Chapter 6

We Know It's Love


Next morning..
"Sehuna.. Wake up"
"Wake up! You're going to be late to school! How can you sleep in the living room"
"Oh... What time is it now?? Oh my god... I'm gonna late. My exam.. Oh my god"
"Just go to bath now!"
Chaotic this morning. Suho just waking up the maknae and serve him a breakfast.
Sehun already finish shower and get in the uniform, he rush into the door.
"hyung... I'll leave now!"
"sehuna.. Have your breakfast first!"
"I have no time! Bye!"
Sigh.. This is because of you, Kim Jongin.
8pm today.
Jongin just got back to the dorm. He looks exhausted. Today is the last practice, before tomorrow go for video clip making.
"I'm coming"
He open the door and see no one inside but Sehun who's watching TV alone.
Sehun notice someone's coming.
"Where were you last night? Are you not going home?"
"I slept at Shinee's dorm"
"Not going to tell me?"
"I told Suho hyung"
"O.. Where are the others?"
"We have day off today. Suho hyung go to his home. Kyungsoo and Baekhyun hyung i guess they went shopping with Tao, Chanyeol hyung hang out with his friend"
"'re not going anywhere?"
"Ok.. I'm going to bath and sleep now. I tired, night"
"Why you didn't reply my message?"
"Oh... My phone was shut off"
"Sigh.. Liar..."
"I'm tired Sehuna.."
Jongin is about to sleep. He's already on the bed, turn off the light, and close his eyes. Til someone enter the room and turn on the light, Jongin still close his eyes
"Kyungsoo hyung? Is that you hmm?"
He is groaning.
"Are you that busy, huh?"
Jongin open his eyes. It's not Kyungsoo's voice, but Sehun.
"Sehuna? What are you doing here?"
"Are you that busy, huh?"
"What do you mean?"
"I've texted you many times! I've called you many times. But no response from you! Are you that busy, huh?"
"Se-sehun..why suddenly?"
"You know... I'm waiting for you to be home. I want you to help me study. I want you to company me while i'm study like you always did. But.. I're least, reply my message, or just call me back..why you ignoring me?"
"Sehuna..calm down..i don't mean to ignore you.. I just.."
"I miss you, hyung"
"I miss you, hyung. It upset me when i know you'll be busy at this week. It upset me when you're not here. I miss you!"
The maknae down his head.
"I'm sorry if i say it. I'm sorry if you would think i'm weird. But i think.. I.. I.. I love you, hyung!"
Jongin drop his jaw.
"Sehuna.. What? Can you repeat ot again?"
"Oh..i'm sorry hyung. I don't mean it. Forget it"
"I told you to repeat it, right? Say it to me once again"
"I.. I can't hyung.. Oh no"
He cover his face. He just feel embarassing with this confession
"Sehuna.. Come here"
Jongin pat his side for Sehun to seat. The maknae still freezing standing.
"Sehuna? Are you listening to me? Come here, please. Sit beside me"
Sehun step closer to the bed and he sit beside Jongin
"Sehun.. Give me your hand"
Jongin grab his hand and put it on his chest.
"Sehuna.. Can you feel it?"
"Can you feel it my heart's pounding?"
"It's pounding for you, Sehuna. And it always been like this."
"For a long time"
"A long time?"
And within a second, Jongin lips landed on Sehun. This is what he want for a long time. Feels Sehun soft lips.
Sehun was shock a bit. But Jongin kissed him slowly and Sehun slowly follow the ryhthm of their kiss. He respond it well. Jongin feel every part of Sehun's lip. From slowly kiss to passionate kiss. Sehun from this kiss. He can't help it. All the system on his body were react by jongin kiss.
Jongin grab Sehun's hair and ask him for entering his mouth. Jongin feel each room in Sehun's mouth. This is what he want for a long time.
They break the kiss to catch some air. They look at each other and smile.
"Sehuna.. I love you"
And he kiss him again. He pull Sehun's body closer to him. His arm link on Sehun's neck. They're kissing like there's no tomorrow. When Jongin break their kiss again, sehun look a lil bit upset..
"What? You want more?"
The maknae just laugh at it.
"Come here"
Jongin pull him to his embrace. Sehun leaning on his chest.
"Sehuna.. Now tell me"
"Since when you.."
"Loving you?"
"I don' know. Maybe for a long time. But i just don't want to accept it. That i love you. I think i'm still normal"
"I know right"
"But.. For Jongin.. I won't be normal anymore"
"Haha.. Cute. Ok, so how about Young Mi? I thought you're dating her"
"I'm supposed to"
"But... My heart's not pounding for her, but you. I love you, hyung"
Jongin just smile look at his lover.
"Don't lie to me. I heard from Baekhyun hyung, you calling her every night. In the midnight"
"Haha.. She help me to study, since someone didn't go home to help me even though i ask him to help me"
"Haha who's that guy? Why so mean?"
They kissed again. And this will be habit for both of them.
"Can we be like this every night?"
"Haha my wish!"
"Kyungsoo hyung will be home tonight?"
"I don't think so and i hope not"
They laugh and rest their head on each other. They closed his eyes and decide to sleep to be like this.
"I love you, Sehuna.. Good night"
And he kiss Sehun's forehead.
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Chapter 6: aiyaaaaaaa so sweet! i love the scene when sehun kept asking jongin is he busy or what.. that's so cute! and lovely.. well, thanks for masking this story, author-nim.. :) i like it!
purplethickhardblood #2
Chapter 6: yeah yeah ..the right moment has arriveddddddd ..kyaaaaaa.sekai..oh my gowd my everywhere with sekai..thanks for making out like this i love this part ..kyaaaaaa.update more *panted heavily*
Chapter 6: Finally! Sehun and jongin confession moment. :) Good thing He didnt date the girl. :D
Chapter 5: you better go for a walk and settle things with your hyung, sehuna.. :) poor sehun for being abandoned by jongin.. but i understand why jongin's being like that...
well, update soon, author-nim :)
ayojoshong #5
Chapter 4: Sehun so dead! Huh, poor Jongin because his heartb been broken. Update soon author-nim :')
Chapter 4: really? sehun is calling her? ow, jongin-ah, you better not give up of Sehun.. go get your man, Jong! :D
update soon, author-nim :)
Chapter 3: Awww sehun making gwiyomi to catch kai's attention. Awww so cuteeeeeee *.*
Chapter 3: geez Sehun-ah, why you're so cutee? no wonder why Jongin's falling for you :)
author-nim, this is so cuteee! i like it so much! well, update soon,ne? :) subscribe immediately~ :3
Ohkimsora #9
Chapter 3: OMG~this pairing are soooooo cute...sehunaaaa please do giyomi 4 me too!!! ^3^
darksanctuary #10
Chapter 3: You,can kiss hunny jongin... like now! Kkkk~