Chapter 3


I didn't know how long I had been laying there, sobbing until I felt like my eyes were going to bleed. After laying there for even longer, I stood up, wiped my tears away, and opened the door Zico walked out of.

It led to a long hallway, with 3 other doors. At the end of the hall was the living room.  I could see sunlight coming in through a sliding door at the back of the room, which led to a patio. I walked up to the door and looked out, shelding my eyes from the burning sun.

The land outside was vast, huge, like it would never end. There was a lot of grass, and I could see a field of flowers on the right side. It was beautiful. I want to walk out and lay in the grass, but I fought the urge and continued looking around the house. Connected to the living room was the kitchen, where Zico was, making something at the stove. I stood there and watched him, wondering what had happened to my best friend.

He turned around and set a plate down on the table and looked surprised when he saw me. A huge grin broke out onto his face.

"Hey. I was wondering when you were going to come out." He said. I frowned.

"I was planning on never coming out but I got hungry."

"I made some waffles!" He said, trying to sound cheerful. I ignored him and headed for the fridge and pulled out an orange. I peeled it and ate it quickly as he stood in front of the table, watching me. I stood up, washed my hands, and started walking back to the room I had been staying in before.

"Meeghan. Wait." He said, following after me. I stopped and turned.

"What?" I asked. "What do you want?"

"I want to talk to you."

"Well, right now, I really don't want to talk to you."

"Oh come on. Seriously, this isn't that bad. We're living in New Zealand! Have you looked outside? Isn't it beautiful?"


"That's the reason why I chose this place. Because of all the flowers and animals running around. There was a herd of sheep here earlier, but you missed them. It's wonderful." He smiled and looked around. "I brought some movies too. Your favorites. We could sit down and watch them. And I have chocolate icecream!"

"Where are we? It seems like we're in the middle of nowhere." I said, ignoring him.

"Um... not exactly the middle of nowhere. The nearest town is like.... 10 miles? We don't have many neighbors either because it's mostly farm land out here." He looked at me. "Why? Are you planning on running away?"

"Well duh." I sighed.

"Why do you want to leave so badly? This place is amazing!" He exclaimed. "You have no idea. I chose this place FOR you. Because I knew you would love it. Can't you be a little thankful?"

"THANKFUL? You want me to be THANKFUL? ZICO. YOU STOLE ME AWAY FROM MY HOME, MY HUSBAND, MY LIFE! WHY WOULD I BE THANKFUL?" I yelled. I was so angry, for once in my life, I wanted to break something. I wanted to punch him. I wanted to cry.

"I only did this because I love you!" He yelled back, his face unbearably sad. I looked away.

"If you really loved me, you would take me back, now."

"I can't. I can't." He shook his head, raking his hand through his hair. "Can't you just be happy? Can't you just try to be happy, for me?"

"Why would I be happy, when you ruined my life?" I spat at him, tears spilling down my cheeks. It was amazing how much fluid could come out of my eyes. My eyes burned and ached from all the crying, and just when I thought they were dry, more tears came.

"Meeghan..." He took a few steps forward, to try and comfort me I guess, but I backed away.

"Zico, I don't understand you. This isn't a game. This is life. You should've just left me alone. You should've just let me be happy where I was. What you did is selfish."

"I was helping you! You don't belong with him! I was trying to help you realize that!"

"I WILL NEVER THINK THAT WAY." I turned around and stomped back to the room and slammed the door shut, locking it.

"Open the door please." He said. I ignored him and walked to the window, trying to pry it open. It wouldn't budge. I looked around for an air conditioner or something, but it was a venting system that kept the house so cool. I was trying to break out, maybe find a way to sneak out and escape when he wasn't paying attention. But the window was nailed shut, and there was no other way out of this room but the door.  "Meeghan. Talk to me."

"Take me home."

"No." He said.

"Zico. Take me home."



"I can't."

I was silent for a moment, then I walked to the door and opened it. He stared at me. "Will I ever see him again? Will I ever get to go back?" I asked quietly.

He shook his head. "I can't let you go."

That was it. I sunk to my knees, feeling utter despair. I covered my face with my hands and cried, again. I wondered how many times I had cried today, how many tears had fallen from my swollen eyes. I wished Onew was here, hugging me, holding me close and whispering sweet comforting words into my ear, telling me funny jokes, trying to make me laugh and stop crying. But he wasn't here. And that just made me cry harder.

I felt Zico's arms around me, hugging me tightly to himself, whispering to me. "Shhh. It'll be okay. I promise. It's okay. I love you. I love you so much. Shhhh." I fought against him, pounding my fists on his chest, again and again, harder and harder, hoping he would let go, hoping he would end up with bruises. But he never let go. He let me hit him again and again and whispered in my ear again and again. "I'm sorry, but I had to. I love you, I'm sorry."

Finally he let go and helped me up, holding my hand. "Hey. Come on. I know a way to cheer you up. Why don't you get a shower, and get dressed? I'll wait for you." He grinned and kissed my forehead.  I recoiled, and he noticed, but when he let go of my hand and left the room, he was still grinning, his fake grin that I always hated. I hated when he smiled like that. It always made something in my heart shatter, seeing him that way. Nothing was ever okay when he smiled like that.

