4. Distractions and Zzzzz

My Life- A Picture Journal

Turns out Thehun invited Yixing to come a few hours earlier than everyone else. "You're welcome." he had said to me before I accidentally put my heel on his toe and dug it in until he was screaming.

What? It was an accident. Really.

Yixing wanted to catch up, he said. He told me that my voice got so much better, and he was so blown away by my low range these days. I turned 201.3 different shades of red. He also told me that he was transferring back to our public school. When I asked him why, he chuckled, his cheeks surprising me by turninng a little red, and he said he got kicked out. But before I could find out why, Sehun bursted in with the world's next big problem.

"Do these jeans make my look fat?" he had asked as he checked himself out in my mirror.

"Nothing can possibly make your bony look fat," was all I said, and Yixing laughed at me.

"You mean it, kitty Kyungie-hyungie poo?" he asked. I gritted my teeth. How many words was he going to add onto my name?

He just grinned at me, his eyes disappearing freakily, before skipping out of my room.

Yixing said that he's seen that nothing has changed between the brat and myself. I denied that and said that it's gotten better because Sehun got himself a boyfriend and that he's not any less annoying, but he's not around me at much. At that, Yixing had asked why I myself wasn't in a relationship.

I didn't have anything to say, just that I didn't really know. I just  supposed it was because there wasn't anybody that stood out to me. Yixing frowned at me but ruffled my hair. He said he wanted to talk longer, but we heard voices and people were already arriving.

"How long are you going to stir that punch, Umma?" a very cute voice asked me as his cute little arms clasp themselves around my waist.

"Until I disappear into it," I replied, "When did you get here, Luhan?"

"Just a few seconds ago, Umma," he replied cutely. Aww. My baby.

Why did I even let him come here! All these fools full of radioactive death will contaminate my baby.

"Luhan, I don't want you to go near a few people. I don't want you to go near Xiumin, aka Minseok, aka Baozi," I began.

"Are those all the same people?" he asked, his cute little face crinkling in confusion.

"Oh yeah. I have no idea why he has so many names," I replied off-handedly," And don't go near Jongin aka Kai, he's the same person." 

Even though I passed Jongin off as a sound guy to be around, he was super touchy this morning, and there's a 132% chance he'll try something on my precious Luhan.

"Are those five, I mean two, it, Umma?" he asked as he looked at me.

"Yeah, everyone else is okay to be around. Oh, not my brother though, don't go near him," I said as I set the punch bowl on the counter.

"Are we having cake tonight? Did you make it, Umma?" Luhan asked me excitedly as I gave Xiumin a death stare because he was ogling Luhan.

"Yeah, I made it with Jongin earlier today," I replied warily.

"You and the guy I'm supposed to stay away from?" he asked. I looked at him and put my arm around him before pinching his nose.

"Yes. He's not a bad person, but I don't want to take any chances," I replied. Luhan just smiled at me and hummed an "okay" before scampering off to greet Baekhyun who just arrived.

"Hey, that's your secret weapon," Yixing said to me with a smile, making me laugh.

"Yeah, Luhan's our secret weapon," I replied.

"Where's the cake?" he asked as he looked around. I frowned, just now noticing that neither the cake nor Jongin was here.

"Hold on, I'll go get it," I replied as I walked to the front door.


I knocked on Jongin's door impatiently.

"Jongin!" I called. What the ? Why is his door always slightly open? I got worried because, hell, someone could have broken in. Without much thought I opened the door, and the house was dark. I took a deep breath, getting out my flashlight app on my phone.

I looked along the wall, looking for any light switches. I finally found one, and I flicked it on. I sighed with relief when the lights to his living room came on and it didn't look like anyone broke in.

Now to find Jongin. I ventured down his hallway and tried every door. The first two rooms were mostly empty, just a few boxes in each. 

Must be lonely, I thought. I came to the last door and opened it, relieved to finally find a room with some things in it. It must have been Jongin's room, but I couldn't tell because it was sort of dark.

