Oh my Lady!- TWO!

Oh my Lady!

OH MY LADY: Chapter Two!

Taeyeon's POV

"Leave her there, i'll take care of her." i said to my dongsaeng Yoona, who just nodded.

"Don't do something bad to her, unnie." she said as she smirked at me. I knew what she meant by that. Gross.

"What do you mean? I'm not going to her Yoona, i'm not a lesbian like Sooyoung." i said as i grinned a little.

She laughed at my statement. Then the both of us headed outside the kitchen. The other girls were looking at me.

"What?" i asked.

"What are we going to do about that girl?" Sunny asked as she pointed to the drunk girl, who was already sleeping on the table.

"I'll take her home." Sooyoung said as she smirked while looking at the sleeping customer.

I shook my head. "No way. I can't just entrust her to you Sooyoung." i said.

"What do you mean by that? Do you think that i'm going to her or something?!" Sooyoung exclaimed as she hit the table with her fist.

"By the look in your eyes, it seems like you're attracted to her or something. Remember, you're a lesbian." i said with a little tease.

"Whatever.." Sooyoung mumbled. "So if it's not me, then who's gonna take her home?" she asked.

The other girls quickly shook their heads meaning that they don't wanna get involved with that drunk lady. Then they all looked at me with smirks on their faces.

I sighed. "Yeah yeah i know, i'm gonna take her home. Even if i don't want to." i said.

"Take care of her unnie.." Seohyun said softly.

I gave her a weird and a confused look.

"Why Seo? Why did you have to tell me that? You know how responsible your Taeyeon unnie is, right?" i said proudly.

Sunny and Sooyoung made fake coughs. Yoona just giggled.

"What?" i said, feeling confused by their weird reactions.

"Taeyeon unnie, all of us in here knows that you're... you're... you know a..." Yoona can't just say the word and complete the sentence.

"A byuntae." Sunny finished for her.

I laughed at their comment. "Whatever, i'm not like that! I'm normally straight, so don't accuse me of that!" i said.

"Whatever byuntaeng..." Sunny teased. I glared at her, but she just stuck out her tongue at me. So childish, that's Lee Soonkyu!!

Seohyun looked at her watch. "Oh unnies, we should head home now. It's almost twelve." she said.

Man, we stayed up so late.

As the other girls fixed and locked the kitchen before going out, i approached the sleeping customer and gently carried her using my arms.

"Oww, she's kinda heavy. Good thing, i'm strong." i said to myself as i supported her in walking, by wrapping her right arm around my shoulder while my left arm is wrapped around her waist, carrrying her.

"Taeyeon unnie, are you sure you're gonna be okay?" Yoona, who was walking beside me, asked.

"Yeah, i think so." i said as i showed a weak smile.

"I think i should accompany and help you." she said as she tried to help me carry the wasted girl.

"Thanks Yoona." i said as i smiled at her, she smiled back.

Yoona is the most caring and thoughtful friend, next to our maknae, Seohyun. But i guess i'm more close to Yoona, since she's like a real dongsaeng to me. Seohyun is like my, uhm, how do i say this....daughter?

Sunny is my bestfriend, also my partner in childishness. We are the dorks in our circle of friends. She's the one who knows me very very well. Meanwhile Sooyoung is like my friend and sometimes enemy. We always tease each other and compete with each other. But of course, we're great partners when it comes to pranks.

Yoona and i bid goodbye to Sooyoung, Sunny, and Seohyun as we parted. Yoona, the drunk girl, and i headed to the side of the street and waited for a taxi. A few seconds later, a taxi finally came.

Later on, the taxi dropped us in front of the apartment building where i live. Yoona decided to sleep over, since she wanted to help me with that wasted girl. We went to the 2nd floor, to the 7th door where my apartment unit was.

When we entered inside, we dropped the girl on the huge couch at the living room.

"You think she's gonna be okay in there?" Yoona asked.

"Yeah, she'll be fine there." i said as i glanced at the girl's face. Man, i have to admit, she's very beautiful.

I glanced at her. Starting at her dark beautiful raven hair, next to her beautiful sleeping eyes. Then i looked at her pink rosy cheeks which looks adorably cute. Next, i looked at her red kissable soft-looking lips which made my mouth water. Not that i want to kiss it.. i'm just totally blown away by her beauty. Whatever! Then my eyes slowly moved down and down until it reached her chest. Then i stopped there. What was i doing?

"Unnie! What are you doing?" Yoona asked as she nudged me.

"Uhh....what?" i asked as i looked at her.

"Ah-ha... You were staring at her." she said as she smirked.

"W-What? I was? Really?" i asked.

"Yeah you were... You even looked at her chest." she said as she giggled a bit.

"Yah, i was just blown away by her beauty." i said as i walked away and headed to the kitchen.

I approached the refrigerator and opened it. I grabbed the carton of milk. When i closed the fridge's door, i was surprised to see Yoona there, standing beside me.

"Yoona! You startled me there.." i said.

"Unnie, you are such a byuntae!" she said as she grinned at me.

"Yah, am not!" i said.

"Are too! You were obviously checking her out earlier! Remember, don't ever take advantage of a poor, drunk, pretty lady." she said as she poked my cheek with her finger.

I sighed. "Why is it that you're becoming like Sunny? Is she influencing you that badly? I told you, i'm not a byuntae! Maybe iam, but only to men!" i said.

She laughed a bit which got me irritated the more.

"Im Yoona, let's just go to sleep. I'm exhausted from work, and from all of your teasing." i said as a grinned at her, she just stuck out her tongue at me. Okay, seriously. Sunny is really influencing her!

Yoona and i went to my bedroom and laid ourselves down on my huge, comfy bed.

She faced me and said, "Unnie, have a good sleep. I'll bet you'll have a good morning tomorrow." she said as she smiled weirdly.

"What do you mean?" i asked.

"Nothing. Just go to sleep, night-night!" she said as she turned away and faced the other side. I did the same thing too.

Im Yoona, what are you planning to do?

Anyways, i didn't care about what Yoona was planning to do, because i was too tired and i really wanted to go to sleep. So i slowly closed my eyes, then drifted off to sleep.

*The next morning*

A light suddenly beamed through my eyes, i thought it was just the sunlight, so i just ignored it and continued to sleep.

Suddenly, i felt something on my waist. I felt like something's wrapped around it. I slowly opened my eyes, even though i was still half-asleep. I looked at my waist, an arm was wrapped around it. I thought that it was Yoona so, i just let ourselves stay that way since she's my little dongsaeng, she can snuggle up to me anytime she wants too. I noticed that she also rested her head near my neck. I couldn't see her face since it was covered by her hair.

I gently lifted my head a bit, to look around my room. I rubbed my eyes, so my vision would be a bit clearer. That's when i noticed that Yoona was wearing different clothes.

"Wait a minute.." i muttered.

These are not the clothes Yoona was wearing last night. She didn't even changed her clothes. And even if she did, she should be wearing my clothes since she's staying at my place. But the clothes she's wearing right now are unfamiliar to me.

That's when i hit me.

These clothes... they are worn by the lady.... the drunk lady from the restaurant last night.

I gently removed the hair away from the face of the girl who was sleeping beside me.


Then i heard soft giggles from outside of my room.

"Im Yoona!!!!!!!!!" i shouted.

"Yes Taeyeon unnie??" she asked as she entered my room while holding something..

Is that... a camera?

"Why is she sleeping here?" i asked her.

She giggled. "I don't know." she shrugged.

"Yah, get this thing off of me right now or i swear i'll kill you." i mouthed at Yoona, who was still giggling while looking at me.

Yoona approached the bed slowly and gently removed the arm of the girl wrapped around my waist. I had the chance to get off the bed, and get away from that stranger.

I quickly pulled Yoona outside of the room.

"Yah! What the hell was that about??" i asked her.

"What was what?" she asked while giggling a bit.

Aigoo. This girl is really driving me insane.

"That! Why was she sleeping next to me? And what's worse, why was she cuddling me?" i asked.

"I don't know, but you two look so damn cute together." she said as she smiled and showed me a picture in her camera.

So the beam of light i had actually seen earlier wasn't the sunlight, it was the flash of Yoona's camera! She took a picture of me and that girl sleeping together!

Aigoo. I never thought Yoona is a prankster. I mean, this is the very first time she had put a prank on me. Maybe Sooyoung and Sunny did influence her that much.

