
This Is Our Story


Zelo was tired when he walked through the school corridor, very tired. The hallucinations was not as bad as before but the nightmares was still bad enough to keep him awake at night. 
He still wasn't sure how he was going to manage a whole day of school and he was sure he wouldn't if he hadn't gotten that one night sleep at Youngjae's parents house. He unconsciously smiled at the memory and with his dark circles he entered his next class.
Everyone had different classes this period which meant he had to wait until lunch before he would meet them. He sighed and sat down on his usual seat. He was already longing for lunch and he couldn't help but concentrate on the clock a tad bit more than the teachers ranting.
When the school bell rang he immediately packed his things and rushed to his locker, where he literally threw his things in it and closed it before the books had a chance to fall out.
He wasn't really sure why he was so excited about lunch but the thought of that Yongguk will be there made it a lot more exciting and he couldn't help himself but to half run, half walk his way to the canteen.
When he entered the canteen he was suprised to see that they were nowhere in sight but that was pretty logic since he had come here on record time and they were probably still on their way.
Well, he wasn't afraid to sit by himself so he took his plate and sat down on a empty table where the others had space to come sit when they arrived.
After a while of slowly eating his food, someone sat down in front of him and when he looked up he saw Yongguk with a wide smile.
Zelo smiled back with a equal bright one.
"You're here early"
"Ahh, deh" Zelo poked his food with his fork.
It was a comfortable silence before Zelo looked up from his food with furrowed eyebrows.
"Where are the others?"
"Ahh, they went to Himchan's house to eat lunch"
"What? And they left without me?" Zelo whined and pouted cutely.
Yongguk chuckled "They left me too, you know"
"You too?" Zelo pointed with his fork "But how come they told you but not me" Zelo whined.
"Probably because they knew you would whine like this when you found out and..." Yongguk pointed back with his fork "I didn't know until they were already long gone"
Zelo pouted and hit Yongguks fork lightly with his own before he went back to eating the rest of his food.
Mean while, two blonde hairs spied through the canteen doors window. One of them with a wide grin and the other with furrowed eyebrows.
"Mind telling me why we're doing this again?"
Youngjae sighed but still couldn't hide his wide grin "Beacuse, it's obvious they like each other and if we don't do anything, I have a feeling that nothing will ever happen and that would be such a shame"
"I know but come on! I'm hungry~" Daehyun whined and pouted.
Youngjae was suprised. It was rare, very rare for Daehyun to pout and it sure was an unusual sight. 
Youngjae reached for his bag and took out a packed lunch box and handed it to Daehyun.
"Eat this and stop pouting....It doesn't suit you"
Daehyun ignored Youngjae's statement, grabbed the lunch box and opened the annoying lid, that kept him and the food separated, with force.  
As he munched on the food he looked through the window and saw Yongguk and Zelo getting up from their seats. Youngjae saw it too and started to slightly panic as he power walked down the corridor, followed by Daehyun who had a hard time power walking and eating at the same time.
It was the end of school and Zelo hadn't even glanced at any other than Yongguk the whole day, still pouting over the lunch he didn't get to eat.
He walked through the school gates and prepared himself for a walk home. Since it soon was winter, it was chilly and already dark outside. 
He was suprised when someone flung an arm around his shoulders and looked up to see Jongup smiling at him.
"Mianhe" He said and ruffled Zelo's hair "Stop pouting, next time i'll take you with me for sure" He chuckled and waved before walking off.
Zelo couldn't help but crack a smile at his friend and shook his head as he started walking down the street.
He was too engrossed in his thoughts that he didn't notice the footsteps behind him nor did he notice them walking up beside him. He didn't notice until the said person poked him lightly on the shoulder, startling the younger and making him turn around harshly.
"WAAH!!!" Zelo clutched his chest and breathed hevily "Damn, Guk. You scared me!"
"I'm sorry" Yongguk raised his hands in the air "I didn't mean to"
Zelo pouted and punched him lightly in the chest, earning a dramatic 'ow! that hurt!' expression.
"What are you doing here, anyway?"
Yongguk scratched his neck awkwardly "ehh, I actually wanted to walk you home but i didn't get to catch you on time"
Zelo mouthed an 'oh' and blushed.
"Well, let's go then" Yongguk stretched out his arm "Lead the way" he said with a sarcastic tone.