I found his light switch, but it didn't turn anything on.

I stumbled around blindly in his room before I turned my flashlight app back on. I noticed that he had a bunch of glow in the dark stars on his ceiling, making me roll my eyes.

My foot conveniently found his bed to trip over because I was too busy looking at his ceiling and I grunted when I hit something hard.

"I found Jongin," I declared to myself, realizing that my face had hit his shoulder. Jongin didn't look peaceful in his sleep. He was frowning and his eyes looked puffy, like he'd been crying.

"You seemed okay when I left," I mumbled to myself. I didn't shine my light directly on him as I sat up. I took hold of his shoulder lightly and shook him.

"Jongin," I called, shaking him some more. His eyes scrunched as he blinked them open slowly.

"Kyungsoo?" he asked. I nodded, being slightly put off because he forgot to call me hyung. I wasn't offended, but I wasn't used to it.

"You look awful," I replied. His eyes were red, and puffy, and he looked tired.

"Have you been trying to wake me up for long?" he asked, rubbing his eyes a few times. I shook my head no.

"Where the hell are your lights?" I asked as I shined my phone around.

"I don't know where my remote is," he replied as he looked tiredly around.

"Jongin! You better not be going back to sleep, you bum!" I said as he closed his eyes and nuzzles his face into his pillow.

"I'm just a little tired," he mumbled as he blindly patted my knee, "You should get some sleep too. This party's going to last forever."

"I'm sorry, sir, we have to go," I said one last time.

"Just ten minutes, please, hyung?" he asked, his eyes still closed, but he was pouting now. And holy . I should just smack him to North Korea to use that pout to gain world peace.

"O-okay," I agreed as I sat there. Jongin was breathing softly, and I think I felt bad for how tired he looked. I mean, being cheated on with your brother... that's pretty bad.

I laid back on his bed, humming to myself as I waited out the ten minutes. Just nine more left.

I hummed Taetiseo's twinkle because hell, Taeyeon can sing. Wow, Jongin had good taste in mattresses. It feels like my own.

"Just six more minutes left," I hummed to myself with a yawn.

And then I yawned another time. And my eyes shut.




I scrunched my eyes because it went bright all of a sudden. I cracked open my eyes, remembering where I was. I let Jongin and myself nap for ten minutes.

"Jongin," I called, poking his face. Why is his face so close?

"Hm?" he hummed, smacking his lips together a few times.

"Get up, it's been ten minutes."

"Hyung, I'm tired."

"I know, but we have to go."

"Okay," he replied, but snuggled me closer. I rolled my eyes.

Wait. What?

What the hell?

Snuggled me closer?

I was laying on his chest, his arms around me, and my leg over him.

I panicked because , I could get used to this.

I pulled back, and Jongin cracked his eyes open in annoyance.

"So that's where you are, Kyungsoo," I heard a very angelic voice that I didn't want to hear.

"Yixing?" I panicked as I looked at him standing at the foot of the bed.

He smiled and waved his fingers.

"Hyung, who is that?" Jongin grumbled (cutely, ugh, OTL).

"Jongin, wake up," I said one more time as I sat up. He finally sat up, and I noticed then that he was still shirtless.

"I got worried after you'd been gone for an hour, even though Sehun told me it was just down the street," Yixing explained.

"Who are you?" Jongin asked as he yawned and stretched. I quickly looked away from Jongin's muscles that rippled when he stretched.

"Yeah, I fell asleep trying to wake this guy up," I looked at him with accusing eyes. He looked at me innocently.

"Go get dressed, Jongin," I said, totally embarrassed and wanting to die at the situation.

"Okay," he said as he got up.

And my life because I failed to notice that Jongin was only in his boxers.

And double my life because I'm pretty sure both Yixing and I were staring at his tight that had just a little jiggle as he walked to his restroom.

"He's handsome," Yixing said, a smile playing on his lips.

