

I hope you're not that grossed out by this word vomit. xD

Memory is an idea. An idea pressed tightly against the pages of your brain. But sometimes pages are ripped away. There is no hope for those pages and all they held in between.

There is no hope for us.


It was a normal day in Seoul. Light drizzle fell against heated skin. Crowds embroidered in the colourless tapestry of the packed streets. Loud silences rang and the sea of people tried to drown the sounds. It was lifeless lives that all these people led, without colour, without sound, but with a stifling grey that was neither black nor white.

A yellow raincoat stood out from the monochromatic scene. A splash of light in the otherwise dark surroundings. It was that which caught his eye. Because it showed that there was still a ray of sun in this place led by the moon.

Ugh does this even make sense? o_O Idk really. Oh well.

I'm so sorry I completely forgot about this UHUHU


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AptonKey #1
batonkun #2
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^