Chapter 3

The Last Entry


sorry for the late update..enjoy anway..the poster is good right :D

Jun 28th


How are you now ?


Do you still remember me.


do you miss me ???



Jun 30th


My legs cant support my body.


Its hard for me to walk and I hate that.


I have to move with the wheelchair for most of the time now.



July 2nd


Everything that I have now are just memories of us.


luhan  said i will tend to foget things or memories


so i will alaways read my previous diary.


I will always read it cause I don’t want to forget about you.


it was so sweet and i keeps on smiling when i read it.


And I will look to our picture..


cause I don’t want to forget your face.







“wufan?????” baekhyun’s eyes widen after seeing his lover at the doorway.


Wufan opens his arm wide as an invitation for baekhyun to come to him. “yes I am. Im home.”


Baekhyun walks to his love and hugs him. Hands wrapping tight around the older’s waist and the older do hugs him back. “miss you so much.” Baekhyun whispers.


Wufan just smiles. He breaks the hugs and looks to the face in front of him. He miss this face so much, the face that will lit his days up. He has been to Ireland for three week ,having a meeting with his friends pertain to his research about cancer. Three hellish weeks without baekhyun  makes him felt about his life was so bare. Hisheart  is still feeling so empty till now. But now he is so happy cause baekhyun is with him.


“I miss u soo much.” Wufan whispers to the younger.


Baekhyun beams to the person who is missing him and the same thing happened to him. He loves to see wufan’s face that will obliterate all the unwanted feelings in his heart.  He tiptoes and reaches for the older’s lips. The kiss is slow, romantic and yet precious.


Wufan breaks the kiss because lacking of air. “its already 7pm now and I think your shift has ended right. So lets have a dinner together.” Wufan invites his beau happily



Baekhyun nods fiercely as  he really wants to spend his time with wufan now. He goes and packs all his thing and wufan waits for him in the car. The ride is so clamorous with their laugh. They have their dinner at their favourite place.  They share their storieswith each other when they were not together- what they did and how they felt.. Listen to that make them to burst into laugh.



“I don’t want to go yet.” baekhyun pouts as he has to gets off from the car now cause they have arrive at his place.


“we will meet again tomorrow baby.” Wufan says as he is trying to calm his boyfriend down.


Baekhyun  exhales the air and he pecks wufan’s lips for the last time. “ok then. Careful .” baekhun says as he gets out from the car.He tells wufan to go first and waits till wufan’s car disappears from his sight.


        Do you feel the same thing as I am wufan ? Why am I feeling so apart from you ?


He has met baekhyun but still his heart feels uneasy and still feeling the existenceof the void space in his heart. He has kissed baekhyun and hugs him, what else that he has to do to wipe out all this feeling?


Wufan decides to stops at his old apartment for a while to take few documents that he left there before. He hopes yixing is already asleep as he is not ready to meet him yet. Maybe he doesn’t want to meet yixing anymore. He walks through the hallway slowly and not in rush because there is nothing that he want to see at his old apartment. He opens the door after unlocking the door. Nothing can be seen as all the lights are turned off.


 “he must be sleeping again. At least turn on one of the light.” Wufan snorts as he doesn’t like to let his house dark without any light at all.


His hand flail to the switch on the wall and turn it on. The lights slowly brighten his apartment and that just make him aghast with what he saw just now. He pads into his place and looks around his house. He is so familiar with this and he knows this. This is just exactly how his place looks like before yixing came to his life. There are no more face of them on the wall and on the table. The curtain- the yellowish cream curtain that yixing chose from the decoration store also has been replaced with the white one. His heart  start to palpitate faster and faster. Why his heart  feeling so uneasy now. This is what he wants right. He walks to the kitchen. No more pots and all the kitchenware that yixing always used to cook for him. He opens the cabinet and even the couple plates and the couple mugs that they usually uses also has disappeared.


 What is this ? why ?? where is him


“yixing ! yixing ! yixing !” wufan hauls from the kitchen and he runs to his room as he receives no reply from the person that he expects. He runs to the bedroom with his heart beating fast. Sweat is forming on his forehead.


