Yoon Doojoon

Eye-Candy Boy

You woke up in a hospital room. As you sat up and winced, you noticed all of your friends were huddled in the small room, resting in an exhausted manner on stools or chairs.

Sunhi seemed to be the only one awake as the others were closing their eyes. Her head snapped up when she heard you moving. "Guys! She's awake! She's awake!"

The boy's heads jerked up, and they immediately crowded around you.

"Jeezus Christ, ~~~~~-ah, you gave us all a heart attack!" Junhyung yelled, looking pale and sick. He took your hand and examined your pulse. "We thought you died for a second there."

"What happened to me?" You asked, confused.

"Well, according to what Kikwang said, you were crying and pale and trembling and looked like you were scared to death." Hyunseung said in a worried tone. "And then you started choking and you couldn't breathe and you collapsed."

"Wow........I barely remember that." You mumbled. "Wait----what do you mean 'according to Kikwang'?"

"Kikwang was amazing!" Sunhi said in an awed voice. "He gave you mouth-to-mouth resuscitation until you could breathe again, and got somebody to call for help. Thank god for Kikwang, I can't believe you could think so fast under such circumstances."

"I-it wasn't anything, really........." Kikwang said, rubbing the back of his neck and looking immensely pleased with himself.

"Wait a minute..........he gave me MOUTH-TO-MOUTH RESU.................." Your hands flew to your lips. "T-t-then that means......."

Kikwang looked up and both of you turned bright red.

Yoseob stood up from his chair so fast the chair almost toppled over. He looked furious. "YAH WHAT MAKES YOU THINK YOU CAN GO OFF AND KISS MY NOONA??!!!" He yelled angrily at Kikwang, who looked both surprised, defensive, and sheepish.

"B-but she might have died if I didn't......." He stammered as Yoseob towered over him as menacingly as he could.

"Why you........don't think you're a big shot just because you're taller than me!!!"

"Everybody is taller than you, Seobie." Junhyung sighed, conking Yoseob gently on the side of the head. Yoseob pouted and rubbed his head. "I still don't forgive him for kissing noona."

"Don't think of it as a kiss then!" You stammered, trying to make your face turn back to a normal colour. "Think of it as.........saving a life! It's not a kiss, not really....."

"I didn't think of it as a kiss, either......." Kikwang mumbled.

"That's not important." Sunhi interrupted, looking impatient. "But ~~~~~-ah, what made you act that way? Why were you so scared?"

"I.....I........I don't remember........." You thought back, then you remembered somebody you knew well.........and a message...."OH !!!!"

"What? What?" Hyunseung, who had been falling asleep, sat back up in his stool immediately in shock.

"Jonghyun came to see me" You said in a dark voice.

"WHAT?!" Everyone yelled except for Kikwang.

"Jonghyun? Are you sure?" Junhyung asked menacingly. "Oh, I have a few words I want to say to Jonghyun......why didn't you tell me that bastard was back?"

"I didn't exactly have time, did I?" You retorted. "Anyway, he said to pass me a message about........about......." You gulped and said in a small voice "About Doojoon."

Hyunseung gripped the edge of his stool so tightly his knuckles made cracking sounds and turned white. Even Yoseob looked tense.

"Yah, who's Doojoon?" Kikwang asked, confused.

"Her past boyfriend..........his name was Yoon Doojoon." Junhyung muttered. "What was the message, ~~~~-ah?"

You couldn't say it at first. "Jonghyun said...........Jonghyun sad........he said Doojoon still loved me.....and.......and.........that Doojoon wanted me back......."

There was an instant commotion. Junhyung and Hyunseung both swore very loudly, Sunhi turned pale and gasped and put her hands over , and Yoseob lost his balance and stumbled from shock.

Even Kikwang looked horrified. Not only is he my nemesis by being ~~~~~-ah's ex-boyfriend, but he's also the person that broke her heart and caused her pain.......the person that did so many bad things to her it became taboo to even say his name aloud..........what does he mean when he says he wants her back?

