3. Parties and 20 Brothers

My Life- A Picture Journal

So, to remind you what happened last time,  Sehun asked me if we could have a party while our parents were gone.


Sehun pulled my weak card in order to get what he wanted. Curse those dimples. Yixing would be there and it's been way too long since I've seen him. I don't think I really like him anymore, because he's not around anymore… and I like to think it was just a childish crush. But, I can't help but be curious about him.


One of the things I required Sehun to do was send me a list of the things he planned on doing, the people he planned on inviting, where they were buying the cake, and blah blahh. And I was surprised when he actually gave me a list of what he was planning to do. I mean he even wrote it on a clean sheet of paper, and not some candy wrapper like I was expecting.


So, yeah. I was pretty okay with his list. Except for the fact that he said "Jongin will bake the cake. Except that he doesn't know how to bake. But I told him knowing how to bake a cake isn't important when baking a cake."


Attached to this paper was an official invitation. I must say, even though Sehun is a brat and he makes ChanPole do really stupid stuff, he actually cares about ChanPole. I mean, it's a little odd… because I'm not sure that Chanyeol's hair is actually that long… and I don't even know how or when Chanyeol took this photo…






There's the front and back. I'm surprised that Sehun's capable of ordering invitations… I expected him to just send out a mass text. Maybe this party really is for Chanyeol's birthday, and not just it happens to be Chanyeol's birthday, so it's an excuse to party.


Even though I'm not obligated to help with this party… I still do really like ChanPole. He's a warm kid. I'm totally not doing this because his mother is my homeroom teacher and she might not like me if Chanyeol has a bad birthday and then fail me and take it out on my beloved and near spotless grades. Not at all. I want to see to it that he at least gets a proper cake… So I guess it's time to talk to Thehun

 "Sehun," I called as I walked into his room. I immediately shielded my eyes because I walked in on a Sehun-Joonmyun mouth vacuum session. Joonmyun immediately jumped off of Sehun's lap, and I cringed as my mind tried to understand why Joonmyun, the older of the two, was the one sitting on Sehun's lap.




"Yes, Kyungie-Hyungie?" he asked, wiping the trails of saliva off of his face. I winced, noticing that Joonmyun blushed. Strange creature, that one.


"It's a bit concerning that you put Jongin in charge of the cake… and he doesn't know how to bake," I pointed out. Sehun just laughed and shrugged his shoulders.


"Kkamjongie is smart, I mean, his grades in chemistry almost beat yours. I'm pretty sure he can handle mixing a few powders and liquids to produce a cake. He has everything he needs! He's got eggs, flour, chocolate, and a microwave to bake that thing," Sehun smiled.


"…...you don't bake a cake in a microwave, Sehun. It doesn't matter how good Jongin is at chemistry, it's still different from baking a cake, you need to go help him. The party is tomorrow," I said as I crossed my arms and leaned against his doorframe.


"Oh. Okay. I guess I should….so, hyung, how do you bake a cake," he asked, no trace of joking in his eyes. I rolled my eyes and sighed at myself.


"Where does Jongin live?" I asked. Of course telling the clueless Thehun to go help Jongin bake a cake would only result in a house that burned down to the ground.


"What?" Sehun asked.


"Well, it's not like you can bake anyhow. And this is Chanyeol's birthday party… and his mom is my teacher. Happy Chanyeol equals Happy Mrs. Park equals good grades for me. So where does Jongin live?"





The next day, I headed out after lunch to Jongin's house.


Jongin lives three doors down, it turns out. I can't believe that I never noticed. Anyway, here I am, walking up the sidewalk to his door.




A very, very bleached blonde opened the door. I squinted at the figure through the sunlight. I swear, if the brat told me the wrong house, I'm going to-


"Oh, Kyungsoo-hyung, what are you doing here?" a very familiar voice asked.


I squinted more, and realized that it was Jongin wearing a polka dot and floral apron…. With no shirt beneath the apron. I totally didn't gulp at that. I really didn't. Nope.


"What," I paused to look at his hair to make sure that it was really blonde, "happened to your hair?"


"Oh," he chuckled as he combed his long, beautiful fingers through his hair, "I don't know. My boyfriend said it would look good… and so here it is."


He just shrugged with a smile.


I didn't know that Jongin was in a relationship.


"I wasn't aware that you had a boyfriend," I said, not even sure why I was saying it. It was none of my business anyways.


"Eh. I don't think things are going to last too long… anyways. Why are you here, hyung?" he said as he crossed his arms.  I furrowed my brow at that. What did he mean that "things weren't going to last too long"? He was probably playing with someone's heart again. Typical playboys.


Whatever. It's not my business.


"Uh. Ahem. Well, as you know, Chanyeol's party is tonight. And Sehun told me that you haven't any idea how to bake a cake," I paused, "So, I came over here to make sure that I wouldn't die when I ate Chanyeol's cake tonight."


A big smile stretched on his face. I just rolled my eyes.


Who wears such a girly apron half-, prepared to bake a cake with no idea how to bake a cake?


"Well come on in, hyung, I really don’t think I'm doing too poorly," he shrugged as he opened the door for me to come in.


Jongin and I aren't exactly close. Or like, friends at all for that matter. But he's always really friendly to me, no matter how many death threats I've sent after him and Sehun.


"Sehun thinks you bake a cake in the microwave," I said as he lead me to the kitchen.


"Really? Sehun? That's obviously wrong, since you can do it on the stove top," Jongin snorted as we entered his large, open kitchen. I choked on my spit as I looked at him and he laughed.


"I'm kidding, I know that it requires an oven, hyung, don't freak out. Your eyes are going to pop out of your head," he laughed. I rolled my eyes with exasperation. The sooner we get this done, the sooner I can return to my house and not have to look at Jongin murder the art of baking.


I inspected the kitchen, satisfied to see that there wasn't a complete disaster going on.


"Well, tell me when you're done, hyung," Jongin said as he took off his apron and hung it on a hook on the wall. I just stared at him. And not because Jongin was packing some major muscles, and definitely not because I could see his tan, golden skin stretching over his waist. Nope. It's because I couldn't believe him.


"Yah, dongsaeng. I didn't come over to bake the cake for you," I spoke through my teeth. When the hell did this fool get so damn tall?


"Why did you come over then, hyung? To spend some quality time with me?" he asked, a smirk playing on his lips as he stepped closer to me. I backed up instinctively, realizing that there was no where to go, and that I bumped my back to the wall of his kitchen. My face flushed as I searched my head to throw some sort of comeback at him.


"...Jongin, kindly remove yourself from my three foot radius bubble," I said, glaring at him. He just leaned in closer, and I tried not to breathe.


"I'm just playing with you hyung, I think I'd know better than to waste my time on a person who won't return my interests," he said. He laughed with some sort of sick humor in eyes, like he wasn't talking about what was happening right now anymore. He still didn't back away though, and was still too close.


"Well, if you'll excuse me, I've got a cake to bake at my own house.  And must I mention, it's not traditional to be flirtatious to other people when you're in a relationship," I grumbled as shrunk myself and backed away from him.


"Really? I wouldn't know that based on my current relationship," he said, confusing me. I didn't even know what was going on. There was this pained look in his eyes before it quickly disappeared. He shook his head.


"I'm sorry. Can you not go? I promise I won't do anything you won't like. I really did want to make this cake for Chan's birthday," he smiled, scratching his head. I sighed at him, hands on my hips.


"Fine," I sighed as I gave in. For ChanPole, I repeated to myself. Totally not for my grades, but for ChanPole.


"But you're going to need that apron," I said as I began looking around at the ingredients he laid out on his kitchen counter.


"Why, because you're uncomfortable when I walk around without my shirt off?" he smirked as he reached for his apron. I made another annoyed face, but I didn't care about his stupid comments. I really did just want to get this cake done.




"Aaaand the cake is going to take a few hours to cool down, so I'll be back at around 4:30 to decorate it," I said as I took my apron off and handed it to Jongin.

"Thanks, hyung, I'm glad I didn't try the stove top," he laughed.


"Yeah me too, you would have burned down the freaking neighborhood," I muttered as I walked to the front door.


"See you at Chan's pa- er, your house," he said as I walked down his sidewalk. I just stuck up one hand and kept walking.


Ugh, my walk wasn't this long when I walked to his house. For some reason, my heart was beating too fast. I guess the walk back home was more tiring. Well, maybe it's because it's an uphill walk. That's why my heart was beating too quickly.