The room is dark and gloomy. He switch on the light and yet the view just make his heart more in pain. Why these thing happened to him and his heart is now full with chagrin as he opens the closet. His hands are gripping hard to the door of the closet.  He tries his best to not to let his body to cave in.


“so you leave me.” Wufan whispers to himself with his eyes still to the almost  empty closet.


The only things left in the closet are his clothes. Few of it as most of his clothes and shirts he brought to his new apartment before. Wufan looks to the closet. Everything is just different  and it looks so empty and why his heart feeling so empty too now. He takes a glance to see around his apartment that has he left for more than a month and he never think about returning back to here. Even now he stops because he wants to take his documents that he left here. It has been a long time and he already forgot how the smell of his house but he is very sure this is not the smell of his house. There is no more the smell of lavender in his closet, the smell that yixing love.


Wufan lays on his bed that iscovering with a white sheet that looks so unfamiliar to him. He lays silently and watches to the ceiling blankly.


   “wufan, you are home ???”


   “yes I miss you sooooo much xingie~” wufan says as he kiss his boyfriend who is in a pink apron.


   “I miss you too.” Yixing says as he breaks the kiss. “I make your favorite food” yixing says in merriment.


    “everything about you is my favorite baby.” Wufan wraps his strong arms around the small waist and kiss him.


Wufan smiles to himself about the memory that came to his mind but the smile is not long when he remember something else.


                     “wufan, are you ok ?” yixing asks softly, afraid wufan will scold him.


       Wufan just remains silence and he didn’t turn to the owner of the voice.


      “fan” yixing calls again and he holds to wufan’s arm but wufan nudges it hard


                 The younger astound with what he just received. He should adapt with it now as this is not the first time


                 “im fine. Stop asking me. I want to rest.” Wufan slurs.


                  “are you sure ? you look so pale fan. Maybe you –“


                  “If I said im fine , it means im fine. Now shut your mouth up” wufan threats the younger.



Tears well inside wufan eyes  when the memories came. The first memories that came to his mind happened  four months ago and it was so long ago and everything has changed for the last two months where they lived together- and it was like the second memories which attack his mind just now.


“I don’t think that I still love you. let just cut it off” wufan says again and walks out from the house, pulling baekhyun with him and slams the door hard.



"enough yixing !! How many time do I have to tell you ??? our relationship will go nowhere. i didnt love you anymore.  just go home !” wufan says with his eyes to yixing..



“I will come home once you leave my house. understand ???? ” wufan says and leaves yixing alone.



He never thinks  about this but why all the words and the bad memories of him and yixing come to his mind now. He doesn’t want to remember this. His heart feels hurt now from the memories. The tears which on brim of his eyes finally falls. The tears fall over and over again. Why is he crying and whats the purpose of him crying now. For what and for whom ?



He wipes the tears with his thumb weakly, afraid if anyone will see him crying. He looks down to his lap and wipes it slowly. Why he always crying now, waking up in the middle of the night with tears falling on his cheeks. He holds to the wheel of the wheelchair and moves to his bed. Holding to the bed for support, he gets up with all the strength left in his body and sits on the bed. he leans to the bed and he takes his diary under his pillow.


                                         July 4th


Why it is so hard for me to forget him. Why cant I live happily without thinking about him?


I try to forget him but I cant …


I miss him.



Yixing stops writing when he feels his head is throbbing badly. He closes his eyes and lands his head on the soft pillow. His hand is holding strongly to the diary and he tries his best to suppress the pain and tries to sleep. Sleep is the only way that can make him forget about the  pain as he is unconscious. The tiny sapless body whch is lying on the bed  shuddering from that. This is like his routine, it will happen every day and yixing will always trying his best to hold the pain in his sleep. There is no single day that will miss these things from happening.


Wufan opens his eyes when he feels rays of sunlight touch his face as he forgot to close the curtain. He didn’t realizes that he fell asleep here. His watch shows the time now is 10am and he is already late to go to hospital. However wufan doesn’t seem to move from the bed and just sits there. The house is so lonely and silent. There is no more the soft and an addictive laugh can be heard, no more cute voice who will awake him up every morning and no more a beautiful face that he can see when he opens his eyes. He saw nothing when he opens his eyes just now and his heart hurt because of that.


