Chapter 23

She's Mine


"Oppa!" Sun Hee yelled excited and standed up from the couch. Kris rolled his eyes. "The nightmare is back, my life" He  cursed in his thoughts while Sun Hee opened the door excited.

"Hyun Joong-ah! OMFG I missed you so much, thanks God you're back here, I need to tell you some things that happened while you weren't here." She said as he hugged him. 

Hyun Joong smiled to Kris who was staring at the scene and winked his eye. " I missed you too, my lady." Kris made a face to Hyun Joong and went upstairs cursing all the way.

Sun Hee ended the gap. "Yah, Wu Yi Fan, Li Jia Heng, Kevin, Kris, or whatever your name is! Come back here and greet Hyun Joong or else I'll cut your balls."

Kris turned around and smirked. "Cut 'em cuz I don't care, oh and if you cut them then, who is going to give you babies?." He said and entered to Sun Hee's and his room cursing once again.

Sun Hee clenched his teeth wanting to punch his handsome face till it isn't pretty anymore. Hyun Joong hugged her back. "Pretty ladies doesn't get mad thanks to bastards".

She giggled. "True, I'm a pretty lady."


"I want the 11 of you to come to my house right now,if you don't come then you won't met my wife." Kris said as he sat on the bed.

"Why?"Suho asked in the phonecall.

Kris sighed holding his anger. "I said, come to my ing house."

Suho gulped. "O-okay, but calm yo ."

Kris rolled his eyes and clenched his teeth. "They're calmed you midget, now you come here or else I'll take Tao's wushu and kick your 's."

"Arasso, see ya. You mofo's let's go to Kris home." Suho yelled to the 11 guys who were eating pizza that Suho, I mean $uho bought to them.

Kris hunged up. "You want to play, huh I'm going to be the one who wins." He smirked as he thought of Hyun Joong.


"Gege, we're here!" Tao knocked the door.

Kris who was at the living room staring at Hyun Joong and Sun Hee talk, he heard it and runned to open the door.

Sun Hee stared weird at the tall man making Hyun Joong laugh.

"MoFo's you're here, I need your help." He opened the door and started to explain.


Well this is the update for today

This is authornim <3

I hoped you enjoyed!

Please comment and subscribe, co-author and I give a lot of effort to the fanfic.

The update depends on you <3






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Kyla1923 #1
Chapter 34: You better not be cheating kris and update soon author nim. With longer chapters
peipei_bigbadgirl #2
Chapter 33: Update soon
ILoveKDramas1 #3
Chapter 32: arE u eVER gONNA uPDATE tHESE fIC!!!
ILoveKDramas1 #4
Chapter 13: The last picture looks like kim myungsoo
ilovebapyessir #5
Chapter 32: Upgrade soon again!!^.^
Chapter 31: Sorry for not updating, I've been extremely busy!
I´ll update soon, guys!
leuhan_kriseu #7
Chapter 31: i'm so curious yeah ~ *singing Sherlock
update soon :)
addpapoy #8
Chapter 31: Here comes my y minds oh god I can't imagine it xD
Lillybellsun #9
Chapter 31: Update~ omo, I just died...
RamaitaMemet #10
Chapter 31: please update soon... just update please...