Chapter 1: A Savior, Perhaps?

Hidden ♦


- Take Me Away
C H A P T E R  1; A savior, perhaps?
It was raining again. The Heaven was crying again. The people walking on the street tried to run away from the terrible wetness that would come if they would've continued walking in the same pace. Colorful umbrellas were opened up, hovering over people's heads. A book was laying on my lap as I gazed down the window. The raindrops landed slowly on the glass pane and then dripped down leaving a trail behind. I tried counting them, but lost track after 24th.
I focused my eyes on the outside world again, spotting a person that had stopped in front of Jill's gates, Jill as in this mansion I was trapped in. That person was looking straight up, observing Jill. I gazed at his eyes that were slowly moving towards my window. Centimetre by centimetre, they slowly made their way to my window, stopping there completely. My icy gaze was focused on him, noticing that his mouth slowly fell agape. I blinked slowly, almost like I was falling asleep. Tearing my gaze away from him, I looked up at the grey clouds transferring the cries of the angels down here. Maybe the angels were trying to put out the Hell's fires by crying.
I carefully landed my feet on the cold floor, getting up and leaving the window sill behind. My petite pale hands hugged my ribcage protectively, as I quietly walked through the dark long hallway. And just like always, I imagined it to be lit, warm and welcoming. I imagined the little boy running from inside his room eagerly downstairs, making Jill live again. I imagined I could hear small warm chattering from downstairs and I imagined that the fireplace downstairs was burning, warming the house up.
I almost heard laughter.
But I didn't.
I slipped my hand carefully onto the railing of the stairway, gripping into it. I brushed against its surface as I walked downstairs, only the stairs making noise under my weight. My eyes landed on the door that I met up with as I arrived downstairs. Silently, I hoped I could go out to enjoy the rain, the tears of the angels.
Instead of doing so, I looked away and opened the door leading to the dining area that once was filled with delicious food. I looked at the carpet as I went through it as quickly as possible, I didn't want to be there, arriving to the kitchen. I closed the kitchen door behind me, shutting away the memories, sighing in the progress. I grabbed the handle of the fridge and opened it, meeting up with a bottle of water. Grabbing it, I poured some into a clean glass that I had reached from the cabinet.
At the same time, the kitchen door opened again. My whole body stopped moving as I tried to calm down.
"You're outside", a voice said. It sounded calm, yet at the same time it made me panic. I turned around while I looked down, not daring to look up. The eyes of the demon stalked me from the kitchen door observing my every move. I knew he heard my blood pumping and I knew he felt my fear.
I knew he had the urge to touch me, in a way that would never give me pleasure. But he never did.
"Is your room warm enough?", the voice boomed all around the kitchen, calm yet powerful. I nodded as in a trance, eyes still glued on the floor. A whisper-like "good" came out from his lips and then I heard him walk away. After the kitchen door had closed once again, I looked up. He sure was gone. For how long, I didn't know. I quickly gulped down the water and put it inside the dishwasher, before escaping the demon back inside my room. The same route, but with a much faster pace, to the only safe place inside this mansion, the master bedroom. Not even the bathroom's were safe anymore.
I closed the door behind me, hearing my hard breathing. He could hear it too, I knew. I looked up to see an item still hanging on the wall above the door. A paper filled with signs I couldn't understand. It was made in a hurry, judging from its sloppy appearance. It was nailed on the wall, and it meant life and death to me. Getting on top of the chair I had grabbed from next to me, I assured it was nailed properly. Just as I stepped down on the cold floor, the doorbell rung. My eyes widened as I looked at the door. I knew the demon was expecting me to get it.
I just haven't heard the voice in years. I inhaled air as if it was running out of this room. Just that sound alone brought warmth into this mansion. I grabbed the handle to open the bedroom's door when I heard it again.This time, without wasting another second, I stepped outside walking in a fast pace. I was wary of my surroundings knowing that he was here somewhere.
As I reached the groundfloor, I stopped. He was standing in front of the door, looking at me. The red eyes glowing, he gazed at me.
