Joke or Danger?

Come Be My Lady




“Yeah! Go home!” Hyorin shouted happily as she ran to the class door. I followed her.

“Hyorin, I want to go to library. Do you wanna go with me?”

“Hmm okay.”

“Oh nicee! C’mon!”


@the library

“Why is so crowd here?” I asked, looking around the library.

“I don’t understand. I think there are no new books.”

“Yup. Okay then. I want to return my books, hold on.” I said as I walked to the librarian’s desk.

“Madam, I want to return these books. I’ve paid.”

The librarian smiled and grabbed my books.

“Done.” she said,”Do you want to borrow another books?”

“Hmm… Yes..”


I went away and came over Hyorin. She was sitting near the history rack.

“Wait, I want to borrow books again.”


I walked through the novels rack. Searching horror novels or sometime romance. I like both. Either of them were good for me.

I picked two novels, the horror one titled,’Shrill Cries at Midnight’, and the romance one titled ‘Secondary Lover’, although I didn’t understand what did the title mean, I thought that it was good enought to read.

I brought those books to the table. I was writing my name and my precense number but suddenly I felt something fell on my head softly, almost no weight.

I grumbled and found a folded pink paper on the floor. It must be the thing that had just fallen on my head. I took that girly-look paper.

Who have thrown this paper?
I opened the paper in a curiousity.

Oh baby…. 
Do you really want my kiss??? I couldn’t believe what have u just said. 
You make me feel like on the top of the world~ ♥ 
I’ll wait u at the back of the elementary school building, after school ;)




I quivered in a great disgust.
What kind of girl wants that playboy’s kiss??? GDRAGON! Oh my God!
The boy who ‘loves’ most of all girls in this school, and has bad manner : FIGHTING and HURT people! He is so damn cruel!
She might don’t know the boy truly is, or maybe… STUPID!

Jiyong or GDragon was my sunbae. 2 years older than me. He was the leader of a group named Bigbang. A group that only live for fighting, torturing, and girls. I didn’t even found any reason why so many people like them, especially the girls. They really need a glasses.

I saw Jiyong went away from the novels rack. He didn’t recognize me. I was so glad.

I stepped back and suddenly my back hit someone,

“Auch!” she winced.

“Sorry, I’m really sorry.” I apologized. She glared at me seemed to belittle me.

“!” she cursed. She was Sohee, our school’s primadonna. She didn’t want anyone hurt her or touch her. How arrogant she is -_-

I snorted and went away from her.

I walked quickly toward Hyorin. Sat immediately beside her.

“So, what’s your—-“

“Wait, I found this. Fell on my head! This is Jiyong’s letter to someone.” I showed her the pink paper.

She stared. Put it and read,

“Wow! We’re so lucky to have this!”

“I don’t think so..”

“Sohee is the girl, right?”

“What?! I just saw her, beside me! And I got the letter that should be received by her. Hahaha. ” I was satisfied.

Hyorin cackled,”Yes, I bet that girl is Sohee! I heard a rumor of Jiyong has a big crush on her..”

I shuddered. If I were Sohee, I was the unlucky one to be chosen. What a pity…

“Omg. What’s on her mind about Jiyong? It’s totally weird- she such a girl who likes harshness ! “

Hyorin nodded, staring at the paper.

“Hmm… I have an idea, hyera.” she told me.

“Hm? What’s that?”

“Let’s meet Jiyong at the back of elementary school. I want to make a joke! Hahaha~”

“Really? Are you crazy or something? He is so cruel and rude! He will kill you if you are dare to make a joke to him!”

“I think not so…. ” she mumbled.

I jerked pretty bad. I was trembled by imagine that Jiyong would abuse Hyorin and I, then throw us into the dark cave , full of scurrying cockroaches. Skittering around my tight, stomach, neck, and enter my ears.


Oh no, I was goosebumped, imagined that probability.

“What’s on earth are u doing?” Hyorin asked. Expected that her friend were going to not normal any more.

“Sorry, i— i—” I stammered.


“Please, don’t go to the back of elementary school….”

Hyorin insisted, “No! I need fun, pleeeaasssee!!”

“Oh no Hyorin, that’s not fun. That’s a big danger!”

Hyorin snorted at me, folded both her hands on her chest.

