The Story of Us

No Past, Present or Future Without Us

a/n: Okay, so if you read like I do and everything is visualized into a movie, think of the bolded letters like narration over the pictures. The bolded letters is Luhan talking, and the bolded italics is Sehun trying to tell the story as his hyung teases him now and then ^^ Enjoy <3 

“Sehun, you coming over?” Kai called from over the phone.

This story....

“Yeah, i’ll be there at 7,” Sehun responded over the phone to his best friend.

“You better be! That guy I’ve been telling you about will be at my place soon!”

Is the story of how we met....


“Mom!” Sehun called from his room. “I’m going to Kai’s!” He ran down the stairs grabbing his things as fast as he could and rushed to the kitchen to his mother.

“Have fun dear,” His mom responded as she turned around from the stove. “Woah, honey. Why are you in such a rush?”

“Kai’s rushing me,” Sehun half lied. Just the mention of that boy had him rushing, but he couldn’t tell his mom yet, not until it was official.

“Okay dear, whatever you say.” With that, Sehun ran out the door and down the block to Kai’s place. Honestly, he’s never met the boy, but Kai had told him a lot of things, a lot of amazing things that Sehun knew he would like.


“Trust me,” Kai started. “This kid, he’s amazing.”

“How on earth can I trust you after the last blind date you set me up on!” Sehun yelled.

“You have to, please, the last time was a fluke. I didn’t know he’d be some weird pedofile that has a vending machine of dancing teenage boys. Just you need to believe me. If I screw up again this time then you don’t have to trust me ever again, but I’m betting my life on this boy.”

“Fine, but if it ends up being another creeper, it’s on you!”

“That’s what I just said. Anyways, Sehun..this boy is absolutely amazing! He’s from China but his Korean is completely impressive. He’s smart, and intelligent, and sophi—“

“Kai, those are all synonyms, continue please.”

“Fine, he can solve a rubix cube and he’s not too short, and do not get me started on how cute he is! His hair is the same hair colour as you, so you don’t have to feel weird that you have pink hair, and his eyes are precious. You’ll love him I promise! He has one of the coolest and easy going but still caring personalities I’ve ever met.”

“Okay, I’m interested.” Sehun said cooly.

“Goody, my place Saturday, come any time before 11pm.”

-end of flashback-

Did Kai actually say those things?

Yes, now let me finish the story Lulu....

Sehun had been meaning to ask for the boy’s name, but he was never able to get it out. He didn’t really know why. He just needed to know the boy, not by Kai’s descriptions or what he dreams of him to be like, he needed to know him for himself. Until then, there was nothing that could satisfy Sehun.

He reached Kai’s door and opened it without a second thought.

“Woah, slow your roll,” Kai said when he saw Sehun running into his living room. “he’s not even here yet.”

“You said he’d be here!” Sehun said slightly accusing the older of something he didn’t even know of.

“Yeah, he will. He just texted me. He got delayed at his place for a little.”

“So I ran for nothing?”

“No...” Kai ending up trailing off at the end of his sentence for some reason. Sehun gave him a questionable look and Kai just told him to turn around. Sehun slowly his heels to be faced with the more perfect face he has seen in his life. His pink hair, his eyes, his smile...all perfect.

“Hi,” The boy spoke. “I’m Luhan.”

Sehun let out a little noise and next thing they knew, he was on the ground.

Oh! I remember that! You’re face turned so red and you just passed out!

Yeah, Kai won’t stop bothering me about it.

I still can’t believe you passed out because of me.

It wasn’t because of you, it was because I had ran 3 blocks without water or stretching beforehand!

Yeah, keep telling yourself that.


Fine, just finish your story.

Thank you, now where was I...

“Sehun,” A voice called. “Earth to Oh Sehun!” He slightly opened his eyes. It was the tan devil...yes the tan devil. He had done it again, he had screwed up Sehun’s blind date, but this time, maybe not in the worst way. Why was he the devil, because Sehun forever blamed Kai for him passing out since he sprinted because Kai had said Luhan would have been there earlier.

“I’m so sorry,” another voice spoke. It was Luhan’s, ever since the first words that left Luhan’s mouth, Sehun would never forget his voice.

“Don’t apologize, Luhan.” Kai said.

“Yeah, it’s okay,” Sehun added. “But Kai, you should apologize.”

“Me?” Kai asked shocked. “Why on earth do I have to apologize for and to who?”

“To me of course!” Sehun said loudly. “You made me pass out!”

