A new friend, a new change


Seunghyun goes to his class quickly, doesn’t take notice around. Suddenly, he bumps into someone taller than him. “Ouch” Both of them fall down to the ground, Seunghyun rubs his head, and the man keeps checking his forehead. But, Seunghyun already stands up, clean up the mess, reorders the books of the man and gives him back with two hands. “Sorry for this mess, I’m in a hurry. Do you hurt? I’m so sorry” – Seunghyun bows and apologizes sincerely. The tall man doesn’t say anything, just nods and goes towards. Seunghyun feels he has met this tall man before, this man has something really familiar. But, it’s so late that Seunghyun can’t continue to think but go to his class immediately.

“Wow, we have a new student here!” – A voice raises and the whole class looks at Seunghyun that makes him blushes.

 “Calm down, don’t make him scared, come here, little student” – The professor softly calls Seunghyun to enter into the class. “Can you introduce yourself to us?” – Again, the professor tells Seunghyun moderately.

“Uhm… My name is Lee Seunghyun, I’m 17 and I’m from Gwangju. I really appreciate if all of you help me with my work. Thank you very much” – answers Seunghyun, bows 90 degrees.

“How cute ~ yeah, you can ask anytime you want right class?” – “Yes, do you want to ask now?” – “Seunghyun ah, come and sit with me” – “No, Seunghyun ah, sit with me”

“Alright class, can we continue our lesson? Seunghyun ah, sit anywhere you want, ready for your new lesson?” - The professor smiles sweetly.

“Thank you so much, I will get ready now” – Seunghyun smiles widely, bows again. Then he turns back to see which seat he can take.

“Can I sit here?” – Seunghyun smiles asking. “Of course, it would be my pleasure, my friend. Welcome to our class. My name is Kang Daesung, I’m 18, so you can call me hyung.” Daesung answers with an angelic smile, shining.

“Daesung hyung, it’s really nice to meet you!” – Seunghyun replies, feeling very happy.

The lesson passes quickly full of happiness and music performances. ..

In the afternoon:

- Yah, Seunghyun ah, where’re you going? I’m looking for you everywhere! Why don’t you wait for me?

- Oh Daesung hyung, I don’t see you so I go here just relax for a while, hyung…

- Come here, do you want to eat something Seunghyun ah? I will buy for you.

- No, thank you Daesung hyung, I’m fine. Do you want to go outside for a change?

- Yeah, let’s go now…


After a few minutes:

- Daesung hyung, where is this?

- Uhm… It’s one of my favorite places. It’s called ‘The Miracle’, Seunghyun.

-  …

-  Do you want to know why? Here, see this.

- Wow, Daesung hyung…  It’s so beautiful… This is the first time I have seen such amazing scenery like this!

- Come, sit near the stream.


- Seunghyun ah…

- Yes, Daesung hyung?

- You said that your hometown was in Gwangju?

- Yeah, is something wrong hyung?

- No, just ask a little… So how can you get here? Seoul is very far from Gwangju, you know that right?

- Uhm…   yes, I know that but there aren’t many opportunities in Gwangju, so I want to come to Seoul to learn more… 

- You’re really a good boy, Seunghyun ah. You remind me of my best friend, he is determined like you. He is like my soul mate, he understands me and cares for me, always… I love him as my brother, Seunghyun ah… Oh, sorry, I talk nonsense now, don’t I?

- No, Daesung hyung, it’s fine, just talk what you want to talk. I will hear you, don’t worry, hyung.

- Thank you for listening to me, Seunghyunnnie. You are the second, after him, would listen to me like that…

- Hyung… why do you say that? You’re like an angel, a smiling angel to me, why do you say no one listens to you?

- I don’t know, don’t know Seunghyun ah… Am I too ugly? So that no one wants to talk with me?

- What do you say? I said you’re a smiling angel to me, hyung… I love your smile hyung. Just smile.

- Seunghyun ah… Thank you, for everything…



Return to school:

Daesung and Seunghyun return to school, going to their class. Suddenly Daesung shouts happily:

- Hyung, hyung, I’m here!

Seunghyun turns back his head to Daesung’s voice, seeing who.

- … It’s you?

- … You?

Daesung is surprised: “You too know each other?”

The tall man answers shortly: “Maybe. We have bumped into each other this morning.”

“So, you are…” – Seunghyun asks.

“I’m Daesung’s best friend, his hyung, my name is TOP. And you?” – The tall man replies.

“Oh, I’m in the same class with Daesung hyung. My name is Seunghyun.”

“Nice to meet you, Seunghyun.” 


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Chapter 4: Are you going to continuos?? Is a nice story ^_^
Can you all silent readers comment please~~~ I need motivation <3 love you all, for reading my story :3
Chapter 4: when will you update this? ^^ i like it~
Chapter 4: Sorry for the late update, and this chapter is a bit short :) but thank you all subscribers and readers who still enjoy my story! I really appreciate your interest in my story, so keep subscribing and give me your comments ^^ thank you again =D
Chapter 3: ^_^ you write really nice dear
i think that was good ^^v
Don't worry dear,i know you can do it
just keep write ok ^_~
Thank you for reading my story! And sorry for the late update, you know that I'm really busy right now, so hope you guys will continue to enjoy and subscribe my story ^.^
bloodymoon #7
Chapter 3: I like it
it would b really fun if top and bae had the same feeling towards vi and they all fight over him lol
Akuropanda #8
Chapter 2: i wonder who was the biker????
Thanks for the update!!!
littlejjampong #9
please don't tag it as baeri if it is a gri.. it's confusing T.T