Zelo laughed and they started walking towards Zelo's house. The drunk man didn't appear a single time as his mind was focused on Yongguk the whole time. It wasn't until they reached Zelo's door that he noticed it but he knew he wouldn't have such luck when it was time to sleep.
He traced his shoe along the platforms in front of his door, with his hands in his pockets and gaze fucosed on the ground.
"Y-You want t-to come inside?" Zelo cursed his stuttering but nonetheless raised his head to meet Yongguk's gaze.
Yongguk smiled "Sure"
Zelo couldn't hide his smile and opened the door to his house. 
"Mom, I'm home" He called and took off his shoes.
A faint 'Deh' could be heard from the living room to the right and Zelo began walking down the corridor to the left and opened one of the two doors, one of them consisting of a bathroom and the other his own room.
Inside was a bed, a small desk piled with books and papers and a sofa with a small tv in front of it. Yongguk had never had his own tv in his own room before. He sat down on the sofa and rested his arm on the back of it while Zelo dropped his backpack on his bed and sat down.
There was a kind of awkward silent and Zelo wasn't sure of what to say.
"Want to watch a movie?" It was the only thing that crossed Zelo's mind at the moment.
"Sure, what movies do you have?"
Zelo rose from his seat and picked up the pile of movies beside the tv and sat down beside Yongguk. With the movies in his lap he started reading the titles and showing the covers until they decided on the movie 'Van Helsing'.
Zelo put the movie into the player, turned off the light, fetched a blanket and threw it to Yongguk before sitting down beside him.
Yongguk unfolded the blanket and laid it over the both of them. As the movie started it was hard for both of them to concentrate on the movie and not each others presence but after a while they relaxed and was both engrossed in the story.
Maybe it was because of the warm blanket draped over him or the warm body beside him or the fact that he felt safe with Yongguk's presence beside him but either way half way through the movie his eyelids closed and his head dropped down on the comfortable shoulder beside him.
No drunk old man, no heavy footsteps or scraping sounds, only the sound of Yongguk's breathing and the TV that still played the movie in the background.
Yongguk smiled when he saw Zelo's sleeping form and tucked the blanket around his body. He didn't really know what to do. Should he go? Or should he stay?
With extreme carefulness he slowly stood up and placed Zelo's head on a pillow that he found on the couch. He took a glance of Zelo's sleeping face and then turned to go, but he didn't get to take more than one step before a hand on his wrist stopped him.
He turned around to see Zelo with still closed eyes, lazily grasping his wrist.
"Don't go" he mumbled.
Yongguk stood there frozen for a while, not sure of what to do. The grasp on his wrist was still there. Zelo started pulling him when he didn't move, causing him to stumble forward, tripping on the red carpet underneath him and landing on the hard floor, dragging Zelo with him in the process.
Yongguk groaned at his hurting wrist that had taken most of the damage and rolled from his stomach to his side. To his suprise, Zelo was still sleeping, his hand still holding a weak hold of Yongguk's wrist and when Yongguk moved the grip tightened.
Yongguk didn't dare to move since it was clear that the latter in front of him didn't want him too, so he just stared at his parted lips that was formed in a small pout and his blonde, curly hair that laid in a mess. He didn't know when his eyelids closed or the time when he too fell asleep beside the younger boy on the red carpet.
A/N Yay a whole chapter of only Banglo! :D hehe, it was supposed to be a little banglo in the other chapter too but instead of dividing it I put it all in one chappie instead ;) Enjoy! ;D Oh! and sry for the late update :(
-CheesecakeObsession: Here's your Banglo moments! XD
P.S I made this painting of TOP in BIGBANG and I would really, really love if you would want to check it out :) Thanks! LINK
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Update on it's way! :D


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Chapter 19: Ganbatte author-nim!
Chapter 19: no worries authornim =]
Chapter 18: AAAAAA banglo really fcking cute omfg i love itt... Daejae too ♥ ... Is still continuing?
Chapter 18: so cute banglo ^-^
Chapter 18: LOVED IT!!!

Btw you're picture of TOP is whoa and WOW.. it's sooo good =]
Chapter 17: awwww confessions =] YAY
Chapter 16: they're all together =] woohoo
Chapter 15: whoa... speechless... onto the next chapter =]
Chapter 14: OoOoOO a mission for them... I just want Youngjae to be okay..
Chapter 13: whoa.. everyone is working hard in trying to find Youngjae...