I grinned, “Okay okay, I will go with you. BUT…”


“Run as fast as you can if Jiyong seems going to hurt us!” I said.

Hyorin chuckled, “Hahahaaha! No problem laa~! We are talking about him as if he is a great murder!”

“He will!” I said deeply, “Okay, I will go to the librarian’s desk, then we go out.”



“LET’S BEGIN THIS JOKE!” Hyorin yelled at me. A smirk crossed her face.

“Ya, ya, ya… “

“Come on,” she demanded. Stepped on shortcuts through the narrow grassy path. I looked around. The wall was high and yellowed by age. It was quite gloomy here even the sun was shining.

When we finally neared the back of the building, I let out a long whoosh of air.

“Here he is …. ” I whispered. Hyorin smirked.

I saw Jiyong was looking at his watch continuously. It was a little different. Usually he hang out with his group, Bigbang. The members? Same as the leader, love girls, love ‘blood’. 
And now he need to secede himself from his group temporarily only for his next target, Sohee.

I shook my head.

“Let’s act as if we don’t know anything and fortuitously meet him, arayo?” asked Hyorin.

I smiled and nodded.

We skulked slowly toward Jiyong. Then Hyorin stopped,

“Oh stupid, don’t skulk! He may recognize us spying him. Why didn’t I think like that before?”

“Hmm… Don’t know~” I replied.

“Let’s walk as usual.”

We walked through the high wall. Almost passed Jiyong. He tilted up. Hyorin grinned,

“Heheheh hello ?”

“Huh?! What are you doing here??” Jiyong asked fiercely. I jerked, I had to gooooo!! He was easily mad!

“Why did you ask that stupid question to us? Otherwise we are the one who should ask that to you. What are you doing here??” Hyorin snapped. Still smiling confidently.

“Hey ! You don’t have to ask me! Go away or I will……..”

“No .. No .. ” I arbitrated, tried to lose my cowardness. “Don’t be like that , oppa~”

“What’s your problem?! !” he scolded and then came over us.

Oh no!

I moved back, grabbed Hyorin’s arm strongly. .

She acted a little bit awkward. Her eyes got wider.

“Run! Run!” I whispered.

Then we ran as fast as we could. Broke through the lush bushes. I felt my feet was snagged by the foliage twigs. I winced again and again, but Hyorin had already so far from me. Hyorin ran very fast like an ostrich. She didn’t hear my shriek at all. I forced my feet to shove those spiky twigy bushes.

Suddenly Jiyong grabbed my arm, flipped over my body. I jolted so bad.

Damn, I was caught!

I was so panic and skidded out of my control. My landed so hard on the muddy path.

“Aaawch!!” I grimaced. My eyes were twinkling.

“What’s that?!” Jiyong asked as he took something from my uniform pocket. I tightened my feet to avoid a possibility he would see my underpants.

He took the pink paper!!!

He gaped his mouth and suddenly grasped my shoulder firmly,

“You!! How could you found this??!”

I stammered, thinking what was the best answer should I say.


I tried to be honest. I didn’t have any idea ….

“I found it fell on my head…. When I was in the library ….” I said in a soft tone.

I couldn’t imagine what would he do. But …

“Hahahaha~” he giggled. Then pulled my both arms, helped me to stand.

“Now, you have to get a punishment because you have disturbed my plan!!” he scolded me unexpectedly. I was very surprised to hear that.

“You have read all what I’ve written on that letter, rite? And now you and your friend came here to confirm that I’m here!”

“I’m really sorry oppa, ac…. actually…… I came here to give the letter to you ….” I lied. He was astonished to hear what I had just said.

Haha, I almost got you!

“Really?? Give it to me?”


“What’s your name?” He asked as he brought his face closer to me.

Oh, his face was clean …! He really kept it clean and healthy …..



“Shin.. Hyera…” I answered innocently, bowed down my head.

“Nice name „ ” he said , “But, Hyera, unfortunately, you are guilty of this. If there were no you, the letter would be received by Sohee …. Understand?!”

“I … I understand … ” I replied.

He sighed deeply. Stood in quietness for a while.

Then he said,

“Go with me.”

“Where shall we go … ? I have to go home… ” I asked curiously.

“Just go with me, don’t ask many question!”




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That was so cute!! Loved it!
kaylaya #2
aw that was a cute story :)