The Accident Part 2

I wish

I looked towards the source of the noise with tears still streaming down my face. There was Chaerin holding two cups of coffee with a frown on her face.

"Whats the matter Mingkki" Chaerin asked looking at my Puffy sore red eyes. I took a deep breath in hoping not to choke on my next sentence. "Ji-young oppa texted me" I said choking on my words. She raised an eyebrow and sighed.

"I told him not to tell you until he was okay" she said looking down on me. "What happened" I yelled. "All im allowed to tell you is there was an accident after the big bang oppas went out" she answered. A feeling of dread washed over me followed by Pain entering my heart.

I started to cry once more. "Why wont anybody tell me what happened" I sobbed. "Come on minzy" Chaerin said pulling me up the ground. "Let me give you a ride to the hospital it'll be quicker than walking" she said walking to her car. "okay unnie" I said getting into her car. She then passed the coffee to me.

"Isnt this for someone else ?" I asked. "It was for Ji-yong but you look like you need it more besides he won't mind". I took a sip. The coffee was warm but a slightly bitter. "I take It Ji-yong is okay" I said coldly.


"Whats wrong with you?" Chaerin asked. "No one wants to tell me about what happened last night" I yelled. She put her hand on top of mine and started rubbing her thumb over my knuckles. " I understand your frustration but you'll understand once you see him" she said sympathetically. "But I need to know if Top is okay" I said with tears welling up in my eyes once more. She pulled my head into her shoulder allowing me to cry on her shoulder. She ran her hands through my hair saying "Minzy its going to be okay".

I continued crying until Chaerin pulled into the hospital and handed me a box of tissues. "He wouldn't want to see you sad" Chaerin said. She's right. I grinned as I wiped my tears making sure to make it look like I hadn't been crying. "Nice to see you're happier now" Chaerin said with a grin. "Thanks unnie for giving me a ride" I said. "Its okay minzy"she responded. "You better go see Ji-yong oppa" Chaerin continued. "Okay unnie" I said as ran off to the entrance to hospital.

As soon as I had gotten in I saw Ji-young waiting for me. "Minzy you made it" Jiyong said as he came over to hug me. "hey is that my coffee?" Ji-young asked. "well um" I stuttered. "It dosent matter" Taeyang interjected out of nowhere. "Aint you gonna tell her what happened" Seungri asked. My heart started to break. "Where's Daesung and Top" I asked hoping that Top was upstairs with Daesung hoping that nothing happened but i knew that was a lie. Seungri raised an eyebrow "Didn't you hear Daesung is doing some drama or something". "What about Top" I asked knowing perfectly well that tears were starting to build up. Ji-young looked me in the eyes and frowned. "Thats why I needed you to be here when I told you" he said. "Follow me" Ji-young instructed. We followed him into the elevator. He then pressed the button for the fourth floor. My tears were starting to fog up my vision so I rubbed my eyes. Seungri then gave me a look saying you like Top don't you. I nodded because I had no way of hiding it. I could see Seungri was about to say something but decided against.

As soon as we got to the fourth floor Ji-young lead us to room 24 and had the patience name clearly printed on it

"Choi Seung-hyun"

I nearly fell straight into tears at that moment. "you go inside we'll wait out here" Ji-yong said. I slowly opened the door and walked in to see Top lying done on a hospital next to a heart rate monitor. At that moment I just let myself go. With tears streaming down my face I sat down next to him to see he was unconscious. I sat there holding his hand. "What happened to you oppa" I sobbed. "He got into a car crash early this morning" A voice. I turned to see a doctor. "Is he going to be okay" I asked. "We don't know he just out of surgery to fix his broken leg. But he has suffered several injuries we fear his heart may have been severely damaged because he suffered from a cardiac arrest earlier on" He said. I started sobbing. Then the doctor passed me some tissues. "Anyway what's your name miss" The doctor asked. "Gong Minji" I sobbed. "Oh I see I'll give you some alone time" he said as he walked off.


"I wish you could hear me" I sobbed.  "I wish you knew how I feel about you. How you make my heart flutter just by being near me. I wish you knew how I see you. " I sobbed. "And most importantly of all I wish you knew that" I said as I kissed him on the cheek. I then whispered in his ear "I love you".

I woke up to see Top lying in his hospital bed. I must have dozed off. I then felt a blanket on top of me keeping me warm. I was about to get when I realized his hand was on top of mine unlike before when mine were on top of his.I blushed.  "He woke up before while you were a sleeping" a familar voice said. I turned to see Ji-yong. "how come none you guys woke me up?" I asked. "I was going to but he didn't want me to. So he gave you one of his blankets and went to sleep" Ji-yong answered. "I'm amazed he didn't see the lipstick on his cheek" Jiyong said with a grin. I had totally forgot I was wearing lipstick.

"Well im going to get myself some coffee call out if you need me" Jiyong said as he left the room. I smiled. I like being alone with him even though he's asleep. Then I heard the door open to see bom unnie. "What are you doing here?" she asked coldly. "I came here to see Top oppa" I answered. I had totally forgotten that she liked Top as well this is going to be bad. "Why is there lipstick on his cheek" she said coldly. "well um" I said struggling to have an explanition. She raised an eyebrow "You kissed him didn't you" She said getting angrier by the second. "yes" I said looking at the ground. This was about to get very heated. "I told you how I feel about him" She yelled. "But we promised not let this get between us" I retaliated. "Well your to young to love him" She yelled. "That does stop me from caring" I yelled "he will never love you" bom shouted. That broke my heart. Maybe she was right maybe he'll never care the same way I do. I just started breaking down in tears.

