A silent plan

An Exotic Terrain

You limped along holding onto anything you could get your hands on to prevent you from tumbling forward. It was nearing sunset and you were getting very frustrated that you couldn’t find the dungeon where Tao was locked up in. You had filled your backpack with healing herbs and leaf bandages because you were 100% sure that EXO-K wouldn’t have treated the wound in Tao’s shoulder.

You were really worried about him as it had already been a few hours since they put him in the dungeon. You had no idea what they could have done to the boy despite your pleas and objections.

The EXO-K warriors never listened. It was one of their biggest faults.

You eventually approached a small creepy looking cave covered in vines, over growth and moss. It looked deep and eyrie. You saw Baekhyun and Chanyeol chatting by the cave entrance, their weapons in hand. Every now and then they’d check their surroundings, as if watching out for something.

They’re guarding the cave. This is it. Tao’s in there, I know it.

You hid behind a tree and watched them, hoping they would leave their post, even just for a few minutes so you could sneak in. Frustration started to eat at you as they were just standing there talking for ages and you thought they would never leave their post. Just as you were about to give up on waiting, they shared a quick word and a nod and walked off together. You figured they wouldn’t be gone for long as there was no way they’d leave a prisoner of theirs unattended.

You limped as quickly as you could towards the cave and stopped at the entrance. You looked in and saw burning torches lighting up the corridor of the cave. The stone hallway looked like a never ending horizontal pit that could possibly lead you to a black hole that could take you to another dimension. You gulped and prayed that this was in fact the dungeon where Tao was being held and not the home of some big scary exotic animal.

You felt the warmth of the torches around you slick at your skin as you walked down the dark hallway. You tugged at your dress to create a draft under your clothes to help cool yourself down. It surprized you how incredibly warm it was down here. It also didn’t help that you were ting yourself at how scary and gloomy it was getting the further you ventured. You felt like you were that stupid character in horror movies, where people yell from their seats ‘don’t go in there’ but of course, they always did.

A fork in the tunnel brought you to a halt. You looked between the two paths nervously and let out a small whimper. If you took the wrong path, you could end up completely lost. You didn’t know how deep this cave went nor did you know what else could be lurking in the darkness. You thought about turning back and just trying to convince someone to let him go but shook that thought away as quickly as it came. You’d already tried talking—it didn’t work. Plus you had already come too far into this cave to turn back; you might as well go all the way.

Trusting your gut instinct, you took the left tunnel, crossing your fingers that your intuition was right this time. The last time you trusted your gut, you ended up at the EXO border and got Tao hurt.

You finally took a turn and arrived at a small room where the temperature seemed to drop instantly from a sweaty corridor sauna, to a large walk-in refrigerator. There weren’t as many torches around this room so you had to squint to help your eyes adjust to the darkness. Once your eyes decided to cooperate with you, you were able to make out a few things. Looking around, you saw chains and shackles attached to the walls. A few bamboo cages sat in the corners of the room but the lack of light still made it hard to see much.

Reaching into your backpack, you pulled out your flashlight and shone it towards the cages. All the cages were empty and laced with thick grey cobwebs that caused a shudder to run down your spine. As you let the light roam the cave, you noticed a figure against one of the walls. His arms and legs were chained down, his black hair was slicked against his forehead as his head hung lifelessly, imitating the rest of his limbs.

Your blood ran cold as your torch light reflected against his chest which was painted a deep red from the seeping blood coming from his left shoulder. Taking several shaky steps forward towards the boy, you saw his face was tinged with purple and yellow shades; his lip swollen and crusted with dried crystals of blood. With every wobbly step you took, the metallic smell of blood got stronger. You covered your mouth to suppress a gag as the sharp smell filled your lungs.

You felt your body start to shake and streams of tears travelled down your cheeks. You hadn’t realized that you started crying until you let out a loud chesty sob.

Tao wasn’t moving.

 No…this can’t be…

“T-Tao…?” You croaked as you collapsed in front of him, dropping your flashlight in the process.

