6 月



\"Like they are hurrying away, the summer’s constellations
Lean between the buildings and hide away
The days that pass us by
Sometimes, even little tiny things make me want to cry"

-Toki wo Tomete, DBSK


 Yunho stared at the clock ticking before him. Tick. A second went by. Tick. Another whizzed past. Tick. Another second that was counting down to his death. The time that would just not stop. He laughed, for what could he do? It was such an irony really. Was not TIME the latest title of their single album together? Yet now, it was time that he desperately needed.


 "Everything's fated fated~"


 He sang, before it was broken off by the sound of harsh coughs. Yunho's eyes teared as he hacked and heaved, spit mixed with blood staining the tissue he was holding. He blinked his eyes. There it was again. The colour of red. The final proof of his impeding death.


 Yunho sighed. He never thought he would die like this. Who would have thought that a healthy middle-aged man like him would succumb to cancer? It did not make sense. He exercised. He watched his health. He ate a bunch of medicine for God's sake. How could this happen?


 Yunho crushed the doctor's report in his hands. A few harsh coughs, a few splotches of blood and just like that, the doctor determined it was lung cancer. Lung cancer. The big 'C' word. The word that would ultimately take his life. Yunho closed his eyes as the tears began to make his way down his face. It was not fair. Why could he not live the rest of his life out? Had he not been through enough already? Why was God doing this to him?


 "I'm sorry Yunho shii," The doctor apologised as he slid the report over to Yunho's quivering hands, "I'm truly sorry."


 Yunho just sat there in shock as his eyes scanned the report, the piece of paper trembling in his hands.


 "Are you sure it hasn't been tampered with?"


 Yunho questioned once more, trying to keep his voice steady as he looked straight in the doctor's eyes, pleading him to tell him that they made a mistake, that he was not going to die.






 Yunho shook his head vigorously. Who said he was going to die? He was Jung Yunho. He was one of the most successful music artistes in the Korean entertainment industry. How could he die? Should not all the money he earned over the years be able to do something? Hire more professional doctors who specialized in lung cancer? Pay for more expensive and modern treatment that could cure him? Could it not do anything at all?


 "The person who said money makes the world go round is a freaking liar."


 Yunho mocked in the doctor's silence, the words on the report nodding with him in agreement.


 "Yunho shii.."


 "It's okay." Yunho interrupted, "I understand. It probably doing your job huh?"


 The doctor merely looked at Yunho with concerned eyes.


 "Perhaps you would want to go see a counsellor-"


 "I've already said it's okay, doctor." Yunho replied, slightly irritated, "I'll be fine."


  The doctor sighed.


  "If you're sure." he replied resignedly.


  Clenching his fists, Yunho gripped the report in his hands.


 "Just tell me," his voice quavered in the air that thickened between them, "how long more do I have?"


 The doctor's face immediately darkened and Yunho's heart stopped momentarily as he looked at the grave expression before him.


 "Any time. The moment you have a serious attack, your lungs lose its elasticity, you suffocate and eventually-."


 "Die." Yunho finished.


 Standing up, he gave the doctor a bow before leaving the room, the doctor's report crushed in his hand.




 The phone that was left on the table top began vibrating, resulting in a piercing sound that jarred Yunho out of his senses. Turning his gaze from the report to the flickering screen of his phone, Yunho saw Changmin's face appeared on the screen. Yunho swore he could almost feel the maknae's worry from here. Sighing, Yunho moved from the comfortable position he was in and leaned out, grabbing the phone before he laid on the sofa once more.


 "Hello?" Yunho greeted, "Changmin? What's the matter?"


 "What's the matter?" Changmin spoke in fury, "Are you really asking me what's the matter? I've been calling your phone since TWO hours ago and you have not picked up even once! What the hell are you doing Yunho hyung? Hyung's worried. The cordis are worried. The nunas are worried. Hell, even Cassiopeia are worried. Where are you now Yunho hyung?"


 Cordis? Nunas? Cassiopeia?


 "Huh?" Yunho replied, confusion getting the better of him, "What are you talking about Changmin ah?"


 There was a wave of silence on the other end, before Changmin finally uttered.


 "Yunho hyung, do you mean to tell me you've completely forgotten about the fansign event MISSHA organised in promotion of their new product launch?"


 Yunho's eyes widened as he recalled, his irises dilating in horror.


 "You really forgot about it didn't you, hyung?" Changmin accused, exasperation evident in his voice, "Hyung you really-"


 Yunho hung up. The voice of the doctor ringing in his head.


 "By the way Yunho shii," the doctor's voice stopped him in his tracks, "the latest MR scan of your brain showed activity of cancerous cells too."


 "What do you mean?"


 "It means that Yunho shii, in addition to having lung cancer, there is a high possibility that you have contracted brain cancer as well."


 Brain cancer?


 Yunho pressed his fingers against the sides of his forehead, feeling a headache coming up.


 "How high is the possibility?" he asked, the pain intensifying with each syllable uttered.


 Silence greeted Yunho and just like that Yunho immediately knew it was not going to be something positive.


