
Love complication

 It was early in the morning, when Hyosung woke up. She went into the kitchen and was doing breakfest, so quitly as she could. Everybody in the house slept. In 40 minutes Hyosung was ready. She closed the door and ran to the bus stop, because she was a little bit late. Unfortunately her school was really far away from home.


 At school, at the front door was waiting for her Taemin - her best friend.

- Hyo, You should be here ten minutes ago!

- Im sorry. I missed the bus.

- Just come or we will be late.- he smiled at here.

Hyosung was really thankfull to him. He never gets angry, whatever she does.


 Taemin was a very handsome boy and was one year older than Hyosung. When he finished the conversation with her , he went to his class. He already sat down on his place, when a group of girls run to him smiling.

- Oppa. -they said.- How was your weekend? What have you been doing?

He laughed and started to answering them.

- Ah.- he thought.- Would Hyosung be yealous if she saw that?


When the long break started Hyosung went together with Amber, her friend, to the canteen. There were a lot of students.

- Im hungry. - said Hyosung.- What should we take?

- Hmm... Im not sure.- responded Amber. - Maybe we will took...

- Yah! Hyosung! - shouted somone.

The girls turned around. They saw Jonghoon. He looked angry.

- Oh no.- said Amber.- What did he want from you?

- I dont know.- whispered Hyosung.

Jonghoon stood at front of the scared girls. He looked at Hyosung. A group at sudents looked at the situation. Everybody in the school knows that they dont like each other.

- W h e r e   i s   m y   p h o n e ! - he said.

- I dont know. What are you talking about?

- Dont lie. I know it was you! You took it!

- I would never do such a childish think!

- If it wasnt you say, then say me who was it then.

- How could I know that. Are you a idiot or what?! - she shouted.

All students looked at them quitly. Jonghoon looked at Hyosung like he wanted to kill her. The silent in the cafeteeria was interrupted by a girl.

- Why are always so mean to Oppa? - she said.

Hyosung couldnt believe. " I am mean to him?" - she thought.- " He was the person who started this." But Hyosung said nothing more. She knew that Jonghoon was very popular among girls and she could just into bigger trouble if she started a fight with them. So she just bowed and said loudly:

- Im really sorry, Jonghoon Oppa!

Everybody was shocked. It was the first time that their fight ended like this. She ven called him Oppa!


- Yah, what is with this girl wrong? - thoughed Jonghoon.- She never said sorry to me.

The boy went to his class. Somehow he had that feeling that Hyosung wouln never take his phone.

- Probebly it was just a sasaeng fan who stole it. - he said to himself.- Since Im started to singing in a band there are just more this kind of girls.

Jonghoon sat down and looked at through the window. He just couldnt stop thinking of Hyosung.


 After the firls finished eating at the canteen Hyosung said to Amber:

- Go to the class. I have something to do and I will be back in a few minutes.

- But...- Amber couldnt end her sentence, because her friend just ran away.- Ah, this girl make just trouble, but thats why I like her so much. Its never boring.- she laughed.

She went up stairs to they class, as Taemin stoped here.

- Hi, Amber!

- Hi, Oppa! What do you want?

- I just want to know where is Hyosung. I cant find her.

- I dont know either. She just said that she must go somewhere.

- What? - he was shocked.- Where could she go?

- I dont know. Just leave her alone. She will be back in a fev minutes.

- Hmm... Ok. - he smiled, but in fact, he was very curious where Hyosung could go.


 Hyosung school had a little garden behind the building. There were a lot of trees and some benches. She sat down at her usual place, hidden by a tree and turned around she saw him!

- He is so handsome.- she thought and looked at the boy who was reading a book sitting at the ground.

Hyosung whispered his name : " Choi Minho". She couldnt help, but she just smiled to herslelf.





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Fox-PigletMania #1
Chapter 1: Amber and Hyosung as friends! Yes, I love this!
primitian #2
Chapter 3: ohhh Jonghoon and hyosung now are friends hahaha
ichiru #3
Chapter 1: is this hyosungxminho story...? will really love it,if it is since both of them are my ultimate biased...
Will it be hyosung x minho story? Or hyosung will be with the other boy? As long as hyosung is the female lead, I'll read it! *subscribe :D
Chapter 1: Hyosung likes minho?