“Tao.” You called again, slightly louder this time. Your heart shattered into a thousand pieces when you got no response from the crouched statue. You stretched out a quivering hand and cupped Tao’s bruised face and it gently with your thumb.

“W-wake up…” You pleaded, your voice barely a whisper. “…T-Tao? Wake up…I’m here to clean up y-your wounds…”

Bringing your other hand up to his face, you slowly lifted his head and let it rest against the wall behind him. You lightly tapped your hand on his cheek, your voice wavering as you chocked on your tears.

“Hey! Wake up…!”

You tapped him on his other cheek—still no response.

“T-time to wake up now, Tao.” Again, not even a flinch.

Letting out a broken sob, you pounded your fist on his unwounded shoulder and collapsed into a hug. You sobbed into the side of his head and you felt the weight of his head fall onto your shoulder with the impact of your hug.

“I-I’m s-sorry, Tao…” You whispered as the metallic smell of his blood stained the insides of your nostrils. Nausea hit you once again but you couldn’t care less. Tao was gone. This was your entire fault.

“Tao!” You wailed and you sobbed freely, feeling like a murderer.

Suddenly you felt a small twitch under you, causing your body to freeze. You heard a small croak and you felt the weight on your shoulder shift as the head started to rise.

“D-dui…zhang…?” Tao murmured weakly.

You jumped out of the hug and looked at the boy wide eyed, holding him by the shoulders.

“Tao!” You almost screamed causing Tao to flinch. He looked up at you and scowled, his glare piercing through you.

“Oh. It’s…just you.” He spat but you ignored the venom in his voice and cupped his cheeks again. Tao was taken aback by your actions; his eyes widening at seeing your tear stained face. You gave him a teary smile.

“You’re alright! I-I thought you were…were—“

“—dead?” He finished your sentence for you, amusement in his voice despite his condition. You wiped the tear remnants off your face with embarrassment. You nodded your head avoiding eye contact and Tao let out a weak breathy chuckle.

“Don’t you know to check someone’s pulse before concluding they’re dead?”

He was right. A smart person would have checked his pulse before freaking out about their death. Obviously you weren’t very smart and you felt rather silly at your overreaction.

“So…are you here to pretend to be my friend again and trick me into telling you stuff that I don’t actually know about?” Tao’s eyes were convicting, the lack of trust burrowing into your skull. He clearly still thought that you had tricked him into being kidnapped. “Another scheme of theirs, hm? Couldn’t get anything out of me by torturing me…so they send little miss innocent ‘Angel’ girl to sweet talk stuff out of me?”

Trying to ignore the hurt feeling within you, you took your supplies out of your backpack so you could start cleaning Tao up.

“No.” You replied coldly, “I come here to check on you, bawl my eyes out thinking you were dead and you seriously still think that I’m the enemy? Like really?”

Tao scanned your face as if searching for signs of a lie. His eyes crinkled.

“You could be a good actor.” He stated which caused you to snort. You used the wet rag you had in your bag and started to wipe the blood off Tao’s chest. You blushed slightly as you felt his firm pectoral through the cloth. You tried to concentrate on the task at hand but it was difficult to keep your eyes on target when the boy in front of you looked ridiculously y in his flap and chained to the wall. You mentally scolded yourself for thinking such things at a time like this and willed away the redness in your cheeks.

You’re disgusting. And to think these people call you an angel.

“Me? A good actor?” You let out an amused puff of air. “I can’t act for . Rest assured, if I were lying, you’d know.”

Tao flinched as you dabbed at his wounded shoulder. He took deep breaths as sweat began to drip down his forehead as he tried to ignore the pain.

“?” Tao let out a cute strained laugh. “You talk like Duizhang. He uses that word all the time. You’re a girl though, you shouldn’t use that word.”

“Dueejang? What the hell is a Dueejang?” You asked. “And puh-lease! I’m a girl and I will use whatever words I want thank you very much!” Tao shook his head with a smile, ignoring your second comment and more amused at your horrible pronunciation of the word duizhang.

