Chapter 2 - Coming home

Sun Love


Author's POV 
She and GD argued the whole night because Dara insisted that she needs to stay in Manila.  "You don't belong here Dara. This is not your home." GD said hoping that he could convince her to come home. "My home is where I choose it to be GD." Dara replied tearing the ticket in front of her friends. 
GD gave up. The goal of his visit was to check on Dara and not force her to go home anyways.  Dara insisted that they go to her favorite beach in the Philippines the next day.  He grabbed his phone and booked a flight going there and send another text to someone "we're going to the beach tomorrow. Go straight there." 
The next day GD could tell Dara cried the whole night as her eyes were puffy.  But as soon as the plane reached their destination and the hotel speed boat took them to the island Dara was all smiles.  "Yah! you don't look like a girl who has been dumped!" GD teased. 
"FYI I dumped him! Besides, I love the beach it's where the sun is at its brightest." Dara replied wearing her sunnies and stared indirectly at the bright sun. "I love sunny days." she added.   
"I'm sorry you love sunny days or the sun?" Bom teased giving GD a high five. Dara ignored the two. "I'll enjoy my short vacation and leave the two of you. I think Bom wants an update of how Korea is doing right now." Dara said walking towards their hotel.  Bom giving her a glare and GD snickering at the side comment of his bestfriend. 
The whole day the 3 were just bickering and laughing and telling endless stories about what was happening in their lives.  After dinner, Bom needed to do work stuff that's why when GD asked them for a night walk on the shoreline she declined.   
GD and Dara were quiet during their walk and when they got tired they sat on the sand and stared at the full moon. "Baby girl, don't you want to come home?" GD started to break his silence.  Dara looked at him with a warm smile. "I have a life here GD. I can't just turn my back from my work, my friends, the people I work with." GD pouted his lips. "We're your friends too. we're like your family already. we've known each other since we were kids." he reminded his friend.   
"Then you should understand how I feel GD. Why I want to stay. I'm happy here."Dara said leaning his head on GD's shoulder. "I worked hard to be where I am right now. I did it on my own, and my name has nothing to do with where I am right now.  I can't just throw it all away.I have everything I need right now GD." 
They got startled when a mobile phone rang, it seems to be coming from behind the trees near them.  They got up and checked and saw that no one was there. "Must've been a passerby, let's call it a night? I have to be back early tomorrow." GD said holding Dara's hand and leading her back to their hotel room 
-end of flashback- 
"Dara, what's our first stop when we get there? are we meeting the President of YG first or are we meeting your dad first?" Kyuhun, Dara's team member asked, bringing her out of her deep thoughts. Ji Suk, Dara's bodyguard pretending to be her cousin in front of Dara's officemates tensed up.  They haven't really polished the plan yet.  
Bom who was sound asleep a few minutes ago, straightened up and answered their eager friend. "I think Dara and Ji Suk needs to drop by somewhere first, so we'll just meet up with them at the YG building." she said winking at Dara.  "I can't believe we got Big Bang as endorsers for our products!!!" Sohee, another one of Dara's team mates exclaimed. "I can't believe we could afford Big Bang!" Choi Min Ho, another one of their teammates exclaimed sarcastically. Dara smiled, her team mates are in for a big surprise.
The truth is, Dara herself is shocked when their Head called for a meeting and told her that they will be going to Korea to do a photoshoot for Big Bang as their endorsers. 
"Dara, I know this is short-noticed but I think you and Bom fits the tasks very well. We signed up a korean idol group to endorse our products, since Kpop is very popular nowadays. Corporate thinks they will help us add more to our annual income" her boss explained to her.  "You will need to go to Korea though, we tried to bargain for the group to just stay here but apparently their schedule is really tight. The only workaround we could find is sending a team there. You can choose your team members, you'll be staying there for about a month? two months would be the maximum? All expense paid." by this time Dara looked at Bom who stared back at her.  For those who don't know them it looks like their playing a staring concert.  But for those who know them well will say that they are talking through their eyes.
"Since you are from that country I thought communication would go well with the clients since we won't need a translator anymore. The corporate wants to know the answer within the day though. So what do you think are you up for it?" her boss asked while signing through some papers.  
"Fine with me, which idol group are we talking about anyways? Super Junior?" Dara asked. She has a hunch that this is not good, not to mention the beating she'll get from Bom after this meeting.
"Big Bang." Dara frozed with the two words her boss have blurted. No. she thought.
-end of flashback
"Dara are you alright?" Choi Min ho asked snapping Dara back to reality. "Yes, I guess I'm sleepy. Lately I haven't been able to sleep right." Dara answered. Bom gave her a backhug. "Relax, everything will be fine. You're just worried." she encouraged her friend.
"tch! always the perfectionist Dara!"Kyuhun exclaimed. Just then the pilot announced their descent. After a few minutes their plane has landed and Dara and her team, disembarked the aircraft.
They are now walking towards the carousel where they'll be waiting for their things when black suited guys approached them.
"Little Miss..." the one in front said to Dara. Dara in return shooked her head disapproving on what the guy was about to say. "Not yet." she blurted in Korean. "Are you the YG people to pick us up?"  Bom said giving one of her bags to one of the suited guys. "AH yes Miss.. Please let us help you with your luggage. We have a van waiting for you outside to take you to your hotel and then take you to the building." The guy said taking the luggage from Bom's hand. 
"Dara we need to go first so you can catch up with them." Ji Suk suddenly talked. "Oh yeah, Bom you'll take care of our things yeah?" Dara turned and saw Bom turned pale. Aigoo, she still don't know what to do once they get there. "You ok Bom?" Dara asked.
"Yes I am. Now go! We'll meet you there." Bom said giving one of her luggage again to the suited guys.  Dara and Ji Suk left them and proceeded at the arrival greeting area.  Dara hurriedly scanned through the people waiting and pouted her lips. 
"Looking for me?" a voice said behind her. She turned and found a guy in a hooded jacket and large sunglasses behind her.  "Jiyong!" she shouted giving him a big hug. "Hey baby girl! Welcome home!" he answered hugging her tightly.
"You sure you and YG had nothing to do with this?" Dara asked giving GD a warning look. "Nope! I was shocked when they said that your company got us as well!" GD said putting his arms around Dara. "Let's go?" GD asked and lead the way out of the airport.
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Chapter 1: Oooooooooh, interesting.
HeroAce5 #2
Chapter 33: i think Darayang is my favorite couple now xD
krista_peewy #3
Chapter 55: super like! :)
Chapter 55: awwww... T_T love the vows unnie.
bb2ne1fanjj #5
Chapter 55: I'm stupid hehehe. I almost cried while smiling with their wedding vows. Gosh, I so love this two that I get carried away with stories about them. What can I say, I'm definitely a Darayang shipper.
Chapter 54: Assdfghjklpiyremnbvcxzxasdfjihgf omonaaaa she's say YES
Gingerz #7
Chapter 52: wow wasn't expecting that .....poor nichkhun and Bom!!! but strange as it seems to me I'm happy at the same time...hmmmm
Chapter 52: poor khunnieeee.... T~T
Chapter 52: awwwww... I'm hurting for Nichkhun.. T_T
Chapter 49: andweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee....