Official News

Five Points On A Star

Girls, Girls, Girls - GOT7

Thanks to ❊ » graphically yours // open for the poster!

New Year’s Day had already passed and they were already a week into January. Emily hadn’t told Cameron what had happen on Christmas. She didn’t get the chance to. JYP had her constantly attending practices just in case there was a chance she would debut. They were already trying to get things ready.


The said girl almost immediately recognized the voice. Embracing the older male, she whispered, “Jong Suk oppa!”

“Hey, how’s my girl doing?” Jong Suk embraced her back.

“It’s been so stressful and confusing! I don’t know what he’s thinking!”

Jong Suk raised an eyebrow, “He? JYP?”

“No! Jay!” Emily blurted out without a second thought. When she finally realized what she said, she covered with wide eyes.

“Jay?” Jong Suk put his hands on his hips. Even though he knew what was going on, he wanted to . It was practically his job as her ‘older brother’.

Emily flinched, “Never mind.”

“Are you sure nothing’s happening?” The actor peered at her face closely, “It seems like you have some kind of feelings for him.”

“N-no.” Emily avoided his eyes and walked pointlessly.

Jong Suk laughed discreetly. It was amusing to see the usual poker-faced dongsaeng freaking out over her crush. He still remembered how Jay had begged him to switch paper just because Jay wanted to surprise Emily.

“That’s a shame because I still remember how Jay had practically pleaded me to switch names on the Secret Santa event.”

“What?” Emily asked, surprised. No one had told her anything about switching papers.

Before Jong Suk got a chance to reply to her, they both saw Jay coming their way.

“Nothing. Bye!” Jong Suk said quickly, cackling as he left.

“Yah!” Emily yelled.

Jay came up to her with his phone in his hand. Emily grew flustered at the new company and briefly greeted him. Jay acted like nothing happened a few weeks back and it made Emily think twice about how she acted towards him.

*What do I do?! Why is he acting like we didn’t kiss on Christmas?* Emily balled her hands into fists. *What if he was just joking around?* With that horrible thought, Emily’s facial expression grew helpless.

Jay had noticed her weird actions and cleared his throat in attempt to hide his amusement. But as he did this, Emily was startled. Jay poked her cheek, “Yah. Is something wrong? Why are you so jumpy?”

The girl pursed her lips together, deciding whether or not she should bring up the topic. “Do you remember what happened on Christmas?” She gulped.

Jay pretended to think. “Nope. What happened?”

Emily frowned deeply, *Was he just playing with me?*

Obviously disappointed, she turned away. “Never mind. It seems like it’s not important.”

It was so difficult for Jay to keep his laughter in and resist kissing her right there.

“Hey, you have dance practice in five minutes.” One of JYP’s assistant informed Emily.

Emily held up an ‘okay’ sign with her hands and brought her attention to her phone, gradually walking away from Jay. She was aimlessly browsing on the Internet when an interesting, yet shocking article was texted to her phone from her best friend. Emily clicked on the link and choked on her own spit. “What the...”

It was titled ‘JYP Entertainment’s to launch new soloist, Emily Park’

The article stated that she, Emily Park, was supposedly going to make her debut on one of the music shows in exactly one month, with a music video coming out afterwards. A sentence at the bottom of the page caught her eye, “Teaser pictures to be revealed.”

Although she had lots of questions that were waiting to be answered, she headed over to the assigned dance room and waited for her dance instructor. She couldn’t stop staring at the Allkpop article. She was so focused on her phone that she didn’t even notice that Jay came in and crept behind her.

“What’re you looking at?” Jay whispered into her ear, tickling her neck.

“Oh my God!” Emily shouted, startled.

Jay howled in pain, clutching onto his forehead while Emily winced and rubbed her head. “Ow...”

Jay softened and reached out to rub the back of her head, massaging the spot ever so slightly.

“You okay?” His voice was filled with love and care.

Emily cleared and shifted away from him. She set her phone down on the bench and stood up.

She ignored his question and the stereo, cranking up the volume. Emily had learned the choreography to an upbeat song. It had no lyrics to it, it was just music. *Is this maybe an intro for my debut?* She guessed.

Jay went behind her and brought his arms around her. He grasped her hands into his, “You’re too stiff. Do it like this, do it smoother but still sharp.”

His arms stayed in place around her. It made her both uncomfortable and ticked off. She grumbled, shrugging him off.

She attempted to start the dance routine again but his hold around her made it impossible to move.

She looked at him coldly. “Get off please.”

Jay said nothing and smiled instead. Emily narrowed her eyes, “Yah.”

“What- Yah? Yah? Why are you speaking down to me!” Jay clouted her forehead for talking to him with an informal tone.

Emily hooted in pain. She rubbed her forehead that turned red. “Well then why are you pretending like we didn’t kiss!” She exclaimed.

Once she had come back to her senses she turned beet read and clamped her hand over . “Never mind what I just said. I don’t know what I’m talking about. I was probably hallucinating.”

Smacking her face a few times, she speed-walked to the stereo. Jay grabbed her wrist and spun her around. He looked deeply into her eyes, making her squirm under his stare.

“Em, I didn’t forget what happened. I’m aware of your feelings but you don’t need to worry because I feel the same way.” Jay said, all while staring at her. “I was just going to play around.”

“Why would you play around with my feelings like that? Jerk...” She didn’t know when she started to cry but she was hitting Jay’s chest softly while keeping her head low.

He accepted all of her blows and just hugged her tighter. Emily eventually grew tired and just slouched against him.

Jay kissed the top of her head and smiled in bliss, “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to give you mixed signals.”

He pulled back and cupped both of her cheeks. “I think this will clear all misunderstandings.”

Emily tilted her head in curiosity. *Why can’t he just talk so that I can understand him?*

“Park EunMi,” Jay brought his face closer to hers and their noses were touching. “I like you. Will you be my girlfriend?”

Emily looked at his face. Her eyes became cross-eyed for a slight moment before she pushed him gently. “W-why do you think I’ll say yes?”

“You kissed me back last time.” Jay smirked.

Emily covered her face in embarrassment. “Fine!”

“So it’s a yes?”


Jay went towards her with a large grin and connected lips with her again.

Emily tried resisting just in case someone were to barge in, but she couldn’t help but kiss him back.

*Finally, she’s mine.* Jay thought in relief.

Jay thought she didn’t need the practice so he suggested that they just rest. Even though Emily rejected it immediately, she was forced to relax.

“I heard that they already decided on your debut date. Congrats!”

Emily scratched her head, “Everyone seems to know about this but I wasn’t even told anything.”

“Maybe they’re planning to tell you.”

Emily shrugged, “Whatever.”

Suddenly, she remembered what Jong Suk had told her.

“That’s a shame because I still remember how Jay had practically pleaded me to switch names on the Secret Santa event.”

“Oh, oppa.”

Jay looked over, satisfied that she called him oppa. “What’s up, baby?”

She blushed at the pet name. “Jong Suk oppa told me that you switched names on the Secret Santa event. Is it true?”

Jay appeared calm on the outside but on the inside, he was cursing Jong Suk. *Aish! Why did he have to tell her?*

“Uh, yeah.”

Even though he tried to hide his mortification she could see right through him. She grinned evilly, “You’re embarrassed?”

“No!” Jay brought his finger to her forehead and pushed her back. “I asked him to switch partners because I knew he had you. So what? I wanted to surprise you.”

Emily grinned and circled her arms around his waist, clinging onto him tightly. “That’s cute, oppa. Thank you~!”

Jay looked away but he stole a peek at Emily’s happy face and couldn’t hide his affection for her anymore. He pecked her lips once again.

Emily covered her eyes and smacked his arm, “Stop stealing kisses!”

“I can’t help it! You’re too cute.”

Emily jokingly glared at him but ended up bursting into laughter. She couldn’t believe she ended up falling for him.


“Really? The rumor was true?” Emily asked with wide eyes.

JYP smiled, “It wasn’t a rumor. We confirmed it yesterday, it’s official! Your debut’s exactly one month from now; February 10th.”

“But I didn’t even take any teaser pictures or film anything. I don’t even have my own song.”

JYP brought up a few pictures on his laptop. “Remember when you were at a photo shoot? That was actually for your teaser pictures. You made my job easier because we only needed so little editing.” He showed her the images. “As for the song, we can use a professional song for your debut but when we decide to make an album later on, you can have your self-written song as the title song. Okay?”

“Sound great! Thank you, sajangnim!” Emily skipped out of his office in high spirits.

Emily bounced to her room while humming a song. She was finally getting closer to her dreams. *Just a bit more and I can prove to mom and dad this wasn’t a waste of life.*

Emily opened the door to her dorm and blinked in surprise when she saw an extra bed and a person inside.

The new figure looked up and waved happily, “Hi, roomie!”

“Oh-“ a face flashed in Emily’s mind, “You’re Su Bin, right?”

“Yup! I’m glad you remember me.” Su Bin bowed formally. “I’m your new roommate.”

Emily blinked in surprise, “Really?”

Su Bin bobbed her head up and down. “I used to live at home but I decided to dorm at the company because it’s more convenient. I was always late. I’m sorry for just intruding.” She sheepishly laughed.

Emily laughed in return, “It’s okay! I’m glad I have a roommate. Now it won’t be as lonely.”

Emily put her bag on her bed and turned around. Su Bin’s smile immediately slipped off her face and was replaced by a nasty smirk. When Emily faced Su Bin again, Su Bin put a smile back on and made it look like she was unpacking her suitcase.

*You will never be able to debut. I hope your parents never let you return and your relationship with Jay cuts off completely, Park EunMi.*

This story's progressing so slowly *sighs*

OMG. Did you guys hear about Teen Top's world tour? I got the $250 tickets from but we need a minimum of $150,000 for the concert (I dunno if it's true but according to this, yeah.) I get confused because other places say they're already going to tour in New York. I'm just worried about if the concert happens but we don't reach the minimum amount on krowdpop, do we get to keep the tickets? Ugh. I guess we'll have to see.

This story's taking longer to progress than I had expected. Time for me to speed things up, I guess. I'm dying to get started on my EXO fan fiction. I have an amazing story line in mind. I can't wait. ~^^

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Why are you not using the posters you requested in our shop? And also in your other story.
Chapter 20: this story was really great! dont feel down about how it turned out, i really enjoyed this fic!! im glad they have a happy ending together!:}<333
KwonHyemi #3
Chapter 20: Thanks for this amazing fic!
even if you say that it didn't turn the way you wanted and expected, for me it was awesome!!!
ohshytsitzmarina #4
Chapter 20: It was awesome! Though the ending didnt go as you want, it was still a great story and youre a great author! im glad you didnt give up and finished it like you said you would! :)
ohshytsitzmarina #5
Chapter 18: omg! that girl has nothing better to do with her life! Emily should also know better from her and Jay's tALk the other night!
Chapter 17: aw this is really sad.=( i feel so bad for Emily.T_T
KwonHyemi #7
Chapter 17: Oh my god!!! NO! what do you mean you don't have more inspiration!
this is getting more exciting and interesting!
Please don't give up on this fic!
ohshytsitzmarina #8
Chapter 17: this chapter is sad, but why the sudden disinterest? :( you have no interest in writing? or just the story itself? don't give up! know that i've been here since you started and know that you still have readers or at least me!.. :/
Chapter 12: awww sweet chapter!:}<3
Chapter 10: omg the Running Man episode sounded sooooo FUN!!:}