“Dui-zhang!” He pronounced slower for you. “It’s just another word for ‘leader’.”

You rolled your eyes as you applied the healing sap from the plant you brought with you. Tao squeezed his eyes shut and whimpered at the stinging sensation he felt.

“Why can’t you just say ‘leader’? That’s so much easier that due…duijang word.” Tao giggled again despite the pain he was feeling.

“Duizhang said he likes it better than ‘leader’. He thinks it makes him sound cooler.”

“’Cooler?’” You scoffed. “I think it makes him sound more like a spoilt little—“


You jumped at the loud voice and turned around to see Chanyeol and Baekhyun running up to you.

“No. ‘Angel’ was not the word I was going to use.” You stated coldly.

“Angel what are you doing down here?” asked Baekhyun as he grabbed your arm and tried to pull you away from Tao. You yanked your arm away from his violently and pierced him with your death glare.

“Don’t. Touch me.” Baekhyun and Chanyeol got taken aback by your bitter attitude towards them. You’d never reacted this way to them before and it hurt them to see you angry with them.

“A-Angel…he’s the enem—“

“—I don’t want to hear it.” You cut him off, turning back to Tao to continue what you were doing. “If you want him here in this dungeon, then fine. But I am not letting him bleed to death. Despite what you think, I believe Tao is a good person and he does not deserve any of this.”

Tao watched you as you fought for him. He saw the pain and anguish on your face and he wanted to make it go away. His mouth hung open, wanting to say something but nothing came out. Instead his vision became blurry and he realized that tears had built up in his eyes. He felt horrible for ever doubting you. It was at that moment that he truly believed that you were telling the truth about wanting to help him. He knew that instant that his first instincts were correct and that you were the one from the scriptures. And he knew that someway, somehow, he had to get you away from EXO-K and to EXO-M.

Chanyeol stepped forward as he watched you tend to Tao’s shoulder.

“Angel,” He spoke in a soft voice filled with a mixture of grief and anger but somehow you knew it wasn’t directed at you. “I don’t think anyone has directly told you this, but EXO-K and EXO-M are at war. Many of our men have been killed by them in the past. Our women have been kidnapped and held hostage by them. Much worse than a simple arrow to the shoulder has happened—”

“—well it stops now. I don’t care what you say from this point onwards. There’s obviously been some kind of misunderstanding down the track. All I’m saying is that if you leave this poor boy to bleed to death here, you guys are not the people I thought you were.”

There was a moment of silence as Baekhyun and Chanyeol took in your words. They didn’t believe that you were right. They believed in what they were brought up to believe. EXO-M was the enemy and they must stop at no cost to win this war against them. But there was something about the way you seemed to fully trust Tao that got them doubting their beliefs for a second. It didn’t last long—it was just a passing thought.

Baekhyun looked sadly at your angered face and felt his chest ache. He couldn’t stand the fact that you were angry at him and he felt the need to help you despite the fact it involved helping an M-warrior. Chanyeol and him shared a quick knowing glance and nodded in defeat.

“What do you need, Angel?” Baekhyun asked. “Have you got everything you need to fix up his injuries?”

You looked at the boys and saw that they weren’t pulling your leg; they were serious, even though you could tell they weren’t completely happy about it. Despite that they were obviously only doing it for your sake and not Tao’s, you still appreciated the thought.

“He could do with some food. And maybe some water.”

Baekhyun nodded and turned to Chanyeol.

“Yeollie you say here, I’ll be back soon okay?” Chanyeol nodded and Baekhyun his heel and headed out.

“Hey.” You called out before he disappeared into the hallway. He turned around and looked at you with anticipation.

“Yes, Angel?”

The corners of your lips curled upwards with an apologetic smile.


Baekhyun smiled warmly at you before leaving the cold room. Chanyeol walked over to the furthest side of the dungeon room and sat against the wall. He played with the shackles that were lying on the ground making the clanking of the chains echo throughout the stone room.