“Oh no,” Kai yelled back. “You cannot blame that on me! That was complet—“

He was quickly cut off by Sehun’s hand that covered his mouth. “Don’t you dare say it...” He threatened softly into Kai’s ear. “EW!” Sehun suddenly screamed. “Why’d you me?”

Luhan just stood back laughing at how childish they were acting.

Kai quickly stuck his tongue out and then quickly receiving the middle finger back.

“Okay,” Luhan called out when he started to see them shooting the middle finger back and forth. He needed to stop it before it escalated into something more. “That’s enough.”

Just at that moment the door bell rang.

“Who’s here?” Kai and Sehun asked simultaneously.

“A friend.” Luhan answered shortly. “Come in!” Slowly, a big doe eyed boy came into vision.

“This is Kyungsoo. He’s going to keep Kai busy.”

“Wait what?” Kai suddenly asked. “What do you mean by that?”

“It means Sehun and I can get to know eachother.” Just like that, Sehun’s face started to turn red again. Usually Sehun was known for taking charge more often, being the one who starts things off so to say, confess first. But for some reason, with Luhan, he couldn’t think straight, his heart wasn’t steady, and his mind was blurred. There was only one thing clear, and it was the fact that he wanted Luhan to be his.

So you wanted me to be yours that early?

Well yeah, how could I not?

That’s sweet, but how the hell did you think you’d be able to have that happen if you couldn’t do anything!

I’m getting there. Besides you already know how it plays out why are you complaining?

 I’m not, you’re just really cute when you’re flustered.

Can I continue then?

You may...


“Sehun,” Luhan spoke again bringing Sehun out of his little trance. “You can sit down now.” Sehun started to look around finally registering his surroundings. Him and Luhan were alone, Kai was off somewhere with Luhan’s friend and Luhan was already sitting on the couch.

He slowly strolled over and sat down as far away from Luhan as possible. He didn’t know why but it just felt like the right thing to do at the time. Luhan laughed. “I don’t bite, silly. Come closer.” Sehun quickly nodded and began to inch closer…very slowly. Once he got close enough, Luhan smiled.

“So tell me about yourself. What do you like?”

Sehun stared at the other. It was weird, he’s never this nervous. He opened his mouth to say something but nothing came out. The words were stuck in his throat. He quickly coughed and shyly smiled. “Sorry, I-I don’t know what’s gotten into me.” He looked down at his feet just to have Luhan pull his face up by the chin.

“No worries, trust me, I’m just as nervous,” the older admitted. Sehun looked at him in surprise. “I didn’t know what to expect from the things that Kai told me, knowing him, I couldn’t 100% trust him.” Sehun just laughed. He had a point there, even Sehun, his best friend, couldn’t completely trust Kai.

“Wait, if you can’t 100% trust him,” started Sehun. “then why did you come today?”

“I can ask you the same thing,” Luhan smiled.

That smile: perfection in Sehun’s eyes. He let out a long sigh. “You got me there.”

“Listen,” Luhan said looking at Sehun. “Why don’t we take this outside. I’m somehow sure that Kai and Kyungsoo are eaves dropping right now and we need privacy to get to know each other.”

“And we’ll get more privacy by going out?” Sehun laughed.

“Well it’s better than Kai meddling, right?”

“You got a point, so where do you want to go?” asked Sehun.

“How about some bubble tea.” Sehun’s ears perked to the sound of his favourite drink ever. He turned to look at Luhan and he couldn’t stop the smile from creeping up.

“You like bubble tea?” Luhan simply nodded to the question. “I think I’m going to like you, Luhan.” The older just smiled and took the younger’s hand and dragged him to the door.

I thought you said you already wanted me!

I did.

Then why did you say “I think I’m going to like you” then?

Well, we just met and I didn’t want to scare you. Again, you know how it plays out, why do you keep on interrupting me?

Oh yeah, sorry Sehunnie!

It’s fine Lulu, just let me finish.

Okay! Please do.

They walked out the door and as soon as the door shut they could hear the other’s voices inside.

“Damn they left,”

“That’s your fault, Kai.”

“I’m not the one who can’t breathe quietly.”

Sehun and Luhan just laughed and started walking away towards the nearest bubble tea store still hand in hand. Sehun looked down as he noticed the warmth around his hand. His face started to flush red and Luhan noticed following the younger’s gaze to their hands. He quickly let go and let out a strained laugh, “S-sorry,” Luhan shyly said as he brought his hand to grab the back of his neck in embarrassment.

