
Friends Or Foes; The Choice Is Yours




The brunette smiled at the sight of the blond that barge into his house like it was his own. Then again with ten years of friendship, there's no such thing as limitations. What one's is the other's.

"Hey beautiful." He called, one slender leg effortlessly thrown over the other. The blond's pout subsided for a moment, letting a breathtaking smile grace to the surface.

"Hey Tae." He respond back, running a hand through his hair, his pout making an appearance once again. He stalked towards him and the brunette pushed aside the magazine he was reading to spread out his arms in invitation. The blond pout harder as he slipped right into them, his knees hitting the soft carpeted floor with a low thud.

"Minnie.." he cried, burying his face into the crook of his neck. Said person wrapped his arms around him and held him tight, humming.

"Kibum, what's wrong?" He asked softly.

"Crisis." Was the muffled response he got back. He cocked an eyebrow,

"You haven't had a crisis since forever. This must be something really big, huh?"

It's true. The last time he had a 'crisis' was back in their freshman year when a certain fashion major was having unrequited love for his—oh god he's just so y—professor and he found out Professor y had a wife.

Kibum pulled away to frown up at his bestfriend.

"It is.." he cried, his bottom lip quivering a bit. The brunette, from a cruel old habit, imitate his friend's expression, completely mocking him.

"Omo, what horrible encounter has came upon my dear bestfriend?" He boo-hooed just for the extra effect.

Kibum glared at him, feline slits boring holes into his face. Taemin laughed, though he did stop his silly antics in fear of facing the wrath of the blond.

"Fine, sorry. Really though, what's wrong?"

Kibum sighed, pulling himself off of him. He instead occupied the empty space right beside the brunette, snuggling close like the human size kitten he is.

"I think puppy found a new poodle to sniff. I think he's tired of this kitty." He mumble sadly, fingers fiddling with Taemin's own.

"Kibum speak a language I can understand. And don't you think you're getting too old to be speaking in such a silly way?" He's not the type to nag or scold but when his bestfriend, twenty three years of age, is acting like he's some four year old, he has no choice but to.

Kibum gasped, hands coming up to cover his mouth, like the good ol' dramatic queen he so very much is.

"Lee Taemin, I'm still your Hyung, respect me!" He exclaimed.

Taemin rolled his eyes. They are about a few months apart not years. Kibum just likes to pretend they are.

"Be it a minute or a second, it still counts, and you should really respect–"

", just tell me already!"

Kibum's mouth was left ajar from getting rudely interrupted, but he decide to forgive the younger with a warning glare before speaking

"I think Jonghyun is cheating on me." He sighed out.

Taemin's first reaction, which was nothing, was puzzling to the clearly hurt and clearly serious blond. His second one though, a rude roll of the eyes, at least gave Kibum an insight of his feelings, even if it did piss him off a bit.


"This is really not like that time with the big misunderstanding with the secretary, I'm dead serious. I think he's cheating." He elaborate, tone weak with a hint of uneasiness. It's not like him to make such timorous (and possibly false) accusations against his boyfriend. But with the way Jonghyun has been acting, (secretive with his cellphone, stammering when asked where he was, and always smelling like someone else's perfume) it's the only logical explanation he could think of. He really hopes he's wrong though. He's been through enough with cheating partners.

Taemin sighed, caressing soft blond hair down in a comforting manner.

"Bummie, Jonghyun isn't like that. He will never cheat on you." He assured softly, reaching over and kissing the crown of Kibum's head.

"How could he, anyways? You're pretty and smart and.." his words seem to trailed off as he gaze into shiny feline eyes that could get anyone to succumb to his feet with just a few unneeded bat.

"You're perfect. He will never." He finally continued, his little pep talk coming to an end, eyes casting away from Kibum's. The blond managed to crack a small smile, though his sad feelings were far from being soothed away.

"Just last week he was telling me how much he loves you. I had to beg him to stop. Like I get it, you're beautiful and have the nicest in all of South Korea." Taemin sighed longingly, feigning distaste of their choice of conversational subject.

Kibum grinned then, his mood instantly lifted. It takes only a single compliment of his ets and he's all sunshine again. But only his bestfriend knows that, reasons why he said what he did.

He nuzzled his nose to the side of the brunette's neck.

"You're probably right. I'm being silly."

Taemin nod,

"Maybe a bit." He joked, laughing lightly. Kibum slapped his chest playfully before peeling himself off the brunette, not before placing a quick peck to the side of his lips.

"Leaving?" Taemin asked, watching Kibum straight his shirt out. The latter nod his head.

"Gotta go make a secret apology cake that–"

"You're going to let him off your body." Taemin finished off with a knowing smile and a roll of his eyes. Kibum grinned cheekily, no shame whatsoever.