"Yeah he-, I mean, this isn't what it looks like," I said quickly as I hopped off his bed to stand up.

"Well, I'm just glad to see that you're alive and well," Yixing smiled at me.




"Happy birthday dear Chanyeol, happy birthday to you! Wooooh," everyone sang and cheered as Chanyeol clapped his hands like a maniac. Chanyeol still had bandages on his arm from when Cat got kind of crazy on him. Except he replaced the normal ones I put on him with Girls' Generation bandaids.

I'll have to ask him where he got those later. (I have a lot of GG stuff, but I've never seen bandages!)

There was a big "Taeyeon" one on his neck... but he didn't scratched there.

I'l have to ask him what's really underneath there later.

"See, I told you I was having a nice and clean party," Thehun said to me, with Joonmyun's arm around him. I rolled my eyes but didn't say anything.

"Chanyeol, let me cut the cake," I said as I watched him struggle with the knife, "Or we'll need more GG bandages."

"Okay," he nodded quickly and I got started on cutting the cake.

"This is really good, Sehun," Kris said, his mouth covered in icing, "Did you make it?"

"Yes," he piped up proudly.

"Like hell he did. Jongin and I made it," I retorted.

"You mean, you did it, and Jongin just turned the microwave off?" Kris replied.

"Why the hell do all of you think cakes are made in microwaves?!" I asked before glancing at Jongin.

"They aren't?" Kris asked. Why does Sehun just have so many dumb friends?

I didn't even reply, too distracted by how Jongin was sitting in a circle with Xiumin, Baekhyun and Luhan. Baekhyun was firing off on how eyeliner isn't just for girls, and Xiumin was just denying everything while Luhan just clung to Baekhyun's side. Jongin was just smiling politely, but the smile didn't quite reach his eyes.

"Kyungsoo? Are you listening?" someone asked. I turned to see Yixing sitting right next to me.

"What did you say? I'm sorry," I replied.

"I just wanted to ask if you wanted to go to the roof with me. You can't see the stars where I live," he replied.

"Oh, y-yeah. Sure," I said as I got up. I didn't even have time to be nervous and be worried about being alone with Yixing doing something as cheesy (romantic) as stargazing... I was too busy feeling worried for someone else.

What the hell? 

I shook my head to try to clear it of these thoughts. Jongin is just recovering from a relationship.

It doesn't mean anything.




The next day rolled around, and I was genuinely surprised because Sehun was cleaning up by himself. He wouldn't even let Joonmyun help. He told Joonmyun to go home and get some rest. He didn't look tired to me but Joonmyun's face always looked happy.

I spent the day studying. Wooooh, right? I'm so bad.

But seriously, I did. School's important, kids. Important.

Night time rolled around and I decided to cook, since I don't think I could take any more pizza after last night, and I was too lazy to go pick up food.

I stirred the rotini noodles in the hot water, absentmindedly wondering if Jongin had eaten anything.

No, I'm not worried about him because I care. I just don't anyone to die. Yeah, I'm peaceful like that.

"Kitty Kyungie-hyungie poo bunny soo bunny boo soo," Sehun called, making me grit my teeth. Sehun can't remember anything useful, but he can remember to add on extra words to my name.


"Can Yixing come over for dinner? He loves kimchi spaghetti," Thehun asked as he poked his head into the kitchen, phone pressed against his shoulder. I was surprised he was asking at all.

"Yeah sure, but we ran out of spaghetti noodles, so I'm using rotini," I replied.

"Okay," he replied before disappearing into the living room.

"A-and, Sehun?" I called before I could stop myself.

"Yeah?" he poked his head back in.

"Call Jongin and ask if he wants to eat too," I said, pointedly avoiding his eyes.

"Sure thing, Kitty Kyungie-hyungie poo bunny soo bunny boo soo cakes," he sang happily.

"Stfu. You either call me hyung, Kyungsoo-hyung, or master!" I screeched at him and threw a paper towel roll at his head. He giggled. 