“No,” Sehun started. “I-it’s okay.” They walked in silence until they reached the bubble tea store. It was awkward, but it wasn’t one of those weird “I don’t want to talk to you leave me alone” awkward it was more like a “I really want to talk to you but I don’t know what to say” awkward. As soon as they ordered their bubble tea they sat down in a booth, both sipping their drinks in silence. Luhan decided to break the silence.

“Sehun-ah,” He began to fiddle with his fingers trying to figure out the right thing to say.

“Hm?” hummed the younger.

“Can I tell you something?” Sehun nodded as he saw his hyung’s face turn slightly red. “I kind of lied earliler.”

Sehun’s mouth went agape. “What?”

“It wasn’t that bad, I don’t know.” Luhan tried explaining but failing miserably. “It’s just, Kai didn’t set us up, well he did, but not really...”

“Luhan-ssi,” Sehun said trying to calm the other down. “Just get to the point.”

Luhan took a deep breath to relax his heart before speaking. “I’ve been friends with Kai for 3 years now, you guys have known each other since kindergarten. About 2 years ago, he brought me to this party that you were at, I noticed you but that’s as far as it got at first.” Luhan sighed before continuing. “Then at the beginning of this year when I started to pick up Kai from school I saw him with you a lot. At that point, I hadn’t seen you since the party 2 years back, but I definitely remembered you. You were smiling really brightly and I just couldn’t help but think that you were the cutest person I’ve ever laid eyes on. But you were Kai’s best friend so I knew I couldn’t. Kai caught me staring and that’s when it started. He offered to set us up, and I couldn’t say no. From then I just hoped you’d say yes, and I guess you did...” Luhan trailed off as he registered Sehun’s gaping face, eyes wide and jaw on the floor. “Say something?” Luhan was hoping he didn’t just scare off the best guy he’s ever known.

Okay, your exaggerating that, I was not that worried.

Don’t lie hyung, your face said it all.

I admit, I was worried, but not that worried.

You were worried, Lulu, just get over yourself.

“I—“ the words just wouldn’t come out. He didn’t know what to say anymore, does he say what he’s feeling and come off like some love sick dork who can’t control his words or does he lie and say something simple and random to change the subject to look like some jerk who just basically ignored what the other guy just said. The answered seemed clear, but to Sehun, everything was a blob of something. “I—“ he tried again. Just say you don’t know what to say, Sehun thought to himself. That’ll make you the least bit normal and not hurt anyone’s feelings, yeah just say “i don’t know what to say,” it’s that simple... “I like you.” Well that was not what was supposed to come out. With that his face turned red, he got up, and walked out the door hoping to get away from that embarrassing moment. It was so simple, he just had to say that he didn’t know what to say, how on earth did “I like you” come out, it’s true, but not something you say out of nowhere. He just kept walking, not sure where his feet would take him, but he just kept walking. He somehow ended up at Kai’s place, which was not a good thing to him since Kai just pestered him with questions so he just went home, to his mother.

“I’m home,” His mom looked over her shoulder from the living room.

“Home so soon?” Sehun raised an eyebrow at her question. What did she mean? “I know what you were doing, Kai told me when I called him. I wasn’t expecting you to be home so soon. How was your date?”

“Nooo,” Sehun sighed. “Not you too, mom!”

“Oh no,” his mom stated. “Tell mom what happened.” Sehun dragged his feet over to the couch where his mother was and told her the whole story, from top to bottom. His first meeting, how he fainted, the bubble tea, what Luhan had told him, and of course, his confession on the first day meeting. “Oh my dear son, like father like son,” Sehun looked at her.

“What do you mean?”

“When your father and I first met, he did the same as you, aside from the fainting part, which now that I think about am a little offended. Luhan must be an amazing boy if he had you faint on first look.” His mother explained.

“Dad confessed the first time too?”

“Yes, and look at us now, happily married for the past 22 years, with an amazing son.” She his hair lovingly as she smiled. “Now about Luhan, if he’s as amazing as you let him on to be, I’m sure your confession didn’t scare him away. Talk to him, you can’t run from your problems.” Sehun nodded looking towards the floor.

“What did you do?” he started. “When Dad confessed, what did you think?”

His mom let out a laugh. “I was a little scared at first, but when I saw the sincerity in his eyes when he told me, I thought it was charming and bold. I actually liked it.”

“Did you like him back?”