Why he miss this now? He has left yixing for almost two months now- almost two months without yixing without living with yixing and why is it now must he miss the pale boy ? To be more accurate he has been living without yixing as his lover for almost four months now. The first two months were where wufan keep on avoiding and giving yixing harsh treatment to yixing the last two is where he totally moves out from this place.


He walks sluggishly to the toilet to clean himself to go to work. All places look so different to him even the toilet.


What happened to me ?


Wufan walks out from his palce straight after he is perfect in his suit to go to hospital. He doesn’t have to stop at the kitchen to have breakfast cause no one is here to stop him from going to work without taking a breakfast. He is alone now because yixing is no longer with him. He glances to the dining table where he and yixing used to eat and to make love sometime.


           “fan you have to eat first” yixing bellows from the kitchen.


          “but im already late xing.”


            “here just drinks your coffee.” Yixing runs to the door as he gives a cup of coffee to wufan


             Wufan take a sip of the coffee,his all-time favorite coffee and gives it back to his boyfriend. “ok thanks baby. Take care” wufan says and          pecks yixing’s lips.


He locks the door and heads to the lift but he stops when he decides to meet with his closest neighbor for a while. He knocks the door and wait till the owner of the apartment comes and open the door for him.


“ahhh sorry for disturbing you.”


“wufan …long time no see…no its ok.. what it is ?” mrs park asks


“do you know where yixing goes ?” wufan asks.


“owhhh he said he want to go back to his home.”mrs park says. “are you ok ?”


Wufan just smiles and he walks away without saying thank you nor goodbye to mrs park,his neighbor. He is pondering with the word ‘home’ that mrs park just said before. If he still remember yixing has sold his house after his mother died and live with him, so where else can he go. Yixing doesn’t have any relative in Seoul.



“ miss me?” wufan greets his best friend when he enter the room for the doctors to discuss which is luhan’s favorite place.


Luhan jers a little after hearing the owner of the voice. The deep voice belongs to his bestfriend, wu yifan who hasn’t been at the hospital for almost a month as he has  work to do at Ireland.


“wufan” luhan says as he surprised with wufan and he holds out his hand to shake hand with wufan.


Wufan reaches for luhan’s hand and pulls him into a hug and breaks it. He cant deny he miss luhan too when he’s away. 


“how are you? new case ?” wufan asks as luhan sit to his chair back.


Luhan astonished with the question given by his friend “ yeah a new one with Dc choi and Dc Lee” luhan says it calmly.


“really ?? about what ?” wufan asks  again as he sits next to luhan and peeks to the file and stuff on luhan’s hand.


“no no..its about…abou-“


“wait brain cancer again ?” wufan asks as he saw film of head under piles of paper on the table. He grabs the film and place it under the white lamp and looks through it. “woahh this is bad han.” Wufan says as he is shocked with what he just saw.


“yye..yeahh… that patient is on critical state already.” Luhan stammers.


“can I join you guys ?” wufan asks


“I don’t think so. Three is enough I think. We still have a lot of patient right. you can goo to--”


“ok then but can you let me borrows this patient’s file. I want to study about it or something like reseach. Can I ?” wufan asks again as he intrigues to this case which is being handle by luhan now.


He cant run away now and he cant stop wufan from doing that. Wufan has the right to ask for that. “yeah..yeah I will give the copy of these tomorrow ??? later ..” Luhan says carefully to not to let wufan awares of his weirdness.


“ok then. Thanks” wufan says as he still sitting next to luhan.


“you don’t have any work ? go away now ” luhan shoo his friend as wufan is disturbing him from doing his job.


“no not yet”


“so you want to disturb me now ?”


“no im not. I just feel so incomplete now.” wufan says softly.


“since when did you become so sentimental wu yifan?” luhan tries to cheer up his friend.


 Wufan gets on his feet and smiles to his friend. “ stop it. don’t forget about that patient han.” Wufan says and leaves luhan alone there.


