Boyfriend and Girlfriend

Eye-Candy Boy

The next morning, you woke up to the sound of your umma yelling "~~~~~-AAAAAH!!!!!!!!"

"WHAAAAAAAAAAT?" You yelled back groggily.

"Hurry up and get dressed for school! You're going to be late! Also, there's someone here waiting for you!"

Huh? "Who?" Umma knew Junhyung, Hyunseung, Sunhi, and Yoseob like they were her own children. Who was it, then?

"He's such a handsome, sweet young man! The one that's been here before! What was his name............Kikwang? He says he's your BOYFRIEND!"


You gasped when you remembered what happened yesterday after school. "OH MY GOD!!!! KIKWANG!!!!"

You rushed to pull on your uniform and tied your hair in a ponytail. You allowed twenty seconds to fuss over yourself and make sure you at least looked presentable before practically running down the stairs with your backpack.

Kikwang was sitting on the kitchen stool, smiling charmingly at umma. And from the look on umma's face, she was completely won over. "He's so handsome and polite!" She whispered to you, smiling from ear to ear. Then she hugged you. "Oh, ~~~~~-ah, I'm so HAPPY for you! You've gotten over The Incident!"

"Not exactly." You said grumpily, although you couldn't help smiling yourself. "It was a complete accident that this happened."

Umma shushed you and, still smiling happily, pushed you and Kikwang out the door. "Have fun in school, darling!" She called out. "And don't rush going home! Take ALL THE TIME YOU NEED with your BOYFRIEND!!!"

You groaned, embarassed. Then you turned and saw Kikwang looking even more embarassed.

"I-I-I hope you don't m-mind I said b-b-boyfriend." Kikwang stammered, turning bright red. "I-it's just that since, you know, what happened y-y-y-y-y-yesterday, we m-might k-know........"

You smiled. He was so cute and adorable sometimes...............WOAH, WAIT!!! WHY WERE YOU THINKING THAT???!!!! NO, YOU CANNOT THINK ABOUT THAT, BECAUSE-------------

Oh, that's right. It's okay to think that now. Since he's your boyfriend and all.

Since it looked like Kikwang had the shy, hesitant personality in the romance, it looked like you had to take the lead in everything. You gently took Kikwang's hand.

"I don't mind, Kikwang." You said, grinning. "It's true, right? I am your girlfriend."

Kikwang turned a brighter red and reeled backwards, as if he was going to faint. Then he recovered and quickly straightened up again. He looked like the happiest man on earth.

"Right." He said softly, tightening his hold on you and entertwining his fingers through yours.

The two of you walked to school. "I was wondering........" Kikwang said. "Remember when you told me you sent some people to the ER? Were they.................."

You nodded, no longer smiling. "Yes. Jonghyun, Minho, and Onew decided to pay me a little visit when I left the hospital." You gritted your teeth. "Like I said before, they deserved what they got."

Then you gasped. You just sounded so cold-blooded and evil right then! What if Kikwang got scared?

Surprisingly, Kikwang nodded in agreement. "Those bastards deserved it." He said angrily.

You touched his cheek to calm him down, since you hated seeing him angry. Kikwang relaxed and smiled breathtakingly. "I love you, ~~~~~-ah." He whispered shyly.

"I l-love you too, Kikwang." You stammered, a bit confused by the intensity of his gaze.

Kikwang, still holding your hand, put his other hand on the back of your neck and pulled you forwards. You half-closed your eyes as your lips began to touch his------------



You leapt backwards, and Kikwang pulled you behind him as he faced the direction of the sound. You tried to find who was being murdered.

Instead, you saw a small blonde-haired boy who looked like he was on the verge of tears.

"Yoseob?" You asked.

"NOONA!!!!!!!!! WHY? WHY HIM???!!!!!" Yoseob wailed, running past them to school.

You instantly felt bad.

Junhyung (smirking), Hyunseung (yawning), and Sunhi (smug) appeared. "I knew it! I KNEW IT!!! I KNEW Kikwang would be the right guy for you!" Sunhi squealed.

"Yeah................." You mumbled, smiling. "..........HEY WAIT!!!!!"

"You were about to kiss, weren't you?" Junhyung said, smirking even wider. "And you're holding hands."

You looked down at the hand that was still entertwined with Kikwang's and blushed. Kikwang, however, gripped your hand tightly so you couldn't pull away. "We are together."  He whispered to you. "There's no need to be embarassed."

Funny how when it counts most, Kikwang becomes the coolest, manliest knight-in-shining-armor for you.

Hyunseung's eyes pop open. "EEEEEH???? You guys are dating? How? Why? Since when? Why didn't you tell me?"

"Enough with the questions!!!" You snapped, annoyed as usual by Hyunseung's constant, relentless questions.

" do you think Kikwang's fans are gonna handle this?" Junhyung asked.



"It's not a problem." Kikwang said innocently. "Once they know I'm dating, they'll just back off, right?"





"Kikwang, you're cute but you're naive." Sunhi sighed, shaking her head.

You groaned. "Dammit, they are REALLY going to hate me."

Kikwang smiled angelically. "It's okay, ~~~~~-ah! I'll protect you. They can't hate you if they don't have a reason to, right?"


"Well, there's nothing else you can do, ~~~~~-ah." Sunhi sighed. "Fight them back. That's what you're good at, after all."

You nodded. Kikwang squeezed your fingers and smiled reassuringly. You couldn't help but smile back.

What was Kikwang's fans.........most notable Krystal..................going to do about this?

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Jjongshi #1
Chapter 36: This story is nice!!! I want a nerdy a.k.a hot boyfriend tooooooo!!!!
Chapter 35: gikwang is really an eye candy i must say XD
One of the first fanfics i read when i first started asianfanfics lol luvv this story i will never get tired of this story
Chapter 35: *choked* That was a really sweet ending. Im kinda of shock. Doojoon as bad cast in this fanfic. Keke i love your fanfic. Keke hope you can make more because all you're fanfic, i already read except those 2. Keke hwaiting!
Chapter 35: omg the feels >.< When you first introduced Kikwang I immediately thought of their MV Beautiful and when they fought with Doojoon it was like I Like You The Best. I loved it!!
omg I'll read this soon- I only read the foreword and I was pretty much INSTANTLY captured and I'm so curious about the story lmao ;__;