

The weather was chilly even inside his bedroom. He rolled over to the side to search for any source of warm but as soon his long arms reached to the other side, there was none. Still half asleep he touches the empty surface to double check, but again it confirmed that no one was sleeping beside him.
His eyes lazily opened scanning the dark room decorated with modern furniture in black and white giving that monochromatic vibe. Just as its owner.

Sure, the bed is empty with no one just himself but his guts tells him he's not alone, not like he's used to wake up every day. He stepped out of the bed barely aware of his ness; as soon his feet made contact with the marbled floors a sudden shiver traveled down his spine as a reminder of the cold night. Throwing the same pair of underwear that he miraculously found scattered on the floor, he smirked as events from few hours ago were still fresh in his mind. How he made her recite his name over and over again like a mantra, it was just enough to send tingling sensations to his down south. He trudged silently to the balcony of his luxurious apartment only to notice the doors were opened and no wonder why the night was colder than usual.

She was standing outside in the balcony resting her hands on the railing, the lights of the shining moon giving emphasis on each feature of her beautiful face; tracing the outlines of her body barely covered by the duvets, and she doesn't seem to be bothered by the silent breeze. 

His heart skipped one, two, three times. 

Her gaze fixed upon the city watching how everything seems so small and how insignificant can life be sometimes, just sometimes. Her thoughts varies from light to profound depending when the sleepless nights strike her, and tonight just seems one of those. Maybe it's the fact she's not sleeping at her own bed, or maybe she just did something far from the rational level. Either way, sleeping with one of the most famous criminals is something she will always consider as a terrible sin but never regretting as if was a mistake. After all what's done is done.

Her thoughts were suddenly interrupted when hands grasped her arms and a pair of lips softly pressed on her right shoulder. 
She sighed and blinked two times before focusing her gaze back to the city lights. 

"It's cold in here." His voice came out in a sensual tone like silk. 

"You will leave..." It came out tired as if was bound to happen anytime. 

"Uhmm?" He asked as his lips detached from her shoulder blades and tracing his hands from her bare arms to the curve of her hips. She kept sighing, and this time she spoon around to face him, silently admiring his gorgeous eyes hiding more than everyone should know. 

"You will leave." repeated again. "We all know what you do with girls like me, lure them, them and send them off."

He listens attentively without letting his sigh of her pink lips. "I knew-- we both knew this will happen and honestly I'm ready to face my reality. I just wanted to prove them wrong." She said in one go then noticing she was holding her breath for too long, now it was time to breathe.

That moment his eyes met hers and he saw insecurity and vulnerability she doesn't display normally, instead she buried them with serious and confident gazes. 

He let his hands wander again up to her arms and travel up to her jaw, lifting her chin up looking at her intently; he whispered "Then prove them wrong." 

She barely registered what he said before his luscious lips engaged with hers moving in sync for a passionate kiss. 
He pulled away and she inwardly groaned as the presence of his lips were still lingering on hers setting fire inside her body against the chilly wind blowing mercilessly around them. 

He picked her up in bridal style running his hands purposely all over her body. She scolded making him smirk. "Come back to bed." He purred sweetly with a demanding tone underneath which only she knows how to understand.

She lay beside him on bed still with many questions without answers, she thought to herself.

But it can wait for another day. Her eyes close and she starts to drift off with his musky scent lingering in her nostrils the more she cuddles against his broad chest.

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kyungsquishysoo #1
Chapter 1: I really liked this (: it would make a good story hahaha.
prettynina #2
Chapter 1: Wow that was pretty deep, i wonder if you ever going to make this a chaptered story?
Btw gangster kyungsoo is y :)