The Incident

Eye-Candy Boy

"Yah, ~~~~~-ah, who's that?" Hyunseung asked, pointing to Kikwang.

"He's Lee Kikwang. You were in class, didn't you hear him?" You snapped, annoyed as usual by Hyunseung's constant questions.

Hyunseung scratched his head. "Hmmm......nope. I was sleeping."

You rolled your eyes. "Idiot. Don't sleep in class, what's the matter with you?"

Junhyung smacked the back of your head. "You're the idiot. You were sleeping too, before Sunhi-ah woke you up."

Sunhi shook her head and smiled. She noticed Kikwang watching you argue with the two boys looking confused. "Don't mind them, Kikwang." She said. "They always fight like that. They've been friends since kindergarten."

"It looks almost like how you argue with someone you love." Kikwang observed quietly.

Sunhi took a quick glance at him. "Yeah, people used to think that she was dating two guys at once, the way they behaved around each other. Which got her even more unpopular than she already was, with her loud mouth and all. Especially since Junhyung was very popular around that time, before we got together."

"But.......they're just friends, right?" Kikwang asked quickly.

Sunhi smiled. "Yes. They're very close friends, and nothing more. Don't ask that to ~~~~~-ah, though -- she'll snap at you, and trust me when I say this, you don't want her to get angry at you."

"Oh......okay." Kikwang said softly, staring at you. "I'll remember that."


As your group made it to the cafeteria, something that resembled a  yellow bullet came out of nowhere and shot towards you. "~~~~~~~~~~ NOOOOOONAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!" It screamed.

Kikwang jumped a bit, but it turned out to be nothing but a very cute boy with dyed blonde hair, warm puppy-dog eyes, and a big smile.

"I missed you so much, ~~~~~ noona!" He squealed, wrapping his arms around you and squeezing the life out of you. "I couldn't concentrate on my schoolwork at all! All I was thinking of was being able to see you at lunchtime!"

"Okay..........thanks, Yoseob." You said, attempting to push him away from you and failing miserably. "Er......Sunhi-ah.......a little help, please?"

"Right, right, sorry." Sunhi sighed. "Yoseob, leave her alone."

Yoseob pouted and slowly released you. "Yes, noona."

"Kikwang?" Sunhi said, turning to the shocked Kikwang. "This is my little brother, Yang Yoseob. Yoseob, this is our new classmate and friend, Lee Kikwang."

"New 'friend'?" Yoseob said suspiciously, his tone changing as he turned to glare at Kikwang. Kikwang backed away nervously.

"Ignore him, he's always like that to strangers." You said, patting Kikwang's back. He turned red at your touch. "I'm sure he'll warm up to you once he gets to know you."

"What was with that..............hugging thing?" Kikwang stammered.

"Oh, my brother has had a crush on ~~~~~-ah for years." Sunhi said breezily, watching Kikwang's reaction very carefully.

"W-WHAT?" He yelped. He quickly turned to you. "Um........d-did you ever......?"

"What?" You gasped. "Wh--NO! That's disgusting! Besides, he's like a year younger than me. Come on, I'm starving. Let's go get lunch."

Kikwang looked very happy at the thought you didn't like Yoseob.

"Speaking of which, where's Hyunseung?" Everyone turned around to look, and you found Hyunseung leaning against the wall, sleeping. "Figures." You muttered.


It was after school. You walked home with Sunhi. Usually you walk home with the whole gang, but Junhyung and Yoseob were at a student council meeting (Junhyung was vice-president of the council and Yoseob was his class representative) and Hyunseung had detention for sleeping in class (actually, you were supposed to be there too, but you skipped).

"Yah, ~~~~~~-ah........." Sunhi said slyly. "What do you think of Kikwang?"

"Him?" You shrugged. "Nothing, really. He's the new kid. He looks kinda nerdy and dorky, he seems very shy, foolish, and gullible. Other than that, he seems like a good guy and he looks kind of cute underneath those glasses. That's all."

"Hmmmm........what would you say if he asked you out?"

You choked on your own spit. "What? What the hell, Sunhi-ah? That would NEVER happen!"

"I wouldn't think that, ~~~~~~~-ah." Sunhi said, giggling. "Because I've been observing his behaviour, and I am at least 95% sure that he likes you."

"Well, you're 95% wrong." You muttered, feeling the tips of your ears turn pink. You hunched up your shoulders. "Besides, you know I'll never date. I don't like guys."

Sunhi stopped laughing. "~~~~~~-ah, you have to let that go."

"Let what go?" You snapped. "I have nothing to let go. Now excuse me, I need to get home. We're walking at a pace so slow turtles can beat us." You sped up, and Sunhi had to run to catch up to you.

Sunhi watched you carefully. I can't believe you still haven't gotten over The Incident, ~~~~~~-ah. When are you going to just let it go? That was nobody's fault, and especially not yours. You have nothing to blame for it. How are you ever going to find love again when you refuse to forget about the past.


Oooooooh, what's The Incident? XD

LOL but I'm not going to reveal it just yet. I'll drop hints every now and then, but I think I'm just going to wait until the halfway point of the fanfic to reveal The Incident...............mwahahahahaha


Well, I better start planning what The Incident is.

Seriously, folks, I must tell you this right now: NONE OF MY FANFICTION STORIES ARE PLANNED AHEAD!!! I just make it up as I go along. Sometimes I reread the story or the last chapter I updated to get an idea of what's going on, then I make something up that I think is dramatic or whatever.

So if something weird happens that's completely spun-off from the original story idea I planned, DON'T BLAME ME!!!!

Anyway, peace out! 

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Jjongshi #1
Chapter 36: This story is nice!!! I want a nerdy a.k.a hot boyfriend tooooooo!!!!
Chapter 35: gikwang is really an eye candy i must say XD
One of the first fanfics i read when i first started asianfanfics lol luvv this story i will never get tired of this story
Chapter 35: *choked* That was a really sweet ending. Im kinda of shock. Doojoon as bad cast in this fanfic. Keke i love your fanfic. Keke hope you can make more because all you're fanfic, i already read except those 2. Keke hwaiting!
Chapter 35: omg the feels >.< When you first introduced Kikwang I immediately thought of their MV Beautiful and when they fought with Doojoon it was like I Like You The Best. I loved it!!
omg I'll read this soon- I only read the foreword and I was pretty much INSTANTLY captured and I'm so curious about the story lmao ;__;