A guilty conscience

An Exotic Terrain

You sat in your teepee as you waited for an EXO-K warrior to come back from their duties. You thought about just asking someone else from the tribe about where the rest room was, but you hadn't really socialized with anyone else from the tribe yet and you felt like asking for a toilet wasn't the best way to introduce yourself to someone.

You rocked back and forth while you squirmed in your spot, doing the 'I-really-need-to-go-but-can't' dance.

"How long will they be out?!" You whined to yourself as you collapsed to the ground hugging yourself in agony. "That’s it. I can't do this anymore."

Giving up on waiting, you grabbed your backpack and rushed out.

Time to make friends with someone awkwardly by asking them where I can poop.

Your eyes scanned the area in search of someone to help with your dilema. You let out a relieved sigh when you caught sight of Baekhyun scooting along a tree branch with a rope clenched between his teeth and a net flung over his shoulder.

"Hey Baekhyun!" Baekhyun paused what he was doing and shot you one of his contagious smiles, biting down on the rope. "What in the world are you doing up there?"

He signalled with his hand to give him a moment. Tying a few knots here and there, he smiled at his work and jumped back down to the ground with ease and grace.

"I was just practicing my net traps! The last trap that I set up near the border was triggered but it didn't end up catching anyone. I don't think I secured it enough. Suho scolded me and ordered me practice them so next time it won’t fail."

Didn’t end up catching anyone?

You shuffled your weight under yourself as the distress of your bowels started to get worse.

"Was there...something you needed?" Baekhyun asked, seeing the discomfort on your face. You felt the blood rush to your cheeks as you wished you went to one of the village ladies to ask for help. You took a deep breath in and asked your desperate question.

"Y-yeah. Actually, I-I was wondering where your t-toilet was?" You stuttered and looked at the ground to hide your flushed face. Baekhyun cocked his head to the side like a confused puppy.

"What's a toilet?"

Of course he doesn't know what a toilet is, stupid.

You tried to think of a different way to word it so that you didn’t have to directly tell him what you wanted to do.

"I just...need to...release myself."

"…Release yourself where?"

You slapped your forehead, wishing you weren’t here anymore.

"Like...I need to go. Like…you know. Go."

Baekhyun stared at you, the confused look not leaving his face. If anything, it deepened.

"You need to go...where?"

You groaned with frustration and you made your 'I-really-need-to-go' dance more obvious. Baekhyun noticed this and it finally hit him and he let out a laugh.

"OH! You need to go~!"


"You need to let loose!"

"I guess you can say that..."

"You need to dump the load!"


"Bury some treasure!


"Drop the kids off at the watering hole-"

"Baekhyun just point me to where I can go!" You yelled at him as your face got redder and redder with every comment he made. He giggled at your embarrassment and pointed his thumb to the right.

"The Willows. I'll take you there. It's where the females of our tribe go to do their business."



You followed Baekhyun to a place where many Willow trees stood. There must've been about 10-15 of them in the area, their branches hanging down to the ground creating a leafy wall surrounding each tree. It was perfect for privacy.

Well this is definitely the most beautiful hole I’ve ever seen.

"I'll wait here. Pick a tree and go for your life!"

You rustled through your backpack before grabbing a pack of tissues and throwing your bag at Baekhyun.

"Look after my bag. I'll be back." You glared at him. "You better stay right where you are young man. Or else."

Baekhyun laughed and saluted you and you rolled your eyes at him before walking away.



Baekhyun sat on the ground while he waited for you and he studied your back pack. He'd never seen such a nicely made item pouch before and he glided his hand over the strange material it was made of. He tried to pull it open but the bag wouldn't budge. That's when he saw the small metal zipper on it, he pulled on it and his face lit up in awe as the teeth separated and the bag opened.

He turned the bag over, emptying its contents and studying each item individually. He had no idea what any of these things were. Of all the items in the bag, a small long metal tube thing with a button on the end of it caught his eye. He picked it up and analysed every inch of it. He stared into the top of it, looking at the globe through the glass when his finger accidentally pushed the button. The globe lit up and he screamed, almost blinding himself.

