
Sins Of The Ancestors


A few hours later Chanyeol was just drunk enough for the memory of the afternoon to fade away. He was riding on the tipsiness, smiling at the pretty bartender. Her warm smile was reviving him; her low cut blouse was doing even more. Her green eyes vaguely reminded him of his dream but he pushed that back. His arm barely hurt, but now there was an ache in it that made him hold his hand over it almost constantly. The redness had receded to just his forearm but it was a deep red, like someone had taken a crayon to him. He had to wear a long-sleeved blue shirt to hide the mark, and loosely snug blue jeans.
His hand still kept rubbing over it and tracing the red lines of it under the thin sleeve, wondering when the hell it would go away. His friends were noticing his discomfort and kept shooting him looks, wondering why he was so silent. He'd just smile and try to inject himself into the conversation, laughing away. A few hours of trying to forget had him tired and he blamed that for the wobble in his step when he excused himself to go to the bathroom. 
The room got smoky as he trailed his way from their table, winding around the others and past the back bar. The red wood held on to the dark smoke and dank feeling of the bar, with its bright red painted door a few feet away.
In the short walk he was almost mowed over by two people, two lovers rushing into the girl's bathroom, groping each other. Then hit over the head with some idiotic bar fight, barely missing it he spent the remained of the walk checking his hair for glass,  He was almost grateful when his fingertips touched
the cool red wood, opening and then closing it behind him.
He ran a hand through his hair, his mouth dropping open slightly when he noticed another guy in there, just standing to the far wall, looking at his shoes. He looked foreign, but still Asian, and dressed darkly. Chanyeol didn't pay too much attention to him, as it would have been a little weird to stare at the guy in the bathroom. So he looked around it casually, the blue tilted walls, the long front mirror, line of urinals and the stalls. It looked like a normal bathroom, why would someone be just sitting in here? He retreated to the stalls to the left, a little uneasy about ping in front of this statue guy.
A few moments later he exited the stall, the guy still in the same position. He would have thought he was waiting on someone, but he and the male were the only ones there... Chanyeol skirted around him to reach the sink, the taps old and stuck at certain temperature so he tried to alternate, soaping his hands thoroughly. Even if the guy freaked him out he wasn't going ignore basic hygiene. A few seconds later he started to regret this. Was the guy even breathing?
Chanyeol took one of his wet hands and pushed his hair back, only succeeding in making it stick up more. He sighed under his breath and put his hand back under the water for a second try. As he let his hand get wet the water turned an icy cold, enough for him to pull his hand back as if it had been burned.
He gasped, instantly feeling embarrassed with his audience, even if he wasn't looking at him. 
They really had to fix that. It could be dangerous, especially if it went the other way!
He fiddled with the knob, glancing out of the corner of his eye at the smaller male. He was dressed simply a black shirt, and tight fitting black pants with nondescript black shoes. It made Chanyeol feel a tad bit self-conscious when he remembered his own bright neon green shoes. 
He was normal looking, his hair cut short to his head and left long at the top, spiked with a slick kind of gel. His eyes were smaller than Chanyeol's, his lips fuller with a bit of a round face... Chanyeol was thrown out of his musing when the water turned ice cold again, and he wrenched his hand back, resolving to walk out of there. 
He'd just have to pat his hair down-
He stopped his train of thought, his head tilting at the water pouring from the faucet. It was like crystals were slowly forming in it...
The water on the counter was icing over.
Chanyeol felt a bone-deep uneasiness come over him, and he couldn't stop staring at the frozen pool of water. His hand shook as he slid it in his pocket, the burn throbbing harshly suddenly. He felt the uneasy pushing in on him, surrounding him, making his chest heave.
He turned quickly to the door, trying to pretend like nothing was going on. Each step was like a brick of lead in his shoes. Seeing water freeze by itself? That was a new high to his imagination...
He didn't even need to look at the guy, too embarrassed by the way he was acting. The guy probably already thought he was strange, but now he couldn't let anyone think he was seeing things...
Maybe he hit his head when he out...
He had his hand on the door handle when it froze over.
"Son of a bitc-" When he snatched his hand back a bit of skin ripped off with it.
He cradled his hand with the other and turned half way to look at the other in the room-
When his shoulder was slammed into the door and his was dazed as his head impacted off of the solid wood. It spun wildly and he in a breath.
He groaned as one of his arms was wrenched up his back the other, burning like fire was crawling up his arm. One was pressed hard against the door, slightly sticking out in front of him and alarmed he watched ice swarm over his arm like an invasion of ants. He winced, pressing his lips together as his arm was brought up higher on his back and a chuckle echoed in his ear.
