The Accident Part 1

I wish

To pluck up the courage and open your heart, and embrace someone else's is difficult. Even if he's groaning in pain right in front of you.

I woke up to the blaring noise of my alarm. I hated the infernal device for breaking away my sweet slumber. I decided to turn the alarm off and hopefully get up. I stared at the ceiling of my room forcefully keeping eyes open. I let out a deep sigh. I'm still tired from training with my unnies. Chaerin our leader wanted us to practice all night for us to be ready for our comeback. I understand why and her intentions were good at heart but practicing till three in the morning is just insane. I looked at the clock to see it was ten past seven. It had been ten minutes since I scheduled to wake up maybe chaerin wouldn't mind if got a few hours extra sleep. But then again I might miss out on my two hours worth of exercise which would make me more cranky than being tired.


I decided to get up out of bed and got changed. I left my room to hear silence all throughout the dorm.

"Bom" I called out no response. "Chaerin" I called no response. "Dara" I called still no response. They must still be a sleep or they must have gone out. I rushed out the door hoping to get my two hours worth of exercise done so I can get on with the rest of my day. The corridors were filled with silence. This is odd the YG building is usually filled with giggles and laughter. But I dismissed it as nothing. I walked up the stairs to the gym to only hear my footsteps against the cold hard stairs. This was starting to scare me where's Top when you need him to make a joke or two to lighten the mood. Brain just stop right there as soon as you start thinking about him you won't stop thinking about him. The thing is I've liked since I saw him because he's so cute,funny and nice. I sighed. Way to go you just had to keep going brain. But ever since that time when he gave me a birthday present and told me I think I like you its put my heart on edge. I don't know if he meant or if he was just teasing. I've tried not to think of him as of late but I just can't.

I had finally gotten up all the flights to see the gym room lights off and the door locked. Then suddenly my phone started ringing. I checked my phone to see a text from Ji-young the fearless leader of big bang.

There's been an accident meet us at the hospital I'll explain once your there


What happened I texted back.

It's best if I tell you when your here

Tears started to form in my eyes. Hopefully nothing happened to Top. I told Ji-young about my feelings toward Top after the Strong Heart YG Family Special. He asked me about as soon as the show ended about how I felt towards Top and being his favourite Makanae I Told him. He's the only person i've told besides my unnies.


I ran down the all the flights and out of the YG building. My tears were starting to fog up my vision but I kept running because i had to know if he was okay. But eventually I just collapsed and cry into my sleeves not caring who saw.

"Minzy" a familar voice called



Authors Notes:This is probably gonna be a two-shot now that i think about it. But this is my first fic and kinda fell that is but i heard thats perfectly normal so comment what you think and any suggestions you may have






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1andonly #1
Chapter 2: So cute and soooooo sad !!! :'( is this the end ?? I really loved it !!! More topmin needed ... Good work !!