Luhan release a deep breath after wufan left. He takes all the copy of everything that wufan need and put it in a file. Every records about yixing is on the table. He has warned zitao and taeyeon who are always in that room to not to put any other file on that table ad he don’t want any people to touch the table except he, dc lee and dc choi. He gathers all the things that wufan needs and put in a file. He makes sure there is nothing left  and no name written on any paper of that.




July 7th


im trying my best to hide all the  problems behind my smile


however I don’t have enough strength to forget you.


I always say to  myself that im ok.


But I cant deny that I still love you and missing you.



Wufan didn’t go for lunch as he said he want to do something to baekhyun. So baekhyun go with his other friends. Wufan just sits on his chair and thinking. He looks to the records of his patient thoroughly and study about it a little. He has to get prepared before meeting with his patients tomorrow. He didn’t realize that it is 6pm already. So he decides to take a walk at the outside, watching the sunset. It has been a long time since he really spent his time just to watch sunset. He goes to the balcony and stand there while basking the noises make by the birds and sounds of peoples who are talking at the garden down there and he is on level 5.


“fan !” luhan calls from far as he has been searching for wufan just now.


Wufan knows the owner of the voice so he just keep staring the vast sky in front of him now.


“what are you doing here. Take this.” Luhan asks as he hands the file that contain everything that wufan asks before.


“to watch the sunset.” Wufan simply replies.


“yixing loves to watch sunset and sunrise right. “ luhan says without any  bad intention or what.


Wufan smiles to himself. Is it because of yixing he is standing here right now? He is unsure and don’t know about that though. So he just watches the sky which starts to turn to orange. The scenery is so beautiful and wufan believes yixing might be happy if he see this.



“it is so beautiful.”


“yeah so beautiful ge.”


“zitao, promise me to always remember me.” Yixing says weakly.


Zitao gulps down his sob together with his saliva. “ stop it ge. I believe that you can survive.”


“no I cant zitao. stop hoping for something useless.”


“why ge ?!!!! why you have to give up with your life when wufan-ge left you ?! you have to be strong and prove to him that you can live without him. Show it to him that you are strong and you can have a happy life ! ”


“but the fact is I cant zitao.” yixing says again making the younger to shut his mouth. “Im not strong and I will die. I have nothing to prove to him and this is my life. There is no happy ending in the story of mine and... only death .”


Tears rolls down to zitao’s cheek after hearing that. He tries to be strong when facing yixing but he cant and fails at it  miserably. He sits on the bench next to yixing. He turns to the other side. He doesn’t want to let yixing see him crying. He waits there for yixing to watch the sunset


July 11th


Maybe the reason why I cant forget him is because I still love him


And he.. he didn’t love me anymore. That’s why he can carry on without me.


Sometime the one that we love the most are the one who cause us the most pain





Wufan carries all the file together with wherever he goes. If the time where he has to go home come, he will bring it home and carries it to hospital again tomorrow. He also didn’t talk much with baekhyun and he feels bad but he really want to focus on the luhan’s patient. The case is special as luhan says the cells grown again after stop growing for almost two and a half years. How can these things can happen. He also  will sleep late at night and awake early in the morning. This has happened for a week now.


Wufan decides that he want to go and meet luhan to talk about this. He wants to ask about their opinion and what will they do to  this patient. He has to go there at night as he has to meet with his patients first  in the evening and he has to accompany baekhyun for a dinner as he has promised to him before. So he has to walk his talk.


Its is almost 10pm when he walks to the room with baekhyun. the hospital is almost dark already. Only the small lamp brighten the hallway. Wufan can see the bright light from the room where luhan, donghae and siwon  discuss. So he walks into the room with baekhyun follows from bback. He can see zitao is there with them.


“hye guys.”


“hye ge.” Zitao greets back his older and he turns aways cause he cant look to baekhyun now.


“why are you here ?” luhan asks.


“I want to talk about the patient. I don’t know but im really interested in this case so i want to know hat will you guys do for him ?” wufan asks as he sits next to donghae.