"Yoona, you're so mean.." i muttered.

She pinched my cheek then put her hand on my shoulder. "Sorry unnie. But i know that you'll thank me for this someday.." she said as she turned around, and headed to the kitchen.

What did she mean about that?

I scratched my head. All of a sudden, i heard a sudden shout.

"Ouch!!" it was a voice coming from my room.

I quickly headed inside my room, and i found the girl sitting up on my bed, she was touching her head with her hand.

"Are you okay??" i asked as i quickly approached her.

"Yes, i'm fine. But my head hurts so much." she said. She looked around my room then afterwards her eyes landed on me. "Who are you and where am i?" she asked.

"I'll explain everything later. But for now, i should get you a water to drink." i said as i got up and was about to walk away, but she pulled my arm.

I turned around and faced her.

"Can i at least know your name?" she asked.

I sighed. "Kim Taeyeon." i said. "What about yours?"

"Tiffany Hwang.." she said.

I smiled at her then went outside of the room. I headed towards the kitchen, where i saw Yoona making breakfast.

"So, is the young maiden awake?" Yoona asked.

"Yup. How'd you know?" i asked as i poured mineral water in a drinking glass.

"I heard her scream. Did you tell her already why she's here?" she asked.

I shook my head. "Nope. I'm too lazy to explain for now." i said as i walked away and went back inside my room.

"Here you go Tiffany.." i said as i handed to her the glass of water.

"T-thanks.." she said as she drank the whole glass of water.

"No problem.. We better go outside and have breakfast. I'll explain everything to you while eating." i said.

She nodded and obeyed me. She got off the bed, and followed me outside and we headed towards my small dining room.

"Good morning princess.." Yoona greeted Tiffany while smiling.

"Princess?" Tiffany asked.

"Just ignore her." i said to her as we sat down. I saw Yoona grin at me.

"So, what exactly happened to me last night that made me end up in here?" Tiffany asked as we started eating.

"Well, we are waitresses working at the bar you went to last night. We saw you there, obviously drinking yourself to death. When all the customers left before closing, you were still there, and you were already asleep." I explained.

"And of course, we cannot just leave you there like that. So, we decided to bring you here at our place. You were so wasted last night." Yoona added.

"I'm sorry, for causing you a lot of trouble." Tiffany said in a very apologetic way.

"No worries, Taeyeon unnie doesn't mind having pretty ladies stay overnight at her place." Yoona said as she winked at me.

I think Tiffany felt weird about what Yoona said and about her wink.

Sorry Tiffany, and i hate you Yoona!!!

"Tiffany, like i told you earlier, just ignore my friend Yoona. Sometimes she says things that she doesn't even mean to say." i said.

Tiffany looked at me with a smile, then nodded. She's so damn cute. Aigoo!

"Again, i'm really sorry for causing you trouble. It won't happen again.." she said.

"It's okay. Why were you even drinking alone last night?" i asked.

"Well, i was having a problem lately, and i thought that drinking would be the best way to forget about it." she said.

"You know what, most people thinksof it  that way. But drinking never makes your troubles and problems go away, they just add more troubles to you." Yoona said. Very good for being mature Yoona!

Tiffany smiled weakly. I kind of feel sorry about her. What could be her problem that made her drink that much?

"Anyways, that incident won't happen again. I won't come to your bar again so i won't bother you anymore." Tiffany said softly.

"NO!!!" i shouted which startled Yoona and Tiffany.

Yoona looked at me weirdly, but eventually, a smile appeared on her face.

"I mean, you can hang out in our bar anytime you want, just don't drink anymore, arasso?" i said as i looked at Tiffany who responded by smiling and nodding. Damn beautiful.

Later on after eating, i went inside the bathroom to pee. Then i suddenly felt the urge of taking a nice, cool bath. So i quickly took off my clothes and went inside the shower to wash myself.

Tiffany's POV

After helping Yoona in washing the dishes, i felt the sudden urge to pee. I hurriedly went inside the bathroom, good thing the door was unlocked. I thought someone came in here earlier.

Then suddenly, i heard the shower's water running and i heard somebody singing.

Its starting like the dreams i had everyday
Now i come to know all the lights in the world
Everything has a scent because of you..

