Scene 1 (Pieces 1, Part 2 of 3)

Un-Understanding Love

Scene 1 = Why Can’t You Understand?

*BangSong StOry*

No one can understand my love, even you.

Don’t call it obsesion, you didn’t know anything about my heart.

(Bang Yongguk)

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Pieces 1 “Going Crazy?”  (Song Jieun ‘Secret’ ft Bang Yongguk)

Part 2 of 3 It’s Just Obsession

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Jieun POV


Fortunately, the bus come at the same time as the arrival of me at the bus stop. I quickly got into the bus. I chose to sit next to an ajusshi which is apparently a little drunk. Although I was not comfortable with the way  this ajusshi look at me, but I'm force my self to sit here. Not because the bus is full with people, it is precisely because so many unoccupied seat at this bus. I hate sitting near a window or at a seat that next to me has not been occupied . Because I afraid that he will sit next to me. I quikly bowed my head down as soon as a few seconds later he entered the bus.

He sat on the other side line of my seat. He exposes his body towards me, his chin propped his right hand. Once again I ignored him, I took the earphone and listen to songs from my ipone. From the corner of my eye I could see all along the way he kept looking at me and smiling at me.

I got off the bus still stuck with the headset in my ears. I know he also got off the bus even though this is not the area where he lived. I re-accelerate my footsteps as I felt he was getting close.

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The long night gets darker
Under the dead streetlamp in front of your house
I’m watching you through the crack in your window
Until the night ends
Come on and find me
You keep playing a suffocating game of hide-and-seek with me
You, you, you
You’re inseparable from me

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Yongguk  POV

It's been 2 hours I have been waiting here, though it's dark and cold here but I'll still sit here waiting her. I put my hands into the pockets of my black hood jacket, the night wind starting to gets chilly. Where is she? Today she should have gone home since 1 hours ago.

Soon I lift my face when I heard loud footsteps in this silence alley. There she was, I quikly stood up and smiled at her. But as usual she just continue her stepped, pretending to didn’t know that I was existed. I followed her shadow. I continued to follow her when she was quicken her pace. I continued to follow her until she reached her home.

This long night is getting darker. Under the dead streetlamp in front of your house, I see you through the crack in your window. Although you might not see or pretend not to see me here. I will stay here, stay with you until the end of the night. I hope you will open your window curtain and saw me always waiting here for you.

Until when are you going to continue like this, you're keep playing hide and seek with me. You're always hiding from me, but when I find you, you always act as if you didn't know anything about the game and you never starting the game at all. I love you. Why can't you understand?

You have to know no matter how far you're hiding from me, I will always find you. You, you, you will never be separated from me, Song Jieun.

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Have you gone crazy?
Why are you like this?
Please just leave me alone now
Seeing you is suffocating
Please disappear from my sight

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Jieun POV

I saw him standing under the dead streetlamp in front of my house. But again I don’t care. I take a look at my phone that I set to silance mode, I get tired of hearing the phone call voice of my phone that come out almost every minute . He was really crazy. Wherever I go and whatever I do. He's always watching me. He always follows me wherever I go. And it's already hundreds time at this day he called me. He really ....

'You know you will never be separated from me. Wherever you are, I will always be able to see you. You don’t have someone who can love you like me. You have no one to love but me. Look at me now! You, you, you will never be separated from me. Because I love Song Jieun.' with this text message that he sent to me made me even more afraid of him. Bang Youngguk, are you crazy? Or rather I’m the one who will going crazy because of you. You really frightening me.

Not love, this is not love. But this is just obsession. He's so obsessed with me. I always feel scared every time I see his face. Can't he disappear from my sight?

I Secretly opened my window curtain, just a little but I still can see him. Apparently he was still there. I immediately closed my window curtain, when I see him smiled at me.  I cursed at my stupidity, why did I open this stupid curtain? He will be expecting to much. I was very surprised when my phone was vibrating at my hand. With a little fear I opened the message that has just enter a while ago.

'I will remain here until the end of the night. So don't worry, just go to bed! I'll take care of you from here.'  Akh what a stupid move that I was just make. Song Jieun you're really stupid.

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A hundred times
Tens of thousands of times
I’ve called you
But why, why is there no answer?
Did you forget?
It’s already been a thousand days since we met
I prepared a gift you’d like
I sit on the street you frequently travel
I’m waiting for you

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Yongguk POV (1 month later)


Again, it’s always the same, a hundred times or even a thousand times I call you but why, why you never picked it up. Have you forgotten? Today is the thousand days since we met. I've got a gift that you will surely love. I sat in the road that often you pass. I'm waiting for you, but why did you still hasn't come?

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Jieun POV

"So he still continues to follow you eonni?" Naeun ask me with curiosity on her beautiful face.

"Um."  I just muttered and nodded my head.

"Then you have to be careful with him!" said Huhgak ajusshi, the owner of this ice cream shop. He was really kind to all of us.

"But isn’t he always said he loved you? Maybe he did all this so that you will look at him and you will understand that he really loves you." Dongwoon started to voice out his opinions.

"This is not love, it's all just his obsession." A sound of a falling objects that are not loud enough but can successfully makes the four of us turned our head towards the door of the shop, where the sound was coming from. It's turns out to be sound of a bouquet of flowers that fell from the hand of a boy who wears a black jacket with a hood jacket that covered half of his face. But his blonde hair still visible.

"Sorry, but our shop was already closed." Said Huhgak ajusshi to that person. But then the person walked away without saying a word.

"That Person are strange." Dongwoon say with a confuse look on his face.

"No he wasn't. He was just heartbroken." Naeun picking up a bouquet of flowers that person had dropped earlier.

"The flowers are beautiful. 'I love you with all my heart. I don’t know how to make you understand that.'  Woah.. what a romantic words." the three of us look at Naeun with a confuse look on our face.

"Looks like he was a good man, a man who loves a girl with a sincere heart but unfortunately it seems she did not understand his feeling. She's was so mean, why can’t she understand the boy feeling. He was.. "

"You can be the one receiving his love instead ." I said with a high tone before Naeun could finish her words. All eyes are now look towards me.

"I will go home first!" I don't care about their strange look at me. I just want to go.

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I’ve update again :) Sorry for the late update :( I was busy lately

How was the it? Like always, sorry for a lot of grammar mistake :(

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And read my other story as well :)

Thanks ^_^

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Chapter 3: aww,,yongguk was so obsessed with jieun??
Going Crazy yeah XD
ploykz-sunny #2
Chapter 2: myungeun fighting
count me in XD
eine08 #4
Can't wait for the bangxsong!
Notsocheesymoon #5
Hmmm~ Title caught my eye Hehe ^^
Hope to see some updates? (NOW D:< )
Loving the plot ^^