“Maybe not as much as he liked me at first, but I did have feelings for him. I’m sure Lu—“ Just then there was a knock at the door. She got up and opened it up. Speak of the devil. “You must be Luhan,” Sehun’s mother greeted. “We were just talking about you.”

“Mom!” Sehun yelled from the living room feeling more embarrassed than before.

Luhan just smiled and bowed. “Hello, Mrs. Oh. I’m sorry for intruding, Kai gave me your address, I just needed to talk to Sehun.”

“Oh no, it’s fine,” Sehun’s mother said. “Come on in, you’re welcome anytime, Sehun’s just in the living room. If you two need anything, I’ll be in my room.” She quickly winked at Sehun before going upstairs.

“Hey,” Luhan started.

“Hey...” responded Sehun who was aimlessly playing with his fingers.

“Your mom’s really nice,” Sehun just nodded. “Can we talk?”

Sehun just gulped, he had a lot to say, he just didn’t want anything stupid to come out again. He swallowed the lump and opened his mouth.

“I’m sorry,” they both said at once. Sehun widened his eyes.

“Wait, I know why I’m sorry, why are you sorry?”

Luhan sighed, “Because I let you leave after you said you liked me,” Sehun just looked at him with a confused look. “I should’ve stopped you, I should’ve told you what I thought, instead of let you walk away like that.”

“You’re here now,” Sehun stated. “You can say what you need to say now, can’t you?”

Luhan just looked at the floor, his cheeks turning a shade of red. “I—“ it was his turn to stutter, just this time, he knew what he had to say. “I like you too...”

“WOOHOO!” They heard from the other room. Sehun and Luhan quickly turned their heads towards the top level.

“Shhh,” they heard someone say. “They’re going to here you!” It was a guys voice?

“Heh, sorry,” That wasn’t right. Sehun just ran through all the possibilities in his head, there was no way his mom just screamed like that and why on earth was there a guy up there. Sehun and Luhan seemed to share the same thoughts and both ran up the stairs to see Sehun’s mom against the wall with Kai?

“Kai?” Sehun yelled. “What on earth are you doing here!”

“Sorry,” Sehun’s mom said. “I called him once Luhan came and I let him through your window.”

“MOM!” Sehun whined.

“I’m sorry,” Sehun’s mom said raising her hands in defeat. “But he likes you doesn’t he?” Kai nodded in agreement.

“So what are you guys now?” Kai as bluntly. “You dating, or what?”

“Uhh,” Luhan stuttered.

“You don’t have to answer that,” Sehun quickly said turning to Luhan. Luhan just smiled. He grabbed hold of Sehun’s hands and looked him in the eye.

“Sehunnie, will you go out with me?” Sehun quickly nodded and brought the shorter into a hug. Squeals from his mom and Kai could be heard in the background and he swore he heard them high five each other.

-flash to future-

“And that’s how we met,” Sehun said finishing his story looking down at Luhan who sat soundly in his lap cuddling into the younger’s chest.

“I always love that story, makes my heart melt each time.” He looked up at Sehun, sneaking in a kiss and smiling. “It’s still pretty funny how your mom and Kai are like besties to this day.”

“I know,” Sehun said. “it’s weird, I feel like he’s closer to her than I am. I mean they are eating out right now without me...they called it mother-son’s best friend day out or best friend-best friend’s mother day out or something like that. They said they needed it to keep a healthy relationship between them...” Luhan just laughed

“I think I need that with your mom,” Luhan said thinking about a day out with his boyfriend’s mom. “It’d be nice,”

“Uh,” a voice suddenly said. “No one will replace my spot as mother’s best friend thank you very much!” Luhan quickly sat up as they both turned to the door where Kai stood with take out boxes and Sehun’s mother was just laughing at him.

“We decided to take take out today so we could eat together.” His mother explained. Sehun quickly nodded as he turned to luhan, kissed him lightly on the lips before grabbing his hand to help him up.

“So what did you two do while we were gone?” Kai asked.

“Stuff,” Luhan smiled as he leaned over to sneak a kiss to Sehun. “Just stuff...” 


a/n: Woooww I at endings guys x( I'm sorry for the REALLYR EALLY long wait x.x lost inspiratino for a while, and now that some has returned i decided to start my updating spree with this incomplete now complete one shot! WOOHOO feels feels o.o Hope you enjoyed, I'll try to update everything else in the next 2 weeks and definitely before school starts and all. Subscribe, Comment and upvote please <3 


P.S OMG GROWL....THE NEW ALBUM...can we please talk about how amazing these new songs are like omg <3 

k bye <3 

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