"You're easier to catch than a wounded deer." 
The voice was deep, but soft, weaving a nest of panic in Chanyeol's mind, and it continued. "This is the Power you have? Being terrified?" the voice sneered, and now the face Chanyeol had seen before was much closer, the menace in the hard eyes making him shiver. His eyes were narrowed even further, a slight lift to his lips.
He pressed himself closer to the door unconsciously, and his alarm increased as the door was now completely covered in ice crystals. "You know... You do have a nice face." The boy smirked, trailing an ice cold finger down Chanyeol's cheek, leaving a trail of frostbite, enjoying the tensed jaw line. "Maybe I should just freeze you...and keep it." 
Chanyeol tried to form threats in his mind, curses, anything, but it was a complete blank. He was scared. A hand was twisted in his hair and his head was roughly pulled back, exposing his neck. The male took a deep breath in of his skin, then it, leave a much colder wake. Chanyeol couldn't stop the whine that bounced his Adam's apple, the cold desperately hurting his tender throat. 
He squirmed, trying to get away from that tongue, and pressed his cheek against the door, wincing when it hit the cold. 
"You'll die alone, with only the tiles as witnesses..." came a cold whisper in his ear, and so soft but so freezing lips brushed his ear. "See you in the afterlife."
He felt that hand in his hair slide down the middle of his back, and then the cold spread, racing along his spine. Chanyeol squirmed, his movements turning sluggish, and his eyes were slowly fluttering closed as the ice dipped low into his nerves. He felt his heart slowly clenching, slowly stopping in his chest and the mixing white and red of the door blurred. 
His in a deep and painful breath, sure, somewhere deep in his retreating mind, that it would be his last. The burn on his arm was the final thing for the ice to pass and it did slowly, inching over it until Chanyeol's body was completly numb.
All of a sudden the burn exploded in a red light, shattering the crystals on top of it.
Chanyeol couldn't hold back the scream that ripped its way out of his throat. The burn felt like it was eating at his arms with flame, it...
Devouring it. 
It flashed through his entire body, covering him in a red light, throwing the other male across the room, his scream of pain bouncing off the walls. Chanyeol vaguely understood that he slammed into the back wall, tiles shattering around his impact. Chanyeol fell to his knees, gasping for air as the heat surrounded his body, swarming like an insect cloud around him and banishing all of the cold.
When his eyes focused from rolling in his head he shook when he noticed the very real fire smoking up the wall beside him, blazing in intensity...
He was mesmerized by it.
The reds mixed with the yellow and the blue flared wildly, and Chanyeol's face grew lax watching it blacken the wood. His body grew limp and he sagged, watching it dance elegantly. He heard a deep growl from a length away and turned sharply to it, breaking out of his trance. The other male was standing up now, his eyes narrowed into deadly slits at him. He gulped, flattening himself against the warming door, it was almost blistering to his back but he welcomed it. What disturbed him most was the charred, blackened area from the boy's shoulder to his ear, and the fact the skin was falling...
But he looked more determined to kill him than anything else.
"We will finish this," he whispered, the words carrying so much hatred Chanyeol shivered, and the other's lips lifted in a cruel smile.
Chanyeol watched as he his heels, climbing effortlessly up the stall wall and out of the small window. He wobbled a little bit, his vision going double, before collapsing to his knees, throwing his hands out at the last minute. 
He slowly, achingly dropped himself to the floor, skidding until he felt the warm tile on the side of his face.
So tired...he was so tired...He didn't care that the room was filling with smoke. He didn't care that he'd probably die here. 
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Chapter 6: your story is really good so far! I hope you'll continue to update it^^
lalasweet18 #2
Wow this so interesting. I hope you continue with this story because I can't wait to see what happens.
kopiluwak #3
Chapter 6: ah i'm curious about the next chapter :3
Chapter 6: I am a ER for a good cliffhanger *claps*
Chapter 6: *・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*
Chapter 5: So many questions swirling in my head. Can't wait for more, but I mean .... I can.
Chapter 5: Omg wait is this going where I think it is, is the 'only one left in their lineage' the one I'm thinking of please let me be right omg.
Chapter 5: Omg amazing!! I was waiting for you ♥.
Chapter 4: This. Story. Is. Amazing. I love you
Chapter 4: Oh my goodness this is getting so good and didn't take the turn I expected, it's even better!