Baekhyun threw the torch to the ground as he looked at it from afar on all fours. He hissed at it threateningly but when he found that the torch did not respond to his threat, he slowly inched back towards it.

He very carefully picked up the strange item that was still shining light. He pressed the button again and the light turned off. His eyes widened.


He continued to press the button over and over again, making the torch flicker. He looked back down at the collection of items on the floor and saw a second torch identical to the one he was playing with. He picked it up with excitement and laughed hysterically as he flickered both torches at the same time, amazed at the magic he was creating. He froze when he heard you clear your throat.

"What do you think you are doing?" He his foot slowly with a guilty look on his face. He gulped when he saw you standing there with your arms crossed and eyebrow raised.

"Hah...hah...Angel! That was quick!" You looked down to all your stuff that was now on the ground and Baekhyun let out an awkward laugh. "I was just-"

"Going through my stuff?" You finished off his sentence for him.

Baekhyun knew there was no way he could make up any excuse for what he was doing because he was caught red handed and there was no way he could get out of this.

"I'm so sorry Angel! Really, I am. I just got curious. But seriously, what are these?" He flickered the torches on and off again and you saw the wonder written all over his face. You giggled and instantly forgot that he'd just rudely gone through your stuff.

"They're called torches. They're used for lighting up the dark. Like fire—but instant. Plus you can't accidentally burn yourself on them."

"But...but how? How does this work?!"

You thought to yourself, trying to figure out a way to explain to him in a way that he'd understand.

"Well, they're solar powered. So that means they take the light from the sun during the day so they can light up at night."

Baekhyun's eyes widened and he turned off the lights.

"It takes the light from the sun?! What! No!" He shook his head violently, fear in his eyes. "You can't use these, Angel! If it takes the light from the sun, the sun will one day run out of light and we'd be forever in darkness! No, no, no, no, no! That can't happen! We can’t live in a world with no light—"

You grabbed Baekhyun by his shoulders to stop him from babbling.

"Shush you silly boy." You laughed at his pleading face.

How can I easily explain this to him without going into scientific detail?

"The sun isn't going to go out if these torches use its light! The sun will just replace the light because the sun is...magical like that."

Baekhyun seemed to start breathing again and you hadn't realized he'd stopped to begin with.

"Really?" He asked, a smile forming on his face. "So the sun will be okay?”

You nodded and gave him a reassuring smile. He let out a relieved sigh.

“That's a relief! How do you know these things? You’re so smart!"

He looked back down at the two torches in his hands and flickered them again and chuckled. You were amazed at how something so small could amuse someone so easily like this.

"You can have one of those since you seem to like them so much."

Baekhyun's head snapped up to look at you. His eyes were as wide as saucers and his jaw hit the ground. He looked like someone had just told him he won the lottery.

"REALLY?! You're giving me your sunlight magic?! Really?! REALLY?!"

You laughed at his cute reaction and nodded your head as you bent down to put the rest of your belongings back in your bag.

"Well I have two. You might as well take one." You were suddenly tackled into a big bear hug and Baekhyun squeezed you tight causing you to blush slightly. You really didn’t think he’d be this happy to receive a cheap torch.

"Thank you so much Angel! I'll treasure it forever! I promise!" You hugged him back, glad that you made him so happy. You let each other go when a very familiar voice was heard calling for you from the distance.

"BAEKIE~! ANGEL~! WHERE ARE YOU~!" Chanyeol's deep voice bellowed through the trees. “I’M ON MY BREAK! I WANNA PLAY TOO! WHERE’D YOU GO~!?”

"Over here Yeollie~!" Baekhyun called walking a few steps towards where Chanyeol's voice was coming from.

"There you guys are! Someone said they saw you walking-AHHHHHHHH MY EYES!"

Chanyeol covered his eyes and collapsed to the ground as his vision went white, temporarily blinded by Baekhyun’s new play thingi. Baekhyun doubled over in laughter as his best friend whined on the ground clutching his face.

"Baek! T-that wasn't very nice!" You scolded him as you tried not to laugh at Chanyeol's overreaction. The tall man stood up jumping backwards away from his smaller friend. He kept his eyes shielded in fear he’d be struck by light again.