When you were sure he wasn’t looking, you leaned down to Tao’s ear and whispered.

“Don’t worry. I’m going to find a way to get you out of here.”

It was quite late and everyone had gone to sleep.  The village was quiet as you limped through the darkness of the night. You tried to avoid as many branches and leaves as much as possible but being quiet in a forest is almost impossible.

You arrived at the dungeon and hid behind a tree. Kai stood guard in front of the cave carving something into the stone wall with his knife. You tried to make out what he was carving but you were too far to see anything. You looked at the key that was dangling around his neck.

Hmm…how the hell am I going to get that away from him?

Many ideas crossed your mind, from seducing him for the key, to whacking him over the head with a rock. Both good ideas—but neither had good consequences.

You were pulled out of your thoughts when you felt a hand on your shoulder. Your hand shot up to cover your mouth to muffle the small squeal you let out as you spun around.

“S-Sehun!” You whispered in shock as you smiled nervously. “W-what are you doing here?”

Sehun pointed towards the cave and his eyes squinted at you with suspicion. He then pointed his finger at you and cocked his head to the side, curiousness all over his face.

“Me? I-I was just, uh, taking a walk and somehow found myself here and uh, like, yeah. I got lost and um…” You really didn’t know what you were saying as you didn’t exactly come up with an excuse in case you were caught. Sehun looked away and sighed as if knowing why you were actually there for. He looked at you with his serious face and shook his head before picking you up and throwing you over his shoulder.

“S-Sehun!” You scolded him in a whisper. “Put me down right now! Where are you taking me? Let me go!”

Sehun shook his head again as he headed in the direction back towards the village. Sehun felt bad for the incredibly rude way he was handling you but he knew that you wouldn’t go back quietly and he had to make sure you stayed away from the prisoner. He knew all too well what your intensions were and he simply could not let that happen. EXO-M was the enemy after all.

Your kicking and angry whispers couldn’t stop Sehun at all. You now knew how Fiona from Shrek felt after he rescued her from the dungeon.

You were about to give up all hopes of trying to get him to put you down, when suddenly you remembered something that Kai told you. Sehun was once friends with an EXO-M warrior when he was little. If this story was true, why was Sehun stopping you from saving your friend? If Sehun had an M-friend once, surely he must not believe that EXO-M are evil.

“Sehun. He’s my friend. Today was not the first day I met him.”

Sehun didn’t flinch at all, he kept walking.

“Despite what everyone says about him, he’s a good guy. I know it. Everyone’s got EXO-M wrong! Tao was seriously just trying to help me today! He didn’t cause any harm to me!”

Again, Sehun kept walking and your blood started to boil and you started to question Sehun’s heart.

“If he stays there, he’ll die. Oh come on, has anyone you’ve ever cared about been in danger before?”

You felt a slight change in Sehun’s walking; he began to slow his pace slightly.

He may be from EXO-M, but he’s my friend. I don’t want to lose my friend.”

Sehun slowed down dramatically, you felt his body tense up and you knew you were getting through to him. You felt absolutely horrible for opening up any old wounds of his, but you had no other options.

“Please Sehun. You have to trust me. Help me. I need to free him before he gets hurt even more. I don’t know what it’s like to lose a friend because I never really had any close friends back home to begin with. But I don’t want to find out now—or ever. I can imagine it would be very hard and I don’t want to experience that, especially since it would be my fault if anything happened to him…”

Sehun planted his feet on the ground. He remained still and unmoving; his breathing begun to escalate. You worried that you may have pulled on the nerve a little too much and you wanted to hug him and apologise. However Sehun made that difficult because he hadn’t put you down yet.

“S-Sehun…?” You him arm apologetically, hoping he was okay. After a few moments of awkwardly laying over Sehun’s shoulder while he went through his thoughts, he finally gently brought you down and stood you in front of him, his eyes cast downwards avoiding your stare.

“Are you okay, Sehunnie?” You tapped his chin to get him to look at you.