“we are not sure yet but at this condition, any treatment wouldn’t solve anything as he is on a critical state.” donghae states


“he only has 40% or less to survive wufan.” siwon adds.


Zitao tries his best to not to explode right now. He hates wufan now because of what he has done to yixing. And now he pretend to care. Zitao cant accept that but knowing the fact that wufan doesn’t know that the patient is yixing, makes him relief a little.


“no. you cant say that. We can try. We can save him.” Wufan still on his stand as he opposes what his friends just said.


“we cant fan. If you want to do operation to remove it, it is too dangerous.”luhan says as he looks to the paper that contain yixing’s health information.


“let me see luhan” wufan asks as he still unsatisfied with what he just heard. He don’t know why but he really want to save this patient and maybe this patient still can survive like yixing did three years ago-that’s what he believes.


Luhan hands the paer to wufan. He feels bad now. He never see wufan like this. Wufan is always work hard to save his patient but this time its different. If he can tell wufan that the patient is yixing, how will wufan react.



wufan reads all the information about the patients. No wonder luhan says they cant operate, it is because the patient has haemophilia. Wufan moves his eyes to every pages and places it back on the table right in front of him. He is disappointed as he cant do anything. Baekhyun just sits besides wufan and reads it together with wufan. he didnt dare to say anything


“there is nothing we can do fan. If we want, we only can do chemo. And that wouldn’t promise if he can survive or not. Maybe only will prolong his life.” Donghae says to sooth his friend.


Wufan just looms over to the paper in front of him now. His eyes glances to the patient's number belong to the patient. The numbers look so familiar and he knows this number. His mind try to recap back the owner of this number.


“fan.” Luhan calls as he  starts to feel something weird with wufan.


Wufan’s mind is trying his best and his eyes widen when he remember the owner of it.


“no way.” Wufan utters.


Luhan and the other are frowning looking to wufan. wufan then gets on his feet and grabs the blue file that contains the information of the patients.


The other four males astonished with what they saw. luhan’s eyes pop out because of that.


“wufan don’t.” luhan orders as his voice start to rise.


“I just want to know han.” Wufan says as he flips the page to the front page


“wufan please” luhan begs but he cant do anything as the file already at wufan’s  hand. He has betrayed yixing- he has broke the promise.


Baekhyun is schock with wufan sudden change of emotion. What has happened to his lover?


Wufan’s eyes widen when he looks to the name of the owner of the file. His heart will explode at anytime. Sweat start to form on his forehead and his hand starts to shiver. He cant believe this and never ever.


“what is this luhan ?” he asks as his voice shaky alittle with his eyes still to the file.


“im sorry”luhan says softly. Wufan has the right to scold him but wufan should know this is yixing’s last wish.


Wufan feels like his world is reaching to its  end now. He don’t know what he needs right now to accept what he just saw now. Why this thing has to become this way. Is this all is his fault ? So the night of their anniversary where yixing said that his head was hurt was right and he didn’t believe that instead he scolded ,he slapped and also that night also he said that he doesn’t love yixing anymore. What has he done?


Tear rolls on the white cheek of his but he wipes it away. Why he treats yixing that way, why he never listen to yixing. Donghae and siwon decide to leave this to luhan and zitao. wufan is still standing, looking to the night sky through the window. Baekhyun just sits there as he is worry with wufan. He is also astonished after knowing that the patient, that his lover is working for days and night is zhang yixing.


“im sorry wufan. we are sorry” luhan apologizes again.


Wufan still didn’t show any respond.


“we cant do anything as this is..” luhan stops cause what he wanna say now will always break his heart but he has to brave himself. “this is his last wish.”


Wufan’s eyes widen after hearing that and he turns to luhan and zitao.


“yes, he doesn’t want me to tell you anything even if he die. He don’t want you to know anything about him” Luhan adds again.


“what have I done .” Wufan mumbles to himself ands he really cant hold himself and the tears run down to his cheeks. He let the tears come out. He doesn’t want to stop. He just let all  the tears run down to his cheeks. 


Baekhyun gets on his feet and walks out from the room. He never see wufan cries before and now wufan is crying for yixing.

         why am i feeing this way?


