Chapter 5


It had been about 3 days and I was still "sick". I couldn't keep much food down and Zico was getting terribly worried. But I felt fine. Except for the nausea, I was great. We went outside and watched a herd of sheep yesterday. One of the newborns hobbled over to me and let me pet her. It was amazing. I wondered if heaven looked like this. The bright green grass, the thousands of different colored flowers, and the sun, beating down on us. I actually did like it here. I wished Onew and I had come here for our honeymoon... instead we stayed home. We didn't have the money at the time. But our honeymoon was still nice.

It's been 2 weeks since I've seen Onew's face.

I didn't know what was wrong with me. Maybe my body was just rejecting the food. Maybe my body understood that I wanted to go back to Onew so it was trying to help me. Trying to get Zico to finally take me home.

No, I was sure it was just my crazy talking.

Every night I laid in bed and cried, missing Onew. Zico felt terrible, but still refused to let me go back. I was really emotional and by the time I stopped crying I had already passed out from exhaustion.

"Maybe you should see a doctor. I could take you to the hospital." Zico suggested during breakfast. If I saw a doctor at a hospital, I might be able to tell him that I was kidnapped and I could get home... somehow... I was always trying to think of ways to escape. "I know someone who would visit us here."

I sighed and shook my head. "I'm completely fine."

"No you're not! This is bad. You won't stop puking and I'm really worried." He stood up and walked over to the bookshelf next to the TV stand. He looked around for a moment, grabbed a huge book, and brought it back to the table. It was a medical book, full of different diseases and symptoms. He opened it and began reading. When he read he was dead to the world. He couldn't hear anything when he read, so I just got up and went to shower. When I came back, he was still reading.

I sighed and paced around the room, thinking. I didn't know if I really was sick. When I had been sick with the flu before, my whole body hurt, I coughed and sneezed and threw up a lot, but I didn't feel that way now. I was fine, my body didn't hurt at all, I just felt queasy. And I kind of wanted icecream.

"Zico... Can I have some icecream?" I asked him. He didn't move. I knew he hadn't heard me. I stuck my tongue out at him and got the icecream myself. For some reason, it tasted amazing, like the best icecream I had ever had. Probably because I was starving and craving icecream so badly. I ate almost the entire carton. I sat at the table and watched Zico as I ate the last bite. Then I threw the carton away and washed my hands. There were some dishes in the sink, so I washed them too. And the floor was looking a little dirty so I swept it and mopped it.  The living room rug was looking a bit dingy, so I vacuumed it. Then I went and made my bed and washed the toilet in my room and made Zico's bed in his room. By the time I was done, an hour or so had passed and Zico was still reading.

"Zico. Play a game with me. I'm bored." I said, frowning. No answer. "Zico." Nothing. "ZICO." Still nothing. I sighed and plopped myself on to the couch, feeling hungry again. I wanted to eat popcorn. Or pickles. I always craved pickles.

I walked over to Zico and watched him. He had been reading the same page, for about 10 minutes. I bent down to his level and watched his eyes. They were moving quickly down the page, scanning it over again and again.

"Zicooooooooooo." I pouted. He finally looked up.

"Hey, um... Wanna play a game?" He asked, smiling slightly. The corners of his mouth turned up, but his eyes looked a little panicked.

"Sure." I said. "Can we play a card game?"

"Yeah. What do you want to play?"

"I don't know... Rummy?"

"Sounds good. Want some tea?" He asked me, moving to the teapot even though I hadn't said anything yet.




A few minutes later he handed me my tea and we played a game of Rummy. I started to feel a bit sleepy, so I left Zico alone and went to take a nap. I hated that I was sleeping so much, but I knew that if I slept I would dream, and those dreams were always about Onew, no matter if they were sad or not. I just wanted to see his face, just for a moment. So I laid down and fell asleep.

When I woke it was night already, and Zico was gone. I thought about escaping and following the road, but I was tired and I knew I wouldn't get far. I sat on the couch in the dark, wondering where Zico had gone.

And then I felt someone poking my arm, saying, "Meeghan. Wake up. Hey. Wake up." For a second it sounded like Onew. I opened my eyes and sat up quickly, grinning hugely. When I saw it was Zico, my face fel and I felt like I was going to cry.

