Chapter 1

{HIATUS} Love Separated By Pain


Love Separated By Pain ~ Chapter 1
Anima's POV
I let out a sigh of relief, when my eyes met the light and my skin met the heat of the Korean sun. I filed out of the airport along with other tourists and citizens of Korea.
I stopped outside the airport, leaning against a pillar to catch my breath. I drop my duffle bag to the floor and pull out my phone from my handbag. I dialled in the number of my friend. After a while of waiting she finally picked up.
"Hey Yeong! Where the hell are you!?"
Panic rose in her voice. "Oh! I'm so sorry! I tried contacting you, but couldn't get through. My car is busted and I had an emergency work call. I'm so sorry!"
"Yea, yea. But what should I do?"
"Hmmm... You could try calling for a cab?"
"News flash! I don't speak Korean!" I gasp out in pain, clutching my hand over my chest, finding it difficult to breathe.
"Anima!? Anima!? Are you ok?" I heard Yeong yell down the phone. I numbly hold the phone to my ear and spoke back.
"I-I'm fine... L-Look I'll find a hotel to stay at. B-Bye." I shut the phone away before she could say anything else. I lean back against the pillar, catching my breath again. Recently I've been getting more attacks like this. I wonder how much longer I can survive like this.
Somebody yells at me from behind, causing me to jump. I turn around to find myself facing a pissed off Korean in a hoodie. Street clothes. He grabbed my arms tightly, causing me to flinch at the pain. With one hand he grabs my handbag. Being stupid like I am or is it just a natural reflex? I pulled at my bag, bringing it closer to me. "No!" In flash, he gave up when he saw a group of boys who confronted him. Well. They aren't really boys I guess. Knowing Koreans they look super young for years so they must be at least in their last teen years and early twenties.
The man who tried to grab my bag pushed me onto the ground and ran off. I ended up coughing from the shock. After my coughing fit, I let out a few shaky breaths.
"Are you ok miss?" Someone asked me in English. I looked up at who my mystery person was. But when I did. I immediately got lost in the eyes of a young man. With beautiful tanned skin like all Koreans, he had dyed blonde hair styled fashionably and chocolate brown eyes. I couldn't help, but feel that I have seen him somewhere before.
When I regained knowledge of what had just happened, I stuttered a reply. "*cough* I-I think so..."
"Hey let me help." He said, hand held out, smiling sweetly down at me. I blushed and looked away. I took his hand and he pulled me to my feet. He picked up my fallen bag and passed it to me. I gratefully accepted it and picked my duffle bag up, swinging it over my shoulder.
"U-Uh... T-Thank you. I'm sorry if I caused any trouble."
He was about to say something to me, but it was cut of when his friends of four others joined him. "Key!"
"Key?" I said, tilting my head to the side. My eyes widened when I realised what they meant. "Wait you mean. Your Key from SHINee?" He nodded. "I thought I recognised you!"
I looked at the other boys, and I recognised them all as the members of SHINee. Taemin, Minho, Onew, Jonghyun and Key. "So you've heard of us then?" Onew asks me.
"Well yea. You're one of Korea's most popular boy bands. And you're pretty famous worldwide. And if you haven't noticed I'm wearing a set of SHINee's wristbands." I say, showing them the wristbands that hung from my wrist.
"Haha! Wow! I'm surprised you haven't gone fangirl mode swarming us with a camera and a desperate plead for an autograph yet." Onew said.
"Well if I did that I would look pretty stupid, I don't want to be a bother. And you guys shouldn't be swarmed by work and fans 24/7, you have your life too." I say smiling at them.
"You have a point." Minho adds.
I took a glance at my watch, ah it's 08:00pm and yet it's still bright out here. I should start getting to a hotel. "Hey it was nice to meet you, but I gotta go, find a hotel for the night and stuff. So see ya!" I start walking to where the taxis are usually parked.
"I thought you couldn't speak Korean!" Taemin yells.
"Taemin! That's rude!" Jonghyun scolds Taemin for his outburst.
! They must of heard me talking to Yeong. I turned around and faced, pissed at myself for my stupidity! "Ok Sherlock! What do you suggest?" I gave myself a mental slap when I realised that I just used a song name of theirs in a phrase.
Taemin and Key exchanged looks, smiling at each other. What are they up to?
"How about staying with us!?" They said together.
I stood there like an idiot. Wait did I hear correctly? They want me to stay with them? I snapped out of my daze and looked back at them. Everyone was all smiling at each other, I guess the other members agreed with each other.
"So? How about it?"
"W-Well... A-Are you sure about this? I mean why would you want me to stay?"
"Hmmm... You look like a great person hang out with." 
"And we can't abandon a girl in desperate need!" I laugh at that. They are such erts.
"But you have to work and stuff. I'll just get in your way."
"We're not gonna work for a week. And you'll be fine, stop panicking."
"Ok, ok! I'll stay with you lot, but I'll be leaving in approximately a week or so."
"Cool. That's fine with us."
I now stand in front of the door of SHINee's dorm. I watch when they opened the door, my eyes widened at the sight. Wow! It's so huge and Wow!
Jonghyun pushed me in. "Come on, don't just stand there."
"Haha, sorry. Wow this place is amazing."
"You guys look after it really well, for guys."
"What do you mean by for guys!"
"Well, in England. The boys there are the messiest people you'll ever know! If you go into their bedroom, you won't even see the floor! I mean what's the point of having closets and drawers!?"
"I guess we're only tidy, because of Key."
"I see. Keys the 'Umma' of the group. Hey is there a spare room or something? I'm so tired."
"There's a spare bed in my bedroom, if that's ok?" Taemin says shyly.
"Yea it should be fine. Lead the way please. I know it's early, but traveling really drains my energy. I guess I'll see the rest of you guys tomorrow." I waved and said my goodnight to them. And followed Taemin to his bedroom.
"Here we are. I'll let you change and stuff. Good night."
"Night." I waited for Taemin to leave the room, before doing nothing else.
I went over to my bags and stripped off my clothes and changed into a pair of shorts and shirt. I climbed into the spare bed and pulled out a piece of paper from my bag.
Dear Anima,
We have terrible news to inform you of your current condition. As you know over the years your CHD has been drastically decreasing your health. But from the latest tests we have taken, it seems the results were not so good. Unfortunately we have to inform you that you only have 2 weeks left to live, maybe a month if your lucky.
I know this is hard to take in, but because you never got any operations like you were supposed to earlier in your life, and you only take medication for the pain, this is the result of it. If you came to us now and got the operations, we could extend your life to about 2 or 4 months.
Please consider this. We don't want to see you die like this. It would be better to know that you would like to live longer. Try talking to your family about this, get their opinion on this...
I stared at the letter, tears dripping down my face. I know I only have 2 weeks maybe a month left to live, but I always read this letter. Actually now i think about it this letter is... about a week old. I have approx. a week or two left. To be honest, I should of gone to the hospital and got the operations. But my mother stopped me. She also had CHD. But she never trusted hospitals. And we were stuck for money.
We weren't the richest of people. We were pretty much the poorest in my school. And I couldn't afford to lose any education for my operations, so now I live with a weak heart.
I will need to leave before it's too late. I'll stay for a week max. Then I'm leaving.
Ah I'm tired. I put the letter on the top of the cabinet and climbed into the bed. I hope these last days count...
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Chapter 2: So much better of a chapter; this is the way to get someone hooked on reading! Great job on the writing style as well so far, please continue to update soon :)
Chapter 1: The first chapter is a good a start :) I'll comment something better when you write more but I can say that it interests me. And I'm honored that I helped inspire you to write this :)