
Come Be My Lady



Someone cleared his throat. Shocked me enough. I turned my head to him.

“Sorry…. ” he said. I gaped. Wiped out my tears.

“Hm- I don’t know you are here… Who are you?” I asked as I stared to him. He was cute. So smiley and looked friendly. He had dark brown hair and solid chubby cheeks.

“My name is Jung Yunho, Mr.Kwon’s buttler. How about you?”

“Buttler?!” How could a buttler was so cute lyk this?

“Yeah, keke~”

“I never expect that this little house has a buttler-” I said. Told the another reason why I was surprised.

“Mr.Kwon has 3 houses, lady. This is the smallest, the big one is far from here. Hehehe”

“Ohh … Arasso. Uhm, my name is Hyera”

“Are you Mr.Kwon’s friend? Hehehe”

“I’m- uhm- Mr.Kwon’s enemy- Hahaha!”

Yunho grinned, put a glass on the table.


“Eeh— I- yah, I don’t know exactly.” I said, “Oh, am i disturbing you? What are you doing here?”

“Sorry, lady. I’m cleaning this bedroom. Why are you crying?”

“Just call me Hyera. Forget it, I’m not crying anymore ^^”

“Yes, la— uhm- Hyera…”

I smiled. Yunho was a very kind person. Very contrary to his boss. I might could ask for help from him. I was thinking…

“Kekeke, hmm… Yunho-sshi, come here-“

“Yes, Hyera?”

I brought my head and whispered to him, “Can you help me?”

“Ooh sure, Hyera. What can I help for you?” he beamed.

“Hmm…. This night, can you help me to escape from this house?”

Yunho looked amazed. He rolled his eyes and stared at me,

“Sorry— escape?”

“Yes, I never want to be brought to this hell,” I explained, “Jiyong kidnapped me!”

“Kidnap you?!”

“No-no- not kidnap, he just brought me to his house, and i found no reason.”

“Haha,” Yunho chuckled, slapped my head, “Don’t worry….”

“So, do you wanna help me?”

“If I can, wae andwae?”

“Will Jiyong mad at you? You’re work for him..”

“I try my best for Mr.Kwon and for you, why? He shoudn’t bring an innocent girl to this house, right?”

I simpered. He was right. What a good buttler. I wanted to pay whatever as long as he would be my buttler. But it was impossible.

“You’re right, Yunho-sshi. Gomapseumnida….”

“Ne, cheonmanneyo,” he beamed at me, “So, when will we do- hmm- I mean you- escape…?”

I sighed, “This night, but I haven’t decided the specific time.”

“Maybe when Mr.Kwon has already slept….?”

“Maybe, but…. Where should I go through to escape?”

“The window, in my private room. Haha” he suggested as he widened his eyes.

“Oh yes! It’ll be a good idea!”

“Nice, Hyera. Hehehe”


“Where have you been?” Jiyong snapped me when I was walking to the kitchen, brought some rice.

“I- I just- ” I stammered. He squinted at me.

“Where are you? After I kissed you? Hehehehehe.”

“ISH! That stupid moment!” I snorted,”I hid myself to that bedroom!”

Pointed to the bedroom that I’ve left.

“It’s Taeyang’s bedroom, luckily, he isn’t here today. He will kill you if he found you making a mess in his room…”

“I don’t make a mess!” I insisted.

“Yah, I know. Now, have your dinner.” he said. Called the buttler to serve food. Yunho winked at me.

“Why should I eat?!”

“You’ll get sick if you don’t want to eat.”

“Don’t worry me— I can live without foot for a week!”

“Stop your unbelievable story. You’re so skinny and look like a walking chopstick! Hahaha!!”


He sticked his tongue out to me. Teased me by rubbing my chin.

“Heh! This is disgusting!” I skimmed his naughty finger.

“Ouch! That’s hurt.”

“I will hurt you more if you want. FREE!”

“Okay, I challenge you. Hurt me! ‘Hurt’ means something—” he rolled his eyes then made a rabbit ears by both his hands’s middle finger and point finger.


“Hahahahahahahah!!” He laughed his off. Like a maniac.

I punched the table dinner,

“When do I can go home?” I asked as I stared at the white empty plate.

“You don’t have to know that. Just have your dinner to keep you healthy.” Jiyong answered with a fake smile. He chiked the spoon to the cup.

“Can you stop making a noise? I’m really bad mood.” I said, almost pleaded.

He just stopped and looked at me flirtatiously. His hand still held the spoon, ready to chink the plate again.

He looks cool though. Especially when he stared at me with his eyes squinted. LoL, I meant he was charming like that.

But I still hate him! Brought me to this hell, ish, couldn’t be forgiven.

“What are you thinking about?” he interrupted my reverie.

I looked up. A tingling smile crossed my face, “Nothing-“

“Okay,” he replied as he received a big bowl of rice and a plate of hot steak, “These are your dinner tonight.”

“I think that’s good.”

He smiled and took a bite of steak.

“Why did you only take a bite?” I asked.


“Uhm-no, just ask…”

“Hahaha, I’m very happy you’re concerned about me.” he beamed and chinked the plate.

“Why are you happy? I think there’s nothing should be proud of.”

“But I want, why not? I’m me, and you’re you.”

“Ish, whatever!” I said then took a spoon of rice.


“Where shall I sleep?” I asked with a sad face. Hopeless look.

Jiyong just grinned, “In my bedroom, maybe?”

“I’M SERIOUS!!” I snarled him, awared him that this wasn’t a joke. I almos jumped and something fell down the floor.


I looked down. My handphone!!! Oh my Godness! I almost forgot that I had a phone, that most probably could I use to call my mom, or my friend to help.

I grabbed the phone but Jiyong did it first.

“Hey! My phone!”