He nodded once but still didn’t look you in the eye. He looked so sad and lost and it broke your heart to think that you opened up this rip in his heart in order to save another. You cupped his face forcing him to look at you.

“Will you help me?”

Sehun blankly stared into your eyes for what seemed like forever. He wasn’t sure what to do. His job was to follow Suho’s orders and his orders were to guard the prisoner and make sure he stays where he was. But as he looked into your begging eyes, he saw himself, begging for someone to trust him and understand him. He couldn’t pull away from your wishes, especially since you brought up old memories of the friend he once had.

You let your hands fall from Sehun’s face with a sigh. Sehun jumped out of his thoughts as he felt the warmth of your hands disappear. He took a deep breath in before letting out a sigh of his own. He reached out and grabbed your hands in his. You looked up at him and he gave you a sad smile before nodding his head.

Sehun had a plan—but you had no idea what it was. It’s not like he could tell you. He had motioned with his hand for you to stay hidden in the bushes and not to come out. You hoped that whatever he planned would work.

You sat hidden in the bush for what seemed like ages before Sehun came back with two cups in hand. He walked up to Kai with a smile and handed him a cup.

“What’s this Sehun?” Kai asked, smelling the liquid within the cup. Sehun made a few hand gestures that you didn’t understand.  You made a mental note to learn this sign language business once all this was over.

“Oh, D.O.’s newest flavour of herbal tea?”

Sehun nodded with a smile as he sat by the dungeon entrance. He took a sip of his own cup and looked up at Kai motioning him to try his too.

“Thanks,” Kai took a seat next to Sehun and took a few gulps of the tea. “Mmm, tastes as nice as it smells.”

You waited and watched the two boys drink their tea.

Sehun what the hell. I thought you had a plan? Instead you’re bonding with Kai over a tea?!

Sehun kept looking over at Kai as if expecting something to happen—he seemed to be getting a bit antsy.

Kai let out a big yawn and Sehun’s head snapped towards him as he watched Kai’s eyes start to get droopy. The corner of Sehun’s lip curled upwards slightly and you finally realized what his plan was.

Sleeping tea! The tea makes you tired! Oh Sehun, you genius!

A few more minutes passed before Kai’s head dropped forward and his eyes shut. Sehun smiled with victory and put his own cup down. He waved his hand in front of Kai’s face and when he was satisfied with the lack of reaction from the sleeping boy, he slowly grabbed the key from around his neck and slipped it off. Sehun looked towards the bush that you were hiding in and gave you a thumbs up before disappearing into the cave. You looked back at Kai’s sleeping face and sighed.

I’m sorry Kai. But we have no other choice.



Sehun ran as fast as he could towards the end of the dungeon. He didn’t know how long he had until Kai woke up so he had to act quickly. No one could know he was the one who let the prisoner free. He’d definitely lose his job as a K-warrior.

He stopped at the entrance of the dungeon room Tao was in and took a few deep breaths. Sehun was so frightened to do what he was about to do, but something told him that he was doing the right thing. He squeezed his eyes shut and clamped down on the key in his hand before walking in.


The resting Tao heard the approaching footsteps and his head snapped up to see Sehun walking towards him, a wary look in his eye.

“Well, well. If it isn’t the EXO-K baby. What are you doing here so late at night? Couldn’t sleep? Bit of midnight torture to calm your mind?” Tao glared at Sehun as if taunting him to bring it on. Sehun glared back and instantly didn’t want to free the boy in front of him. He squeezed the key in his hands tightly to hold himself back from punching the cocky expression off Tao’s face but sighed when your pleading face came into his mind.

He bent down and unlocked the shackles on Tao’s ankles, earning a barely audible gasp from Tao. He looked up at the chained boy through his curtain of blonde hair and saw a quick flash of fear in the M-warriors face.

“W-what are you doing?” Tao asked with wide eyes. “Is this some kind of joke?”

Sehun blinked at Tao with his famous straight face before shaking his head. He then reached over to the shackles binding Tao’s wrists and unlocked them causing Tao to slump forward due to lack of energy. Sehun caught him before he hit the ground and held him in his arms while Tao let out a painful whine as he felt every muscle in his body scream as they cramped up.