"Okay, hyung Kyungsoo-hyung master," he gave me his classic "I'm a little " smile.


After I finished setting the table, I heard the doorbell rang. 

"Coming!" I yelled as I ran to get it.

I opened the door and was faced with Yixing.


I felt this weird feeling in my chest like I was expecting something else.

I almost forgot that Yixing was coming.

"Hey, Yixing, come in," I said with a smile.

"Thanks for inviting me over, Kyungsoo," he smiled, his classic dimples showing.

"It's no big deal. I'm glad you're moving back. You can come over more often," I replied as I shut the door.


I continued to prepare dinner, and Sehun was still cleaning up the house.

"Hey Sehun, where's Joonmyun and Jongin?" I asked as I got some water glasses down from the cupboard. Yixing was cutting green onions.

"Uhhhh, Jongin said he'd be over in ten minutes about ten minutes ago, and Joonmyun's on his way," Sehun replied.


Sure enough, the doorbell rang.

"I'll get it," Sehun called.

Jongin poked his head into the kitchen, and I was relieved to see that he at least looked okay.

"Are you hungry, Jongin?" I asked.

"Yeah, I am. Thanks for inviting me over. Is there anything I can help with?" he asked politely.

See, this is the brother I should have had. Helpful and polite.

"Not really, Jongin, we're about done here," Yixing replied, making me frown for some odd reason. It made me feel like Yixing was acting like he knew me better and Jongin didn't. Which, I mean Yixing did, but not that well.

"Oh, okay," Jongin replied before going back out.


Dinner was nice.

I really had no idea what the hell was going on. Sehun was being a mild brat. It wasn't the extreme brat I was used to.

He at least only called me with three extra names, and not eight. He wasn't acting all lovey dovey with Joonmyun.

Jongin was at least eating, and even asked for more.

Yixing brought over cheesecake, and I was glad to see that at least Jongin ate that too.

Looks like no one was dying today. Yay for my peace loving self.

"Sehun, you're freaking the hell out of me, why are you cleaning?" I asked suspiciously after everyone but Joonmyn had left.

"I just feel responsible, hyung Kyungsoo-hyung master," he replied, making me facepalm.

"Okay... well I'm going to bed," I announced. It wasn't abnormal for Joonmyun to stay at our house late into the night. Sehun usually made him watch Girls' Generation videos with him. But it's not like Joonmyun wasn't a die hard fan of GG either.

Who isn't.....



Some time late at night, I woke up, and my wall was rumbling.

"Oh my ing earthquake!" I screeched. I never thought it would happen in my lifetime. That's what they all think before they die, though.

I hopped up and immediately grabbed my phone, ready to go pry Sehun out of his bed and run for cover.

No, I don't care about Sehun. It's just me being a peace lover again.

I pulled on my pants (I sleep in my boxers) and was about to run to Sehun's room.

But then I heard it.

"Oh, Sehun, right there!" 

I can't even tell you what the hell I was feeling right there. This wasn't a ing earthquake.

Nope. Even worse.

It's mating season.

Only the adjoining wall between Sehun's room and my room was shaking, and Sehun's bed is right up agains that wall.

"Oh my god. Joonmyun's the bottom. , why am I even thinking of this?" I wailed as I searched my room for my noise-canceling headphones.

I found them, and cranked up the first Girls' Generation song I could find.

"You better run, run, run-"

"OH MY GOD TOO IRONIC," I whined as I covered my face with my pillow.


Yeah. So I ended up run, run, run, run, running..... all the way to Jongin's door.

I had my blanket under one arm and my pillow sandwiched under the other.

I was waiting, too traumatized to breathe.

"Hyung?" a very tired Jongin with very puffy (adorable OTL) eyes opened the door. Did this fool always wander around his house half-?