Standing next to Zico was an older man, dressed like a doctor. I sighed. I wanted him to take me to a hospital. Not bring back a doctor who was probably in on this with Zico. This wasn't fair.

"Meeghan, the doctor is going to do some tests on you. His name is Mr. Johnson." He introduced us. I shook the doctors hand.

"Hello Meeghan. Is it okay if I do some tests?"

I nodded, biting my lip. I really wanted to say no, but I might as well find out what's wrong with me. He checked my eyes and my ears and my throat, and then took a couple vials of blood. After a while I started to kind of like this guy. He was cheerful and he smiled a lot and when he did the skin around his eyes crinkled up and he looked like an adorable old man. I guessed he was about 50 or so.

"Would you mind peeing in this cup for me?" He handed me the cup and smiled. "I know, it's gross, but it helps alot with testing." I nodded and did what he asked. I handed him the box with the cup in it when I finally came out of the bathroom and he smiled and said "I'll be back tonight. I'll have some answers by then hopefully." I smiled and waved as he walked away.

Zico and I made some lunch, and of course, I barfed it up afterward. But I was still hungry. So Zico popped some popcorn and we sat down and watched a movie. I was actually starting to get really comfortable, being here with him, and I didn't want that to happen. It wasn't supposed to happen. I was planning on staying mad at him until he realized I was never going to love him like that and then he would take me home. But it was hard. He was my best friend and we always had a lot of fun together. He was funny and whitty and always made me laugh. I couldn't keep the giggles back when he told a joke.

He seemed really tense though. Until Mr. Johnson came back, he seemed like he just couldn't relax. And when Mr. Johnson did come back, he was even worse. I thought the veins in his neck were going to pop.

"Well, from the tests we did, we found out you aren't sick. It isn't the flu, it isn't some serious disease." He started flipping through papers. When he found what he was looking for, he smiled and handed it to me. "It's actually great news. You're a really healthy young lady." He grinned even bigger. I took the paper and scanned over it quickly. It was the results of one of the tests. Zico leaned over my shoulder to look at it, and after about 5 seconds, I heard him take a sharp breath and he looked away, staring at something else in the room. I looked at him, wondering what was wrong, then searched the paper. It said the test was positive but I didn't know what it was for.

"What's this test?" I asked Mr. Johnson.

"A pregnancy test." He smiled, his eyes crinkling. "Congrats. You're having a baby."


Okay so, if you are reading this, I want you to comment.

And subscribe.

and tell me what you think will happen next. >:D

And tell me, what do you want to happen? Do you want Meeghan

to go back to Onew?

or stay with Zico?

:3 Commenttttt!!! SUBSCRIBBBBEEEEE

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good story :)
Chapter 39: OMGGGGG LOVED IT <3
pinkaddict #3
onew!!! :DDD

im a new reader! :DD and i think i love it already!! :DD
Chapter 39: fbsdafsdjfsnxz omo author-nim this is the best story eveeer:3 PLEASE PLASE MAKE A SEQUEL><
mrsb2st #5
Oh SNAAPPPPPPP~!!!!!!! *gasp* I see it NOW~! Cause... Of the whole 'Zico appa' thing and then getting Onew to get the DNA test so it would freak him out even more when he realized Zico really was the dad.... *gasp* wow....!

Ha! Okay sorry for the spam of messages.... =| I'm just mind blown here.... Lol
mrsb2st #6
.... Okay cause if it was Zico's then wouldn't Meeghan and Onew know.....!? So they wouln't be freaked out by it..... O________o
mrsb2st #7
OMGGGGG SERIOUSLY!!??? WHAT THE HECK!? =O I am SUPER confusd by the ending now....... TT please tell me..... IS JOONGKI ONEWS OR ZICOS!!!????? Gahhhhhhhhh....!!!!!!!

On a side note..... Aww, great story! Heh, I was like meeghan and wanted him to be released, but at the same time, he's so manipulative and annoying that I just want him to be out of the picture.....! Lol.
ukissmekevin16 #8
Sequel. Now. Is he zicos. Cuz holy ship if he is. Dam zicos a manipulator