I miss her/him...

More than friends?

3rd Person's POV

It had been more than a month's time since Heeneul last seen Key.

He had moved out as what his dad had planned for him, and worse so, transferred out.

Heeneul had been alone in her house all the time after school. Her mom's not back yet.

While Key was getting back to what he was supposed to be living as--a rich kid with a good backgroud, he realized that all the friends that he had met... Wasn't just as what it seems....

Key's POV

"Key oppa-deul. Me and my girls are going later out to eat. You want come?" I turned to my side to see Jae-eun talking to me...

Jae-eun.. This girl.. She had been trying to talk to me with English the past week... But it's a... TOTAL FAIL.

"Get your grammar shapperned up before you speak to me in English. Your sentence should be "Key oppa-deul. My girls and I are going out to eat later. Do you want to come along?"."

Jae-eun gasped and stood there.

"Tata~" I sang, walking off to the foyer.

Seriously. I don't get the people out here in this school.

Girls-stuck up.

Guy-ed up.

I have totally no idea what they're up to.

Goddamnit. I miss my old school.

I hate this school....

And most of all....

I miss her...

Heeneul's POV

I fumbled through my locker, grabbing the things I need for my next class.

Textbook, workbook, notes, pencil case. Okay. All checked.

It was Geography class. 

I sat back on my seat where it had always been. The teacher wasn't here yet, neither were the students. I'm the only one left in the classroom. My fingertips traced the doodles on the adjacent table. Key had always been doodling on his table. Well, I could never stop him.. 

I let my mind lingered back to when Key had just moved in. And all those havoc he'd created. 

Those times which we actually spent off with quality, and the times which we just slacked off together.

Something hit me. 

I think.. I think I miss him...

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junmyeons #1
new reader ((:
this is rly good so far!
please update soon
Finally a chapter \(^.^)/
It was too short T_T but the most important thing is that you updated ^^
Please continue this story :)
Waiting for another chapter
Ashyunchick20 #3
Hello hello ~ Shinee dance ~ :P
I was wondering if you can please check out my fanfic 'bout Shinee :D
Thanks ^_^
aren't you going to update?? TT_TT
i really like this story :)
i hope you can update soon ^.^
waiting for your updates ^^
Not yet TT TT
JustinSmurfinglyLove #6
Is there a chapter 13 ?
@Yongting: Yeah TT TT LOL.
omg they are seriously so cute! but Key is moving away... :(
@SISA95: haha, thanks:) I will be updating later or tomorrow:)
NICE chapter ^^<br />
WAITING for the next one =)