6 月


 Yunho stared at Changmin as he fluttered about, propping the cushions on his bed and dusting the sheets off with the duster in hand. Smoothing out every wrinkle on the bed, Changmin bounced on the bed lightly to test its elasticity before gazing at Yunho with pride, his eyes beaming with happiness.


 Yunho chuckled. Changmin was such a kid sometimes. Patting him lightly on the head, Yunho murmured a thank you before laying on the bed, allowing his fatigue body to rest. His eyes were just about to drift shut when Changmin abruptly called out his name, causing him to wrench his drowsy eyes open.


" Yes, Changmin?"


 Yunho turned to look at his maknae, surprised by the silence that followed the name calling. Changmin's eyes were on the ground at his feet, avoiding eye contact with his hyung. Immediately, Yunho knew the question that Changmin was hesitating to ask. Yunho sighed. Taking pity on him, Yunho opened his mouth, choosing to answer it and sparing Changmin the agony.


  "No. I'm not gonna tell them."


 His reply was firm and his voice was resolute. Meeting Changmin's astonished gaze, he frowned, trying to convey his determination in making such a decision through that one simple eye contact. He could see Changmin's lips forming a word of protest before they too quavered slightly and gave up, emitting a huge sigh instead.


 "J-just be happy hyung," Changmin muttered after a while, "As long as you're happy, hyung, you can do anything that you like."


 With that, Changmin left the room, closing the door shut. Yunho gazed at the door blearily before he shifted his eyes and turned to the ceiling above him instead. 


I  will never tell you.


I  rather you not know of my pain at all.


 Smiling bitterly to himself, Yunho wracked a few coughs from his body before finally settling to sleep, a trickle of blood escaping his parted lips. That night, he dreamed of nothing at all. No soft velvet kisses, no flirtatious minute touches, no love. In that place, there was nothing but darkness, and the darkness alone.


 Waking up from his well-deserved rest, Yunho grabbed the pill bottles next to him and popped them in, instantly alleviating the headache he had woken up with. Slowly, he dragged his feet one before the other until he finally reached the sink. Fighting against the drowsiness that threatened to overwhelm him, Yunho picked up the toothbrush before him and brushed his teeth with a thick layer of toothpaste up and down. Bending his head down into the sink, he was just about to spit the gurgling toothpaste out of his mouth when a sudden wave of dizziness hit him and his world went tilted. He only had time to see Changmin's worried face from afar before he succumbed to the darkness, fainting on his bathroom-tiled floors.

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*bump* update haha
yah, don't kill my appa again please?? pretty please??? *bawling
i know u said no character death, but i'm still worried..the story's getting even darker ;;__;;
u wrote quite a lot of angst lately..hope everything's ok with u.
btw, this is unusually short dear..oh well, maybe u wrote this in the middle of an exam, yes? xD
Chapter 1: why must it always be so hard for Yunho, God i hate SM i really do :(
thank you for the no death thing :)
Chapter 2: OMO. just realized how we both love making them suffer BWAHAHAHA. ALTHOUGH NO. A SAD ENDING IS NOT ACCEPTABLE OK? my poor heart sobs
Chapter 2: *patiently waiting for the next update while praying for yunho
**and hoping that jae would come and help yunho to get through it all
keep on updating please, and thx for writing ^^ <333333
Chapter 2: Aheem*sheepish smile* I haven't pay attention to your foreword,actually. Just glad that Yunnie isn't going to die...
"You're Jung Yunho and I'm Shim Changmin. We're the freaking Gods of the East. Cancer is nothing compared to us." Yeah, THAT'S TRUE! So, don't give up Yunnie, ne?
PS. Is Jae going to appear in the next chapter? I'm waiting for your update
Chapter 1: Yunho will die? Lung Cancer+Brain Cancer?You're so cruel to him, author-nim!
PS.Great chapter, will wait for the next update.
*Listening to Goodbye my love*
Chapter 1: ack..*bawling my eyes out
please keep your promise, ne? no character death? i won't be able to handle that..
now please excuse me, i need to find a corner and gush some more tears ;;__;;