“I want to meet him han, zitao. please. Let me meet him.” Wufan begs after he wipes the tears.


“no you cant. you only will hurt him if he see you.” zitao says directly.




“no im not going to allow that ge. I saw him dying everyday. Alone.” Zitao enunciates the word alone and continues again “ Without someone who has promised to stay with him forever but left him alone with another new guy that he just know just for a few months.”


Luhan cant say anything as everything that zitao says is all correct.


“im not going to allow that ge. Im sorry. Enough with the pain that you have given to him already and his diseases. Enough with that.”


“zitao is right. you didn’t saw him suffer wufan. I saw him waiting for you at the hospital since the for the first time that you guy fought. He waited for you fan. He waited and waited for you no matter how tired he was He will stand outside of your room and he never gets in, afraid if you will get angry. But you ?? you are having fun with baekhyun. Do you know we wee supposed to detect about the cancer cell 2 months before we detected it ? and how can you not aware the changes in his behaviour. Where are you fan ?”


“stop it !”


“no listen to this. He always called me asking about you, asking whether you were ok or not. He didn’t come to hospital because he knows that only will make you angry. Not to forget he also called me at 11pm,asking where you were. He was waiting for you at home and even if you answered his called you just will scold him and how can you treat him that way fan ??? what have he done to you till you have to act that way to him ???!!!!!!” luhan bursts everything out.


“please let me meet him. You can beat me or you can do whatever you want. I just want to meet him.” Wufan begs after hearing all of his wrongdoing.


Luhan turns away as his eyes start to teary. He hates to see yixing suffer. He doesn’t want wufan to meet yixing.


“please I know im wrong. Give me a chance to correct it..” wufan sobs making him to stop talking. “while he is still alive.”




“that’s him.” Luhan says as he stops to the room/ward with a glass wall.


Wufan’s heart hurt to see a puny body who  is sitting on the wheelchair, looking to the night sky. The owner of the body is backfacing him. The room is dark and only shine from the night brighten the room.


“what is he doing ?” wufan asks


“he will do that everyday fan, if you want to know what have you done to him, just watches this. Watches  him for all night tonight. And you will know why me and zitao were acting like before.” luhan says as he stands next to wufan


Wufan can see yixing is holding a book and that must be his diary. But the diary is diferent from before, it is black. Yixing hates black for sure.


Wufan starts to panicked when he saw yixing is trying to stand. ‘luhan luhan.” wufan calls.


“just watch.”


Wufan can see yixing’s body shudder as he is trying his best to stand on his own feet. 


Yixing holds to the wall for support. He still doesnt want to give up. Tonight he will try to stand again and he want to dance. His legs and his hands are shivering when he tries to  stand slowly. Yixing is gasping for air now, he feels so tired and he is lacking of air. But he is standing still now and he is happy cause before he will fall right away after he stands normally, but today he did it and he smiles weakly.


wufan can see the smile plastered on that face. He is so happy that he is still able see that smile again even though its just a weak smile, and no dimples can be seen.


yixing then takes a first step and moves to the bigger area. He walks while supporting to the wall. He now has no support , he can feels his legs shiver a little. But he ignores it and hee takes a first step and start to dance. The step didnt smooth anymore, the movement of yixing's body is like stucking and slow


"xing." wufan whispers.


"he dances like that every night."


"thats my "


wufan loves to see this when we are together but is so hard for me to do it now.


wufan can see yixing's face now. The face that he really miss and that face looks different now. Yixing looks paler and he has lose his weight and wufan can see that. His hair is long already and its almost poking his eyes. Wufan can see that he is in pain. The plethoral of wrinkles form on his forehead as he is suppresing his pain. Why yixing has to be like this. wufan's eyes widen when he saw yixing falls on the floor hard.


"god please."yixing utters between his breath.


he tries to bring his body up again but he cant. he uses his hand and hold to the bed to gets up but he cant.  His legs really didnt function now. Tears fall to his cheek, he feels so useless now. 


"whats wrong with me?????" he cries and he hits his legs with his hands. He is dissapointed with himself. Why is he so weak? Why he can live like he used to live before?