Sehun grasped the boy around his torso to help him up to his feet and it was this action that alerted Tao to their current position. Tao used all his energy to push himself out of Sehun’s chest and he sent his fist flying, hitting Sehun square in the face. Sehun went soaring and skidded backwards on his behind.

Sehun let out a cat like hiss as he felt his cheek sting from where Tao hit him. He looked back at the raven haired boy and saw that he had taken a defensive stance—a pretty sloppy one at that—but it was a fair effort considering his condition. Sehun rocked back on his lower back and using his foot for momentum, he hoisted himself back up to his feet. He held up his fists in front of his face and lowered his body, standing his ground for any other blow Tao might throw at him. Sehun gulped—he wasn’t very good at one-on-one combat and was worried that things might get messy for him.

In a fair battle between Tao and Sehun, Sehun would have absolutely zero chance of winning due to his lack of training in that field; he was an archer after all. Shooting arrows was all he could do. Luckily for Sehun though, Tao was in bad shape and was already panting from just that one hit.

Tao lugged another heavy fist at Sehun but this time the younger boy was more prepared and dodged it easily. Tao’s face contorted with anguish —he missed? He was the EXO-M black belt. The EXO-M black belt never missed. He fired another punch in Sehun’s direction. He missed again.

Tao bit down on his bottom lip and let out an indignant battle cry as he charged at Sehun, trying to bulldoze him down with a body slam. Sehun dropped his fists and opened his arms so that Tao slammed into his chest. Tao’s charge sent them both flying backwards and Sehun landed with a thump on his back and instantly being squashed between the hard concrete floor and the already extremely exhausted black haired boy. Sehun ignored the twinge in his back caused by impact and quickly rolled Tao over so their positions were reversed. Sehun grabbed Tao’s wrists and held them down on either side of his head.

Tao strained to push the scrawny boy off of him letting out raspy, breathless gasps but Sehun was doing a really good job at keeping him in his place. Tao squeezed his eyes shut as he felt them glaze with tears. To lose a fight to an EXO-K archer like Sehun was more than embarrassing. It was dishonourable to his tribe. He stopped struggling and allowed himself to be pinned down by the smaller boy, a small defeated sigh leaving his lips.

“What do you want…?” Tao croaked out, unable to hide the shakiness in his voice. A single tear trickled down the side of his cheek and collected in the dry gash at his temple from his earlier torcher session.

When Tao got no response, he opened his eyes, his vision slightly blurry from the tears. He saw the hazy image of Sehun’s face above him and after blinking a few times, Sehun’s blank, stone face became clear. They stayed like this for a few moments, staring at each other with both distrust and contemplation.

Sehun was the first to break eye contact as he gave up against his internal battle he was having with himself about what his next move should be. He’d decided to go with the non-violent way.

Loosening his grip on Tao, Sehun got up off the boy and pulled him up to sit. He gave him a gentle pat on the back as a way of telling Tao that he wasn’t going to hurt him.

Tao looked up at his ‘saviour’ with a confused expression.

“I don’t understand.” He whispered as Sehun pulled him up to his feet, steadying him by throwing Tao’s arm over his shoulder. Sehun remained silent, his movements stiff and robotic. Tao whined and tried to pull away on instinct but Sehun gave him a firm thump to the chest with his palm, followed by a glare that Tao just huffed away. Sehun hated that he was helping this ungrateful little .

Tao allowed himself to be escorted out of the dungeon by Sehun. Once out in the open again, he turned his head and saw Kai sleeping on the ground and he chuckled.

“Put your own tribe member to sleep to save an M-warrior. Nice.” Sehun responded to this with a small nod.

“Why though?” A sly grin formed on Tao’s face. “Oh, you don’t have a crush on me do you? Coz that’s just gros—ow, you poop head, enough with the hitting!“

Sehun gave Tao another hard slap on the chest and quickened his pace to the bushes. Tao continued to complain some more but immediately stopped when he saw your head pop out of the bushes.  

