
{HIATUS} Love Separated By Pain
[Anima's POV]
I've always knew that one day I would die. Ever since the day I was born, I was destined to die. Ever since I was born, I was destined to die...
Weren't we all?
Not like me though, you're not. I bet most of you weren't destined to die by a terrifying heart disease. I was born and diagnosed with a severe case of CHD. Con heart defect.
A heart disease that has been passed down my family for years and now it has finally gotten to me. This disease can sometimes be fatal. Like it has done to me. My heart is faulty and is beyond repair. It's too late now.
Recently I have found out that my severe case of this faulty heart would shorten my life greatly. I'm only 21 years old and I've been told that I only have a few weeks left to live.
In the end I decided to go to Korea, just so I would spend a bit of those last weeks with an old friend. However, I never knew that I would meet the love of my life in Korea.
Now I'm not too sure of what to do. Should I tell him that I'm in constant pain? Should I tell him that I only have a short amount of time left until I die?
Just how will I live through this?
The life of where my love is separated in pain.
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Chapter 2: So much better of a chapter; this is the way to get someone hooked on reading! Great job on the writing style as well so far, please continue to update soon :)
Chapter 1: The first chapter is a good a start :) I'll comment something better when you write more but I can say that it interests me. And I'm honored that I helped inspire you to write this :)