
Love complication

 Taemin waited at the front door. Five minutes later came Hyosung to him.

- You are late.

- Im sorry Oppa, but i helped Amber by clining the class.

- Ah, its okay, but you could just once be on time.

- Its not true. Im always punctual!

- Haha dont lie.- he laughed.- Today in the morning you was to late!

- Ok ok. I admit.- she smiled.- You are right. You are always right.

Laughing they went to a cafe. They sat down. Hyosung at a cake and Taemin drank a milshake. They were talking about they problems and some rumors they hesrd at school. The conversation interupt Hyosung handy.

- Im sorry.- she said to Taemin.- Can I...?

- Of course! Why are you asking? Just answer.

He looked at her while she was talking. Suddenly her smile disappeared. She looked shocked. After five minutes she hung up the call and said:

- Im moving to my grandmother place.

- What?!- he was shocked.

- You know that I live far away from school.- she started to explain.- So my parents had the idea that I will be living by my grandmother. Its just 10 minutes away from school.

- Thats great.- Taemin smiled.- We will be leaving near each other.

Yes.- she laughed.- Come. You must help me moving in. My parents will be there in 20 minutes with my stuff.

- Ok.- he was really happy.

Now he will see her more often.


 Jonghoon went down the street. He was a bit tired. His band had to practice more, because they had a concert in a week. He was waiting at the green light at the cross, as he saw Hyosung with a guy going somewhere.

- I saw this boy.- he thought.- But where?

Suddenly he remembere.

- He is going to my school! How was his name? I think its Taemin...

Jonghoon looked at them laughing and talking. He was kind of yealous.


- Goodmorning grandma!- Hyosung huged the old lady.

- Nice to see you.- she said and looked at Taemin.- Oh! You are so handsome. You have grown up since I last saw you.

- Thank you miss Jeon.- he smiled.

- You are lucky Hyosung, to have such a nice friend.

- What?! He is lucky to have me.- she laughed.

Taemin gave her a back hug and whispered:

- With out me you would be nothing.

- What?!- Hyosung shouted.

- Haha I just joked.- he laughed.

She hit him lightly at the arm.

- Yah!

Both smiled.


 Amber  was hearing music while going home through the park. Suddenly she saw Minho sitting on a bench close to a girl. They were talking and smiling to each other.

- Oh no!- she thought.- Hyosung will be upset. She like him so much!

Amber couldnt stop thinking of that what she saw. Were they lovers or just friends?


 When Hyosung and Taemin ended unpacking stuffs into the new room the girl huged him and said:

- Thank you, Tae. Without your help I wouldnt end it today.

- You dont have to thank me. Im always will be by your side.- he smiled.

Unexpectedly he kissed her forehead.

- I will be leaving.- said quickly Taemin and just went out.

- Ahh ok. B-bye.- she said confused. She touched the place where he kissed here. She didnt know what to think about this.

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Fox-PigletMania #1
Chapter 1: Amber and Hyosung as friends! Yes, I love this!
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