The Devil goes clubbing

Lucky Strike

-Lunch Bell rings-

"Let's go?" Asked Taeyeon standing up. The other girls follow while Sooyoung stayed rooted to her spot, not moving an inch at all.


What the hell was I doing? He's like any other guy! Get a grip Choi! 

"Sooyoung!" Yelled Jessica. Sooyoung jumped in her seat and tumbled but quickly gained her posture.

"Y-yes?" Asked Sooyoung. Jessica rolled her eyes and linked her arms in Sooyoung's.

"Lunch is over and you owe me a story" Jessica said simply as they walked away from the cafeteria.


"Story? What story?" She asked confused.

"Your story with Mr. Kris Wu, did you get your on again?" Jessica asked looking at Sooyoung.

"There's no story Jess, you know I have issues, I turned him down and just left. End."

Well, sort of...

"You just left?! Aigoo, do you want to be single forever?!"

"Like I care, having a relationship is not my priority right now Jessica" She said her tone clipped. Her gaze impassive.

"Look Sooyoung, if you're still scared about what-"

"Its over Jessica, closed." She said, her tone masking her fury. 

Jessica sighed and dropped the issue. They headed to their next calss together and listened attentively.

"Class dismissed, have a good weekend" Said Ms. Boa, as she exitted students started packing their things, saying bye occasionally.

"Let's go party!!" Squealed Sunny while stretching her arms.

Taeyeon just chuckled and packed her things.

"Yeah! A good drink wouldn't hurt right?" chimed Yuri.

"But Korea doesn't have good clubs you know? Unlike Seattle or California" said Tiffany applying lip gloss and smacking her lips.

"Exactly, but a classmate of ours knows this really cool club, and she's willing to give us a V.I.P. treatment!" Yoona squealed with Yuri.

"Then that's a plan girls, 9pm, not buts" Said Taeyeon, waving her manicured hand in the air.


"Sooyoung turned down another guy" Said Jessica out of the blue, making the other girls gasp, and Sooyoung sigh and roll her eyes.

"Y-you mean earlier?!" Asked Seohyun, eyes filled with shock. The other firls stood up and dragged Sooyoung outside.

"You dumped Kris?! Unnie!" Exclaimed Yoona. Sooyoung covered her ears as she was bomboarded with questions.

"You guys, why are you so surprised? I do this everytime" said Sooyoung exasperated and raked her hair with her free hand.

"Give Sooyoung a break, let's not ruin the mood, okay?" Said Hyoyeon as they walked through the gates. Sooyoung gave a sigh of relief.

"Fine, but you're still going right? Sooyoung?" Asked Taeyeon.

"Do I have a choice? We nine are practically glued together" She said amusement in her voice.

"You complaining?"

"Nope" she said as they giggled together.


"Come on dude, let's go to some club or something, I'm stoked" said Chanyeol.

"The usual club?" Asked Xiumin.

"Yeah and besides we have to celebrate for Kris getting dumped!" Exclaimed Kai.

Kris just scoffs and continues eating.

"Look, little miss devil is over there" pointed Sehun.


Sure enough they saw Sooyoung with her friends talking with each other. Sooyoung laughed and raked her hair.

"A beauty" Said Lay.

"Yeah" mumbled Kris, staring at Sooyoung. 


She felt a pair of eyes watching her and she saw Kris again, as usual she raised her brow but this time she stuck her tongue out at him and mouthed 'Merong'. She kept her dead pan expression and rolled her eyes, looking back at her friends.

Oh, playful are we? Someday baby. Someday.


"Well that was hot" Suho said dreamily. Kris glances at him flicks his forehead.

"What was that for?!" He said as he rubbed his forehead. Kris cooly shoves his hands in his pockets.

"Paws off boys," he said while walking away.


He stopped in his tracks and looked back.


"She. Is. Mine" He said, it wasn't an order. It was a statement.

He walked away thinking about the devil that bewitched him.

Very bewitching indeed. 

He smirks.


"One Cristal champagne please" Sooyoung said to the bartender as she sat down the counter.

"Coming right away" She sighed and fished her phone inside her purse. 

The bar was alive with the music and alcohol, they were in the V.I.P area. It wasn't like those exclusive bars or clubs in Seattle but it'll do.

"Maa'm" The bartender gave her the drink, and quickly drinked it.


"Having fun?" Asked Tiffany as she approached Sooyoung.

"They don't have Richebourg but its okay" She said and shrugged, sipping another drink.

"Okay then, we'll just dance, you sure you wanna stay here?" Asked Tiffany.

"Yeah, yeah, go dance" She said.


Tiffany squealed and headed to the dance floor. She just rolled her eyes and continued drinking, untilma hand rested on her waist.

"Hey" The voice was husky and it reeked of cigarette. Sooyoung sighed and removed the hand from her waist.

"What?" She said not looking up.

"Feisty aren't we?" Said the man, as his hand traveled on her shoulder blades.