"WHAT WAS THAT?!" He asked, his voice filled with fright. Baekhyun let out an evil laugh and flickered his torch at Chanyeol's face again.

"I have the power of light now! Run or die, peasant! Muahahahaha!"

Chanyeol let out a girlish scream and ran back towards the village with Baekhyun running after him with the torch. You laughed and ran after them, throwing your back pack over your shoulder.

"Wait for me you idiots!"



Baekhyun eventually gave up chasing Chanyeol with the torch, as he had trouble keeping up with him due to his tall friend’s long legs—Chanyeol was simply just too fast. Somehow you ended up sandwiched between the two boys, both of them holding one of your hands. You were surprized at how quickly you grew fond of the EXO-K warriors—with an exception of Kai. You wouldn’t normally be so comfortable holding hands with guys so quickly after meeting them, but for some reason—as silly as it may sound—being around them just felt right. Like you’d finally found a place where you belonged.

Back at home, you weren’t close to many people because they’d already moved on with their lives. You were only 20 years old but a lot of your friends got married young, others exceled with their career so quickly. But you? No matter what job you took. No matter what course you studied in college. Nothing felt right to you. You always felt like you didn’t belong. You were an outsider in your own world. You weren’t even sure if anyone back home even realized you were missing.

You squeezed Chanyeol’s and Baekhyun’s hands, grateful for their company and kindness they showed you.

They’re only nice to you because you’re probably the only girl they’ve ever seen that’s their age. You could be anyone and they’d fawn over you.

You realized that this was most likely the case and you felt sadness starting to set in but you shook your head not allowing it to happen and decided to ask more questions to distract yourself.

“Hey guys, how come there aren’t any girls in the village?” The two boys exchanged glances before looking back at you. “Like, I saw a few middle aged ladies and the little girl Mihyun, but there was no girls our age.”

There was a slight pause before Baekhyun spoke up, his voice steady, as if choosing his words carefully.

“There have not been many girls born into our tribe for over two hundred years. Very rarely will a girl be born and even if one is born, the likelihood of her surviving is slim to none. Mihyun was one of the rare few that have made it to age 5 but she is very sickly and no one knows if she will grow old enough to bare her own children.”

“The women that have survived are getting old now,” Chanyeol added, his voice equally as serious as Baekhyun’s. “Soon they won’t be able to have children and our tribe will end with us.”

You remained quiet as you let the information sink in. This didn’t make sense to you because you’ve always heard that normally the boy to girl birth rate is in favour of girls, not boys.

“Why is this happening?” You asked your voice grave with despair. You looked between the two boys faces and saw bitterness in their eyes, their forehead creasing with retained rage.

“EXO-M. They cursed us.” Baekhyun almost growled.

Another curse?!

“Not only is their curse slowly but surely killing us off by not giving us females, but it’s also killing our side of the island. It first started with a couple trees on the outskirts of the island.” You felt Baekhyun’s grip on your hand tighten. “But it’s now killed off an entire section of our Island and it’s slowly spreading towards us.”

You remembered the dead trees you saw when you first washed up on the shore of EXO Island and how it looked so unnaturally dead.

“So this is why you dislike EXO-M so much.” Chanyeol and Baekhyun nodded silently. “But why would they curse you like this?”

You looked up and realized you’d finally made it back to the village.

“Another time, Angel. We’re back now and I got some work to do before the others arrive back.” Baekhyun let go of your hand and ran off before you could say anything more. You looked towards Chanyeol and he flashed an apologetic smile at you.

“Sorry Angel, I have to go too. My break is over! See you later on!” Chanyeol grabbed you and pulled you into a tight hug before galloping off into the trees leaving you all alone again.

Great. Now what?

You looked around unsure of what you should do now. You hadn’t made any other friends yet other than the warriors and you didn’t know what people around here did for fun.

It’s times like these that I wish they had internet connection here.

It was close to night fall and you had managed to entertain yourself until the EXO-K warriors came back from their duties. You made friends with a few of the village women and they showed you around. You managed to familiarize yourself with the layout of the town so you were now slightly more confident with getting around by yourself.