"~~~~~-ah, what happened back then?" Kikwang asked nervously. "Who is Yoon Doojoon and what did he do to you?"

You hesitated. It still sent chills down your spine when you remembered him, but you knew Kikwang had to know sooner or later. You refused to acknowledge the feelings you felt for him, but you couldn't deny it anymore that Kikwang was important to you in your life.

You took a deep breath. "It happened like this.................."


Three Years Ago

 Last Year at Cube Junior High

He was the new student.

Well, that much was obvious.

He was tall, handsome, with dark and intense, piercing eyes, and an athletic body. The kind of guy that would be popular immediately.

And he was.

Girls whispered and giggled when they passed him in the halls. He was a great athlete and had an intense passion for sports, and quickly became popular with the boys too because of his talent on the soccer field.

His name was Yoon Doojoon.

He transferred to Seoul from Pusan. You really had no interest in him whatsoever, although you couldn't help but peek at him every so often. New students were always interesting. Especially hot ones.

Junhyung noticed this. "Yah, you like that new kid?" He demanded. "He's too tall, I forbid that relationship."

You smacked his arm. "Oh, shut up. Who are you to tell me who I can or cannot date?"

Junhyung rubbed his arm and glared at Doojoon. "I don't know. I just don't like this feeling I get from him........"

"What about you and that Yang Sunhi? You don't get a weird feeling from her!" You demanded.

"Sunhi-sshi is different, I can feel it!" Junhyung protested. "She's popular and beautiful, yet kind and smart.........don't you think so?"

"Yeah? Then why don't you confess to her already? I'm sick of hearing you moon over her." Hyunseung mumbled sleepily, waking up from his nap.

Junhyung smirked. "What about you and Sunhi-sshi's little brother? From what I heard and seen, he can't keep his eyes off of you."

"Oh, what are you talking about?" You muttered irritably. "Forget it, I'm going to the library. You guys stay here and enjoy your little chat like gossiping midwives!"

You stomped up to the library and hid yourself amongst the several dozen shelves. Hardly any students were in there, and if they were, they were all in the computer section.

You looked at several books with interest and was just about to pick one when you heard a voice behind you say "Hello."

You spun around to see Doojoon. He grinned at you in a very good-natured way. "You're Kim ~~~~~ from my class, right? Nice to meet you, I'm Yoon Doojoon."

"I know who you are. Nice to meet you too." You said, then turned back around to get the book. It was on the very top shelf and out of your reach. You grumbled and stood on your tiptoes and strained your arms, but to no avail.

Suddenly, you felt someone close to you and realized Doojoon had leaned over you to get the book for you. He didn't even have to stand on his toes. He handed the book to you, smiling. "Here. If you need any more help grabbing high stuff, just ask me, okay?"

You took the book from him and looked at him curiously. "You're a strange guy, Doojoon. But I guess you're pretty cool for it." You grinned at him. "Thanks."

You turned around and walked away, feeling his eyes still on you. You felt a strange feeling in your stomach, and for some reason you felt like your heart was beating faster.

"Hmmm......" You felt your heartbeat. "Maybe I'm getting sick."

To be continued..................

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Jjongshi #1
Chapter 36: This story is nice!!! I want a nerdy a.k.a hot boyfriend tooooooo!!!!
Chapter 35: gikwang is really an eye candy i must say XD
One of the first fanfics i read when i first started asianfanfics lol luvv this story i will never get tired of this story
Chapter 35: *choked* That was a really sweet ending. Im kinda of shock. Doojoon as bad cast in this fanfic. Keke i love your fanfic. Keke hope you can make more because all you're fanfic, i already read except those 2. Keke hwaiting!
Chapter 35: omg the feels >.< When you first introduced Kikwang I immediately thought of their MV Beautiful and when they fought with Doojoon it was like I Like You The Best. I loved it!!
omg I'll read this soon- I only read the foreword and I was pretty much INSTANTLY captured and I'm so curious about the story lmao ;__;