And it really wasn't. But I listened to him and headed for the shower. I let the water run and get hot, scorching hot, the way I liked it, and stepped in, letting it wash over me. I looked down, searching for a shampoo or soap of some type, and found it. My favorite shampoo, which smelled like coconut, and my favorite soap, which always left my skin nice and smooth and smelling like vanilla. I closed my eyes and washed my hair, and for a second I felt like I was home, in our apartment, taking a shower before going to meet Onew in bed. And then he would sniff my hair and groan and tell me how great I smelled. And then he would joke about buying me shampoo that smelled like chicken. And he would laugh and smile and kiss me and we'd cuddle and fall asleep, holding each other close. My heart clenched and ached at the thought. I felt for a second like I couldn't breathe.

I gained control of myself finally and got out of the shower, toweling dry. I went into the room and searched through the dresser and the closet for something to wear. Everything was... cute. And something I would definitely wear. I was having a hard time choosing what to wear, but finally I grabbed a cute blue and white striped sundress, that reached just below my knees, and a pair of white sandals. I felt adorable. If only Onew.... I shook my head and controlled my tears and walked out of he room to see Zico. He grinned when he saw me.

"I knew that was the first thing you would choose. It's so... you." He said, laughing. I frowned. "Come on. I'll take you outside."

Outside? I had a sudden idea. If he took my outside... I could probably run. I was in shape, since Onew made me run with him every morning, so it could work. But I didn't know how fast Zico would be able to catch up with me. He led me through the kitchen and out a side door, down a long stairway, and into the long grass and flowers. I laughed and twirled, I couldn't help it. The sun was warm, but not too warm, and the grass felt great on my legs. I took my shoes off, going barefoot instead. The flowers made the air smell wonderful.  I sat down on the grass and picked a few daffodils, smelling them and trying to make a little crown. Zico sat down next to me and laughed.

"Remember when we used to do that with dandilions? You used to put them in my hair and pretend we were getting married." He grinned.

"Yeah. That was fun. Except then you would get mad and rip the crown up and stomp away." I frowned.

"Hey, I was just a little boy. I didn't understand." He stuck his tongue out at me. I grinned, then stopped, realizing what I was doing, and frowned.

"What's wrong?" He asked, touching my shoulder. I shook his hand away.

"Zico... Can't you.. just let me go?" I asked, my voice quiet.

"This again?" He sighed. "I can't, I already said that. I won't let you go. There's no way I'll let you go back to him."

"What do you hate so much about him?" I asked.

"I don't hate anything about him. I don't really hate him. I just think that he's not good enough for you."

"And you are?"

"Basically, yes." He grinned, picking grass and throwing it at me. I still frowned, wiping the grass out of my hair.

I stood up, grabbed my shoes, and headed back toward the house.

"Where are you going?" He asked.

"Back inside. I don't want to be out here right now." I started toward the steps, when I saw the road. It was about 30 yards from the bottom of the steps. That road had to lead somewhere, eventually. I looked back at him, he was starting to get up, his back to me, picking up my crowns of flowers. This was my chance.

I threw my shoes down and ran for it, pushing myself as hard as I could.

"MEEGHAN!" I heard him yell. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?"

I ran faster. Don't look. DON'T LOOK. Don't look at him, don't look behind you. I told myself.

"STOP RUNNING!" He yelled. His voice was closer now. I couldn't help it. I looked.

And then I tripped and fell, sticking my hands out to help cushion the fall. Zico stopped and bent down on the ground next to me.

"Why did you run?" He panted, trying to help me up.

I was doomed. I couldn't escape. I was going to never see Onew again.

And then everything went black and I passed out.

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good story :)
Chapter 39: OMGGGGG LOVED IT <3
pinkaddict #3
onew!!! :DDD

im a new reader! :DD and i think i love it already!! :DD
Chapter 39: fbsdafsdjfsnxz omo author-nim this is the best story eveeer:3 PLEASE PLASE MAKE A SEQUEL><
mrsb2st #5
Oh SNAAPPPPPPP~!!!!!!! *gasp* I see it NOW~! Cause... Of the whole 'Zico appa' thing and then getting Onew to get the DNA test so it would freak him out even more when he realized Zico really was the dad.... *gasp* wow....!

Ha! Okay sorry for the spam of messages.... =| I'm just mind blown here.... Lol
mrsb2st #6
.... Okay cause if it was Zico's then wouldn't Meeghan and Onew know.....!? So they wouln't be freaked out by it..... O________o
mrsb2st #7
OMGGGGG SERIOUSLY!!??? WHAT THE HECK!? =O I am SUPER confusd by the ending now....... TT please tell me..... IS JOONGKI ONEWS OR ZICOS!!!????? Gahhhhhhhhh....!!!!!!!

On a side note..... Aww, great story! Heh, I was like meeghan and wanted him to be released, but at the same time, he's so manipulative and annoying that I just want him to be out of the picture.....! Lol.
ukissmekevin16 #8
Sequel. Now. Is he zicos. Cuz holy ship if he is. Dam zicos a manipulator