“So what weapon did D.O. end up giving you, Angel?” Suho asked you with his usual big friendly smile on his face. You returned the smile and answered him.

“D.O. didn’t take me. The jerk—I mean. Kai took me.” You saw Suho turn to D.O. who was sitting next to you and frowned at him slightly. D.O. turned to you and passed the frown to you. You forgot that you weren’t meant to tell Suho that Kai had taken you. You smiled sheepishly at D.O. and continued with what you were saying. “He gave me a dagger for the time being and…this stupid useless slingshot.”

You heard a breathy laugh and turned your head to see Sehun silently laughing at your slingshot.

“What are you laughing at twerp?” You snapped and glared at Sehun as he pointed at you with a big smile on his face. Suho laughed.

“He’s laughing because he was in your position too. He had to train using a slingshot before he got his archers licence. He hated that slingshot just as much as you seem to.”

“ANGEL!” You felt a heavy weight on your shoulders as Chanyeol jump hugged you from the back. “I’m back! Did you miss me?”

“I’m back too!” You heard Baekhyun’s voice from behind Chanyeol. You felt two tiny extra arms struggling to hug your stomach from behind you, Chanyeol being squashed between you and Baekhyun.

“No! Get off Baekie!” Chanyeol tried to wriggle Baekhyun off his back. “Angel’s mine! Mine, mine, mine!”

“No~! I want Angel too!” Baekhyun reached around Chanyeol tighter trying to wrap his arms around you more. You felt like you were going to pass out with lack of oxygen.

D.O. saw something on your elbow and jumped up from where he was sitting to have a closer look. He saw a graze on your elbow with dried up blood spots.

“Angel you’re hurt!” D.O. exclaimed as he grabbed your arm. Chanyeol and Baekhyun instantly let go of you and worriedly rushed around to look at your arm. Suho and Sehun also rushed to your side with looks of concern.

You turned your arm to look at your elbow and sure enough you were hurt. It wasn’t big, just a small graze but you hadn’t noticed it until now.

“Oh, I must’ve gotten that when Kai and I had that little accident.”

Suho’s head snapped to D.O. and he gave him a scolding glare, as if blaming him for this.

D.O. ducked his head at his leader and looked at you with guilt written all over his face. You looked at D.O.’s shocked face and realized he had no idea of today’s happenings.

“Wait…D.O. you didn’t know about what happened? But Kai was hurt too! I thought he would’ve gone straight to you for some healing herbs or something!”

D.O. shook his head, his face showing extra concern for his friend.

“No one has seen him all day.” He paused before giving you a reassuring smile. “Don’t worry about Kai, Angel. He’s a big boy. I’m sure he took care of it.”

“Psh, who said I was worried about him.” You pouted and rolled your eyes. D.O. held your hand and led you towards his garden again. 

“Come on, I’ll patch up your arm so it doesn’t get infected.”

It was bed time and everyone started to retreat. You said goodnight to all of EXO-K and watched as they went into their teepee’s. There were four teepee’s in the area where you were. One was yours, Chanyeol and Baekhyun shared one, and Suho and Sehun shared another. So you guessed that D.O. and Kai must share the last one.

Just before D.O. entered his, you stopped him.

“Hey D.O. you share a teepee with the jerk yeah?” D.O. blinked a couple times before nodding his head. “He’s not back yet is he?”

D.O. shook his head in response.

“Technically we’re meant to be sharing, but since I moved in with him after you arrived, he’s never actually been in here with me. Ever. I’m not sure where he sleeps.”

“What do you mean, ‘after I arrived’?” You asked.

“He used to have his own teepee because he refused to share it with anyone. No one wanted to share it with him anyway because of…the rumours. But when you came, I gave you my place and I was forced to move in with Kai.”

You nodded thoughtfully and D.O. smiled sweetly at you.

“I told you not to worry about him! He’ll turn up in the morning like he always does!”

You furrowed your eyebrows and wrinkled your nose.