What an amazingly beautiful voice..

I want to give all the dreams you want I’ll be your Tinkerbell in the sky
Like the first snow in winter like the sun in early spring
I fly to you with mysterious magic..

The voice, it sounds so gentle, warm and so sweet yet it also sounds soulful and powerful.

When the Witch of Ice World from fairy tales
blows cold wind in front of us one day.

Promise me. We can overcome it together.. 

My ears just love listening to it. The voice calms me and makes me feel so relaxed and happy.

I’m not scared of anything when i’m with you.
I’ll be your Tinkerbell in the sky
Like the ocean in summer like the sky in late fall
Its a dream that starts when the blue light sparkles

I kept listening to the beautiful voice but i didn't realized that there was a soap on the floor and i stepped on it then i slipped and fell down on the floor with a loud "thud". I hit my head on the wall and it hurts so much.

"What the? Who's there?" the voice stopped singing and it started talking.

I can't respond due to the fact that my head is aching and i think it's kind of bleeding. And also because i'm afraid to let her know that all throughout her bathing and singing, i was there with her.

Suddenly, her head popped out from the shower curtain.

"Tiffany?!" she exclaimed as she saw me.

"Sorry sorry!!! I didn't mean to come in here! I didn't know you were here! I'm sorry, i swear i didn't see anything!" i said as i squeezed my eyes closed.

"Oh my God you're bleeding!" she said as i felt her suddenly come close to me.

I felt her hand touch my face. "Tiffany, you're bleeding!" she said once again.

"I know i know!" i said, my eyes still closed.

"Tiffany, you can open your eyes now, i'm already covered with a towel." she said then i slowly opened my eyes.

Phew, that was close.

"What are you still doing there? Get up and let me fix your wound before it gets worse!" she said as she helped me to get up, then we went outside of the bathroom.

She helped me sit down on her bed.

"Goodness Tiffany, what were you doing in there?" she said as she grabbed a first aid kit from her cabinet.

I blushed slightly before answering. "I-I w-was j-just t-trying to p-pee.." why am i stammering?!

"So, you didn't know that i was in there?" she asked as she handed me the first aid kit.

I nodded. But i kind of lied. I already knew she was in there. But i was kindly caught up with her singing, so i forgot to leave the bathroom.

"Here, fix your wound. I'll just change into my clothes." she said.

I simply nodded and she went inside her dressing room and started to change. I don't know what exactly to do, since i have no idea how to use a first aid kit.

A minute later, she finally comes out of her dressing room, finding me having a hard time in cleansing my wound.

"Aish Tiffany, let me do it." she said as she grabbed the kit from me and sat down in front of me.

"Okay, this is gonna hurt a bit, but just hold on.." she said softly as she put something on my bleeding forehead which made me scream in pain.

"Ouch!!!!! Oh my gosh, it hurts!" i screamed.

"Sorry, i'm sorry, but i had to apply it to your wound so it won't get infected." she said.

Tears started to come out from my eyes. It really hurt a lot! I tried to close my eyes and control the pain and tears i was having.

Suddenly, i felt a warm, gentle touch on my cheek. I opened my eyes and i saw Taeyeon pull away from me and i noticed her blushing.

Did she.... Did she just kiss me on my cheek?

"I did that because i thought it may make you feel better and ease your pain." she said softly as she tried to avoid my gaze.

I smiled and also blushed a bit. Indeed, she is such a sweet, cute, adorable, and a lovely person, i describe her like that even though i just met her.

I tried to reach out for her face and i was planning to caress it as a sign of my 'thank you', but the door suddenly opened, and Yoona was standing in the doorway.

"What happened guys?" she asked.

Taeyeon and i looked at her with a bit of an annoyed expression, and i knew she noticed it.

"Ahh, uhm, oh, sorry if i disturbed anything." she said as she smiled shyly and closed the door.

Yoona is kind of funny sometimes.



Aww... Taeyeon is so sweet!! <3

And Yoona is so cute and funny... :DD


Well, i do hope that you'll like this chapter.

I appreciate and love your comments... ^^







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Chapter 2: Continue continue continue!!! ? I am loving it
Chapter 2: Continue pleaseeeeeeee