"I'm sorry for disturbing you so late at night- er, I mean, early in the morning, but Sehun and Joonmyun were going at it like dogs, and I tried putting on my noise-cancelling earphones, but then Girls' Generation came on, and they told me that I better run, and my wall was just shaking too much because I share that wall with Sehun's room, and no noise-cancelling headphone could ever cancel out Joonmyun when he's wailing like a and my back hurts a lot when I sleep on the floor or couch and I'm so-"

Jongin just grabbed my wrist and pulled me into the house. He dragged me to his room and flopped on his bed.

"Just go to sleep," he mumbled sleepily, "I don't have another bed, and my couch ."

"Okay," I squeaked as I set my pillow on other side of the bed.

"You're making kimchi spaghetti for me in the morning."



"Kyungsoo?" I heard his voice after I thought he'd fallen asleep.

"Yeah?" I replied, turning towards his voice.

I felt a smooth and warm hand wrap around mine, and I was a little startled, but I didn't pull away.

"Thanks for caring about me."



















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because it just takes too long to make the chapters ergo I was only updating like, every 5 weeks.


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baoZicaekeu #1
Chapter 4: ASDFGHJKLASDFGHJKL! So much KAIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIISOO!!! <3 Am I the only one who is looking at Luhan the whole time in the last gif? OTL
baoZicaekeu #2
Kyaheartsyou #3
Chapter 4: Uh oh! Author-nim did TWO CHAPTERS! DAEBAK!
Neesanessa #4
Chapter 4: Holy frig the feels!!!!! AAAGGGHH! I missed this fic so much
Chapter 4: Oh, my in' Zeus! Two chapters. ;; Crying! OMG, my feels~ KAISOO~ So much Kaisoo! And the angel Yixing. And the deer Lulu with his baby confused face! And ChanPole with his GG bandagies! Do you really want my death, or something? You're too cruel. The hell... Taemin! You don't lose such a y man, man. Look at his body, man. He's... Ugh, man. You can't lose that. Kyungie, be sure u don't. :)) Suho is the bottom? Well~ The bratty Thehun is pretty cute. :)) Yeah; is an odd and annoying child, but he's cute. o.o That job with the 20 brothers... My God. o.o How much? huh?! Ok... Ok... That was kinda scary. :)) I can't love more this fic, trust me.
This is like... Paradise~ o.o Oh, my life is complete. I can just die. Nope~ Kidding. Not before the ty Kaisoo thing. * grin * I can't wait. Oh, and I don't in' care about the pictures. You're a genius... You're just a genius. Can I kidnap you and keep for myself? * puppy face *
Aiiiish~ I don't have patience. >.< Pleeeeaseeeeeeee~~~ Come with the update. I can't wait. :(( I'll just sit here, in my bed and I'll stare at the screen until I see the thing with the "New story updates". So, if I die, it's your fault. Yeah, I'm already dead from your text's perfection~ So it doesn't matter. Jongin half and cute. OTL You are sadistic. * sigh *
This is it. My super long comment. I have a thousand other things to say, but I'll keep it short. * this is not short, but~ who cares? this is too perfect~ * And I will wait and wait until the next chapter appears. Good luck and a lot of inspiration~ Kaisoo feels again. ;; Ok, I have to yell and cry now. Bye, my sweetie~ * huuuug *
but i cant get over this joonmyun/sehun pairing lol
"Joonmyuns the bottom" and the song oh god i cant stop laughing!
Jongin~ Kyungsoo~ so cute tho~
Chapter 4: Oooo~ Ottokajiii~ the KaiSoo feels!
Chapter 4: THEY BE RAGING *^*
Fckn love this.
So fckn much.
I can't exprain my raging feers.
*Insert Chen's fail engrish here*
Chapter 4: /raging feels

If my heart could die temporarily, this would be the time. ;_;
Fricking jongin is so sweet.
lee_jj #10
Chapter 4: awwww.. Thanks for caring about me. Dammit that was sweet. Did I tell you I love you? Well, now you know. XD