"Bom leave her alone" I heard a very familiar voice say. We both turned to see Top wide awake. "But she started It" She said angrily. "I don't care doesn't mean you can bully her" Top said coldly. "But" She continued. "Just leave" He said coldly. She just stood there gob smacked. "NOW" He said angrily. Bom ran out the door crying. Taeyang opened the door to see what happened. "What happened oh" Taeyang said as he saw me crying and Top awake. "Hyung's awake" Taeyang shouted down the corridor. " I'll deal with bom" He said as he left.

"Are you ok Minzy" He asked. "I'm fine" I said rubbing my eyes. "No you're not come here" he said calmly. I sat on the edge of his bed. He then proceeded to put his hands on my checks and rub my tears away with his thumbs. I couldn't but help but smile. "Oppa can you please do your Yoon Mun Sik impersonation" I asked. He smiled "If that will make you happy then sure" He answered.  He looked at the ground and said " you unmannered bastard" he said in his high pitch Yoon Mun Sik voice I couldn't help but laugh. Then he looked up with a grin. "you have such a beautiful laugh" He complimented. I stared at the ground blushing. He then used his fingers to raised my face to meet his gaze. He looked straight into my eyes. It felt like time had stopped. unfortunately we were interrupted by dara bursting into the room. She was then followed by Seungri, Chaerin and Ji-yong.

Dara raised an eyebrow "Did I just wreck a moment " she asked. "No you didn't" Top said. "Awww I did didn't I Minzy" She said as she gave me hug. Top then started coughing. "Are you okay oppa" I asked. "I'm fine" Top lied I could see a pained expression on his face. He started coughing more. "Are you sure your okay Hyung" Seungri asked. This was starting to go downhill. "Can you guys give me sometime alone to talk to minzy" He coughed. My heart fluttered. "Sure Hyung everyone get out" he said with a grin.

To pluck up the courage and open your heart, and embrace someone else's is difficult especially when he's in pain right in front of you. "Oppa I have something to say" I said. "Minzy let speak" He interrupted. "But oppa" I said. "Minzy im the one in the hospital bed so let me speak" He said calmly. "Okay oppa" I said in defeat. I really need to tell him how I feel. "I wish I didn't have to tell you like this. Especially in a hospital. But the thing is I care for you more than an oppa should" he said. My heart started to flutter I also started to get butterflies in my stomach. "I don't really know how to put this but I love you Gong Minji" he continued. Wait a minute did he just admit that he loves me?. I sat at the edge of the bed stunned. "I understand if you don't feel the same way" he said as he looked out the window. "I understand if you like GD, Taeyang or seungri" He said disappointed. "Oppa" I said trying to get some words in. "It's alright I understand how you feel lets pretend like this never happened okay" He said. I could see tears building up in his eyes. "Oppa" I said once more. "Just forget" he said. If words won't show him how I feel my actions will. I closed my eyes and kissed him. It was short and sweet. Then we heard laughing coming from the corridor it was Ji-yong. "you sure are stupid hyung" Ji-yong said as he laughed. "shut up" Top said as he chucked a pillow. He hit Ji-yong in the face which stopped the laughter. "I take it you like me" he said. "I don't like you I love you" I said giving him a kiss. "Top and Minzy sitting in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G. This time it was my turn to chuck something at him. I grabbed the blanket that was around my shoulders and chucked it at him. That was a bad idea because I was starting to get cold. "Oppa im cold" I said. He moved over and said "Come lay down beside me" He said. Getting colder by the second I decided to lay down beside him. He then proceeded to put his arm around me. " I love you" I said. "I love you too" He replied. "I wish you had told me earlier.

I woke up next to Top who was wide awake. "Good morning" he said. "How come you didn't wake me up" I asked. " Because you look so peaceful" He responded. He started coughing again. "Are you okay" I asked. "I'm fine could you get me a glass of water" He asked. "sure thing" I responded with a grin. I got up and walked out of his room. "where can I get a glass of water" I asked one of the doctors. "Down there" pointing to a water cooler. I grabbed a plastic cup and started filling it with water. After filling the cup I proceeded to walk back to Top's room. When suddenly a team of doctors went rushed into his room. I dropped the cup and ran. I ran inside Top's room to find doctor's surrounding his bed. I pushed through all of them to find Top lying there groaning. "He's entering cardiac Arrest" A doctor shouted followed by his heart rate monitor flat lining. "And get this woman outta here" The doctor continued. "Seung-hyun" I cried well getting pulled out of the room.

I sat outside crying my lungs out. It felt like hours waiting outside crying hoping he was okay. Then after the long wait a doctor came out. "Is he okay ?" I asked. "Im sorry to tell you this but Choi Seung-hyun from a cardiac arrest which is caused by the heart by his heart not being able to beat effectively which then continued on to cause damage to his brain" The doctor said sadly. "we were unable to get there in time to save him" He continued sadly. I cried like I had never had before. How could the man I love die like that. "What is your name miss" The doctor asked. "Gong Minji" I sobbed. "Oh I see well this is for you" He said passing me a folded piece of paper. The very front of the page said

"TO Gong Minji Love Top"

I unfolded the piece of paper read what was inside.


Minzy if your reading this. I'm sorry this means that something may have happened to me.

I've loved ever since you came to be a trainee in YG. I love everything about you including your

smile and especially your laughter. Don't be sad I'm gone be happy I was there.

I Loved spending last night with you. Especially falling asleep with you in my arms.

I wish I had told you how I felt about you sooner so we could have had more moments

like these.

I Love you Gong Minji never stop laughing - Top


I wish I had told him sooner I wish


Authors note: I had been preparing the chapter for four days but I was too sick to finsh it sadly. So what do you guys think? ^-^ -CaughtNevada







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1andonly #1
Chapter 2: So cute and soooooo sad !!! :'( is this the end ?? I really loved it !!! More topmin needed ... Good work !!