Well... You see...

More than friends?

I shook my head and grabbed my clothes.

Comfortable oversized shirt and a pair of shorts.

I walked out of the room...

he was there on the couch. ZOMG!

"Urhm, haha, annyeong, so you are my Umma's Friend's Son?" I asked meekly, walking towards him.

"Yeah. Haha. Urm, I haven't introduced myself properly yet, I'm Kim Kibum, just call me Key. I'm 18 this year. And I think I'm attending the same school as you. Haha." he held out his hand to me.

"I'm Heeneul, Hehe. I'm in class 113(junior year*18years in kr age*)" I replied and shook his hand.

"113? That's my homeroom too! What subject combination did you get?" He asked eagerly.

"Hmm, triple science:)"

"Jinjja?! We're going to have the same timetable! Yeay!" He jumped up and down and hugged me.

Wait, did he just hugged me?


I could feel blood gushing up to my face and blush forms. This is the first ever time I had been so close to a guy!!

 "Eh hem" I faked a cough.

"Oh, sorry, I had forgotten the fact that I'm not in America anymore. Hehe. Well, I hope to get to know more about you..."he paused. And out of nowhere, he bursted,"OHYA! I SAW A COFFEE SHOP NEARBY, LETS GO AND GRAB A DRINK!"

Zomg, he gives me creeps

"Yeah, sure. Why not?" I accepted his invitation and we went to the coffee shop after I grabbed my jacket.

---Coffee shop---

"Hmm, what do you want to drink?"

I put my finger on my lips unknowingly and scanned the menu. "I think I will get a Mocha Breeze." I decided, pointing at the picture of Mocha Breeze.

"Okay, one cup of Mocha Breeze and one cup of Latte." he handed the menu to the waitress.

The waitress' face turned pinkish of blush and left, giving Key a wink.


I narrowed my eyes =.=

"Jealous much?" he teased.

What the eff is he talking about? It's like, we had just met for... A few hours? Pssh, full of himself.

"Whuttt..." I replied. Diverting the topic, I asked him, "do you like K-Pop? :D".

"K-pop? Yeap. I guess..."

"Really? Which band do you like the most?" my eyes lit up.

"Hey don't call me gay but I kinda admire super junior~"

"OMO? seriously?! I love SuJu ttm! I had never encountered guys who likes guy bands, they call them sissy and blah. Well and they all like bands like SoShi... Sigh."

"Yeah! SoShi is really famous. Don't you like them?"

"I do, but not that much."

"I see... Are all the girls in Korea like you?"He said ou of the blue.

"Mwoh? Waeyo? Like me in what way?"

"Like... Kind and friendly like you?"

Kind and friendly... Seriously. Well, sure, why not? I'll be in your dreams;)

"Yeah, kind and friendly. Get along with me better and I will show you what's kind and friendly. Hahaha." I sacarstically laughed it off.

"I meant.. Seriously!"he pouted

"Don't know, have a good look at it yourself~"


we just continue to talk crap and joke around to the extend that we had forgotten the time.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHA, THAT HAPPENED ON YOU? OMG!" key laughed his head off as he heard about my crush. What a meannie!

I caught a glance at my watch. It's 10pm already? There's school tomorrow! I better go to bed soon:)

"Yah! Key, stop laughing! It's 10 already, kaja." I firmed with a poker face

He chilled for a while, paid the bill and we left together.


"Urm, do you have any idea where exactly am I supposed to sleep at?" key looked at me.

"Sadly, my room." I replied.

Then the thought of a possibility of him me popped out of my mind again.


Chill woman, chill. I relaxed myself mentally.

"then what about you?" key asked again.

"Sadly, my room." I replied. Yet again.

 "heh" he smirked

"Roommates ehh?"he lifts and eyebrow questioningly.

"N..nn...neh... W..wae?" I asked stuttering


Unexpectedly, he smiles and say,"let's be friends;) I don't bite."

"N..nn...neh." I continued stuttering. WTF.

"haha, chill woman, I don't ." omg, did he just said the word ""?! oh, he DON'T . *sigh of relieve*

"CHILLAXXXX~" he cooed while pushing me into my bedroom.

he's.. Different... From all the guys out there... Unique..

---inside the room---

"so... Which is my bed?" he asked, looking at the two beds. (a/n: the beds are like one at the end of the room, while the other is on the opposite:))

"That..." I pointed to the blue bed.

"Okay:)" he replied.

I then walked to the bathroom to brush my teeth

---key brushed his teeth and blahhh---

I laid on my bed peacefully... And I drifted into my la-la land~ 



Chapters complied on 2-8-2011

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junmyeons #1
new reader ((:
this is rly good so far!
please update soon
Finally a chapter \(^.^)/
It was too short T_T but the most important thing is that you updated ^^
Please continue this story :)
Waiting for another chapter
Ashyunchick20 #3
Hello hello ~ Shinee dance ~ :P
I was wondering if you can please check out my fanfic 'bout Shinee :D
Thanks ^_^
aren't you going to update?? TT_TT
i really like this story :)
i hope you can update soon ^.^
waiting for your updates ^^
Not yet TT TT
JustinSmurfinglyLove #6
Is there a chapter 13 ?
@Yongting: Yeah TT TT LOL.
omg they are seriously so cute! but Key is moving away... :(
@SISA95: haha, thanks:) I will be updating later or tomorrow:)
NICE chapter ^^<br />
WAITING for the next one =)