"he will be like this everynight fan, he will cry after he fail to dance. i have been watching this almost for a month fan with zitao and he will act like nothing happen when we asked him." luhan says with full of sadness in his voice,


wufan cant take it. Why ? Why yixing has to suffer like this? Listen to luhan who said that yixing will cry like that on the floor like that every night for almost a month now makes him realise how bad he is. Why he never listen to yixing ? Why he never let yixing speaks and why is he being so ignorant about yixing? Wufan sits on the chair beside him and he hang his head low and the tears run to his cheek again. This is all his fault.


"why am i so weak?"yixing cries as the tears keep rolling.


July 15th


I am so afraid to sleep now.


I afraid if I didn’t wake up tomorrow.


I still want to see the sunrise and sunset.


And the picture of us and to read our sweet memories again and again





"han , tao believe in me. You have done your work. Now let me handle this, dont worry as friends you have done the best for him. please give me a chance." wufan begs to join the meeting of luhan,donghae,siwon and zitao with yixing about the treatment.


"ge think about xing. he will think that we broke our promise when he see you." tao complaints again as he tries to be the best for yixing.


"no he will not think like that." wufan tries to convince both of them.



zitao carries yixing to the room where they always discuss as it is easier cause everything are there. Zitao takes a deep breath before he pushes the wheelchair to enter the room. Yixing just looks to his laps , he doesnt want to see anyone. He is ashame of himself, he is young but he cant walk and he needs wheelchair to move around.


"xing."luhan calls softly so that yixing will lift his face up. "xing" he calls again


yixing finally lifts his face but he is astonished with a tall and familiar person who is standing beside luhan. His eyes catch the face of that guy. He is so handsome and tall. He is a successful hot doctor and he is also his lover who left him alone 2months ago till now. He left him with all the memories and the broken promises. Next to that guy, small guy almost the same size as himself(yixing) is standing there too and he remember that guy. He is baekhyun. the guy that wufan hugs when he went to invite wufan for lunch.Yixing’s eyes becomes glassy in a second.






P/S:this chap is not so is more to drama a little as it is about how wufan realise about his feeling. anyway share your heart with me :D subscribe me n upvote if u love this :S

luv u bb :D *check my third fic. hello stranger

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FrainZL #1
Chapter 5: I cry so much ;__;
shadeera #2
hello author-nim, I've read these in one shoot ugh and I cried the most;___; I love the way you make yixing was always strong and 'fell' just like ordinary person.

I like the plot twist but I'm sorry I just not comfortable with a few sentences. sometimes the grammar is weird;_;

last, may I translate these to Bahasa? just hoping I can share this with Indonesian's krislay shipper. thank you^^
aliayana #3
Chapter 5: omg,,, its really makes me cry so hard and alone in my bedroom,,
i'm really made of wufan,,, how could e do that,,
anyways, its a reeally great story though i still cant accept yixing death,, why it has to be him,, i'm sorry to being emotional right now,,
i love ur story authornim,,,
i really want to know the story of their first meet..
pearl_red #4
Chapter 5: If I could, I would like to kill wufan here after he broke yixing's heart and I will just ship Layhan instead!! /devastated/
It's so sad and it totally breaks me when I read the part where yixing wrote if they were not fated together, they should not fall in love in the next world.
It's been a while that I cry reading fic. Thank you for sharing and hope to read more fanxing fics from you! <3
Chapter 3: Why I cannot read chapter 5???
bluelightsky #6
Chapter 5: its too sad...cry T^T
Chapter 5: .. I cried through the entire chapters ;~~~~~;
omg it hurts so much. yixing was suffered greatly because of wufan ;~~; why he had to dieee.
I can't.. I'll just cry at the corner of my room, don't mind me ;~~;
kanamedai #8
Chapter 6: Let's see how the happy ending will be pliiiiiss bb^^
Chapter 6: new one!!! u know babe, it s already over. yeaa. i just dont! this best ending ^^
kraying01 #10
Chapter 6: I want a happy ending Wufat meet with yixing's reincarnation (Lay) ^^