He glared at me, “What do you want to do?”

“I wanna call my mom and ask her to help me out from here.”

I gulped. STUPID!!!! Stupiiiidddd HYERA!!! Why did I say the true reason?!

Anybody KILL ME! NOW!!! I was TOO STUPID to LIVE!

I was so dumb. He now was watching at me and thought that he won.

“No, you won’t,” he said, hid my phone behind “You have to call your mom that you’re in your friend’s home, maybe~ doing late homework.”

“Soooo- you’re teaching me to lie to my mom??”

“I’m not teaching you to lie, but to keep yourself safe.. Aratji?”

“Ya ya ya~!”

“Now, call your mom and tell that.” he gave me the phone.

I called my mom and told everything false. I did a sin, yes, and I swore, just for now. And my mom believed me, told to keep myself healthy.

I was lucky to had an unprotective mom. For now.

“Give it back to me.” He demanded. I just glared as I gave my phone.

“Now where shall I sleep??”

“In my room,”

“Are you craazzy or something, uh ?!”

“Let me sleep outside on that sofa.” He pointed the creamy sofa. I frowned, It was a little impossible for me to escape when he was outside. I had to sneak through him and most probably I was seen by him, if he hadn’t slept yet…

I thought the best reason to let myself the one who would sleep on the sofa.

“But, this is your room. I’m the one who should sleep on the sofa.”

He sighed, “I’m not bear to see you sleeping on the sofa. Just for tonight, okay?” He winked at me.

Alright, he was nice enough to let me sleep in his bedroom. Very nice… But, he didn’t know my plan, right? I most probably would be seen by him sneaking to the main door….!

I was sorry, oppa~

“Yah, alright. Thanks, anyway. Goodnight!” I said with a smile. He stepped back and layed down on the sofa silently. I just stared guilty.


Author POV

Jiyong had layed on the sofa. He smirked to Hyera and said goodnite. She smiled and passed by the kitchen, going to the master’s bedroom. She saw Yunho was turning out the stove and called him softly. Told him that she would standby in his boss’s bedroom. Yunho nodded and did the little finger promise with the girl.

Hyera had entered Jiyong’s room. She thought that Jiyong’s bedroom was so fragrant. She liked it and felt like in the five stars hotel. Everything looked expensive and elegant. She loved the silvery bed arm and couldn’t believe that she would sleep on that luxurious bed. She was really impressed.

She turned off the lamp then let herself fell on the furry bed. It felt very soft and she was spoiled. Lol

She decided to just lay on the bed, waiting for the time to escape. Her heart was pounding uncontrolably, although the action hadn’t begun. Buttler Yunho would knock the door at midnight.

She was reproaching Jiyong, thought that if she had her phone at that time, she could chatting or sms Hyorin, tell what was happening to herself. This felt like a kidnap. She did regret all what she had done.

“Damn!! I hate you Jiyong!!” she yelled with head hidden by a big pillow. She picked the bolster and hugged it with tears flowed through her cheek. She really missed her mom. She didn’t even miss her dad, who was met her occasionally.

“Hisshh…” she muttered unclearly. It was no use to cry in a silent and dark room. Nobody would come to cheer her up.


“Hyera….. Come on , wake up … ”

Someone shook Hyera’s shoulder, tried to wake her up. She struggled and yawned softly. She opened her eyes.

“Ah,” she mumbled, then sat, “Oh my God. I almost forget about our plan.” She turned to the guy, who was Yunho.

“Yeah, hurry up! Time is money, hehehe”

“Hehehe, wait. Where should I go?”

“Unfortunately, we have to sneak over the main room. But I think it’s save now. Jiyong is a heavy-sleeper. And the another members have already slept.”

Hyera chuckled, “hahaha, alright. Can’t wait!”

“Follow me.” Yunho demanded. She followed him skulked through the main room. Jiyong was sleeping in a silence.

Yunho unlocked the main door and let the girl out. He followed Hyera and accompanied her to the gate.

“Are you sure?” he asked.


“Jiyong never hurt you , right?”

She gulped, rolled her eyes.

“Uhm- never….” she answered, “He really cares to me. Although, yah- I can’t explain.. But he is a gangster at school. Hahah, he liked to fight and teases girls. He is bastard! Such a killer-“

“Stop- that-. That sounds impossible. He is a nice boss, a good man, eccentric, and perfectionist. He is perfect for girls.”

Hyera choked out, touched her chest.

“I don’t believe you at all- but- hmm- are you telling the truth?”

“Is there a motive causes me to lie?”

She raised the corner of his lips, “No,”

“Exactly. I want to tell you, that actually- Mr.Kwon is orphaned. His parents were killed by a mafia gank in front of him, when he was 12. He was abandoned in the corner of his little house, alone in the darkness, staring at the dead parents and crying badly. He decided to go outside. Walking through the street and joined a group of beggers. He was depressed and almost do the suicide. He was no hope. Until the day, an entrepreneur adopted him-” Yunho stopped, felt like couldn’t continue the story.

Hyera’s heart moved. She didn’t suppose that Jiyong had a really bad childhood. What a pity. Maybe that’s why Jiyong was very cruel and rude. He still couldn’t accepted the real fact. He released his wound to others. He fought, hurt people.

“I can’t believe,” Hyera cried, covered her face, “I hope he’ll okay soon..”


“I really love my parents, though. To see they’re killed, oh- I can’t- I may die too.”

Yunho sighed deeply, teased Hyera by touched her now wet cheek.

“Don’t cry, you’ve forgotten what should you do now. Go home, I already called the taxi.” he said.

Hyera simpered. Turned her body and waved to the buttler.

“Bye~” she said.

“Bye, take care urself.”


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That was so cute!! Loved it!
kaylaya #2
aw that was a cute story :)