“And I told you that I wasn’t worried!” You rebutted. You really weren’t worried though. As if you’d worry about a stuck up jerk who called you stupid all the time. You just felt guilty that someone got hurt due to your clumsiness. D.O. gave you a knowing smile and nodded his head unbelievingly.

“Yes, yes, okay.” He grabbed your hand for a few seconds before letting go. “Go to sleep now, Angel! Goodnight!”

And with that last sentence D.O. disappeared into his teepee.

You lay in bed for about half an hour after your little chat with D.O. You tossed and turned, unable to get comfortable--your mind wouldn’t rest. The image of Kai’s wounded back kept appearing in your head and you went on a small guilt trip before convincing yourself it wasn’t your problem. But then the image would come back and you went on the trip all over again.

Damn conscience.

Frustrated, you sat up in your bed and grabbed your torch. You stepped out from your teepee and looked around the village. It was so silent with the noises of the night. You shuddered, not wanting to leave the safety of your grass bed but you had to just check if Kai had come back into D.O.’s teepee.

You tiptoed as quietly as you could over to where D.O. slept and peeked in. You saw D.O. fast asleep, his chest rising and falling gracefully at a steady rhythm. But there was no Jerk in sight. Sighing you turned around to go back to your teepee when you saw smoke not too far away coming from somewhere within the forest. The way the smoke rose indicated that it was most likely coming from a bonfire and there was no doubt that Kai would probably be found with it.

It doesn’t look too far away…I’m sure I can run there in no time, make sure he’s not bleeding to death and then come back. He wouldn’t even know that I came.

You shone the torch into the darkness of the forest path that lead towards the smoke. You gulped.

Walk fast. Get in, get out. In and out. Only then will you get a good nights sleep. And again, I’m not worried, I’m just feeling guilty.



You regretted leaving the village as soon as you entered the woods. Everything was dark except for the spotlight your torch made on whatever you pointed at. You heard rustling in the bushes. You heard rustling in the trees. You heard a howl. Tears started to gather in your eyes as you realized that coming out here alone was a bad, bad idea.

You eventually hit D.O.’s herb garden and you sighed with relief that you hadn’t wandered too far away from the village. You pointed your torch towards where you saw the line of smoke; you were pretty close now and you should get there in no time if you kept going.

As you got closer, you heard a trickle of a stream; possibly a river. You eventually saw the bright ember of a bonfire and--as silently as you could--tip-toed towards it, keeping yourself hidden by the trees.

Looking around you saw a small river, the fire sitting just beside it. Just like you expected and hoped, Kai was there sitting there by the waters edge. The light of the fire lit up his hunched figure. You watched as he tried to clean his wound with a cloth, struggling where he couldn’t reach. His injury looked so much worse now—the bruise had darkened and was spread across the entire top half of his back, blood congealed and stuck to the opened parts of the skin.

That idiot. Did he really wait till just now to clean his wound?! What has he been doing all day? Prancing around chasing butterflies?!

You watched him struggle and wince in pain as he continued to clean his dried up wound. You sighed feeling guilt-ridden and backtracked your way back to D.O.’s garden. You picked up some of the white flowers that were used on your wounds as well as some leaves from the new tree D.O. introduced you to when he bandaged up your elbow earlier today.

You made your way back to Kai’s little camp site and walked up behind him, making him jump when you spoke.

“And you call me the stupid one.” You sat beside him and placed the herbs on the ground next to you. You reached out to the cloth he was using to clean his wound but Kai snatched it back from you, his eyes wide with shock. He didn't know why you would come all the way out here at this time of night. Did you not know how dangerous it can be?

“H-how did you find me?” He asked, the tone in his voice mirroring the surprized look on his face. You looked back at him with annoyance and tried to take the cloth away from him again but he pulled back again.

“I followed the smoke.”

“Okay, better question. Why are you here?”

“Coz I knew you were stupid enough to not take care of this . Seriously, why did you ignore this until now? What if it’s infected?” You scolded him. Kai scoffed in return.

“Like you even care.” He sneered at you and stood up to walk aay but you grabbed his arm and pulled him back down, taking him by surprize.