"Yup. I'm contemplating whether it should be–"

"Chocolate or strawberry but it obviously going to end up being chocolate." Taemin finished once again, laughing as Kibum glare over at him.

"Shut up. It always work." He stuck his tongue out at him childishly, grabbing his bag of the couch.

"Bye and love you!" He called out, running towards the door. Taemin smiled and waved him off.

The moment he heard the door shut, the heavy feeling he was pushing off seem to crash painfully down on him. His breath came out forced and shallow as he felt around messily before his hand is making contact with the plastic device that is his cellphone. His trembling hand punched in the familiar numbers and he pressed the phone to his ear.

It only rang two times before it's being picked up.


"What the hell did you do?!" He exasperate

"What? What's wrong?"

Taemin stared towards the door his bestfriend had exited just a minute ago, extreme guilt washing over him.

"H-he came over with the idea that you're cheating on him. Jonghyun, you couldn't even handle pretending everything is alright? You had to—, what did you do? Why does he suspect something?!" His voice was back to rising again. He just can't calm down, his nerves are racing on hyper drive. Not ever has he felt so much fear and guilt at the same time.

There was a silence at the other line before he’s hearing a sigh from Jonghyun.

"It was—when you texted me last night, he grabbed the phone and I kind of freaked out and acted out of the ordinary. I thought I fixed things though. He didn't seem bothered at all. I'm really sorry."

Taemin could just imagine the pout that's making its way on the lips he has been kissing for months now. Yeah, the same lips Kibum, his bestfriend for a good ten years, has been kissing for almost two years now.

"I-It's okay. Just be careful, okay? Kibum can never–"

"I know. I'll be more careful I promise."

There was a moment of silence from both sides, guilt washing over them.

They're very well aware of how wrong their relationship is. If Kibum ever finds out, everything will badly fall apart, Jonghyun will lose an amazing boyfriend and Taemin may lose the most important person in his life.

It's not that they have a solid type of relationship, it's strictly just pleasure. What Taemin is not getting from his (many) partners, Jonghyun is gladly providing. He will never think of taking the elder from Kibum, the blond dearly loves him too much.

Jonghyun never planned this. He was in a committed relationship with the beautiful feline eyes man, went to a party, a little unexpected kissing happened and then suddenly he's involved with both the bestfriends. He could end whatever this is anytime. Just... he's having a little problem (just a little) with archiving so. (He has tried and end up failing miserably when the next thing he knew he was waking up to the brunette the next morning, completely .) There's something just so magnetic about the younger. The more he tries to pull away the stronger the magnetic pull seem to get. It's at a point where he needs to see the younger practically every week. Almost the same amount as he gets to see Kibum.

Taemin let out a sigh, a picture of a certain blond staring right at him.  

"Jonghyun, I'll talk to you later, okay?" He finally break the trance.

"Okay. Don't worry about anything, I'll take care of it."

Taemin wished he could believe those words.

"Yeah. Bye." He didn't wait for Jonghyun's own response before he's hanging up the phone.

He ran a frustrated hand through his hair.

"Kibum, it's really nothing. Jonghyun loves you, he will never cheat on you. You have nothing to worry about." He whispered, forcing a small smile.

Lying to a picture.

He could almost laugh at his audacity.

His smile fell slowly.

"You always did say what yours was mine. I'm really just following your words."





I have faith in this story. LOL

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Edited :))


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Chapter 6: I'm subscribing ASAP!!!! I really really REALLY hope you update this soon
Chapter 6: Those three belong together....
Chapter 6: I hope you will update this please...I really want to see how it goes and it was not boring at all ;D
Arghhh you have no idea how much I miss your story TT_TT
I miss your story T_T And I agree with Dinoshroomie JongTae is asdfghjkl =))
Dinoshroomie #6
Chapter 2: Omg loving this so much!! Jongtae is just asdffhjkcdhjkyff ;AA;
I love this chapter!!! I don't know what to do with my feels rn =)))
And I'm so curious who is Tae's brother!
Wow Minho is hereeeee!!! And I miss HeeChul =)))
heme-sanloveminho #8
Chapter 6: Wasn't boring at all. learned so many new things about Taemin's life! wow. Can't wait to read what happens next.What all will key hear.
hopefully you wont make me wait as long for the next chapter lol\
ChocoPuppy #9
Chapter 6: It wasn't boring, dummy. :p this was a great chapter and very informative. Can't wait to see what happens with key
Chapter 6: I didn't find it boring at all! But man, that ending... x( as much as i'd like to hide from what's bound to happen, I can't help but be desperate to see how things turn out. Keenly looking forward to the next part, whenever it comes.