Ugh. Ugh. Ugh. UGHHHH. I'm currently sprawled out on my bed, totally comfortable. But now I have to get up and trudge my over to Jongin's house.


I flopped over on my bed and ran my hands through my hair.


The whole day, my stomach had been restless because HELL I WAS ABOUT TO SEE YIXING.


I walked to Jongin's house, daydreaming and imagining how Yixing and I would greet each other after so long. I approached the door to Jongin's house and rang the doorbell, trying to ignore the weird guy that was parked alongside Jongin's curb. His engine wasn't off, so I guess he's waiting for someone? I don't know.


 No one came to the door, but I heard voices inside. I frowned, thinking the little asswipe wasn't opening the door. But, the door was slightly ajar anyways, so without much thought, and ready to bite Jongin's head off, I pushed the door open.


But what I saw wasn't what I was expecting. It was Jongin and another guy with really long hair, arguing.


"It's not like I didn't already ing know. You're not too great at hiding things, I almost wish you'd done a better job at lying to me. I was just waiting to see when you and your face would show up here and just ing tell me!" Jongin shouted, and wow, I'd never seen him like that.


I was scared, almost. Whenever I was around Jongin, he was always usually smiling and joking


But looking at him now, his chest rising and falling sharply, his eyebrows furrowed angrily, and his unusually thick lips twisted in a sick scowl.


I didn't know what to do, I just stood there with wide eyes as he and the girly guy argued. Jongin had frosting all over his face… I wonder why.


"Jongin! You're such a child! You don't know anything! You don't even understand me! Leave Minho out of this. It's not his fault."


"I don't give a about Minho. Yeah! I already knew that you being away in your university, meanwhile me in high school was already odd enough to begin with! I didn't think you'd be so tasteless as to hit on and drool over my brother in my face! Like I'm a child! You couldn't even tell me that you wanted things to end. What the hell do you take me for?"


"You were never there for me!"


The little orange haired guy looked angry, Kyungsoo thought.


, what's with the air here? It's making my nose itch.


And so I sneezed, and at the noise, the two angry guys looked at me.


"Oh, hyu-"


"I'm sorry Jongin, don't worry about the cake," I said as I wheeled around on my heels to leave.


"No, it's okay Hyung, this guy is about to leave anyways," Jongin said, and I could feel his voice harden.


"I'll call you later," the orange-haired guy seethed. Jongin dismissed him with a wave of his hand.


"No. I don't ever want to see your cheating face again. Have fun with my brother. I'm so glad I had never slept with you."


The orange haired guy just looked at Jongin blankly.


"We can still work this out."


"What the are you talking about? What, you still want to be together? You already ed around with my feelings. It's too late."


Hell yeah, Jongin, you get it! Kick his to the curb!




"Don't ing call me that. Get out. I'm sure Minho doesn't want to waste gas."


The feminine dude closed his mouth.


"I'll be back for my things later."


"Don't bother. I already burned them."


He needs some ice for that burn.


The guy left, and Jongin turned back to look at me. And suddenly everything made sense. Why Jongin was so weird earlier.


"I'm sorry," I blurted out.


"For what?" Jongin laughed bleakly.


"I don't know," I replied quietly.


Neither of us said anything while I racked my brain to think of something to make this situation better.


"You look like a rainbow right now," I blurted out.


"What?" Jongin asked as he looked up at me from where he was sitting.


"I-I mean, your face is all covered in red, blue, orange, and purple frosting.. And your hair's basically yellow… and your apron has green on it," I shrugged.


He laughed as he leaned back.


"Damn. Taemin threw the frosting we made earlier at me," he said as he laughed bleakly once again.


"Don't do that," I said before I could stop myself.


"Do what?" he asked. I said nothing as I made my way to the kitchen.


"Don't laugh like that. It sounds painful. Laughing is supposed to be happy," I replied, not understanding where the hell philosophical Kyungsoo was coming from.


"Oh. What to do then, hyung. There's nothing happy about this situation and I'm still laughing," he laughed again. I tore a paper towel from the roll and ran it under some water.


"You want to talk about it?" I asked. Time to be a mature adult and push aside the fact that Jongin was one of Sehun's goons.


"Nothing to talk about… my boyfriend cheated on me with my brother," he said. I could tell he was trying to keep it together, but his voice cracked.


