shakes his head and draws two lines across Yongguk’s cheeks as he asks, “I thought we were meant to be fighting.”

“I have no idea on what you’re talking about,” Yongguk grins and pulls in Himchan for another kiss. 



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Chapter 8: this is so beautiful !!! :'))

I'm sorry but why in the world people can't see that these drabbles are awesome ??? Author-nim you deserve more upvotes than this D:
Chapter 7: "Well apparently a lot of people do."
Wow YES DAE you're RIGHT kkkkkkkk
Chapter 6: Gahaha , ert daehyun, how come you still be with him jae ? XD
Sweeeeeeeeeet :3
Chapter 6: screams like what i said itll turn out good anyway X)
and "my is on fire" XDDD
Chapter 5: It was all fluffy, and underwear and video games and kisses
and then...
Chapter 5: ohhh noo :((
i was puzzled for a moment and reread it then.... :(((
why i thought u r going to make it fluff T.T