
Love complication

On the next day Hyosung went with Amber to school

. - I saw Minho yesterday.- she said.- He was sitting with a girl in the park.

- What? Does he have a girlfriend?

- Im not sure. It could be his sister or friend to.

- I hope you are right.

Hyosung was a bit sad. She was thinking about that, what Amber said. She remembered when she saw Minho for the first time. It was in a hot summer day. She was hiding under a tree, because she cried after a next fight with Jonghoon. Hyosung tgought then that she couldnt handle with him. Unexpected came a tall boy next to her and said:

- This is my place.

The girl looked at him.

- I like to sitting hear. Could you go?- he asked

. - What a rude person!- she thought, but just stand up without saying a world.

She turned around and wanted just go, but he suddenly hold her hand and whispered:

- Dont cry. Such pretty girls shouldnt cry.

Since that day Hyosung liked Minho so much. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Taemin waited at Hyosung in the school. As he saw her going with Amber, he said:

- Hyo! Amber! Hello! - Hi.- answered Amber, but the second girl just went to her class.

- She is not feeling good today. Just leave her alone, Taemin. And dont ask why. I cant tell either. Its our secret. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The bell for the break rang. Jonghoon went out of his class. He wasnt in good mood today. Girls were running after him since morning. He wanted to find a place, where he could rest for a while. Suddenly Jonghoon stumbled at something. He turned around and saw Hyosung sitting on the ground with closed eyes.

- Is she sleeping?- thought Jonghoon.

He noticed that her face was red. He touched her forehead. It was hot.

- Hyosung, do you hear me? Hyosung?

- Yes.- she whispered.

- You have fever. You have to go to the nurse.

- Could you help me? - she said slowly, looking at him.

He nodded and carefully picked her up. With Hyosung in the arms he ran to the school nurse.

- Miss, I think she has fever!- shouted Jonghoon, as they were on place.

- Put her on the bed please.

The women measured her temperature and gave her some medicine. Hyosung fall asleep.

- I must go now.- said the nurse.- When she wake up could you bring her home?

- Of course, miss.

- You must be really good friends.- she said and left him alone with Hyosung. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Hyosung open slowly her eyes. She sat down. Jonghoon was next to hear.

- How long did I slept?- she asked him.

- Two hours

- Oh.- Hyosung was suprised.

She looked at him and said:

- I thought that earlier you wouldnt help me, but you did. Thank you.

Jonghoon wasnt sure what to say. They were always fighting, but now... Someone could thougth that they are friends.

- Its okay. The nurse said I should bring you home.

- You dont have to do this.- she smiled.

- But I want to, so just come.

Hyosung was shocked. It was the first time she saw his kind side. She stood up. Together they left the school. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The whole way they was going silently. Jonghoon wasnt sure what to say. Before he knew it, they were at her house.

- Thats my home. - said Hyosung.

The boy looked at the building.

- Its huge. With who do you leave her?

- With my grandma. I moved her yestersay. Come in!- she grabbed his hand.

- Im not sure...

- Just come.

As they were in, Hyosung said:

- My grandma is not here. She is old, but she stil work in a big company. Do you want something to drink?

- No, thank you. You should rest.

She brought him to her room. Jonghoon was looking at the photos,which hung on the walls. There were photos with her and a girl and boy, he knew from school.

- Are this your friends?- he asked.

- Yes. Thats Taemin and Amber.

He turned around and said:

- Go, lie down. You need to rest.

- Yes, dad.- she laughed and lied down.

- I will be going now - he said.

- Ok. Thank you.

- You sad that bevore!- Jonghoon smiled.- Hyosung?

- Yes? - Shouldnt we fight anymore?

- Yes.- she laughed.- Now we are friends!

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Fox-PigletMania #1
Chapter 1: Amber and Hyosung as friends! Yes, I love this!
primitian #2
Chapter 3: ohhh Jonghoon and hyosung now are friends hahaha
ichiru #3
Chapter 1: is this hyosungxminho story...? will really love it,if it is since both of them are my ultimate biased...
Will it be hyosung x minho story? Or hyosung will be with the other boy? As long as hyosung is the female lead, I'll read it! *subscribe :D
Chapter 1: Hyosung likes minho?