"Fu-" Sooyoung was cutted off when she turned around and saw the man writhing in pain.

"W-what?" She mumbled confused.


"Well, fancy meeting you here" said a voice she very much remembered.

Well, .

"Wu" she said smiling, though the smile doesn't rich her eyes and her tone is clipped. 


"You come here often?" He asked, the man on the floor forgotten.

"No, first time." She said as she sipped from her glass of champagne.

"So..." Kris trailed off, not sure what to say. He really didn't expect to see her, and this man. This Goddamned man was touching her. He just went off and twisted his hand in a mere second.

"is there something you need?" She said her tone uninterested.

"Nothing, I just find it so amusing that you're drinking champagne" He said.


"Amusing? Well, this place doesn't have Richebourg, and Cristal is the only thing decent they have here." She said annoyed.

Holy , she's that rich? He thought.

"Well then, how about shots? They make pretty strong shots here" he offered.

"Challenging me, Wu?" She asked bemused.

"A challenge then" he stated.

Her lips twitch up mockingly as Kris called the bartender.



"You should choose Sooyoung" he said. She raised her brow and sighed.

"Six zombies then" she asked cooly. The bartender gaped but proceeded to make their drink.

"Six?" Kris asked stunned.

"Six" she said confirming, her lips twitched in mock amusement.


How the ... A zombie?! This girl is not human 


"Six zombies, maa'm" The bartender announced.

"Three for me, three for you" said Sooyoung. Kris took one and poured salt in between the skin of his forefinger and thumb.

"One shot" he mumbled under his breath. He took the glass and tipped it in his mouth. His face scrunched up and he quickly on the lime.

"Tasty?" Asked Sooyoung.

"Strong. Very." Said Kris. She snickered and did the same. She poured salt, tipped the glass in , but her face held the dead pan expression, as she on the lime.

"How did you not..." He asked stunned.

"I've tasted stronger. Continue?" She demanded.


Hell, this was going to be hell, but hey, that's what you get for hanging out with the devil.


After 6 shots each. 

Kris head feels fuzzy and scattered, while his stomach was doing somersaults nonstop. He was in a nutshell.

"More?" She asked

And there she was, looking fine as ever, not even slurring. She was damn fine.


"I-I think I've h-ha-had enough..." Kris muttered dejectedly. Sooyoung smirked in triumph, she re applied her lip gloss. Forgetting the tipsy man beside her.

"Well, I have to go, Wu" She said but made no eye contact with Kris. She was about to leave when a strong grip from her wrist prevented her.

"W-what the-"

She was pulled in by a hug, his arms resting behind her back. She tried pushing him but itvwas no use and she was cluthing her purse.

"Let go" She said sternly. Kris only hugged her tighter and nuzzled his nose on the crown of her head.

"Not until you say you love me" He said.

"You're drunk and crazy, let go" she said much more harsher this time.


"Nu-uh, not until you say those three words" 

"I hate you"


"I despise you"

"Not close"

"Let me go"


Kris held her at arms length, to examine her. Her outfit matched her, her hair in a tousle.

"I'll let you go when you say it" he said, his tone serious.

Sooyoung scoffed and rolled her eyes.

"Let. Me. Go"


Kris leaned in closer, their lips inches away from each other...


"Yo Kris!" Chanyeol Yelled

I swear to God, I'll rip you bit by bit. Kris thought.


"What's up?!" Chanyeol exclaimed but stopped in his tracks as he saw Sooyoung.

"Y-yah, i-is that the devil?" Asked Sehun shocked.


Kris kept hugging Sooyoung tighter as she tried to push him away.

"Yah! Let go." She whispered.


Kris smiled at her goofily and pulled her in for a kiss. 

Sooyoung was unable to move, and her eyes widen.


"" Suho muttered

This chapter is kinda ty, so sorry about that :C but anyways I did my best :) 

Sooyoung's Outfit

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jiyeol_ksxo #1
Chapter 2: updateee !!!!!!!
KamiliaBBC #2
Chapter 2: Kris,u're in a deep trouble..lets just hope u see lights tomorrow,nae??
Chapter 2: Where's the next chapter author-nim? T_T
summer24 #4
Chapter 2: Next chappie pleaseeee soon. This is very funny
Chapter 2: LOL finally Kris stole a kiss from her!
Sooyoung I love you babe, I love your 'not interested in anyone' side here
Update soon, I love this :)
Chapter 2: LOL XDD I wonder what's gonna happen next....
Uh Oh, someone's in trouble~~ hahaha
anstass #7
Chapter 2: Did kris stole her kiss?
Great update. Next chapter!!:))
uh-oh! I like soo's character in this fic! Soo cool
Chapter 2: OMG O_o he stole a kiss lololol Youngie sure can handle her alcohol :)
anstass #10
Chapter 1: Sooyoung is so mean.
Kris, fighting!!!
Next chappie please!:)