“Yeah, I don’t care. But I feel guilty that I got someone hurt due to the fact that I have the aim of a--what did you called it-- a ‘drowsy toddler’. So give this to me and shut up.” You successfully snatched the cloth away from Kai’s hands and yanked him around so you had access to his wounded back. You dipped the cloth in the river again and dabbed it over Kai’s injury cleaning it gently, trying your best not to hurt him.

You sat there in silence as you cleaned away, both of you feeling less than comfortable with this situation. Kai didn't protest though. He knew what it felt like to feel guilty of being the reason someone got hurt. At least you had the chance to clear your conscience—he wouldn’t take that from you. Plus he was secretly grateful because he was having a hard time cleaning his back by himself. 

Once you cleaned as much of the blood off as you could, you applied the sap from the white flowers onto his back. You felt Kai wince slightly but he never complained. You then dipped the other leaves you picked into the river and then placed them all over the wound forming a bandage.

“How do you know about all this?” Kai broke the silence with his curiosity, turning his head slightly to look at you.

“Well," You explained, "I have this habit of getting myself hurt a lot these days so Kyungsoo taught me. So I know what to do incase he's not around.”

A moment of silence passed before Kai spoke up again.

“He told you his real name?” You realized you let his real name slip by accident and you remembered that D.O. told you to make sure Kai didn’t know anything about his secret. You played it cool and shrugged it off like it was nothing.

“Yeah. I told him ‘D.O.’ didn’t sound like a real name so I asked him what his real name was and he told me.”

Kai stiffened slightly.

“Ah. Okay. Is that all he told you?” You started to get a bit nervous as you were not the best liar in the world. You had the tendency of blurting things out accidentally. But you surprized yourself when you spoke completely calmly.

“Like what?”

“I dunno. Anything, About EXO-K, about the island...about me--”

You let out a fake scoff that sounded real.

“--no. Why would we talk about you?”

Kai shook his head and seemed to relax a bit as you finished up the last patch of leaf bandage. The water had made the leaves sticky and it clung to the wound like glue.

“Okay, I’m done.” You announced. Kai looked around at his back and was actually quite impressed with the job you did. He didn’t say it though. He’d never give you that satisfaction. He mumbled a quick thanks. “Hey while we’re on the subject of names, I’m not completely convinced that ‘Kai’ is your real name. What is your real name?”

You weren’t sure if you were being out of line or insensitive by asking a question like this and you weren’t even sure why you wanted to know considering the rumours.

“None of your concern.” You looked away, knowing you weren’t actually going to get a proper answer so you let it go. You decided that it was time to head back to your teepee and get some sleep but before you could get up a crow flew down and landed next to you causing you to squeak. The crow cawed and looked at you expectantly, its beady eyes taking in your appearance.

“What do you want?” You asked, slightly on edge since the crows back at home seemed so viscous. Kai walked over to the bird with some kind of plant in his hands and a small smile on his face.

Woah, the jerk is actually smiling? Didn’t think that was possible.

You shook away the slight blush that had crept up on your face and watched the seemingly happy Kai feed the crow. It made you think of your own pet bird at home. You sighed sadly, wondering if your cockatoo Lightning was missing you.

You picked up one of the things Kai was feeding the crow and held out your hand. Kai was taken aback that you weren’t scared of the bird. The crow just stared at the food in your hand unsure of whether he should take or not. He seemed to be studying you.

“You’re not scared?” Kai asked. You shook your head.

“I have a pet bird back home so I’m not scared of birds.” You beckoned for the crow to come eat from your hand but it continued to look at you warily.

“But it’s a crow. The people around here believe that crows are bad luck, so everyone is scared of them.”

You let out a puff of air and chuckled.

“We have a similar superstition back home. But I don’t believe in that . It’s just a bird, how can a bird be bad luck. I've never really been one for believing in crazy stories like that. He's just another living creature in this world that deserves to be loved too..." You trailed off when you caught Kai staring at you, listening to your every word. His expression was hard to decipher. It was an expression you'd never seen on him before. One of hope, loneliness and sadness--all at the same time. You realized what you had just said to him about the bird and suddenly felt very hypocritical. You so quickly jumped into believing the story that D.O. told you about Kai being bad luck yet you easily defended a bird. Your gaze softened and Kai saw the realization in your eyes.