Once they had reached you, Sehun flung Tao out of his grip and onto the floor causing him to yelp in pain as he hit the ground.

“Sehun!” You quietly scolded the blonde boy, who was currently giving Tao an annoyed look. You tried to lift Tao back up. “You okay Tao?”

“You little…blonde….piece of…poop!” Tao yelled quietly. “I don’t care if he helped me get out, he’s mean! I don’t like him! Of all the people to convince to help me, why him?!” Tao whined as you managed to pull him to his feet.

“Sehun! Apologise to Tao right now!”

Sehun crossed his arms like a grumpy 5 year old and turned away from you, his lips pulled into a small pout.

“Sehun, don’t be a brat!” You slapped him on the arm as his pout deepened. He sent one last glare over his shoulder to Tao before turning around, storming away. You shook your head.

“Don’t mind him. He may be 19 but he’s a small stubborn child at heart.” You looked in the direction of where EXO-M territory lay. “Will you be alright getting back by yourself? I don’t think I’ll be capable of helping you get there because of my leg…”

Tao flashed a toothy grin at you, his eyes wrinkling at the corners.

“I’ll manage, don’t worry.”

You leaned in and wrapped your arms around him, giving him a big hug. Tao flinched at your sudden bold move. The few girls of the EXO-M tribe were never this forward with skinship. After a few seconds of being hugged by you, he relaxed and returned the hug with a shy smile. When you pulled away from each other, Tao looked at your smiling face and noticed how your eyes seemed to twinkle in the light of the moon—he found it magical, almost hypnotizing. He felt like he was seeing you for the first time. The moonlight reflected against your hair giving it a slight silver tinge. A gust of wind danced around you; your temporarily silver strands whipping across your face, caressing it gently.

Tao reached his hand up to your face and the place on your cheek where your hair had just been. You blushed at the contact and knocked his hand away. Tao chuckled.

“You know what you look like? You look like a moon princess. It’s amazing how you seem to glow in the moonlight.” You blushed furiously at this statement and you had to mentally tell your heart to stop pounding so hard. You cleared your throat and Tao giggled at how cute you were being.

Brushing off his compliment, you motioned for him to hurry and leave.

“You should go before Kai wakes up.”

Tao nodded and took a wobbly step away. He bit away the pain that coursed through his body with every move he made on his own; he didn’t want you to see him suffering.

“Oh, and Tao?” He turned his head back to you and saw the stern face you wore. “Tell the others of EXO-M not to retaliate. Please don’t come back here and start a fight. I will come to visit your side one day, wait for me to come to you guys. Don’t come looking for me here because it will only cause trouble if you are in EXO-K land again.”

Tao wasn’t happy with the statement. He wanted to get his tribe mates to come back to get you as soon as possible once he got back to the village. But one look at your serious face and he couldn’t refuse you. He nodded, trusting your words and with that, he disappeared into the night.

“Be safe…” 



A/N: I hope you guys liked this chapter!! For those who are looking for to reading more about Sehun's EXO-M friend, stay tuned for the next chapter! :)

Thank you so much for reading and sticking with me so far! Thanks for all your comments on the last chapter! Sorry I caused some of you to be sad due to Tao's kidnap and torture! Hope you feel better now :P 

See you next chapter! Saranghae!


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My elderly father has been in very bad health so I haven't had time to update as I am his only carer. I'm so sorry for the hiatus :(


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Chapter 18: Its been so long..i had to reread it from the begining..enjoyed it just like the first one nonetheless..will be waiting for the next chapter
Alosya #2
Chapter 18: Omg please update soon its been so long
Chapter 18: REJOICE!
pendidikansivik #4
Chapter 1: HEUNGGGG UR FINALLY BACK!!!! THANK U SO MUCH FOR NOT GIVING UP ON THIS MASTERPIECE *me running around the house screaming*
Chapter 18: wow I really love this story welcome back
MeganeAlpaca #6