A day differs from other days


Lee Seunghyun, whose parents had died, lived alone in a small house in Gwangju. His younger brother was given to his grandmother for a long time. As a 17-year-old kid, Seunghyun is really skillful. He does everything on his own, earning money to get by and study. Although he grew up in solitary, Seunghyun has a talent for dancing. He can dance to music as well as choreograph beautiful dance moves. But his talent is realized by no one. As saying, Seunghyun is like a star in a night sky, waiting for shining brightly…

One day like other days, Seunghyun goes to school early. But life has offered him a chance... Maybe is the circle of life...

- What did you say? I was accepted? - astonished Seunghyun.

- Yeah, you're in, bro! - One friend of Seunghyun replied. - Wow, you're really amazing, Seunghyunnie!!!

- OMG I was picked to go to Sunhwa Arts School? Why?

- Silly kid, you are absolutely crazy about dancing, Seunghyun. They only accept ones who specializes in arts! It's definitely your one and only chance. Go for it!

Seunghyun can't stop thinking about it. It's not a dream that he has ever been able to go to Seoul? But, how can he pay for the school fees? Also, he doesn't know anyone in Seoul. How can life be so difficult for a young boy like him?

Eventually, Seunghyun has to go. He takes a long journey to Seoul by coach. And of course, it takes time. He travels nearly 4 hours, without eating, resting, even sleeping. Seunghyun is afraid of being lost in this extensive area.

After a tired journey, at last he comes. Seunghyun is almost scared to death. How can this city be so large? People are in crowds and heavy traffic is on the way. Everything is flashing across Seunghyun's mind and sight. Worrying, Seunghyun finds his school by asking the way. The Sunhwa Arts School is extremely far from where he is standing. However, he is short of money as a boy from a small village in the countryside, so as to save money; Seunghyun has no choice but to walk instead. 

There is it! It’s the Sunhwa Arts School. "It's so beautiful. Perhaps God has sent me a chance of a lifetime. I must try hard" - thought Seunghyun. Therefore, he goes through the school gate. 

"Wow, it's just 7 a.m. So I’m not that late.” – Seunghyun thinks. Suddenly, a motorcycle rushes in with lightning speed that Seunghyun thought he is going to be crashed. Seunghyun doesn’t know what to do but stand there motionless, close his eyes really tight.

-       What the hell you think you’re doing? – A man voice started.

Seunghyun slowly opens his eyes, adjusts to the light. Standing in front of him is a guy with a cold face, a death glare and a lot of accessories around his waist.

-       Your motorcycle nearly crashed me! Why do you ask me that nonsense? -  Seunghyun replied, both astonished and angry.

-       Wow, this little rascal, want to die huh? Do you dare to talk to me like that?

-       What kind of person are you that I have to obey? Are you a God or Fairy, Mr.Arrogant? – Seunghyun can’t stand that guy anymore.

*POP* - Seunghyun is slapped really hard by that guy.

-     You slap me? My mom wouldn’t do that, how dare you? – Seunghyun covers one side of his cheek, is about to cry.

-      Are you a man or not? I can’t stand the person like you, why do you have to cry?

Seunghyun cries harder, tears drop, wet his cheeks.

-         Yah, little boy, stop crying. Otherwise I will make you to pay for the damage – That guy quickly soothes the crying boy in front of his face.

-       What damage are you talking about? – Seunghyun wipes his tears, asks back.

-       What damage? You make my motorbike almost crash, why do you ask that silly question? – The guy smirks and stares at Seunghyun.

-       But…how much?

-       Uhm…If I don’t count the money for the mechanic, maybe it’s 20000 won.

-       What!? That motorcycle costs 20000 won for all repairs??? – Seunghyun can’t believe what he is hearing.

-       Yep, so when are you going to pay me? Weekend?

-       OMG how can I find that much money? Please, I really don’t have much money – Seunghyun starts sobbing again.

-       Yah, yah, don’t cry again!!! Fine, I will forgive you this time. – That guy accepts to forgive Seunghyun.

-       Thanks a lot, Mr. Arrogant!!! But… I have to go now, it’s late. See you then. Thank you again ^^

Seunghyun is about to leave when suddenly he feels dizzy and collapses on the ground. Before his eyes close, he hears a familiar sound: “yah, little rascal, wake up!!!”



~~~ Sorry for not updating, but I'm really busy with my schoolwork. Too many exams ToT. I have freetime today, so I update as fast as I can. Again, sorry all readers and thank you for subscribing :) Please, enjoy and give me advice for my first story! :">~~~

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Chapter 4: Are you going to continuos?? Is a nice story ^_^
Can you all silent readers comment please~~~ I need motivation <3 love you all, for reading my story :3
Chapter 4: when will you update this? ^^ i like it~
Chapter 4: Sorry for the late update, and this chapter is a bit short :) but thank you all subscribers and readers who still enjoy my story! I really appreciate your interest in my story, so keep subscribing and give me your comments ^^ thank you again =D
Chapter 3: ^_^ you write really nice dear
i think that was good ^^v
Don't worry dear,i know you can do it
just keep write ok ^_~
Thank you for reading my story! And sorry for the late update, you know that I'm really busy right now, so hope you guys will continue to enjoy and subscribe my story ^.^
bloodymoon #7
Chapter 3: I like it
it would b really fun if top and bae had the same feeling towards vi and they all fight over him lol
Akuropanda #8
Chapter 2: i wonder who was the biker????
Thanks for the update!!!
littlejjampong #9
please don't tag it as baeri if it is a gri.. it's confusing T.T