The eye contact with Kai was broken when the crow pecked your hand.

“Ow! You little—“ You glared at the bird as it seemed to be amused by you. You weren’t sure how a bird could look amused, but this one did.

Better wipe that smug look off your face, bird. I ain’t scared of you!

You stuck your hand close to the crow offering the food once again. Kai clicked his tongue and lightly tried to pull your hand away from the bird.

“Stop it before he swallows your hand whole.”

You shooed his hand away from yours.

“It can’t fit my hand in its mouth, . “ You brought your hand even closer to the bird and it eventually decided you were good enough to eat from. You gave Kai a smug look, proud that you got the bird to trust you. The crow suddenly hopped up onto your lap, scaring the crap out of you. Kai was way beyond shocked at the birds actions. This particular crow had followed Kai around for a long time now and he became his best friend. The crow hated everything and everyone except for Kai. This was the first time Kai has ever seen his pet crow warm up to someone other than himself.

“H-he likes you.”

You smiled down at the crow and gently petted his head. Kai watched you interact with his bird friend and blushed slightly at the sweet smile you were giving the bird. None of the other tribe members ever showed his crow friend any love and in return the bird developed an aggressive behavior to anyone except himself.

“He does seem to like me, doesn’t he, Kai?” You genuinely beamed up at Kai for the first time since you got here and he blushed again seeing you smile at him like that. He looked down so his fringe covered his eyes and when he spoke, his voice was dark and quiet.

“Yeah. But I can’t see why.”

Your smile disappeared and you huffed at Kai’s rude comment.

“Screw you, Jerk.”

Kai sighed and stood up looking away from you.

“Thanks for fixing up my wound. Now that you’re done here, why don’t you go back?”

“I’d be more than happy to go back!” You spat as you lifted the bird off your lap and stood up. You took a few steps into the forest but soon came scurrying back, face red and embarrassed.

“Take me back.”

Kai looked at you incredulously, not sure if you were being serious.

“You’re kidding right? Why should I do that?”

You shuffled your feet nervously and played with your clammy hands. You looked down and mumbled so quietly that Kai only just heard what you said.

“I…don’t remember how to get back. And it’s dark and scary and I don’t wanna go in there by myself again.”

You squeezed your eyes shut and Kai let a smile slip as he held in a silent laugh. As much as he didn’t want to admit it, you were incredibly cute.

“Alright. Come on then.” 



A/N: Good morning Angels! (Waits for "good morning charlie" response) Hahaha xD 

Sooo, I'm a day and a half late of the weekend, BUT that's because of the craziness of EXO's comeback teasers this past week! I got distracted on tumblr for hours a day reblogging all the funny gifs and photos, that I didn't have time to write this chapter LOL

I'm sure I'm not the only one who was victim to the tumblr EXOpocolapse of 2013. xD (my tumblr is Dialott if anyone wants to follow me)


Anyway thanks to all those who have subscribed so far! Thanks for all your glorious comments! And thanks again for your upvotes! I know every AFF author says this, but I really do appreciate all the love :) Let me know what you thought of this chapter! Look forward to the next chapter- EXO-M shall be making their first appearances!

Saranghae~! <3

P.S. I just realized I wrote a whole section of this chapter about needing to take a . I'm sorry. I’m really not.

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My elderly father has been in very bad health so I haven't had time to update as I am his only carer. I'm so sorry for the hiatus :(


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Chapter 18: Its been so long..i had to reread it from the begining..enjoyed it just like the first one nonetheless..will be waiting for the next chapter
Alosya #2
Chapter 18: Omg please update soon its been so long
Chapter 18: REJOICE!
pendidikansivik #4
Chapter 1: HEUNGGGG UR FINALLY BACK!!!! THANK U SO MUCH FOR NOT GIVING UP ON THIS MASTERPIECE *me running around the house screaming*
Chapter 18: wow I really love this story welcome back
MeganeAlpaca #6