Of first kisses and BFFs(part one)

Of love and pain


Sun had never had the guts to tell but Kai and Suho that Sehun had been her first kiss. She didn't really know how Luhan would react and she figured it wasn't important right. She knew she was not Luhan's first kiss and in fact knew exactly who it was. But this was different she thought. What good would come out of telling anyone that Sehun had been the first one to kiss her. It wasn't like they had feelings for each other. They had been best friends for a while and were both embarrassed not to have had one so boom. They had their first kiss. It only brought the two closer. Before Luhan had even come around the two had been be jointed at the hip. They would always shop together, gossip together and do everything together. Kai and Suho could clearly remember when the two were inseparable best friends and both still wore the matching best friends necklaces around thier neck. Luhan never asked who owned the other half because he figured Sun had some best friend(who was a girl) that had the other half of the necklace. It wasn't until Suho had brought it up till he found out. 
"Remember when Sehun dragged us all the way downtown to buy those best friend necklaces for Sun?" Suho said to Kai but Luhan who wasn't very far from them heard. 
Kai chuckles "yea. I remember, those two went no where without each other. Especially after they kissed." 
Luhan's eyes were wide as saucers now. Sehun and HIS SUN had dated?! He frowned realizing that Sun never took off that necklace. 
"Babe, come with me to pick up the pizza? It's like 10 boxes and I'm all scrawny." Sun said coming into Luhan's room.
"Why don't you take Sehun with you. I'm sure you'd love to go with him." 
Sun frowned coming closer to Luhan.
"Babe what are you talking about?" 
"I'm talking about how you dated Sehun and didn't tell me! How you still wear the damn necklace HE gave you when your dating ME! Worst part was I had to hear it from your brother not you! Talking about some kiss!"
Sun sighed and sat in front of Luhan. 
"Babe. I never dated Sehun. We were best friends. We still are that's why I still wear this because we're best friends. And yes he was my first kiss but-"
"First kiss??!!"
"Let me expl-"
"No I don't want to hear from you Sun, just get out," 
The words hit her like a brick and she could feel her eyes watering up. Gently she left the room only bursting into tears when she entered Kai's room. 
Kai had seen his sister depressed before, and he had vowed that he would never let her go to that dark place again. It had been a whole week since what happened and Kai was still trying to figure out how to go about fixing this. Everyone had found out by now (every last member of exo) and no one seemed to enjoy an absent Sun. She didn't make any effort to leave her college dorm to come see the boys who realized how much they actually relied on Sun. No one was more annoyed with not seeing Sun than Kris. Kai wasn't mad at Luhan just concerened about his sister but Kris was pissed off completely. He was jealous of Sehun for taking her first kiss, angry and Luhan for driving her away. And maybe slightly upset with himself for wishing that it was over between the two. Luhan acted like nothing was different acting like he was hurting deeply. Worried paranoid that he was going to lose her but to much of a coward to apologize. 
Sehun was quieter than usual once he found out. He was inwardly seething about the entire situation. When Luhan came it became hard for Sun to balance time between the both of them. She was in love and Sehun understood that and he realized it would never be the same and that he had to let her be with Luhan. He was happy that she never forgot about him though and they were still close telling the other things they felt they couldn't say to anyone else. He had sacrificed a lot of his friendship with Sun so that Luhan could be with her. Now Luhan had screwed it all up, everything he had sacrificed was on the line over a stupid first kiss and and a friendship necklace. Now here Luhan was acting like everything was ok laughing and joking like he didn't realize he was about to lose a girl he would never find again. Sehun knew that as soon as he lost her Kris would swoop down and take her without hesitation. She would be so hurt and fragile and Kris would be there and that would be the end of it. Luhan would be hurt but have no choice but to just except it. 
So when Luhan casually made a joke about being single Sehun had had enough. 
Sehun banged his fist against the table and everyone looked at him stArtled. 
"Your such a ing idiot Luhan! Your joking about being single but it's not a joke that your going to lose the best thing that ever happened to you. Yes Sun loves you but you hurt her and sooner or later if you don't fix this He-" Sehun took the moment to Point at Kris who looked appalled. "Is going to race in and take her! We never dated and the only reason we kissed was because we were embarrassed because we didn't already have a first kiss, I have never had feelings for my best friend and she sure as hell hasn't had them for me so you need to be a ing man and go apologize for being a to Sun and pray that she hasn't already realized that you don't deserve her." With that Sehun got up from the table and stormed off. 
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