"The doorbell rung", he informed nonchalantly. I didn't want to get closer to him. Then the doorbell rung again. I glanced at the door, and then back at the demon. "Go on", he urged, his excitement clearly noticeable in his voice. So I walked to the door, the demon giving me cold shivers as I went past him. I reached for the handle and opened it, silently regretting the desicion already. A man was standing there, his mouth hanging open by one centimetre or more. But not just any man, the man that I had eyecontact with earlier.
I knew he couldn't see the monster staring right into him, and I felt bad for opening the door.
"I--, oh my god, why am I even here?", the man panicked looking away and biting his lips. He turned around, showing me his back, but then turning back around, panic visible in his facial expression. "I just--, we made eyecontact earlier, and I--", he stumbled upon his words making weird hand movements I couldn't understand. He was all over the place as he tried to say something. He then sighed.
"Hello, I'm Zhang Yixing, and I'm sorry."
No, I'm sorry.
I watched him reach out his hand indicating that I had to shake it. I hesitated, and looked back at the demon. He was observing the man, curious about how he had the courage to come here. I turned back and shook the hand that was awkwardly pointed towards me.
"You don't talk too much, do you? Uh, oh, I understand, well, you don't even know why I'm here, so, uh", he stuttered, attempting to sound cool. I heard the demon chuckle. "I just find you really interesting, and this house, I mean, mansion looks so cool. Do you live here, like I'm not trying to sound rude or anything--", he started, but I interrupted him.
"I do live here, do you want to live here also?", I asked making him freeze. "I, well, I don't know you, so, I--, what?", he asked utterly confused. The next sentence I said was a risk, but I took it anyway.
"Do you want to help me?", I asked. The demon behind me took a step closer. The man widened his eyes and blinked many times before he composed himself. "I, if this is about money, I really don't have any and you're still just a stranger, so", he said like a reasonable human being would say.
"This isn't about money. If you need me to be precise, well then, do you want to fall in love with me?", I asked gazing right into his eyes. The demon behind me came next to me trying to grab me from my arm, but stopped midway. I saw him stare right into my eyes, trying to make a hole into them.  I remained calm from the outside, still looking at the other man, who was taken by surprise. The demon finally lowered his arm, but continued to gaze at me. I let out a sigh of relief.
The man finally opened his mouth, but closed it again. He observed my face, trying to find out if this wasn't just a teenager's stupid little joke. He even reached out to look behind my shoulder, but to see nothing out of the usual. He opened his mouth again, just to let out a sound of disbelief.
"Are you sure this isn't a joke, because I'm a little freaked out now", he said and let out a nervous laugh. I nodded, indicating that I was sure of it.
He raised his eyebrows, speechless. "I'm--, bye", he said and turned around, hurrying outside Jill's gates. He left one open on the way and I let out a sigh
The demon was still looking at me, and when I looked back, fear came back to me. I quickly looked back at the gates, slowly stepping outside to the rain. I silently and slowly made my way to them, closing the one before me. For a brief second, I gazed at the man's hurrying back, but then walked back in to meet with the demon.
"Interesting", was the only thing he had said before disappeared somewhere again. After that I returned back to my room.


sorry for the possible typos, inform me if you see any, please.

so, here's the first chapter, the next one may or may not come soon. just a tasting of what's going to come, should i say?

by the way, can you guess who's the "demon"?

- whaley  (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づヾ


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Last chapter coming soon D':


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This was a wonderful fanfic, thank you for writing so well :)
The start is kinda creepy. And that means.. This. Will. Be. Awesome! Been looking for a horror/supernatural/weird/creepy fic. Thanks! :p
Chapter 3: LAYHAN FOREVER! Lol, excuse meh..
Wow, your story is awesome so far, I'm really glad I found this fanfic, it's been a long time since I've actually read something like this. I'm just surprised that you don't have a lot of comments or subscribers. Well, take your time to update, I'll be anticipating it!
Chapter 1: Omg this is so good i hope you'll update soon!!
Demon.... The only guy i thought of is Kai for some odd reason. Tsk.