 "I'm 99.99% sure..."


 Yunho whirled around as the doctor spoke, wanting to see the doctor's face as he-


 "Even if the lung cancer doesn't kill you, the brain cancer will. I'll give you 6 months at the most."


proclaimed his death.


 "6 months?" Yunho muttered to himself after a while before giving a final bow to the doctor and walking out of the room. He should be crying should he not? He was just sentenced to death! Yet, he could not feel a single ounce of sadness. Somehow, even his eyes was dry. It was as though he had no energy left for tears. No energy left to feel. When did he even get this tired? Rubbing the strands of hairs off his face, Yunho walked out of the hospital, heading to his car.


 "At least now I know what's wrong with me."


 He remarked bitterly as he turned the key in the ignition, the rumbling of the engine muffling his voice. Unable to stand the empty silence in the car, Yunho switched on the radio as he waited for his car to start up, his hands fiddling with the car's seat belt.


 Immediately, the music lightened up the somber atmosphere in the car, and Yunho hummed along as he started to drive, his car swerving lanes swiftly as he thought of the warm bed that awaited him at home. Singing along happily, it was only when he reached his apartment, parked his car and was about to switch off the radio that he realized what song he was singing throughout the journey.


 The tears hit his eyes just as the DJ announced the song title through the booming speakers he had installed in his car that was a gift from Changmin.


 "Thank you so much for listening to Tohoshinki's Toki Wo Tomete." The DJ prattled on, "It's really a nice song huh? Brings back memories of-"


 Clang! Yunho slammed the radio shut, effectively breaking the radio's screen that was made of glass and injuring his hand in the process.


 This time, his tears did not stop. Like a broken tap, they continued flowing down his cheeks. Even when he was reading the report, even as he was talking to Changmin, they never did stop once. Yunho did not know which pained him more. The fact that him forgetting the fansign event could be a sign of brain cancer or the fact that he could never sing with those three voices again.




 Yunho chided himself, smiling bitterly as he did so.


 "It's the fact that you can't see him smile again that pains you the most."


 That confession brought on another onslaught of tears as Yunho held Bambi and cried, the loud incessant knocking on his door never stopping. He did not need to ask. He did not even need to guess. He already knew who was behind the door.




 His beloved maknae.


 I'm sorry.. but hyung won't open the door for you now.


 I don't want to let you see me like this.


 I'm sorry.


 On the other end, Changmin continued pounding as his own tears started to stream down his face. He did not know how. He did not know why, but in that instant, he just knew. He knew Yunho was crying by himself again. He was crying on the other side.


 "Open the damn door hyung," Changmin hollered, his worry turning into anger and frustration. "Open it or I'll kick it open I swear."


 As usual, silence was his answer. Changmin laughed bitterly. A few years ago, when they were still five, he would have given anything in the world to make Yunho shut up for one second since he was always gushing about any new thing that was around him. 


 "But now," Changmin whispered, "now I just want to hear you talk. Hear you scream at me for being an idiot. Yunho hyung.."


 Changmin leaned against the door, sliding down the door frame as he sat outside the door, covering his tears with his two hands.


 "Why won't you just let me in?"


Author's Note: Instead of an update of The Phone Call, you get this instead. *sighs* I'm such an unfocused writer lol! Anyway, this is gonna be a short one. :D I just split it cause I'm too tired now to type coherently haha. Hope you enjoyed! (It'll probably be a threeshot)

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*bump* update haha
yah, don't kill my appa again please?? pretty please??? *bawling
i know u said no character death, but i'm still worried..the story's getting even darker ;;__;;
u wrote quite a lot of angst lately..hope everything's ok with u.
btw, this is unusually short dear..oh well, maybe u wrote this in the middle of an exam, yes? xD
Chapter 1: why must it always be so hard for Yunho, God i hate SM i really do :(
thank you for the no death thing :)
Chapter 2: OMO. just realized how we both love making them suffer BWAHAHAHA. ALTHOUGH NO. A SAD ENDING IS NOT ACCEPTABLE OK? my poor heart sobs
Chapter 2: *patiently waiting for the next update while praying for yunho
**and hoping that jae would come and help yunho to get through it all
keep on updating please, and thx for writing ^^ <333333
Chapter 2: Aheem*sheepish smile* I haven't pay attention to your foreword,actually. Just glad that Yunnie isn't going to die...
"You're Jung Yunho and I'm Shim Changmin. We're the freaking Gods of the East. Cancer is nothing compared to us." Yeah, THAT'S TRUE! So, don't give up Yunnie, ne?
PS. Is Jae going to appear in the next chapter? I'm waiting for your update
Chapter 1: Yunho will die? Lung Cancer+Brain Cancer?You're so cruel to him, author-nim!
PS.Great chapter, will wait for the next update.
*Listening to Goodbye my love*
Chapter 1: ack..*bawling my eyes out
please keep your promise, ne? no character death? i won't be able to handle that..
now please excuse me, i need to find a corner and gush some more tears ;;__;;