"Your brother?" I asked, crinkling my face reflexively in disgust.


"He's one of my step brothers. It doesn't matter to me anyways. I have, like, twenty of them. My father's had many marriages. I've probably said maybe, seven words to him in my whole life. I was just being dramatic earlier."


"Are you," I swallowed as I walked over to him, "Are you okay?"


He tried to laugh, but it got caught in his throat.


"I-I'm,… I-I'm fi-"


I don't think I've ever seen anyone so sad. It sounded sort of sick, but I was glad at that moment. My earlier suspicions of him being a merciless playboy were wrong.


"So I totally thought he was a girl. I was thinking that all the girls at our school would be sad," I said, causing him to look up at me.


"Why would they be sad?" he asked.


"They really like that you're gay. It makes them want you more," I replied with a shrug. He laughed weakly, but it was the same pained laugh from before. At that, I was glad.


"Well, I'm back on the market now, aren't I?" he said, ". My hair looks ridiculous. Why the hell did I listen to him?"


"It doesn't look that bad," I replied, "Here."


I tossed the wet paper towel at him.


"Thanks," he said as he began wiping his face.


Jongin looks good with everything. It almost pisses me off. You'd think his tan skin would be weird with bleach blonde hair… but it looks good.


"Anyways, I'll just take care of the cake thing, don't worry about it," I said.


"No, it's fine. I'm still going to the party anyways. I shouldn't be alone tonight," he replied as he stood up.


"Well, if it makes you feel any better, I was rooting for you."


"What do you mean, hyung?"


" I was thinking "Hell yeah! You tell that , Jongin!" earlier."


What the is wrong with me? Why I am being so nice? It hurts me how nice I'm being.


"Well, thanks. Did I win?"


"Yeah, you did. First place. Good job," I replied as we headed over to the kitchen.


"Thanks hyung," he said quietly.


"Eh? Oh. Uh, any time. Though, I don't wish for this to happen to you again," I mumbled as I tried to ignore the fact that I wasn't even this nice to myself.


I was completely taken by surprise when Jongin suddenly hugged me. He was completely silent, just burying his face into my neck. I didn't say anything... even though he was being weird. I chalked it up to the fact that his boyfriend just cheated on him with his brother...


Even so, Jongin smelled nice. Lol, nope what a joke. My nose smells nice. So my nose is smelling inside my nose. Because the inside of my nose smells slightly manly, but warm and soft at the same time. Okay, now I don't know what's weirder. Me trying to convince myself that my nose smells good, or me thinking that Jongin smelled good. I ignored that my cheeks got hot when I returned the weird gesture, placing my hands awkwardly on his . Why the hell would anyone ever cheat on Jongin?


"So. Ahem. Let's get started on this cake," I cleared my throat. I ignored the way he squeezed his embrace around me one last time before separating himself.






So I returned home, learning a few new things about Jongin. His parents divorced when he was young, and that his dad with the Kim Jongmin. The guy who owned Kim enterprises. Turns out, Jongin was just one of the many kids that his father had. Jongin was the only child of his father's second wife. Mr. Kim was currently with his fifth wife, and expecting their first child. That Minho guy was a son of Mr. Kim's fourth wife, but from a previous marriage. Jongin had two half brothers from Mr. Kim's first marriage. As for Jongin's mother, she was deceased.


Jongin wanted nothing to do with his father. Jongin's father had tried to keep up his relationship as father and son, but even Jongin admitted that he was too stubborn to do that. Jongin moved out when his grandfather passed away of old age on his mother's side, and left him this house.


I at least thought it was good that Jongin let his father financially support him, as he was still under his father's legal obligation.


Jongin turned out to be a sensitive kid... and then he laughed when I asked why the hell he was friends with Sehun.


Turns out, Joonmyun was his half brother anyways. So at the very least, he just had to make sure Joonmyun was doing well.


I tried to ignore it, but for the remaining time I spent at Jongin's house. He was a lot touchier. Like, he would come up from behind and put his chin on my shoulder as I frosted the cake. Or poke my cheek when I was trying to keep my hands steady.


I don't know if that was just an effect of him just being broken up with, or if he was in need of a little more attention because he was in a fragile state. Or maybe because he was forever a playboy.


Whatever it was, I decided that it would be one-time thing, because I didn't want him to be sad... Honestly, with a smile like his, he shouldn't spend time being sad.


Jongin had given me a picture when I left. He asked me to do him a favor and just take it off his hands, because he said he couldn't stand to see Taemin's face for a second longer.


So now, I'm looking at the picture, noticing that Jongin was very handsome, and the guy from earlier, Taemin, had shorter hair.




I didn't even know what I was doing, staring at it. It looked like Sehun was in that picture, but that wasn't Sehun's hand. 


"I wonder how close all of them were," I muttered as I whirled around in my spinning desk chair. Jongin looked cute,  had to admit to myself. And Taemin was certainly pretty, though not as pretty as Jongin, I concluded. Jongin shouldn't be sad for so long. He'll find someone else.


"Knock knock, kitty Kyungie-hyungie, Xingxing's here!" a bratty voice called from the hallway. I rolled my eyes and opened my door, ready to kick Sehun in his face for joking about Yixing being here.


But hell. I opened the door and sure enough, the end of me was waving with his gorgeous hands.


"Kyungsoo-ah, you got even squishier."






I have no idea what I just wrote.

Lol. yeah, sorry, I got lazy because I'm tired and my feels are too impatient for me to make this a full out photo thing. Plus the pictures were sort of blurry.

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because it just takes too long to make the chapters ergo I was only updating like, every 5 weeks.


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baoZicaekeu #1
Chapter 4: ASDFGHJKLASDFGHJKL! So much KAIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIISOO!!! <3 Am I the only one who is looking at Luhan the whole time in the last gif? OTL
baoZicaekeu #2
Kyaheartsyou #3
Chapter 4: Uh oh! Author-nim did TWO CHAPTERS! DAEBAK!
Neesanessa #4
Chapter 4: Holy frig the feels!!!!! AAAGGGHH! I missed this fic so much
Chapter 4: Oh, my in' Zeus! Two chapters. ;; Crying! OMG, my feels~ KAISOO~ So much Kaisoo! And the angel Yixing. And the deer Lulu with his baby confused face! And ChanPole with his GG bandagies! Do you really want my death, or something? You're too cruel. The hell... Taemin! You don't lose such a y man, man. Look at his body, man. He's... Ugh, man. You can't lose that. Kyungie, be sure u don't. :)) Suho is the bottom? Well~ The bratty Thehun is pretty cute. :)) Yeah; is an odd and annoying child, but he's cute. o.o That job with the 20 brothers... My God. o.o How much? huh?! Ok... Ok... That was kinda scary. :)) I can't love more this fic, trust me.
This is like... Paradise~ o.o Oh, my life is complete. I can just die. Nope~ Kidding. Not before the ty Kaisoo thing. * grin * I can't wait. Oh, and I don't in' care about the pictures. You're a genius... You're just a genius. Can I kidnap you and keep for myself? * puppy face *
Aiiiish~ I don't have patience. >.< Pleeeeaseeeeeeee~~~ Come with the update. I can't wait. :(( I'll just sit here, in my bed and I'll stare at the screen until I see the thing with the "New story updates". So, if I die, it's your fault. Yeah, I'm already dead from your text's perfection~ So it doesn't matter. Jongin half and cute. OTL You are sadistic. * sigh *
This is it. My super long comment. I have a thousand other things to say, but I'll keep it short. * this is not short, but~ who cares? this is too perfect~ * And I will wait and wait until the next chapter appears. Good luck and a lot of inspiration~ Kaisoo feels again. ;; Ok, I have to yell and cry now. Bye, my sweetie~ * huuuug *
but i cant get over this joonmyun/sehun pairing lol
"Joonmyuns the bottom" and the song oh god i cant stop laughing!
Jongin~ Kyungsoo~ so cute tho~
Chapter 4: Oooo~ Ottokajiii~ the KaiSoo feels!
Chapter 4: THEY BE RAGING *^*
Fckn love this.
So fckn much.
I can't exprain my raging feers.
*Insert Chen's fail engrish here*
Chapter 4: /raging feels

If my heart could die temporarily, this would be the time. ;_;
Fricking jongin is so sweet.
lee_jj #10
Chapter 4: awwww.. Thanks for caring about me. Dammit that was sweet. Did I tell you I love you? Well, now you know. XD